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How to dispose offerings afterward?


Solomonic practitioner
Jul 28, 2021
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Hi all, how do you dispose your incense ashes,alcohol or meat? I'm not sure if i should dispose it in the woods like some inches in the dirt.

If this is in the wrong section then sorry and place it on the right section, thanks!


Aug 30, 2021
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Personally, I thrown them in the bin or the sink, as I believe once the essence is taken the offering is done.
I also don't put poison like alcohol out in nature, where it could do harm, and/or piss off the fae. I work with the fae so that's a factor for me.

Re the ashes, I actually keep those. I use charcoal in a bowl and when the bowl is full from layers of burned charcoal and incense, I mix it with asafaoetida, and anything else I feel like that's protective, enchant it, and use all that mixed up energy to draw a sort of chaos shield/ward line around my property.


Aug 29, 2021
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I just throw them as well

if it’s say gravedirt or a n item with negative energy sometimes it’s recommended to dispose of it differently


Solomonic practitioner
Jul 28, 2021
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Personally, I thrown them in the bin or the sink, as I believe once the essence is taken the offering is done.
I also don't put poison like alcohol out in nature, where it could do harm, and/or piss off the fae. I work with the fae so that's a factor for me.

Re the ashes, I actually keep those. I use charcoal in a bowl and when the bowl is full from layers of burned charcoal and incense, I mix it with asafaoetida, and anything else I feel like that's protective, enchant it, and use all that mixed up energy to draw a sort of chaos shield/ward line around my property.
May i ask why you mix asafoetida with the burned charcoal and incense ash?


Apr 25, 2021
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Food stuffs should be consumed by the community.
Inedible residue of offerings and sacrifices should be preserved for future work.
To waste anything is to offend both the offering and spirit that accepted it as that residue is imbued with the spirit's essence and presence.
It's the same reason you don't towel off after a spiritual bath or mop up libations.


Aug 29, 2021
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Food stuffs should be consumed by the community.
Inedible residue of offerings and sacrifices should be preserved for future work.
To waste anything is to offend both the offering and spirit that accepted it as that residue is imbued with the spirit's essence and presence.
It's the same reason you don't towel off after a spiritual bath or mop up libations.
Not every food stuff should be consumed, for example, food offered to Santa Muerte has the essence of Death in it.

also depending on the spirit you might say pour booze on the land if it’s to the earth spirits


Apr 25, 2021
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Not every food stuff should be consumed, for example, food offered to Santa Muerte has the essence of Death in it.

also depending on the spirit you might say pour booze on the land if it’s to the earth spirits
Making the offering or sacrifice has already inundated your fate in the essence of the spirit, regardless of who or what it is. There is neither safety nor protection in offending a spirit by setting a table you're to good to eat at.
Many spirits have the essence of death. Adela has the essence of death. Togbɛ Mɔglɔ has the essence of death. Every ancestor we revere and the countless others whose languages have been lost to time are defined by their intimacy with death. The seeds of our own demise are sown at our conception. Dying is inevitable and it's conditions, while not immutable, are none the less preordained. Offending Death's agents then is hardly an advisable way to insure that our own deaths are good ones.
The act of pouring drinks for the spirits, be it on the earth, altar, water, or sprayed into the air or on a person, is called libation. In most cases it to is shared and I have addressed this in my post.
Now I will qualify my statements with this; I am duly initiated and trained in Mami Wata, Goro, Atigari, and Yeʋevodou. My authority ends there, however I have made it my life's work to study and gain some understanding of indigenous practices and spiritualities around the world. I have observed similar, if not the exact same practices, among traditionalists in South Korea, Iraq, Alaska, Northern Italy, and Germany and received reports of similar practices among Indian and Oceanic mystics and traditionalists as well. I am aware that Central and South America are not areas I have explored with any degree or reliable fidelity and I can easily imagine that quite a few practices exist in these places and I have no qualms acknowledging the limits of both my knowledge and understanding. Still, given the heavy influence of West African traditional systems in this part of the world I feel comfortable in making the assumption that all but the most unadulterated of traditional communal spiritual practices behave similarly.
Saying all of this, I am also reminded that this is an occult group and not necessarily inclined to draw certain distinctions that may be crucial within indigenous practices. Particularly I'm referring to the distinctions between a priest, a magician, and a maleficus. Magicians view spirits and the work in a more or less utilitarian light and treat sacrificial residue in the same way a scientist would byproducts of their technologies, dismissively unless they anticipate some usefulness from it. Conversely, malefici (I prefer this word to the usual translation of aze, which is "witch") truck with spirits that are completely inimical to human life and well being and must do so in secret. Offerings and sacrifices to these unwholesome entities must be disposed of rapidly and without alerting the community of their undertakings so they might dispose of them any number of ways that I shudder to imagine.
So my answer addresses practices that deal with spirits that support community and individual development along beneficent tracks. The amoral and caustic entities associated with magic and bad medicine are not necessarily included within it. Still, the same principles apply and I would be surprised to find that to some extent those same rules aren't observed.


Aug 29, 2021
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I don’t agree....once the offering is on the alter it’s the spirits, some spirits essence shouldnt be taken into your body.

im not speaking for every spirit but I’m also saying that in certain cases you shouldn’t eat things offered to them.


Apr 25, 2021
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I don’t agree....once the offering is on the alter it’s the spirits, some spirits essence shouldnt be taken into your body.

im not speaking for every spirit but I’m also saying that in certain cases you shouldn’t eat things offered to them.
Agree or not the Law of Contamination says when you interact with anything, physical or otherwise, you leave a piece of you with it and take a piece of it with you.
Offerings, libations, and sacrifices exist for the express purpose of tying ourselves to the spirits they are given to or to deepen existing connections. Even when made to petition entities to leave us alone, particularly in fact, it affirms the spirit's authority in our lives. Spirits are never held at arms length, there's a reason that they are more often felt than seen.
Finally, our bodies are essential to operating in the material world, but it is far from the most important facet of our being, having only a slightly less ephemeral nature than our thoughts and emotions. It is far safer to process spiritual forces like death through our bodies, which it's literally designed to experience, than it is through our thoughts which is accustomed to surrendering to annihilation and change more readily or the spirit for which the observation of death is common place, but the experience is foreign.
Still, I must remember that there is more in heaven than I have seen all of my life times, remembered or not. Your path is your own and I wish you the greatest success on it and recover wisdom we didn't even know we needed.


Aug 29, 2021
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If you
Agree or not the Law of Contamination says when you interact with anything, physical or otherwise, you leave a piece of you with it and take a piece of it with you.
Offerings, libations, and sacrifices exist for the express purpose of tying ourselves to the spirits they are given to or to deepen existing connections. Even when made to petition entities to leave us alone, particularly in fact, it affirms the spirit's authority in our lives. Spirits are never held at arms length, there's a reason that they are more often felt than seen.
Finally, our bodies are essential to operating in the material world, but it is far from the most important facet of our being, having only a slightly less ephemeral nature than our thoughts and emotions. It is far safer to process spiritual forces like death through our bodies, which it's literally designed to experience, than it is through our thoughts which is accustomed to surrendering to annihilation and change more readily or the spirit for which the observation of death is common place, but the experience is foreign.
Still, I must remember that there is more in heaven than I have seen all of my life times, remembered or not. Your path is your own and I wish you the greatest success on it and recover wisdom we didn't even know we needed.
if you say so

you Might be giving people potentially bad and even deadly advice and so I’m not changing my stance, it’s a bad idea to eat things or drink already offered to certain spirits.


Aug 29, 2021
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Now it’s not just about taking in bad energies, it’s also about taking things the spirit believes is there’s.

many here are knew and don’t need to think saying eating off some demonic altar is cool...you’re talking about ancestors and certain spirits, what makes you think everyone here is working with a ancestor or such?

also just because they are an ancestor doesn’t mean they don’t think something on their altar is theirs, would you advise anyone here to eat off a grave or steal things offered on a grave ?


Meme-y Tree Nymph
Apr 17, 2021
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Hi all, how do you dispose your incense ashes,alcohol or meat? I'm not sure if i should dispose it in the woods like some inches in the dirt.

If this is in the wrong section then sorry and place it on the right section, thanks!
Since I usually leave that kind of offering for fae, I’ll just yeet it into the backyard or whatever section of woods I’m working in. It’ll either get eaten by an animal, or break down over time to feed the plants there. Either way, extra bonus.

The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
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Personally, I thrown them in the bin or the sink, as I believe once the essence is taken the offering is done.
I also don't put poison like alcohol out in nature, where it could do harm, and/or piss off the fae. I work with the fae so that's a factor for me.

Same. Only exception is if the spirit(s) tell me to do something specific with it like bury the leftover offerings. Doesn't happen often though so I usually throw them in the trash.


Apr 25, 2021
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If you

if you say so

you Might be giving people potentially bad and even deadly advice and so I’m not changing my stance, it’s a bad idea to eat things or drink already offered to certain spirits.
It's a bad idea to make offerings to spirits you can't eat with.
And how do you set up an altar to anything (let alone a demon) who's rules you don't know or understand? And you're making sacrifices and offerings?
Bad advice isn't telling them to eat it, bad advice is telling them the altar to something so dangerous is anything but a bad idea. Dilettantes don't need pointers and advice they need tutelage and initiation. If you're here asking this question and you're not trained and initiated into your chosen vocation nothing I'm saying is gonna get you killed faster than your own hubris.
As for ancestors, I don't advise anyone to behave in a way that would piss off their people, but they're your people! If you don't know what's acceptable to do with, or to, or around them then who the heck does!? Again, spiritual immaturity and hubris not my advice is the danger here. I mean, don't you talk to your ancestors anyway?
How many people are making offerings, sacrifices, or collecting assistance from altars without making divination first for permission and afterwards for reactions? How many are building their relationships with the spirits, Ancestral and otherwise? How many are dealing with anything spiritual without first ensuring that the spirits born with them are identified, appeased, and supportive of the work that you're doing? It's called growth and a life's work for a reason.
But I've noticed a running theme on these pages. The belief that you can truck with any invisible entity and walk away from the association unaffected provided you take the necessary precautions and pay what you owe. This is the attitude of people that don't understand how associations work. Spirits are like people, when ever you let one into your circle its character and characteristics are added to the circle. You always get windfall from the spirits' benefits and you always suffer grief from the spirits' troubles. So if you're dealing with spirits that are toxic you're already poisoned whether you eat with it or not.
But like I've said in other threads, my wisdom was solicited and provided. I am no ones' priest here, but if your fumblings in the Work bring you trouble, my contact info is in my profile. Otherwise, I truly wish you well.


Aug 29, 2021
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It's a bad idea to make offerings to spirits you can't eat with.
And how do you set up an altar to anything (let alone a demon) who's rules you don't know or understand? And you're making sacrifices and offerings?
Bad advice isn't telling them to eat it, bad advice is telling them the altar to something so dangerous is anything but a bad idea. Dilettantes don't need pointers and advice they need tutelage and initiation. If you're here asking this question and you're not trained and initiated into your chosen vocation nothing I'm saying is gonna get you killed faster than your own hubris.
As for ancestors, I don't advise anyone to behave in a way that would piss off their people, but they're your people! If you don't know what's acceptable to do with, or to, or around them then who the heck does!? Again, spiritual immaturity and hubris not my advice is the danger here. I mean, don't you talk to your ancestors anyway?
How many people are making offerings, sacrifices, or collecting assistance from altars without making divination first for permission and afterwards for reactions? How many are building their relationships with the spirits, Ancestral and otherwise? How many are dealing with anything spiritual without first ensuring that the spirits born with them are identified, appeased, and supportive of the work that you're doing? It's called growth and a life's work for a reason.
But I've noticed a running theme on these pages. The belief that you can truck with any invisible entity and walk away from the association unaffected provided you take the necessary precautions and pay what you owe. This is the attitude of people that don't understand how associations work. Spirits are like people, when ever you let one into your circle its character and characteristics are added to the circle. You always get windfall from the spirits' benefits and you always suffer grief from the spirits' troubles. So if you're dealing with spirits that are toxic you're already poisoned whether you eat with it or not.
But like I've said in other threads, my wisdom was solicited and provided. I am no ones' priest here, but if your fumblings in the Work bring you trouble, my contact info is in my profile. Otherwise, I truly wish you well.
My work has never brought me trouble, I’ve been at it for years. nothing you’re saying is new to me. Except idk why you think eating something belonging to a spirit is ok, the fact you assume to know my work, how long I’ve been at it, how it affects me is silly. EXCEPT you’re the one telling people to eat potentially harmful things not me. I also have warned others about what spirits to work with, maybe you should read my posts rather then assume?

I respect my altar, my Spirits and what belongs to them

again your going on your opinion.


Apr 25, 2021
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My work has never brought me trouble, I’ve been at it for years. nothing you’re saying is new to me. Except idk why you think eating something belonging to a spirit is ok, the fact you assume to know my work, how long I’ve been at it, how it affects me is silly. EXCEPT you’re the one telling people to eat potentially harmful things not me. I also have warned others about what spirits to work with, maybe you should read my posts rather then assume?

I respect my altar, my Spirits and what belongs to them

again your going on your opinion.
Wait a minute...
You're ...
You're absolutely right. If what you're doing is working for you, you keep doing it.

To the original querent;
Food stuffs should be consumed by the community.
Inedible residue of offerings and sacrifices should be preserved for future work.
To waste anything is to offend both the offering and spirit that accepted it as that residue is imbued with the spirit's essence and presence.
It's the same reason you don't towel off after a spiritual bath or mop up libations.

The caveat to the above is that ultimately this is to essential a subject to ask on a public forum where bad information and poor attitudes can confuse or even get you injured. Ask the spirits you work with or the elder that initiated you into your spiritual practice. If neither is an option for you I would advise you step away from your practice while you are ahead. Anything else is simply spinning the drum and hoping for the best.