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Invocation of Ogmah

Sep 9, 2021
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O thou Messenger of the Gods and Goddesses, even unto thee the Teacher and Illuminator,
Ogmah, thee, thee I invoke.
O thou of the Celtic lands, even thee over the earth,
Ogmah, thee, thee I invoke.
O thou clothed in red and white light,
Ogmah, thee, thee I invoke.
O thou, Ogmah, who smells of Dill, Lily of the Valley, Savory and Honeysuckle,
Ogmah, thee, thee I invoke.
O thou who walks among the Swallow and the Butterfly,
Ogmah, thee, thee I invoke.
O thou who walks through the Fern, Lily of the Valley, Marjorum Velerian, Vervain, and Savory,
Ogmah, thee, theee I invoke.
O thou Messenger and the Teacher, in the class of Messenger and Teacher,
Ogmah, thee, thee I invoke.
O thou from the Tuesday and Neptune,
Ogmah, thee, thee I invoke.
O thou of the quill and the Hazel tree,
Ogmah, thee, thee I invoke.
O thou adorned with aluminum, azurite, and turquois,
Ogmah, thee, thee I invoke.
Ogmah, I call thee forth!
I request <request> and bid you merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Could you, if possible, share some more insight, details and thoughts?

I noticed that in this thread and the danau one, you only posted the incantations. Is there any context we can benefit from? Any procedure? Auxiliary info? Background on the entity? Etc.

Thanks for sharing.
Sep 9, 2021
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Its rather disorganized at the moment, hence the invocations. Ive posted a question on evocation of them, but this involves many factors, same with talismans - my ability to "see" or "hear" spirits is a bit crippled or at a seed stage.
Ive replaced the LRP names with "OLDB" and "Dagda", while still using kerubic signs. (Ogma, Lugh, Danau, and Brigid.)
I do feel the same sense with a standard GD LRP, a sense of balance amid chaos, general calm and well being, small miracles.
My issue is lack of reliable info (even within my invocations, a few blinds exist, namely planet, direction, class, element), namely online resources. At this point, my research is going toward just looking up any and all information on a given name at a time in ancient celtic literature, and logically ascertain any info..will keep you posted.
Open to any and all advice on this. Most invocation./evocation is Norse, African, Middle Eastern and Latin Americas for the most part that Ive seen here and on BALG. Celts, like a few groups, have somehow dropped as everyone seems to push religions into it. Yes, there is a religion, even if just bards and druids, now I have a yearning for learning botany. I guess that is the Dagda in action.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Its rather disorganized at the moment, hence the invocations. Ive posted a question on evocation of them, but this involves many factors, same with talismans - my ability to "see" or "hear" spirits is a bit crippled or at a seed stage.
Ive replaced the LRP names with "OLDB" and "Dagda", while still using kerubic signs. (Ogma, Lugh, Danau, and Brigid.)
I do feel the same sense with a standard GD LRP, a sense of balance amid chaos, general calm and well being, small miracles.
My issue is lack of reliable info (even within my invocations, a few blinds exist, namely planet, direction, class, element), namely online resources. At this point, my research is going toward just looking up any and all information on a given name at a time in ancient celtic literature, and logically ascertain any info..will keep you posted.
Open to any and all advice on this. Most invocation./evocation is Norse, African, Middle Eastern and Latin Americas for the most part that Ive seen here and on BALG. Celts, like a few groups, have somehow dropped as everyone seems to push religions into it. Yes, there is a religion, even if just bards and druids, now I have a yearning for learning botany. I guess that is the Dagda in action.
Thanks for the response and for keeping me posted. I'll admit, I'm out of my depth concerning my limited knowledge on anything celtic, so I will probably be of no help to you, but I am interested in this, and following your journey.

Of course, feel free to browse the forums (we're a bit light at the moment as we have only recently rekindled) and ask any questions (which you have already, I see). You may not find answers immediately, but someday someone will come along who will hopefully be able to help and answer your questions. Feel free to make as many question threads as you want for as many different questions you have. Even with more mundane or obscure requests such as finding books etc as you never know who'll be able to help.

Keep it up!
Sep 9, 2021
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I should also lket it be known that despite a green candle fire to a calm orange one, Ive stated both invocations and so far noticed no adverse effect, while seated on my bed facing west. Blue candles have lasted longest while facing west, though the orange did today but it is close to the east window. I also do daily LRPs with that formula, and do daily Lord of the Universe and Liber Resh Vel Helios adorations. Usually off course in time in adorations and LRPs due to odd service industry schedules. Not even time to do a LRP in the bathroom stall, even though Ive done so in other restaurants in the past. So far though, no adverse effect, even though Im rebuilding my life and mind at the time.


Meme-y Tree Nymph
Apr 17, 2021
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Open to any and all advice on this. Most invocation./evocation is Norse, African, Middle Eastern and Latin Americas for the most part that Ive seen here and on BALG. Celts, like a few groups, have somehow dropped as everyone seems to push religions into it.
Yeah, sadly so much was lost when Rome came knocking. Then the Christians, then the British Empire. It's something that still makes me upset, as what we have as confirmed knowledge today is likely only the tip of the iceberg. Even for families like mine, that managed to keep some semblance of oral tradition alive all this time.
Sep 9, 2021
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This has come back on my radar as well.
There is for example, the Celtic Golden Dawn and a Gaelic variation of the LBRP, QC, and MPR in The Middle Pillar.
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Yet let me make it clear as always, I'm finishing what I start, so I will finish Christophers program first. Once I am there we will see...
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