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Introduction for Hummingbird

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Mar 13, 2023
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Tsesi is a practitioner of Tsalagi Nvwoti ‘Cherokee medicine’ and other Appalachian folk practices, his family hailing from Eastern KY, Eastern TN and Western NC. Tsesi, coming from a mixed Cherokee and Christian background, and having been taught by his grandfather to plant by the signs, would go on to study the classical grimoires of the western tradition, incorporating their various techniques along with his own traditional tribal practices, and Vedic Yogic practices into a personal practice and system of adeptship. Tsesi is also a Mason under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Indiana, and currently serves as Chaplain of his lodge while also being on four committees, including Masonic Education. He took his obligation on a dual translation of the NT, in English and Cherokee, both from the Greek; though he does not see the bible as inerrant but rather a guide to the spiritual seeking of his ancestors. Tsesi is also 32° degree the Northern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite; and the founding Imperator of a Golden Dawn start up as well as the Anikutani tradition of Nvwoti.

Current degrees (listing highest in each)
3° Master Mason in Craft Lodge
12° in Lodge of Perfection
15° in Mystic Council
18° in Rose Croix
25° in Knight Qadosh
32° in Consistory

- Early Life-
Tsesi was born 1990, of mixed indigenous and Scotts-Irish heritage. His name means 'you will go'. He was diagnosed at age two with muscular dystrophy and interacting with and volunteering for the Muscular dystrophy association was very much part of his youth and teenage years.
His grandfather gave him a more than solid, Renaissance even, education in comparative religion, language, history and mechanical systems as well as instruction in planting by the signs, dowsing and doctoring trees. From both his grandparents, but especially of his grandmother he grew up foraging and gardening and applying the herbal medicines derived therefrom. In his early childhood he was being taught as a dual language speaker of both Gaduwa and English but after his grandfather's death defaulted to English.

After his grandfather's death, his having been taught to plant by the signs led to a deep interest in classical astrology and then to the Grimoire tradition were he took a particular liking to the Arbatel.

At age 14, Tsesi, while a love of comparative religion that his grandfather inculcated within him, joined Mysticwicks, the largest interfaith, though many neopagan, internet forum at the time. Around this time he also purchased Regardi's 'Complete Golden Dawn' and has studies and practiced the Golden Dawn system off and on since then. This led to much interest in Rosicrucianism and the integration of the methods and techniques of Christian occultism and mysticism into his already syncretic Appalachian practice.

In his early twenties, Tsesi joined a Unitarian Universalist church but would later become disillusioned with it as it became ever more a political entity and less of a church. This time was fruitful however, as it led to several milemarkers on the path. Tsesi, having known online briefly, met in person one Aurora Twilight and her High Priest, of the Ravenwood-Circean tradition (Wicca-Strega hybrid) and then began learning from them. He was taken with their mixing of Solomonic stylings along with natural settings out in the woods, including a sacred fire fire and acknowledgement of the ceremonial directions. For a time, he found a fire despite being far from the ceremonial fires of his people. Also during this time, through a mutual friend, he was able to meet medicine practitioners from his tribe out in Oklahoma and started learning from and under them where his grandfather had left off. From this point on Tsesi found himself ever-more Involved with his ancestral path, western ceremonialism taking a backseat in priority until he had little time for it.

However, by the time the Wiccan group was on indefinite hiatus, Tsesi was well moving past his time at said church and stopped going months to a year or so prior to his moving out of town. During this stretch of time however he had conversed with and eventually met one Laurelei Black at the International Left Hand Path Conference, which was in Indianapolis that year. He followed her to Midian where he started giving presentations, lectures and workshops on various subjects.

In and around his late twenties and early thirties he taught an online study group on Appalachian folk practice, to which his cousin from Olive Hill Kentucky also become involved. She had been introduced to traditional Vedic Yoga from a friend of her mother's and taught him as he instructed her in the Gaduwa tongue and various teachings. Though he had taken Westernized "Yoga" while at the UU church which he was not impressed with, his Yogic influence stems chiefly from his time with said cousin.

His time at Midian lasted into his thirties, at the foot of COVID. COVID, among other setbacks during that time, was hard on Midian. There weren't many get-togethers during this time. This led to a vacancy regarding a sense of community. At the tail end of COVID, on January 28th 2022, at the age of 32, Tsesi became a Mason. On April 22nd 2023 he became a 32° degree in the Scottish Rite and two days later earned enough points to receive his ritualist pin. In around June or July of 2022 he became the founding Imperator of a Golden Dawn start-up.
Sep 9, 2021
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I started from a blurb I used to use when giving lectures and just went with it. I thought changing persons all the sudden might be strange.
I personally enjoyed your intro, and look forward to working with your (and others) replies to my posts of constructive criticism; and look forward to future posts of yours, you have a very interesting story.


May 18, 2021
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Welcome to the forum. Nice to meet you.
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