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[Archive] [Hypnos] A Personal Protection with Exus of Street (Quimbanda)

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.
Hey guys, what u think about a little of Quimbanda? :)

I teach to make a personal protection with forces of Exus of Street, it's a simple but effective.
I made some modifications to the ritual could be performed more easily by people from other countries.
If u don't understand anything, tell to me.

Lets go.


  • about 200ml of alcoholic drink(u can use: whiskey or "cachaça"(sorry, i don't know english name of this lol)
  • one necklace or a ring (colors: black and red, or only black, or only red. If u prefer, u can use gold/silver, with this, u don't need to use extra colors.) It must be clean and preferably have never been used
  • incense: Mirra (can use Patchouli too, u can use sticks)
  • A Seven days candle (half black and half red, or only black, or only red.)
  • Little black bag.

These herbs:
  • Guiné (Petiveria alliacea L.)
  • Arruda (Ruta graveolens)
  • Sticks of Canela (Cinnamon)
  • Alecrim (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Quantity: about 3 of each. (3 leafs, 3 sticks...)

If u don't have guiné and arruda, u can make this only with Canela and Alecrim. If u don't have anything, u can use oil essence.

How to make:
Make this at night. Make a little altar to put the items on.

It's very simple:
At first, light the candle. And call:

"Lords of the street, Masters of crossroads,
hear my call, bless this rite with your presence,
open my paths,
guide me to a perfect realization of this rite!
Laroyê Exu, Exu é Mojubá"

Stay in silence for a moment, paying attention to signals like voices, messages...

Now get the alcoholic drink and herbs,
break up all the herbs with your hands and put these in a bowl
(you don't need to cut cinnamon),
mix herbs and alcoholic drink in the bowl.

Let it rest for a moment, about five minutes.

Now, u light the incense
(a good quantity of sticks),
put it near the candle,
get the bowl with alcohol and herbs and put it in front of the candle.

Wash your hands in the mix of alcohol/herbs,
get the necklace (or the ring) and wash it in the mix too.
At this time, you need to focus your thinking on protection,
visualize how when you put on the ring or necklace, a large black barrier will form around you.
Feel it.

After you have washed it in the mix,
pass the necklace (or ring) through the smoke of incense.

Now, u pass this through the light of candle.
Attention to don't burn this lol,
you don't need to touch the flame with the object,
only pass it around the light.

Finally, u put the necklace (or ring!!!) in the front of candle,
and say:

"I Consecrate this necklace (or ring lol) with the power of the Lords of the Street,
with the power of the Masters of crossroads,
from today on, it carries with it the power of the street, the force of crossroads.
So that all this force protects me!
Laroyê Exu! Exu é Mojubá!"

Feel the power, feel the protection.
See the large black barrier will form around you, feel it.
Stay in silence, only feel.
(Pay attention to signals, voices, messages...).

After this, remove the necklace(or ring) and put it in front of candle.

Make a thank you in your own words.
You can go now.

Every day of the seven days of the sailing, at night, u must stay in the front of candle, put the necklace(or the ring lol), and repeat the previous call.

When the candle is burnt up, put the necklace or ring in a little black bag.
U can use it daily or when u need.

When you put on the necklace, see the barrier, and make a little greeting:

Laroyê Exu, Exu é Mojubá.
(you can do this mentally)

ps: after the ritual, you can throw the mix of herbs/alcohol in the street.
ps²: if u want, you can make your own calls.​