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Inconsitencies in the Qabalistic Cross


Jan 22, 2023
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While looking through the book The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic by Israel Regardie, I noticed several inconsistencies in how the Qabalistic Cross is performed.

First and foremost, in one case, "Ateh" is being vibrated, and in the second "Atoh". Also, the order in which you touch the shoulders is different.

Now, the question is, which is the correct way. Here are the highlights from the book:

Volume Three

Highlight (orange) - Page 293 · Location 4617

So in making the Qabalistic Cross on your breast it is correct to touch the Forehead and say Ateh - Thou art; the Heart - Malkuth; Right Shoulder, ve-Geburah; left shoulder ve-Gedulah, and with the fingers clasped on the breast say, Le olahm, amen!

Highlight (orange) - Page 409 · Location 6526

Take a steel dagger or knife in the right hand, face East: Touch your forehead and say Atoh (thou art).

Highlight (orange) - Page 409 · Location 6527

Touch your chest and say Malkuth (the Kingdom). Touch the right shoulder and say ve-Geburah (and the Power). Touch the left shoulder and say ve-Gedulah (and the Glory). Clasp your hands in the center of the chest and say le Olahm (forever). Hold the dagger, point upwards, in clasped hands and say Amen (so be it).

Highlight (orange) - Page 447 · Location 7112

The Qabalistic Cross This magical gesture is referred to again and again throughout the whole Golden Dawn

Highlight (orange) - Page 447 · Location 7113

system. The correct way of doing this is as follows: 1. Stand upright, facing East. Imagine you are growing very tall. So tall that your head is above the clouds, while beneath your feet the Earth seems like a small globe on which you are standing. Spend a few minutes trying to achieve this piece of visualisation. The success of the whole manouevre depends on this. 2. Intone or vibrate Atoh, while touching the forehead with the forefinger of the right hand. Imagine that above you is the White Light of Kether, from which a ray descends as you proceed with the exercise. 3. Bring the hand down from the head to the middle of the chest and intone or vibrate Malkuth. Feel that the ray of Light descends all the way to the feet, not simply to the chest which you are touching. This establishes the shaft of the cross in Light. 4. Move the hand over to the left shoulder, and vibrate ve-Gedulah. While doing this, imagine that the entire shoulder is ablaze with light ready to move over to the right side to form the cross bar of Light. 5. Move the hand over to the right shoulder,

Highlight (orange) - Page 448 · Location 7124

and vibrate ve-Geburah. This will complete the cross bar, so that the entire cross is now formulated. 6. Clasp the hands over the chest, and vibrate le-Olahm Amen. As you do this, try to become acutely aware of this gigantic cross of light formulated through your entire body, now gigantic and extending high into upper space.
Sep 9, 2021
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I guess my first step would be to verify the Hebrew phrasing, and glean insight from gematria on the word, then if all seems well, use that. Ive close eyed used a dagger to the forehead before and was almost dangerous, a fingertip hurts less.


Site Staff
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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The Ritual Magic Manual by Griffin (in the WF library) has QC on pages 45-46 (25-26 of pdf).

The words provided for vibrating are shown with symbols to aid in pronunciation. A pronunciation guide is on pages 36 and 37 (21 pdf).
"A" with a little "roof" over it is said to be pronounced as a short "o" sound as in bother, cot, and father. I cannot copy the text from the pdf and have it retain the correct symbols. "Ateh" is from three Hebrew letters, Aleph, Tau, and Heh.

You just have to decide which authority feels right to you. The important part is fully comprehending what each aspect of the ritual represents.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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Ateh" is being vibrated, and in the second "Atoh".
The Hebrew spelling is Aleph Thav Heh.
In some cases an H is pronounced as A (like in Yah : Yod Heh)
As far as I know the correct pronunciation is "atah".

Not entirely on topic, but I recently wrote a Sumerian version of the LBRP with sounds (words..) that resemble the Hebrew in sound.

Atah (helper)
Malu-Ku (direct the power)
He (be / am)
Gabari (equal)
E (princely)
Gadala (priest)
Li - U - Lam (branch and tree)
A-Men (offspring - crown)

Be my helper / direct your power into me / i am equal / the princely priest / the branch and the tree / offspring of the crown
Sep 9, 2021
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This is why I prefer homegrown methods. For one school, perhaps they were blinds for the profane, but the wise would discover and correct.
Why I prefer the Sacred Chamber, the Cross of Light from Demons of Magick, an energetic circle around me, speaking hekas hekas este balabloi, depart now!
For the Middle Pillar, I like to envision the ball of light on the crown and superimpose the glyph of Uranus in black on the white light (Kether in Malkuth, and Malkuth in Kether, in some manner), for YHVH ELOHIM and the throat, the glyph in black of Saturn on the white light, Sol glyph in the chest ball of light, Luna in the genitalia area, and the cross of the elements at the foot ball of light.