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[Opinion] Indicators of vampirism attacks.

Everyone's got one.
Sep 9, 2021
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General fatigue, oversleeping.

Sore back, shoulders, arms to the point of pain when taking off or putting on shirts or jacket.

Possible hijacked dreams/not dreaming enough or any recollection of dreams.

Waking up during hours of early morning, some insomnia leaving me more exhausted.

EDIT: When running plastic pens or a knife over afflicted areas, pain ceases.

Which demons and or angels could be involved? Naamah and Lilith spring to mind, but can and do Shem/Arch Angels vampirize as well?
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Also, if you suspect a human doing this, is a poppet bound enough to cease the attacks?
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Also, could a necklace given to me by a friend who does black magic be a sympathetic link, even if it is black tourmaline or shungite?
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Or, could it simply be a dirty or blocked meridian point as the cause?
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As for physical cause, I will soon be seeing a doctor and my psychiatrist to see if it is a medical issue, cancer, or medication side effects.
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Nov 19, 2023
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General fatigue, oversleeping.

Sore back, shoulders, arms to the point of pain when taking off or putting on shirts or jacket.

Possible hijacked dreams/not dreaming enough or any recollection of dreams.

Waking up during hours of early morning, some insomnia leaving me more exhausted.

EDIT: When running plastic pens or a knife over afflicted areas, pain ceases.

Which demons and or angels could be involved? Naamah and Lilith spring to mind, but can and do Shem/Arch Angels vampirize as well?
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Also, if you suspect a human doing this, is a poppet bound enough to cease the attacks?
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Also, could a necklace given to me by a friend who does black magic be a sympathetic link, even if it is black tourmaline or shungite?
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Or, could it simply be a dirty or blocked meridian point as the cause?
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As for physical cause, I will soon be seeing a doctor and my psychiatrist to see if it is a medical issue, cancer, or medication side effects.
Any spirit can drain your energy, I've had the Shem angels do it, the dead are well known for it also, I've been vampirized by extra terrestrials as well. Yes it could be a blocked meridian, yes it could be enchanted jewelry, binding a poppet will be fine if you are more powerful than the vampire, not so much otherwise, the vampirism I've experienced has always involved mental confusion as well as physical fatigue.
A lot is possible in the occult, to get firmish answers as to what is going on you'll need to do divination.
Sep 9, 2021
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I wondered, I tried to conjure a Shem angel in the recent past. What seemed strange was running plastic pen or metal knife over the afflicted area ceased the pain temporarily. Thank you.
Unfortunately I don't recall the angel attempting to be conjured. Likely it's buried in my journal, though #44 was the last one praised.


Apr 28, 2021
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General fatigue, oversleeping.

Sore back, shoulders, arms to the point of pain when taking off or putting on shirts or jacket.

Possible hijacked dreams/not dreaming enough or any recollection of dreams.

Waking up during hours of early morning, some insomnia leaving me more exhausted.

EDIT: When running plastic pens or a knife over afflicted areas, pain ceases.

Which demons and or angels could be involved? Naamah and Lilith spring to mind, but can and do Shem/Arch Angels vampirize as well?
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Also, if you suspect a human doing this, is a poppet bound enough to cease the attacks?
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Also, could a necklace given to me by a friend who does black magic be a sympathetic link, even if it is black tourmaline or shungite?
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Or, could it simply be a dirty or blocked meridian point as the cause?
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As for physical cause, I will soon be seeing a doctor and my psychiatrist to see if it is a medical issue, cancer, or medication side effects.
no, just no
Sep 9, 2021
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Schizo typal actually.
No, what I am trying to ascertain is the cause of the upper arm and rotator cuff pain Ive been experiencing over the past month.
Im not special, I know this. What I also know is some people think vampirism is a thing. And everyone has their own agendas.

What is odd, again, is that the pain disappear when a foreign non pourous object is brushed over the area, such as a butter knife or a writing pen.
Odd, wouldnt you think?

I also started Qi Gong practice, and it coulc be a meridian issue. My psychiatrist and therapist would write notes on me as delusions.
Yet its factual truth to me, that the pain is present except when a pen or knife is brushed over the area where the pain was.

Now, medication side effects could be a cause, early stage bone cancer could likewise be a cause, for this reason I am contacting my doctor tomorrow to see if they can scan the upper arm area as well as lung and thorax CT procedure.


Apr 28, 2021
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Schizo typal actually.
No, what I am trying to ascertain is the cause of the upper arm and rotator cuff pain Ive been experiencing over the past month.
Im not special, I know this. What I also know is some people think vampirism is a thing. And everyone has their own agendas.

What is odd, again, is that the pain disappear when a foreign non pourous object is brushed over the area, such as a butter knife or a writing pen.
Odd, wouldnt you think?

I also started Qi Gong practice, and it coulc be a meridian issue. My psychiatrist and therapist would write notes on me as delusions.
Yet its factual truth to me, that the pain is present except when a pen or knife is brushed over the area where the pain was.

Now, medication side effects could be a cause, early stage bone cancer could likewise be a cause, for this reason I am contacting my doctor tomorrow to see if they can scan the upper arm area as well as lung and thorax CT procedure.
It’s just a sore arm and maybe some placebo effect from rubbing on it. I would recommend getting very light resistance bands and start strengthening those rotator cuffs, they can be a bitch if they get tweaked.
Sep 9, 2021
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Thats kinda my line of thought, just ... magick is a vast sea with all kinds of strange sailors.


Oct 13, 2022
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Do you use that pen for rituals or spell work?

Just thought, maybe when your brush an object around that part it blocks the energy that is targeting that area?

I recall something about getting an athame and then you're suppose to glide it around your body, like the egg cleansing ritual.

pixel_fortune mentioned something similar to what you're doing on a thread, someone needing help on curses or negative entities.


Nov 4, 2023
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A few things...

Firstly, according to traditional folklore, a vampire feeds on the blood of family members or else the blood of the highly pure (are you in this category?). A Romanian tradition warns that youths (strong) and virgins (pure) are especially susceptible to vampire attacks. Vampire attacks are numbing and pleasurable. They don't leave you with a sore arm and some sleep issues (a sign of depression more than vampires). A victim doesn't correlate the ecstasy that a vampire brings into their life with the gradual loss of energy day by day. By the time the victim has made the link, it's too late and they're at death's door.

Secondly, you're not being attacked by a vampire.

Whatever the symbols of an initiatory path, it's worth remembering that focus on one's True Will (whether conceived as the "Will of God" or whatever) is the best way of ensuring that the machinations of others do not prosper. In other words, your best protection is by focusing on what you're doing, rather than what they're doing. Or:

Thou hast no right but to do thy will. Do that, and no other shall say nay. For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect. ~ Liber AL


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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Sore back, shoulders, arms to the point of pain when taking off or putting on shirts or jacket.
Better check first if this isn't just a posture issue.You would be surprised how much posture can affect your body.
ascertain is the cause of the upper arm and rotator cuff pain Ive been experiencing over the past month
I'm no doctor, but maybe you got a nerve in the area pinched.Doing slow dynamic stretches could help a bit, better would be to do physical therapy.But as always, a doctor's point of view should always be taken into consideration before doing anything.

You could also give a try at Tai Chi, Bagua and other "internal style" martial arts.They're good for the body.

I also started Qi Gong practice, and it coulc be a meridian issue.
What style are you using?I've heard that some may not be ideal due to conflict of energies(with other practices) or something like that.
Sep 9, 2021
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Better check first if this isn't just a posture issue.You would be surprised how much posture can affect your body.
Very possible. Sleeping on my stomach is more painful than sleeping on my back.
Arms straight means little pain.
I'm no doctor, but maybe you got a nerve in the area pinched.Doing slow dynamic stretches could help a bit, better would be to do physical therapy.But as always, a doctor's point of view should always be taken into consideration before doing anything.
Will do. I have an appointment on Monday.
You could also give a try at Tai Chi, Bagua and other "internal style" martial arts.They're good for the body.
Good idea.
What style are you using?I've heard that some may not be ideal due to conflict of energies(with other practices) or something like that.
Eight Extraordinary Channels by MacRitchie is what I am using.
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Do you use that pen for rituals or spell work?
Just thought, maybe when your brush an object around that part it blocks the energy that is targeting that
Could be
recall something about getting an athame and then you're suppose to glide it around your body, like the egg cleansing ritual.
Nice. Thanks!
pixel_fortune mentioned something similar to what you're doing on a thread, someone needing help on curses or negative entities.
Thanks all!


Aug 17, 2023
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A few things...

Firstly, according to traditional folklore, a vampire feeds on the blood of family members or else the blood of the highly pure (are you in this category?). A Romanian tradition warns that youths (strong) and virgins (pure) are especially susceptible to vampire attacks. Vampire attacks are numbing and pleasurable. They don't leave you with a sore arm and some sleep issues (a sign of depression more than vampires). A victim doesn't correlate the ecstasy that a vampire brings into their life with the gradual loss of energy day by day. By the time the victim has made the link, it's too late and they're at death's door.

Secondly, you're not being attacked by a vampire.

Whatever the symbols of an initiatory path, it's worth remembering that focus on one's True Will (whether conceived as the "Will of God" or whatever) is the best way of ensuring that the machinations of others do not prosper. In other words, your best protection is by focusing on what you're doing, rather than what they're doing. Or:
Quoth Napoleon, "The logical end of defensive tactics is defeat."