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[Help] improve in magic

Someone's asking for help!


Aug 25, 2024
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Hello! I am relatively new to being a magician, I learned to do planetary magic and I am also interested in elemental magic, although I never did the latter.

The issue is that my rituals do not achieve the desired effect and I want to engage in better conversations with the spirits, I can't see them, or hear them, or hear them, nor do I remember having felt them. I notife very slight effects of his energy but my goal is not fully met. How did you develop the ability to talk directly to the spirits?


Practical Philosopher
Mar 25, 2022
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My first question when it comes to anything spiritual related is "Do you meditate?" To which if no, i suggest you start. Visualization through meditation, as well as achieving an Altered State, help with this entirely. The other question I would ask is: Are you documenting your successes versus failures? If something truly isn't working, then discard it and try something else.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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My first question when it comes to anything spiritual related is "Do you meditate?" To which if no, i suggest you start. Visualization through meditation, as well as achieving an Altered State, help with this entirely. The other question I would ask is: Are you documenting your successes versus failures? If something truly isn't working, then discard it and try something else.

You beat me to it ;). Unless you're extraordinarily gifted, there is no way around meditation. You only become aware of the mental din, the constant running commentary you keep up in your head day by day once you try to still your mind. Much easier to hold a conversation when nobody's constantly butting in.


Aug 25, 2024
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Warned: Non-English Post
Mi primera pregunta cuando se trata de algo relacionado con lo espiritual es: "¿Meditas?". Si la respuesta es no, te sugiero que comiences. La visualización a través de la meditación, así como el logro de un estado alterado, ayudan con esto por completo. La otra pregunta que haría es: ¿estás documentando tus éxitos y tus fracasos? Si algo realmente no funciona, deséchalo y prueba otra cosa.
Estos días he mejorado mucho con la práctica de la meditación en cuanto a mi concentración. Actualmente no tengo muchas historias de éxito en cuanto a resultados, pero sí algunas experiencias muy leves.
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Me ganaste de mano ;). A menos que tengas un don extraordinario, no hay forma de evitar la meditación . Solo te das cuenta del ruido mental, del comentario constante que repites en tu cabeza día tras día cuando intentas calmar tu mente. Es mucho más fácil mantener una conversación cuando nadie se entromete constantemente.
Ya veo :D. Así que básicamente es algo que sucede por sí solo, siempre y cuando tengas la mente realmente clara, por supuesto.


Practical Philosopher
Mar 25, 2022
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Estos días he mejorado mucho con la práctica de la meditación en cuanto a mi concentración. Actualmente no tengo muchas historias de éxito en cuanto a resultados, pero sí algunas experiencias muy leves.
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Ya veo :D. Así que básicamente es algo que sucede por sí solo, siempre y cuando tengas la mente realmente clara, por supuesto.
First of all, it is common etiquette to post in english.
Secondly, are you seeking external or internal "results", as this will affect your "experiences". If you have seen synchronicities, then it is possible you simply need to develop your capabilities. Magic is very much a skill that needs to be developed rather than simply performed. While some people do have higher success rates on their "first time", it all boils down to latent and developed ability for consistent results. If you've been at this for less than a year, I'd say that there needs to be a larger sampling field, and you should simply attempt basic spells that have been "verified" by others. If you perform that spell record the results and postulate on future changes.
Otherwise, there are some individuals who are incapable of "sight" in the formal sense. It takes a lot of energy to manifest physical spirits, and many individuals simply do not have that level of power. In some cases, using a "third party", either another individual or a divinatory device, will help with defining results. If you don't have a specific Divinatory device you are already using, there are many tools that range a wide variety of systems. Tarot is the most popular, followed by Runes and the I Ching. Pendulums have become the go-to for many new-age practicioners, and ouija - assuming you are perfectly happy with the possible side effects - has been used as well. Simply finding repeating numbers or patterns has been utilized for millenia.


Aug 25, 2024
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First of all, it is common etiquette to post in english.
Secondly, are you seeking external or internal "results", as this will affect your "experiences". If you have seen synchronicities, then it is possible you simply need to develop your capabilities. Magic is very much a skill that needs to be developed rather than simply performed. While some people do have higher success rates on their "first time", it all boils down to latent and developed ability for consistent results. If you've been at this for less than a year, I'd say that there needs to be a larger sampling field, and you should simply attempt basic spells that have been "verified" by others. If you perform that spell record the results and postulate on future changes.
Otherwise, there are some individuals who are incapable of "sight" in the formal sense. It takes a lot of energy to manifest physical spirits, and many individuals simply do not have that level of power. In some cases, using a "third party", either another individual or a divinatory device, will help with defining results. If you don't have a specific Divinatory device you are already using, there are many tools that range a wide variety of systems. Tarot is the most popular, followed by Runes and the I Ching. Pendulums have become the go-to for many new-age practicioners, and ouija - assuming you are perfectly happy with the possible side effects - has been used as well. Simply finding repeating numbers or patterns has been utilized for millenia.
Oh! When I used the translator i guess i copied the Spanish part and since the page is automatically translated, I hadn't noticed. My fault, I'm sorry about that. 😅
Well i'm seeking for external results, i’m gonna make u an example.
When i was trying with the venus spirits for especific thing, i didn't get the that but a friend made me a poem, when i was walking on the street a guy in a car throw me kisses, and another extranger say the i’m the most beautiful person he ever met.
Second example: When i was working with the moon, again. I didn't get what i wanted but a 2 sad persons told my mother that i look like an angel cause “my serene presence” and that persons saw me just five minutes. Then another person stop me just for asking if i’m ok because my eyes “was looking sad/nostalgic” and i even don’t feel bad that week.


Practical Philosopher
Mar 25, 2022
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Oh! When I used the translator i guess i copied the Spanish part and since the page is automatically translated, I hadn't noticed. My fault, I'm sorry about that. 😅
Well i'm seeking for external results, i’m gonna make u an example.
When i was trying with the venus spirits for especific thing, i didn't get the that but a friend made me a poem, when i was walking on the street a guy in a car throw me kisses, and another extranger say the i’m the most beautiful person he ever met.
Second example: When i was working with the moon, again. I didn't get what i wanted but a 2 sad persons told my mother that i look like an angel cause “my serene presence” and that persons saw me just five minutes. Then another person stop me just for asking if i’m ok because my eyes “was looking sad/nostalgic” and i even don’t feel bad that week.

So what I'm hearing is that you are working with planetary intelligences but you are having trouble manifesting specific outcomes while working with them. From my understanding, coupled with my own experiences, you are less likely to get "exactly $4251" if you perform a money spell than you are to generally find yourself with more money/assets than you would otherwise. If you are working with Venus, you are less likely to make a specific person "fall in love" with you than you are to generally find yourself more well liked, seen as more attractive, etc. The problem I can see is that you are looking for specific outcomes, but working with spirits that are more generalized.


Aug 25, 2024
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Exactly, I didn't know until now that they were generalized spirits, where I learned that the people who learned with me, even though they had been studying for longer than me, could get exactly what they wanted, also they can hear them, talk to them, and all that things


Oct 20, 2023
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Exactly, I didn't know until now that they were generalized spirits, where I learned that the people who learned with me, even though they had been studying for longer than me, could get exactly what they wanted, also they can hear them, talk to them, and all that things
  1. could get exactly what they wanted?
  2. can hear them?
  3. talk to them?
Are you sure this is literally true? "Hearing" a spirit does not occur with the physical ear. There are no literal sound waves interacting with a physical ear drum. And in reverse, it's also true. The spirit does not have its own physical ear nor physical ear drum. When an individual talks to a spirit, the words that are spoken are not heard by the spirit in the way that words are heard physiologically.

Assuming that this is not a completely manufactured story, in regard to hearing the spirits and talking to them, it's either exaggerating to some extent, or, the individual cannot not describe the experience in any other way. This is not a harsh criticism. It's a natural and normal inherent difficulty when interacting with immaterial forces and thought-forms. The human mind is accustomed and habituated to language and associations of material objects and events. Immaterial forces and beings cannot be literally and accurately described in this way. Material and immaterial are mutually exclusive. When having an encounter with the divine, especially the first time, the mind will not have any words to associate with the experience. Depending on the magnitude of the experience, the mind will work very hard to associate labels with this ineffable, completely novel state of being. If the experience is significantly profound, the mind will produce phantom sensations: "hearing" voices, "seeing" visions or amorphous illuminations, ghosts, angels, demons, etc... phantom smells.

The underlying mechanism is similar to the phantom limb phenomena, or phantom pain phenomena (
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). The mind is doing its best to associate a wholly different significant sensation. It does the best it can. Once words and associations are chosen and reinforced by the one who experienced them, often by sharing their experiences, if there are future encounters, similar phantom sensations are more likely to occur. These are reinforced. Each similar event reinforces the others in a sympathetic feedback loop. But that doesn't mean that physical compressed air waves ( "sound" ) are being spoken to the individual by a spirit, nor are the physical words articulated by the individual being physically heard by a spirit. The spirit is immaterial. All of those words describe physical phenomena. None the less, these sort of words are used often when describing encounters with the divine.

In regard to the "getting exactly what they want". If this is literally true, the individual did not so much get exactly what they wanted. Instead they were in the right place at the right time, and knew what to do to give an event a little push. That's all. They're not getting anything they want. Not anything. It's divination which is granting foresight into potential future outcomes and plotting a course to a specific outcome. Then the individual applies their wisdom or intuition to choose whether or not to pursue a specific outcome. It's a wonderful technique which consists of multiple "magical" layers operating in harmony.
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Aug 25, 2024
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  1. could get exactly what they wanted?
  2. can hear them?
  3. talk to them?
Are you sure this is literally true? "Hearing" a spirit does not occur with the physical ear. There are no literal sound waves interacting with a physical ear drum. And in reverse, it's also true. The spirit does not have its own physical ear nor physical ear drum. When an individual talks to a spirit, the words that are spoken are not heard by the spirit in the way that words are heard physiologically.

Assuming that this is not a completely manufactured story, in regard to hearing the spirits and talking to them, it's either exaggerating to some extent, or, the individual cannot not describe the experience in any other way. This is not a harsh criticism. It's a natural and normal inherent difficulty when interacting with immaterial forces and thought-forms. The human mind is accustomed and habituated to language and associations of material objects and events. Immaterial forces and beings cannot be literally and accurately described in this way. Material and immaterial are mutually exclusive. When having an encounter with the divine, especially the first time, the mind will not have any words to associate with the experience. Depending on the magnitude of the experience, the mind will work very hard to associate labels with this ineffable, completely novel state of being. If the experience is significantly profound, the mind will produce phantom sensations: "hearing" voices, "seeing" visions or amorphous illuminations, ghosts, angles, demons, etc... phantom smells.

The underlying mechanism is similar to the phantom limb phenomena, or phantom pain phenomena (
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). The mind is doing its best to associate a wholly different significant sensation. It does the best it can. Once words and associations are chosen and reinforced by the one who experienced them, often by sharing their experiences, if there are future encounters, similar phantom sensations are more likely to occur. These are reinforced. Each similar event reinforces the others in a sympathetic feedback loop. But that doesn't mean that physical compressed air waves ( "sound" ) are being spoken to the individual by a spirit, nor are the physical words articulated by the individual being physically heard by a spirit. The spirit is immaterial. All of those words describe physical phenomena. None the less, these sort of words are used often when describing encounters with the divine.

In regard to the "getting exactly what they want". If this is literally true, the individual did not so much get exactly what they wanted. Instead they were in the right place at the right time, and knew what to do to give an event a little push. That's all. They're not getting anything they want. Not anything. It's divination which is granting foresight into potential future outcomes and plotting a course to a specific outcome. Then the individual applies their wisdom or intuition to choose whether or not to pursue a specific outcome. It's a wonderful technique which consists of multiple "magical" layers operating in harmony.
Well, actually, you are right. They are actually more clear about their experiences than I could describe here, so I describe them very vaguely. They use techniques like “spirit vision” – I don’t know if that is the correct term in English, but the technique consists of going out with consciousness to their plane in the ritual.
So it is on the spiritual plane that the “conversation” happens, not on this physical plane.
An anecdote I remember from someone else's experience was that a student told me that he worked with Mercury/Jupiter (I don't remember which one), and his goal was to study abroad in a specific school (I don't remember which one). But he did succeed and with proofs.
It is that kind of success in rituals that I have yet to achieve.
I understand your point, personally I even try to communicate better with “my spiritual guides” or “my guardian angel” for better assistance and for them to connect with me in dreams. But I still can’t even achieve that, at least as far as I remember…
I guess I need to train my meditation better to enter the astral world in order to have those connections.


Jul 7, 2024
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Exactly, I didn't know until now that they were generalized spirits, where I learned that the people who learned with me, even though they had been studying for longer than me, could get exactly what they wanted, also they can hear them, talk to them, and all that things

Hearing spirits is called "clairaudience", and if you can hear them, you can speak to them.

I've only practiced a bit of planetary magick, so I'm not the best resource here. Also, providing details of which system of planetary magick you are using might help people help you to troubleshoot your magick - e.g., which grimoire are you using? How carefully have you crafted your statements of intent? Are you performing mundane actions to help manifest the results?

In general, I think the best advice I can offer you is to keep practicing. That's is how you master any field of endeavor.


Aug 25, 2024
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Hearing spirits is called "clairaudience", and if you can hear them, you can speak to them.

I've only practiced a bit of planetary magick, so I'm not the best resource here. Also, providing details of which system of planetary magick you are using might help people help you to troubleshoot your magick - e.g., which grimoire are you using? How carefully have you crafted your statements of intent? Are you performing mundane actions to help manifest the results?

In general, I think the best advice I can offer you is to keep practicing. That's is how you master any field of endeavor.
First, thank you all for the help. :D
If anyone is curious enough to read this, then the method I use is that of the Golden Dawn, but it is combined with Johannes Trithemius' method “The art of attracting spirits in crystals”