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Journal Important Directions from Lucifer and Paimon that Safely Changed Me

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.
Jan 14, 2024
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Intro: I rarely share any of these messages. But since my writing about demons now serve as offerings, I'd also like to hear your feedback. Thanks in advance!
I was bought up Catholic, and went to a Christian Bible school. I wanted to be a women's ministry pastor. :oops: Until...

I was acting as a minister in training at my church until my pastor stole $200,000 of church funds. I spent time facing all this, and ended up realizing that people do things that God has not a thing to do with.
This was in 2012. I grew some inches spiritually at that point.

BUT for me to now be speaking of and working with demons is a big change. 🤤
I've been working more seriously with demons, angels and other spirits since around 2018.
I believe that both demons
and the " good 72 angels?" are needed for our lives to progress in transformative ways. I'm not against any religion. I feel that whatever works for a person should be their focus.

Anyway, the first thing I very clearly learned about demons is :they do not deal with any type of morality. If you ask them to fix a situation with anyone who did you wrong, they will do so, anyway they see fit. Lesson learned ! Sometimes, we know something... But to see it in action makes the difference.
I had two enemies that were just non-stop in my life.

So, I asked one of the appropriate demons to have them back-off me. My petitions worked but in ways I was not expecting. Someone who had been practicing magick for years, told me the demons work like the Mafia, so expect the unexpected and a hard touch. Lesson noted! I know many of you know all this already but bear with me.

My journey these days is:
I find that demons are good teachers. They are to the point, and they will tell you what you need to hear. and learn So, next lesson for me was: "If I really don't want an answer and/or I can't face my faults, don't ask a demon for help ". Demons are a type of " no hold barred " communicators. At least, this is how I experience them so far.

Here are some sample directions and message sI got from Lucifer in meditation, the past:

Me: " Lucifer, I'm having trouble focusing on one way of earning money ''.
Lucifer: " Go Home "!

Me: "Go Home? What does this mean? You want me to go away "?

Lucifer: " No! Go home in your mind, to your house you grew up in, and describe to yourself what your interests were. What activities did you enjoy doing? Take notes on yourself. You will have to know yourself better to reach your goals. Next, if you notice, you jumped to the negative first, thinking I wanted you to go away. The next task is to work on is your self image. Whatever negatives anybody said to you about your hobbies and gifts ,when you were going up, has nothing to do with you now. You can continue to do money magick, and have success with it. But for long-term financial gain, you'll need to closely evaluate yourself . Know yourself more equals more consistent money. Take a few days to do this task, then we'll talk."

Results: So I did these tasks Lucifer suggested. One of things I found out , as I looked back to my childhood was that " encouragement " was not a thing in my family ,unless you wanted to be a nurse or a doctor. I was constantly discouraged from my creative hobbies. I understand now! Parents want the best for their children. Even my Mother told me outright that I should be a nurse to make money. Then, I can do my creative stuff later.

Because I ignored my parents, and kept on doing music, creating art and singing, I thought I was beyond their displeasure.

But true, to what Lucifer said about how I needed to build my self worth, My parents disapproval of my creative side, was STILL in my subconscious mind. Something inside me still wanted their approval as an adult. When I met with Lucifer again in meditation, I shared what I had found out about myself. It was Lucifer that suggested that I work with the demon Paimon. and later, Haagenti (The Alchemist) in order to change some aspects of myself. I'll say more about working with Haagenti later,

I did contact Paimon/using his Sigil as he suggested. It was my first time using a Sigil since I usually do Path Working to contact demons.

Here is a sample message from Paimon to me:

''Greetings, Paimon. Lucifer sent me to ask for your help. Recently, I've lost contact with my creative side. I used to love to do my art. I Haven't done anything on it lately. I've lost passion. I'm just doing the " job thing" I need to do to earn money. I'm not following any of my creative pursuits. "

(Also, this was the first time I saw a demon. I think I saw him as I did, because I spent lots of time researching him. Painmon
appeared on a white horse. I heard a kind of fanfare of music, there were people riding behind him. His group looked like the Crusaders. They had flags too. And, we were by water and rocks were around. I guess this was just how I saw him as opposed to any other way. I mediate before contacting demons)

The conversation continued like this:

Paimon: " Take my Sigil and trace it 9 times to contact me. Go on a 9 day fast. Just fast until sundown. Keep your intention in mind as you do this. You want to get back to passion about your art you said".

I thanked Paimon. Here are my results:

Results: About the 3rd day of following Paimons directions, I felt a burst of energy and a desire to create some art. The fasting helped me focus and fins time for art. I did drink water and vegetable juices then sold foods at sundown, which I heard was fine.

I felt good. I felt rekindled. During the 9 days of fasting, I discovered a new way of creating my artwork. I discovered Photoshop, and other editing tools like PicArt to use to manipulate photographs I took of people, places and things. It was a great journey. I ended up creating so many pieces of art, I was happy.
I used to love creating collages, and designs by hand. Now, because of my petition to Paimon, I had found new and even ways to create.

I continued and finished the 9 days of fasting.
For the very first time, to thank Paimon as promised, I made a post about him in another magick group, and shared some of the art work I did.

From that day forward, I began sincerely making more time for my creative side to express itself.

What happened for me was huge. My confusion lessened. I realized how much creativity meant to me. And I realized that this was who I was.

Remember, I told you that as a child ,my Mom told me to put creativity on hold and be a nurse. Well, she was wrong though she meant well. She was a nurse and a good nurse because I feel it was in her blood.

But I am not her although I admired her nursing skills.

And, what was interesting is that the day before my Mom passed away, a few years ago, she told me : "please, do your art , write your poems, etc ... creativity is where you will earn and do well, it is what you wanted all along".
May she Rest In Peace.

Conclusion: I continue to work with Lucifer and the demons. They can work with you towards transforming yourself, and tell you things that could have taken months or even years to find out.

P.S. I don't see the demons I work with to be extra friendly or non-friendly. I see them as teaching me, if I remain teachable..and it's also important to follow their suggestions ,if I believe the suggestions make sense. I'm not going to be dictated to. I ask a lot of questions. But I do respect the demons. and their knowledge. Yet, not in a worshipful way... Plus, they do not like laziness, fawning and making no effort to help self.
I hope my share was interesting. thanks for reading. And, what did you think about it all?
Jan 14, 2024
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So, when I first started doing magick, I started with basic candle magick. I was a flop at candle magick. None of the candle magick, I did worked. At the time, I didn't know that some spells etc. may have to be repeated more than once. Next, I found the book: New Avatar Power". I read all the success stories about the book from other practitioners. I was exited to try the NAP rituals. They worked for me. Finally, I found something that worked.

I spent about two years doing NAP. Oh, I forgot, I had good success with one book by an author who pares the magick down and gives short cuts for working rituals.

There was one last straw drawn in my life when a family member began a fight with me about a will and money left to me. Whatever I was to get, they definitely stole it. Long story short, I started working with a lawyer and things got right for me, and all was well. The money wasn't that much but it sure helped. And, the demons helped me get that money.

Before working with Lucifer and other demons, I spent about three months reading around on forums. And, doing my own reading from suggested books. I still didn't know enough about them. I knew I was taking a chance working with Demons But I forged ahead. Before working with Demons, I was into religion. I was on the " Love your enemies " and pray for them frequency.

This technique of loving enemies bla bla,was not working at all. You know how it can be. if you don't strike back enough, enemies start rollerskating on your back. I accepted my part in this, I changed and decided to hang with and consult Lucifer and a few other demons. I asked a demon to get me an apology from someone who had hurt me, and had been going about since forever, gossiping about me.
Well, the apology did come but before the apology, the person got very very sick.

I didn't want the person sick, I wanted them to be just see some error in their ways. What happened didn't scare me, but it came as a warning and lesson.
I learned as I mentioned before that when working with " the Mafia " (Demons) , expect possible bodies in trunks. figuratively.

In fact as I learned from more seasoned practitioners that angels serve a better purpose for certain requests, depending on what my end goal was.

As time went on, I became dissatisfied with working with pared down systems although they gave good results sometimes. I loved New Avatar Power but i had to begin studying all the entities in that book using other sources. I got on the path of finding a good teacher, and set aside time to begin studying foundational courses in magick ,instead of flying by the seat of my pants picking up bits of knowledge here and there.

Short pared down systems of magick are great but dangers may be lurking for the beginner. Better safe than sorry. I still take some chances in different ways, since it is magick after all, and it takes some bravery to do magick.

I think the study of magick is a serious pursuit. And grabbing a few spells from Tik-Tok is NOT the way to go.
And working pared down magick systems can be a good beginning but it's not a sustainable way to grow in the craft.

As for the New Avatar power system by Geof Grey Cobb. I'm still using the system after two years. I continue learning from it. and how NAP relatates to Hermetic systems of Magick I bought the book from the authors daughter, Victoria Grey. Plus, I have copy of the original book

I just hope that New Avator Power will remain available for years to come.

Lastly, this is what I would tell anyone today who wants to learn magic " stay off Tik Tok's unauthorized magick school, don't work with Demons until you fully understand how they move, and find some good magick courses AND foundational books to soften the bumps on the road of their journey."
Jan 14, 2024
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Me: " What is this thing about karma and a 3 fold law that says what you do comes back to you, so be careful. I don't believe in Karma or anything like it. I've experienced see some people and they get away with it and live great lives.
Lucifer: " Karma and the implied laws of return don't exist in that way. Belief can be a powering thing. Depending on how strongly a person believes something can determine whether a thing can happen or not. If someone strongly believes that their actions will never be found out, then that strong belief creates a shield around them that repels capture. You have to understand how powerful the human will can be. There are many situations that humans are in control of, if they allow themselves to be in control.

Me: I'm thinking now of the law of attraction, is this what you're talking about.

Lucifer: " No ". I''m just referring to human will, and human beliefs and the power humans have to make a thing happen in their lives.
Me: " So, you're saying theres no 3 fold law?

Lucifer: "If you or anyone else is going to get nervous, panicky and worried about 3 fold laws, and getting punished for your spell work and petition choices, your body sends out signals and smells like a person afraid of charging dogs. The dogs smell the fear and are assured of weakness in you, so they attack.
It can be the same with the atmosphere around you. The atmosphere or the universe as they say, picks up on human fears and responds to that fear by giving back a negative backlash. Unlike, the elementary, unthought out laws of attraction, I'm not saying that humans cause every single thing that happens in their life, good or bad. I'm telling you of things that are possible depending on a persons degree of belief
Jan 14, 2024
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Keeping all related journal entries in this thread...
Todays Journal Entry:
Me: I might see some of the beings and demons I work with like Lucifer. But I also might NOT see some, I'll just feel a presence, or I'll see and hear NOTHING at all. but practice believing I made contact.

I asked Lucifer about this. Here's the response:
Lucifer: If you or anyone else has eyes but are blind, you can STILL see me or any of the demons and sprits anywhere. This doesn't mean you always will. But ALL humans all have the ability to see or hear, or feel us. even smell us. Your religions and your dictators of whatever country you're in, do NOT want you to know any of the deeper abilities that humans are capable of. And the God or dictator of a country need not be blamed for hiding human potentials {of the occult nature } from the masses. They would be fools to empower their citizens to this extent. When you are in power, only fools give power away. Humans as a whole. are not, at this time, advanced enough to mange their own " occult "power as a collective. As single beings, standing as the human alone, there are possibilities.

Jan 14, 2024
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I work with demons now. Yes! But I don't and never will discount what God did for me through the words of the Bible and what I thought was a miracle or two done in my life. Is this confusion considering working with demons? According to meditation with Lucifer, the question is: "what is confusing about any of the places you get or got help from? Nothing, it's wise to not refute where you get help from, no matter if its from a place of supposed goodness and light, or a place of supposed wickedness and evil".

So, I thank God through Jesus for the good and even the difficult situations that came to my life during my church days. In everything we call good, there is some evil, and in everything we call good, and in everything we call evil, there is also what we call good.
Jan 14, 2024
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I came to magick looking for solutions to my problems. I came to magick to get back at the people who stole money from me before and after I was homeless. I came to magick to learn how to petition the spirits for more money and how to get the spirits to protect me and my money. I came to magick to learn how to have a backbone and fight back my enemies. I came to magick to learn how to NOT turn the other cheek in order that I may triumph.

I'm happy to say: " I feel good about how far I've come. I found out that it wasn't really about learning to be tougher, wiser and more protective of self and even cunning. It was about cultivating and strengthening these potentials that were already in me as a human being.

I started this magikal, continuing journey not ever wanting to work with angels. I also especially never wanted to work with any female spirit, female God etc of any kind. I had enough of being reminded of my femaleness. I blamed a lot of past harm done to me, on being female. Ah, but not anymore...

It's been 7 years and I've learned so much and used magick to deal with past enemies ,who are in no way a problem to me anymore. A lot of maturing happened. I lost my negative views on working with female spirits. The idea that my femaleness had anything to do with past enemies vanished. I'm very happy with who I have become. I have spirit allies and partners and protectors because of my magick path.
I also have one or two new regular people who stand with me. I even used magick to petition for friends with specific attributes.

I'm a human being. My gender didn't matter, every human being is attacked by enemies at some point and attacks happen throughout our lives. We learn to deal with them. And we have an edge, we have magick. And magick works a good percentage of the time.

After using demons to control , get rid of and scatter the 3 enemies that had harassed and stole from me, I began with working with demons. Lucifer, King Paimon, and a list of others. My purpose was transformation, inner alchemy. Although, at the time, I didn't even know what alchemy was.

I feel like I could write forever on what demons taught me about myself and the people around me.
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I added to this post under the title: After being homeless, how magick helped me. I don't see how to delete this post. The most recent post is the one I wanted to share.
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Jan 14, 2024
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I came to magick looking for solutions to my problems. I came to magick to get back at the people who stole money from me before and after I was homeless. I came to magick to learn how to petition the spirits for more money and how to get the spirits to protect me and my money. I came to magick to learn how to have a backbone and fight back my enemies. I came to magick to learn how to NOT turn the other cheek in order that I may triumph.

I'm happy to say: " I feel good about how far I've come. I found out that it wasn't really about learning to be tougher, wiser and more protective of self and even cunning. It was about cultivating and strengthening these potentials that were already in me as a human being.

I started this magikal, continuing journey not ever wanting to work with angels. I also especially never wanted to work with any female spirit, female God etc of any kind. I had enough of being reminded of my femaleness. I blamed a lot of past harm done to me, on being female. Ah, but not anymore...

It's been 7 years and I've learned so much and used magick to deal with past enemies ,who are in no way a problem to me anymore. A lot of maturing happened. I lost my negative views on working with female spirits. The idea that my femaleness had anything to do with past enemies vanished. I'm very happy with who I have become. I have spirit allies and partners and protectors because of my magick path.
I also have one or two new regular people who stand with me. I even used magick to petition for friends with specific attributes.

I'm a human being. My gender didn't matter, every human being is attacked by enemies at some point and attacks happen throughout our lives. We learn to deal with them. And we have an edge, we have magick. And magick works a good percentage of the time.

After using demons to control , get rid of and scatter the 3 enemies that had harassed and stole from me, I began with working with demons. Lucifer, King Paimon, and a list of others. My purpose was transformation, inner alchemy. Although, at the time, I didn't even know what alchemy was.

I feel like I could write forever on what demons taught me about myself and the people around me.
As of now, I do work with one female spirit and have started working with both angels and demons on certain petitions I make. I did find out that the demons can be a little heavy handed when fulfilling petitions, and they will get a job done by any means needed.

Magicking doesn't always work. There have been disappointments, but this is the nature of the practice.

I now live in a really nice part of town, and magick practice, and spell work did this for me, nothing more. I owed someone $8,000 and the debt was cancelled. The person cancelled the debt to hep me. I began petitioning Nitika daily for help with finances.

There's much more I could share. I used to be frustrated with the petitions to spirits that didn't work. But now, I just know not every petition or spell will work. You just keep going and you keep trying until you hit the jackpot.
Jan 14, 2024
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Thanks for the responses. I think I'll share this and make it into an article. I have to work on my grammar though.


Mar 21, 2024
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Well, @enterthedragon369 ! I understand thar you suffered a lot and I must say, you really are good at Magick and you made a good choice in life.

People who are bad in our lives come and go, that is the truth. However, I must say that, even though not on your degree of suffering, having dealt and still dealing with some bad people implies a lot of judgement when doing a curse or banishing spell.

I mostly learned it the hard way unfortunately, but eh... that is practice after all, and we need to go and learn until we hit the jackpot.

I hope you are fine now ;)
Jan 14, 2024
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I was thinking of making a pact with Clauneck. Clauneck seems to like people who are willing to work hard. I can, I will I do. I'm one of those people who will stay up all night to finish a project. I have a good work ethic. But I find that I may not work smartly in every case. Three months ago there were a few things Lucifer suggested I do. before pact making. First, Lucifer advised that I clear up any questions and issues I had with the church, God and the Bible. He said to clear my mind on these issues and come to a conclusion. Lucifer said let that clearing bring you peace so you know where you stand. He said write out your feelings on God, angels, the devil, fallen angels, abuse in the church, relieve yourself of the burden of hope and examine yourself. Lucifer said state what you received from this Christian faith, and state what you feel you may have lost.

I did the above. It was needed. Once I did this, I felt like my communications with Lucifer and any other spirits was clearer more focused.
Next, Lucifer stated that before I make a pact, that I must make a pact with myself. I must make a pact with myself that I will never ever give up on the financial dreams I have for my business. Lucifer also added that I be realistic, work in stages and list the different steps needed from A to Z. To be realistic Lucifer says, is to first ask for a weekly, daily amount from your business that you can believe in. Lucifer said, Clauneck will not believe for you but he will help with what you say you want.

All this advice has been done. completed and has been tremendously helpful. I thank Lucifer for the insight and help as we continue to work together in unity with other demons like Clauneck.
What a demon is has changed a lot over the years and centuries. There was never anything evil about gaining knowledge so the self may prosper and improve. Thank You to every and any kingdom that has offered me help . This does include on some important levels, the Christian faith. But I have moved onward as a soldier for my own life and none to blame but me , if things don't work out right.


Jun 8, 2021
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I was thinking of making a pact with Clauneck. Clauneck seems to like people who are willing to work hard. I can, I will I do. I'm one of those people who will stay up all night to finish a project. I have a good work ethic. But I find that I may not work smartly in every case. Three months ago there were a few things Lucifer suggested I do. before pact making. First, Lucifer advised that I clear up any questions and issues I had with the church, God and the Bible. He said to clear my mind on these issues and come to a conclusion. Lucifer said let that clearing bring you peace so you know where you stand. He said write out your feelings on God, angels, the devil, fallen angels, abuse in the church, relieve yourself of the burden of hope and examine yourself. Lucifer said state what you received from this Christian faith, and state what you feel you may have lost.

I did the above. It was needed. Once I did this, I felt like my communications with Lucifer and any other spirits was clearer more focused.
Next, Lucifer stated that before I make a pact, that I must make a pact with myself. I must make a pact with myself that I will never ever give up on the financial dreams I have for my business. Lucifer also added that I be realistic, work in stages and list the different steps needed from A to Z. To be realistic Lucifer says, is to first ask for a weekly, daily amount from your business that you can believe in. Lucifer said, Clauneck will not believe for you but he will help with what you say you want.

All this advice has been done. completed and has been tremendously helpful. I thank Lucifer for the insight and help as we continue to work together in unity with other demons like Clauneck.
What a demon is has changed a lot over the years and centuries. There was never anything evil about gaining knowledge so the self may prosper and improve. Thank You to every and any kingdom that has offered me help . This does include on some important levels, the Christian faith. But I have moved onward as a soldier for my own life and none to blame but me , if things don't work out right.
Lucifer is awesome!!! I Love Him. Especially, since He/She came back in my life!
Jan 14, 2024
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When it comes to Lucifer and any kind of communication, I get the feel of being spoon fed sometimes which is great. I remember when I first had the feeling that there were many things about I had missed, I devolved into reading it for 2 years and found myself out in space for a while. Once our ground foundational beliefs are shaken, we feel off balance. I'd never be the one to say there's no creator because I believe someone or something created us and placed us here on Earth. As far as knowing who Lucifer is, I know now, or believe now, that Lucifer is not Satan. There are no long stories about Lucifer in the Bible. But there's a story line on Satan in the Bible.

Anyway, tonight's conversation with Lucifer, went like this:

Lucifer: " What if you are talking to your own DNA? You should consider that the human DNA contains an infinity of endless knowledge. If you close your eyes, and focus beyond the darkness you think you see, don't you begin to see other things? You see shapes, forms of something beginning to develop, and if you pinpoint one thing you see, it gets clearer as you stare, closed eyed but focused on one point on your forehead, and focus in.
If you say tonight that you will talk to your own DNA instead of me, the great possibility is that you will get answers that help you, that nowhere have you heard before. IAt this moment, I am not saying who I am or who I am not. What I am saying is, now you have come out from what world control wanted you to know and serve, and you are intent on developing yourself. The individual development of a human beings has an effect on all human beings. For centuries upon centuries, the human being left in the dark about itself for the sake of control. Now that you are free, consider the possibilities of all things, and don't be afraid. Be careful, go at a pace that suits your own development but don't be afraid. Remember that the type of fear humans were taught to embrace were for reasons of control. Let the dog not come to you and smell fear because the next step for that dog filled now with confidence, will attack. And there's no victory in openly railing against the machines of control. They will want to remove you. You become THE machine in your own life.



Jun 8, 2021
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Wow!!! Dragon!! You went through so much!!! I had to read all of your entries. Lucifer has helped you tremendously. I'm proud of you that you became stronger after all these years.🤩
Jan 14, 2024
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Wow!!! Dragon!! You went through so much!!! I had to read all of your entries. Lucifer has helped you tremendously. I'm proud of you that you became stronger after all these years.🤩
Thanks so much!
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Maybe you'd like to start a journal about your Lucifer experiences? This post is more about personal revelations than thanksgiving, I'd say.
Yes, very true. I am writing about experiences with Lucifer more than thanksgiving. I'm thinking of something recent that happened and it IS an experience . Good point, thanks