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Is self deification really possible


Apr 19, 2024
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I'm a beginner and still learning, but why not?

The name of God is Yehovah, which gives us the tetragrammaton: YHVH.

Each of the letters represents one of God's powers:
  • Y is the will that gives us omnipotence and is the Akasha.
  • H is the intellect that gives us omniscience and is the mental plane.

Then here maybe someone could change something:
  • V is the feeling that gives us love (of God) and is the astral plane.
  • H is consciousness, which is eternity or omnipresence, and corresponds to the physical plane.

Omnipotence is the ability to invoke and evoke, and everything related to it.
Omniscience is divination, such as Tarot or I-cheng.
Omnipresence is soul travel, when you go beyond the Bodhisattva to the Vairagya for example, anything that is going beyond the astral plane basically.

The pentagram has five points with the name of God in the center.
Each point is related to a sense: VAKOG.
The way you become God is by controlling your neurology (the senses).
Which leads to you having the will to use to neurology to access your three divine powers.

Then each point of the pentagram has an element, archangel, and demon.
But I still don't know how to relate this last part to all of this
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Mar 4, 2023
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As practitioners we have never been able to come up with an objective definition of what constitutes a deity / god. So is it possible, really comes down to how you define it. (I think digital ambler did an interesting post on this recently.)

Of the other 4 (omniscience / omnipotence / omnipresence / immortality) immortality is obviously the “easiest” and again depends on how you define the term. I would argue all humans are immortal (at least part of us) now continuing forever in your physical body that’s another feat altogether. I’d say it’s possible but how many immortal people are running around on this planet???

And as was sorta said above can you achieve true omniscience / omnipotence / omnipresence without “losing yourself” in the process. Can you have more than one being who is one or more of the above? And if a being already exists who could claim one or more of them could you remain a separate entity from them when you achieved that state?



Apr 29, 2024
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My two cents on the matter is that the continuation of ourselves and deification of ourselves is possible and natural, however it must be done consciously using our higher faculties of intuition and fearlessness.

The situation we find ourselves in is hard to explain with words because most of them are so mundane, so I'll try me best to share my understanding of the process here:

The concept of soul is that each of us carries a small, egoless, faint spark from the divine fire, that spark being what animates us. The egoless spark goes from birth to birth. As humans that spark is given enough room and power to fan it's own ember, to grow and become brighter. The spark is wrapped in the filth of flesh and ego, obscuring it and smothering it, thoughts hypnotizing it to passivity, silence, and obedience.

To become like the fire of source, that ember has to be fanned and given more room to grow, otherwise it will grow fainter. If the spark grows and develops, it will become like the God-fire that it came from.

To become like God is to set your eyes on the stars, to fix your gaze on petty human dramas is to stay confined to them.

Thats my understanding at least, hopefully it helps, if not, I tried and wish you the best of luck on your road ahead 🦉


Mar 21, 2024
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I'm a beginner and still learning, but why not?

The name of God is Yehovah, which gives us the tetragrammaton: YHVH.

Each of the letters represents one of God's powers:
  • Y is the will that gives us omnipotence and is the Akasha.
  • H is the intellect that gives us omniscience and is the mental plane.

Then here maybe someone could change something:
  • V is the feeling that gives us love (of God) and is the astral plane.
  • H is consciousness, which is eternity or omnipresence, and corresponds to the physical plane.

Omnipotence is the ability to invoke and evoke, and everything related to it.
Omniscience is divination, such as Tarot or I-cheng.
Omnipresence is soul travel, when you go beyond the Bodhisattva to the Vairagya for example, anything that is going beyond the astral plane basically.

The pentagram has five points with the name of God in the center.
Each point is related to a sense: VAKOG.
The way you become God is by controlling your neurology (the senses).
Which leads to you having the will to use to neurology to access your three divine powers.

Then each point of the pentagram has an element, archangel, and demon.
But I still don't know how to relate this last part to all of this
There are two sides of things after all, LHP and RHP.

So, that is how you can relate that last part in your post. RHP means angels associated with the pentagram, while LHP will have Demons associated with it.

Yin Yang, Light and Shadow


Aug 17, 2023
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I find it very easy to imagine THAT there is a superior being to me. Whenever I have a reaction - not necessarily even judgemental - but I see that someone is just really struggling to understand something and missing the mark badly, they're not emotional or defensive but they're just not able to understand an idea even when a few people have (kindly) presented it in a few different ways, and you go, "oh, they're just... not as intelligent as me. Their brain just can't connect the dots" or whatever.

And then you go, "I bet there's someone else who looks at me and something I don't understand (or am unwittingly misunderestanding) and sees me just like I see that other person.

That's very standard, "if I feel this way about x, somebody else probably feels that way about me" empathy, but it's by definition hard to actually put yourself in their shoes of someone who sees more than you do, and see the world the way they do

FWIW I also think an omniscient god would be infinitely compassionate. Because they would fully and completely know every detail of the backstory and circumstances of everyone who did wrong, they would completely, completely understand how that person got in that position. (That doesn't mean they would approve of it. But I think they would understand and have sympathy for them in a way very few people can).
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Similarly I don't think gods get upset about blasphemy or whatever. I don't get offended by a child insulting me; there's not really any way for a child to score on my inner psyche. And I am the equivalent of a child to a god, in terms of relative power and knowledge. Being "petty" literally means being small (like "petite")
If God knew the backstory to everything he might just as well be less compassionate. Like the cartoon in some magazine years ago. The very Freudian-looking analyst is looking at his notes and counseling the analysand, "Yes, Herr Simms, yes indeed. I think we can begin to discern why people so often tend to dislike you. You are what we in my profession call 'a miserable chickenshit little bastard.'"
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I'm a beginner and still learning, but why not?

The name of God is Yehovah, which gives us the tetragrammaton: YHVH.

Each of the letters represents one of God's powers:
  • Y is the will that gives us omnipotence and is the Akasha.
  • H is the intellect that gives us omniscience and is the mental plane.

Then here maybe someone could change something:
  • V is the feeling that gives us love (of God) and is the astral plane.
  • H is consciousness, which is eternity or omnipresence, and corresponds to the physical plane.

Omnipotence is the ability to invoke and evoke, and everything related to it.
Omniscience is divination, such as Tarot or I-cheng.
Omnipresence is soul travel, when you go beyond the Bodhisattva to the Vairagya for example, anything that is going beyond the astral plane basically.

The pentagram has five points with the name of God in the center.
Each point is related to a sense: VAKOG.
The way you become God is by controlling your neurology (the senses).
Which leads to you having the will to use to neurology to access your three divine powers.

Then each point of the pentagram has an element, archangel, and demon.
But I still don't know how to relate this last part to all of this
Re: YHWH. Maybe more accurate to say, "One putative name of God is YHWH." I know that is maybe less striking writing style. But, as you see from this thread, when speaking of self-deification, most posters can't really agree on what a deity even is. Still, kudos for laying out your ideas clearly and, if I may, with some elegance.
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Sep 20, 2023
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Well, I understand that embracing the shadow self and the various archetypes of one's psyche have power, but self deification, that I would want, will be like achieving omniscience, along with possibly immortality and omnipotentence (Omnipresence does not pique my attention much). Is that possible? Like I have heard about omniscience achieving on awakening the Third Eye, but not sure how to actually awaken it? Are there other ways of achieving omniscience?
in my own experience, such a transformation would require not just power or knowledge but a direct act from the one you believe made you what you are.
it isn’t just becoming more powerful or changing your body, it’s changing the very nature of your essence.
it is like rewriting a program for a computer, if you allow me such a paragon.
my question is, once you’ve undergone such a changing, is it still you? not that you may lose your memories or anything, but that change would rip apart your nature and remake you different.
if it was possibile, i wouldn’t take that option too lightly.


Feb 8, 2022
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Taking a God-form can be seen as Self-deification now that I thought about it.


Aug 17, 2023
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Taking a God-form can be seen as Self-deification now that I thought about it.
It might be a start. The test would be could you maintain it under all circumstances.