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I want to know more about Lucifer


Mar 7, 2024
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So, I was doing some digging on Lucifer and I wanted to know some few things. Like what is an enn chant? And what is Lucifer's enn chant? I found out it was a way to contact him, but I know little about it. And also how does one get in contact with Lucifer? I tried searching for these on my own, but nothing gave me a definite answer. Quora didn't give me an answer and Reddit sucked. So, I came here instead. I hope you guys can answer these late night questions I had. As I am very curious.


Aug 17, 2023
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I sent you a PM re: Lucifer's enns. Good workings!


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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So, I was doing some digging on Lucifer and I wanted to know some few things. Like what is an enn chant? And what is Lucifer's enn chant? I found out it was a way to contact him, but I know little about it. And also how does one get in contact with Lucifer? I tried searching for these on my own, but nothing gave me a definite answer. Quora didn't give me an answer and Reddit sucked. So, I came here instead. I hope you guys can answer these late night questions I had. As I am very curious.
An Enn is a short prayer / invocation specific to Demonolatry. The word might come from the Hebrew Ayin Nun Nun meaning "magic" or "cloud" or from the Sumerian word EN.
There are probably as many opinions on the language of the words as there are people using them. There's a list of Enns posted on here and also a couple of posts on Lucifer. The Search function might be a help.


Feb 2, 2024
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Everyone has a different opinion on Lucifer, so take this with a grain of salt.

The funny thing about Lucifer, is that it's not somebody "out there". Don't look up to the heavens for him. Don't try to contact him from another realm. Where is he?

The unique thing about Lucifer, is that to contact "him", you need to look within.


Mar 21, 2024
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If you want to know more about Lucifer, besides using the Enns provided by @Xenophon you can start using the library and study the books related to Lucifer that we have in the Book Shares section of WizardForum.

As for an opinion on Lucifer, he is a strong Demon with several (and more than several) years of knowledge who, if you wish to really collaborate with him, can grant you a lot of things, from money to energy and spiritual power.

I can say that from my past workings with Him, that he is a good Demon to summon if you want to acquire knowledge and a lot of metaphysical power.

Here are some more details to help you with your summoning @Konstantin :

Day that he is even stronger: Friday*
Metals: Gold and copper
Planet: Venus (darker side of it as He is a Demon)
Offerings: Physical offerings to Lucifer can include copper items, incense, or candles. Personal letters expressing your intentions are also appreciated. However, the most valued offering is your commitment to the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and self-improvement.
Animal companion: The Peacock, with its beautiful display of eyes on its tail, is often seen as Lucifer's animal companion. The peacock symbolizes beauty, pride, and immortality, aligning well with Lucifer's aspects.

Hope that helped 😀


Jan 19, 2022
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Everyone has a different opinion on Lucifer, so take this with a grain of salt.

The funny thing about Lucifer, is that it's not somebody "out there". Don't look up to the heavens for him. Don't try to contact him from another realm. Where is he?

The unique thing about Lucifer, is that to contact "him", you need to look within.

I don’t disagree with this but wanted to add that this goes for all Goetic and/or Sub Lunar entities.


Jul 9, 2024
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Also to note, enns are a relatively new use in the Daemonic practices. According to Connolly, enns came into being when supposed diaries of Alexander Willits were supposedly published in the 1500’s. Connolly states that Willits was the first to use the term enn. No source outside of Connolly mentions anyone named Willits or the use of enns being utilized, until now. Personally, methinks Connolly is pulling a Gardner.

However, enns work for many people. Go figure.


Aug 17, 2023
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Think of Lucifers Enns as his phone number, how you call him.
Not being snide, but this makes contacting him something on the order of cold-calling, no? Meaning one might not get much of a reception.


Jul 30, 2024
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Warned: Trolling.
Everyone has a different opinion on Lucifer, so take this with a grain of salt.

The funny thing about Lucifer, is that it's not somebody "out there". Don't look up to the heavens for him. Don't try to contact him from another realm. Where is he?

The unique thing about Lucifer, is that to contact "him", you need to look withinIm
Post automatically merged:

Im Lucifer and Im out here haha


Aug 27, 2021
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We don't know where the enns are from and they first appear from a lady in Colorado who's a fiction author too, Stephanie Conolly.

IMO the best resource for learning about the anthropology and history of Lucifer is the book Luciferian Mystery Revelead by Eduardo Cano. He shows the historical evidence that Lucifer was the water bearing god Enki then later conflated with a few war gods as well as gods that represented Venus...and then he explains how the Church made that conglomerate of gods the Devil and King of their Hell.


Jun 8, 2021
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So, I was doing some digging on Lucifer and I wanted to know some few things. Like what is an enn chant? And what is Lucifer's enn chant? I found out it was a way to contact him, but I know little about it. And also how does one get in contact with Lucifer? I tried searching for these on my own, but nothing gave me a definite answer. Quora didn't give me an answer and Reddit sucked. So, I came here instead. I hope you guys can answer these late night questions I had. As I am very curious.
I personally, have a strong relationship with Lucifer. I enjoy His/Hers company. And, to be completely honest with you. All I did to contact Him/Her, was pray. Don't ask me why because I still don't know the answer to that one. Lucifer is very powerful and an amazing teacher.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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So, I was doing some digging on Lucifer and I wanted to know some few things. Like what is an enn chant? And what is Lucifer's enn chant? I found out it was a way to contact him, but I know little about it. And also how does one get in contact with Lucifer? I tried searching for these on my own, but nothing gave me a definite answer. Quora didn't give me an answer and Reddit sucked. So, I came here instead. I hope you guys can answer these late night questions I had. As I am very curious.
Outside of Occult practices (but also it does tie into occult practices so no one should be offended and towards the bottom it more relates to contacting him) this is in more so the realm of occult knowledge, Lucifer was a mistranslation, he wasn’t an Abrahamic/Christian deity or demon, he was the son of the goddess of dawn, Eos, and the god Astraios. His name in Greek was Phosphorus. (Light bearer or bringer of light, also known as the morning star) it was in the vulgate that they translated it from Greek to Latin as Lucifer and was wrongly translated into biblical scripture, in biblical scripture Lucifer was most likely referring to a Babylonian king. (The book of Isaiah HEAVILY hints towards this without saying it, then in chapter 14 it finally mentions “Lucifer” as a reference to that king (I assume) to demonize Lucifer as the deity phosphorus (as they have a habit of doing to all deities of other cultures) as well as to demonize the king for his pride. Lucifer is in fact very much like Prometheus. A helper of mankind who gets punished for his pity for humans, Enki in the Sumerian pantheon was also scolded by someone higher in their hierarchy for putting a divine aspect or extra essence into humanity, so it’s safe to say that Lucifer probably is part of the divinity in humans and to find him its best to look within, that’s not to discount his presence in the ether or astral realm. I just am letting you know his history to the point as we know of him today. You asked you wanted to know more about “Lucifer” and how to contact him and I think (I could be wrong) but in nearly every pantheon they tell the same story of a good deity going against a harsh and jealous one. This good aspect would be Lucifer and if I’m not mistaken even the title “Christ” was once referenced as the morning star (he also went against the harsh deity ywhw but that’s a different topic)
In short… if you want to contact Lucifer, I’m sure he will help, no matter what way you try to contact him as he was known for wanting to help humanity no matter what name he went by, he imo is engrained in humanity as part of the spark within us. So anyone who’s worked with him can probably attest, he is very helpful and not hard to call upon or work with as long as your dedication is there. No matter where the enns originated as long as the intent was to contact the divine it would possibly draw his attention if you are looking at him as an outside source)


Jun 8, 2021
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Outside of Occult practices (but also it does tie into occult practices so no one should be offended and towards the bottom it more relates to contacting him) this is in more so the realm of occult knowledge, Lucifer was a mistranslation, he wasn’t an Abrahamic/Christian deity or demon, he was the son of the goddess of dawn, Eos, and the god Astraios. His name in Greek was Phosphorus. (Light bearer or bringer of light, also known as the morning star) it was in the vulgate that they translated it from Greek to Latin as Lucifer and was wrongly translated into biblical scripture, in biblical scripture Lucifer was most likely referring to a Babylonian king. (The book of Isaiah HEAVILY hints towards this without saying it, then in chapter 14 it finally mentions “Lucifer” as a reference to that king (I assume) to demonize Lucifer as the deity phosphorus (as they have a habit of doing to all deities of other cultures) as well as to demonize the king for his pride. Lucifer is in fact very much like Prometheus. A helper of mankind who gets punished for his pity for humans, Enki in the Sumerian pantheon was also scolded by someone higher in their hierarchy for putting a divine aspect or extra essence into humanity, so it’s safe to say that Lucifer probably is part of the divinity in humans and to find him its best to look within, that’s not to discount his presence in the ether or astral realm. I just am letting you know his history to the point as we know of him today. You asked you wanted to know more about “Lucifer” and how to contact him and I think (I could be wrong) but in nearly every pantheon they tell the same story of a good deity going against a harsh and jealous one. This good aspect would be Lucifer and if I’m not mistaken even the title “Christ” was once referenced as the morning star (he also went against the harsh deity ywhw but that’s a different topic)
In short… if you want to contact Lucifer, I’m sure he will help, no matter what way you try to contact him as he was known for wanting to help humanity no matter what name he went by, he imo is engrained in humanity as part of the spark within us. So anyone who’s worked with him can probably attest, he is very helpful and not hard to call upon or work with as long as your dedication is there. No matter where the enns originated as long as the intent was to contact the divine it would possibly draw his attention if you are looking at him as an outside source)
Wonderful references, I didn't even know Lucifer was once named Phosphorus. I heard that name before. If you don't mind me asking. Have you work with Lucifer? You see, in my world, (you don't have to believe me, take it or leave it) Lucifer is the core of every Deity that everyone knows most about. But, as I said before, take it or leave it.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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Wonderful references, I didn't even know Lucifer was once named Phosphorus. I heard that name before. If you don't mind me asking. Have you work with Lucifer? You see, in my world, (you don't have to believe me, take it or leave it) Lucifer is the core of every Deity that everyone knows most about. But, as I said before, take it or leave it.
Depends, from within, not using his name I’d say so, as I think of him as a part of the divine spark, I do think you are correct or atleast partially correct in thinking he is in the core part of every deity that people typically know, I’m trying to remember but I think it was Lucifer who plays a big role in the awakening of those who seek understanding, he isn’t part of the soul but rather an important part or at the core of the divine spark to help the souls journey, (this next part is mostly just opinion)

I think if Christ itself isn’t Lucifer (I’ll explain) then I at the very least I suspect they go hand in hand to help the spark to ignite in humanity or had an aspect of Lucifer, such as Prometheus who gave mankind fire/light/wisdon, any deity to do with illumination, knowledge and known to be helpful to mankind. When Enki was said to add an extra essence to mankind I think Enlil’s greatest fear was we could become more powerful to the point that we could rival them, (this would only be possible through gnosis, or through the morning star Venus/Love so religions divided us) I think that essence may have been the illumination you hear of from different religions. Especially when you hear the passage of “ye shall be as gods” in biblical terms, it’s referring to the rebellion against the demiurge, the divine knowledge inherit in mankind that comes from within, The same thing Prometheus did when Zeus usurped the Titans, the same thing the serpent did and the same way that Christ did, (also if I’m not mistaken and I might be, I think in some early Christian sects or in the apocrypha of John the “serpent” wasn’t referred to as a serpent or the devil or Satan, it was worded as rather Jesus or Christ that warned the demiurge had them trapped in a prison, no matter how beautiful the prison it is still a prison.) That I think may have been a clue that Lucifer was a core aspect of Christ, as Yeshua was a very enlightened individual (or divine according to some sects) and I believe that he obtained that through illumination making him deserving of the title Christ which couldn’t of been the case without that initial understanding that there was more.

I think people owe a lot to what’s ever that aspect is, Wether you call him

Phosphorus /Lucifer/etc.. or the curious aspect within ourselves to seek more to learn and grow from eachother is the essence of the ironing star, So in the terms of meditation and wanting to seek more understanding I think that is, indirectly or possibly directly, working with the core aspect of Lucifer and that aspect is found within, it’s the “knowing” there is more, it’s the seeking it out and “Christ” would be the state in which salvation is received by being able to break free from not only the chains of Eden, but of the physical world, the deities that do contain the capacity to only look down on humans knit do so in order to help them up I think shows the very nature of the divine spark Lucifer is a part of.

I admittedly may be reaching and I’d have to look more into it to give you a definitive answer, but to my understanding as of right now that’s how I see it. So short answer yes. I’ve worked with that aspect of myself the day I realized how horrible ywhw truly was, it’s as if the gates opened and I think that’s how Adam and Eve must have felt when they realized they were living in a prison and being misguided by nothing more than a deity that wished to usurp creation itself.

Working with Lucifer as a deity the shorty answer to that would be no.

My bad for the long winded reply, it’s just there’s so much that it’s hard to explain in a single post without pulling up references or remembering every reference off hand, it’s hard not to sound crazy or misguided at times, 😂
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My bad for the typos and I know many people have a huge aversion to the Bible but when I bring it up I typically do so using it in a heretical way. Not church orthodoxy as they’d have people believe Lucifer and Satan are the same. (It goes so far as to use “Lucifer” as a reference point when you look up “Satan” in dictionary ffs 🤦‍♂️)
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Jun 8, 2021
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Depends, from within, not using his name I’d say so, as I think of him as a part of the divine spark, I do think you are correct or atleast partially correct in thinking he is in the core part of every deity that people typically know, I’m trying to remember but I think it was Lucifer who plays a big role in the awakening of those who seek understanding, he isn’t part of the soul but rather an important part or at the core of the divine spark to help the souls journey, (this next part is mostly just opinion)

I think if Christ itself isn’t Lucifer (I’ll explain) then I at the very least I suspect they go hand in hand to help the spark to ignite in humanity or had an aspect of Lucifer, such as Prometheus who gave mankind fire/light/wisdon, any deity to do with illumination, knowledge and known to be helpful to mankind. When Enki was said to add an extra essence to mankind I think Enlil’s greatest fear was we could become more powerful to the point that we could rival them, (this would only be possible through gnosis, or through the morning star Venus/Love so religions divided us) I think that essence may have been the illumination you hear of from different religions. Especially when you hear the passage of “ye shall be as gods” in biblical terms, it’s referring to the rebellion against the demiurge, the divine knowledge inherit in mankind that comes from within, The same thing Prometheus did when Zeus usurped the Titans, the same thing the serpent did and the same way that Christ did, (also if I’m not mistaken and I might be, I think in some early Christian sects or in the apocrypha of John the “serpent” wasn’t referred to as a serpent or the devil or Satan, it was worded as rather Jesus or Christ that warned the demiurge had them trapped in a prison, no matter how beautiful the prison it is still a prison.) That I think may have been a clue that Lucifer was a core aspect of Christ, as Yeshua was a very enlightened individual (or divine according to some sects) and I believe that he obtained that through illumination making him deserving of the title Christ which couldn’t of been the case without that initial understanding that there was more.

I think people owe a lot to what’s ever that aspect is, Wether you call him

Phosphorus /Lucifer/etc.. or the curious aspect within ourselves to seek more to learn and grow from eachother is the essence of the ironing star, So in the terms of meditation and wanting to seek more understanding I think that is, indirectly or possibly directly, working with the core aspect of Lucifer and that aspect is found within, it’s the “knowing” there is more, it’s the seeking it out and “Christ” would be the state in which salvation is received by being able to break free from not only the chains of Eden, but of the physical world, the deities that do contain the capacity to only look down on humans knit do so in order to help them up I think shows the very nature of the divine spark Lucifer is a part of.

I admittedly may be reaching and I’d have to look more into it to give you a definitive answer, but to my understanding as of right now that’s how I see it. So short answer yes. I’ve worked with that aspect of myself the day I realized how horrible ywhw truly was, it’s as if the gates opened and I think that’s how Adam and Eve must have felt when they realized they were living in a prison and being misguided by nothing more than a deity that wished to usurp creation itself.

Working with Lucifer as a deity the shorty answer to that would be no.

My bad for the long winded reply, it’s just there’s so much that it’s hard to explain in a single post without pulling up references or remembering every reference off hand, it’s hard not to sound crazy or misguided at times, 😂
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My bad for the typos and I know many people have a huge aversion to the Bible but when I bring it up I typically do so using it in a heretical way. Not church orthodoxy as they’d have people believe Lucifer and Satan are the same. (It goes so far as to use “Lucifer” as a reference point when you look up “Satan” in dictionary ffs 🤦‍♂️)


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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Wonderful references, I didn't even know Lucifer was once named Phosphorus. I heard that name before. If you don't mind me asking. Have you work with Lucifer? You see, in my world, (you don't have to believe me, take it or leave it) Lucifer is the core of every Deity that everyone knows most about. But, as I said before, take it or leave it.
Thanks, my bad though, I have a hard time remembering the spelling of the kings name Isaiah was referencing, but it was most likely referring to “Nebuchadnezzar” incase you were curious which biblical king they applied the name to.


Aug 17, 2023
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Wonderful references, I didn't even know Lucifer was once named Phosphorus. I heard that name before. If you don't mind me asking. Have you work with Lucifer? You see, in my world, (you don't have to believe me, take it or leave it) Lucifer is the core of every Deity that everyone knows most about. But, as I said before, take it or leave it.
In Isaiah 14:12, the name is "Helel" (hêylêl, hay-lale, and all the usual philological one-upmanship when it comes to pronunciation.) As Amour-Propre notes that moniker means "shining one." It all depends on the translator's language, which "name" to use. Personally I like 'Phosphoros" but that's for aesthetic reasons. Transliteration from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to English commits a lot of sins against euphony. For evocatory chants, Greek, with its declensions and the need for agreement,makes for good strong rhythms.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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In Isaiah 14:12, the name is "Helel" (hêylêl, hay-lale, and all the usual philological one-upmanship when it comes to pronunciation.) As Amour-Propre notes that moniker means "shining one." It all depends on the translator's language, which "name" to use. Personally I like 'Phosphoros" but that's for aesthetic reasons. Transliteration from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to English commits a lot of sins against euphony. For evocatory chants, Greek, with its declensions and the need for agreement,makes for good strong rhythms.
Very nice addition, which version says Helel? That’s interesting
I recommend reading
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:19-21 (niv version) where it says in the first part (in context talking about Christ)
We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.” <that’s where they refer to Christ as the morning star aka Lucifer in Latin or Phosphoros in Greek? Interesting note, in Greek Eos was goddess of the dawn. (mother of Phosphoros (I highlighted “dawns” for that reason You can see from that passage alone that the Bible was more or less taken from the greek pantheon and through translations they threw it together however they wanted to make a sect of Christianity that’d give them the upper hand, they then enforced it.