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Is Trump good for us or is he simply another manipulator like Putin is for Russia?


Jun 13, 2024
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I have heard a lot of controversy on the subject of Trump vs Kamala Harris. Living in America, you should know that most elections are very tense nowadays and that there is always a lot of controversy between both parties. What are everyone's opinions on this years election?

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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Kamala Harris looks like a competent leader. Trump looks like a drooling vegetable.

The guy who did the ghost-writing for 'The Art of the Deal' said this: "If you are happy with the deal, then Trump thinks he's being cheated."


Jun 30, 2021
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i just read today that breton, a high ranking euopean official in the tech industry is stepping down due to amongst other things, calling musk and telling him to back off or something. it was seen as meddling in the usa elections. overall im not really interested in this subject, but i think trump knows how to play the public. i like watching manipulators, sadly the game is the same every 4 years. ok we had 2 shootings now, so he has that against reagan, but something really new???? i like to think thats why biden cried and stepped down: it is too boring.

so do i think trump can bring something new to the table that is even something good? nah, i saw a vid where he said if you vote for him you never have to vote again....


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Kamala Harris looks like a competent leader. Trump looks like a drooling vegetable.
It’s funny because anyone could switch around the subjects and it would be a valid statement. I’ve seen Kamala literally drool, slur her words like sleepy Joe (though probably from being drunk, and not from dementia). I definitely would not call either of these candidates wordsmiths. As for their actual policies, that’s more for an individual to decide really, so it’s not something I’m going to really fight for either side. But I wouldn’t call someone who highlights the fact that they are Indian in some states and pretends to be black in other states (literally applied fake tan blackface) and someone who is constantly drunk a “competent leader”.

Also, moved this to controversy section as it is about an imminent election and literally made for discussing controversy rather than actual economics/politics.
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Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
Reaction score
It’s funny because anyone could switch around the subjects and it would be a valid statement. I’ve seen Kamala literally drool, slur her words like sleepy Joe (though probably from being drunk, and not from dementia). I definitely would not call either of these candidates wordsmiths. As for their actual policies, that’s more for an individual to decide really, so it’s not something I’m going to really fight for either side. But I wouldn’t call someone who highlights the fact that they are Indian in some states and pretends to be black in other states (literally applied fake tan blackface) and someone who is constantly drunk a “competent leader”.

Also, moved this to controversy section as it is about an imminent election and literally made for discussing controversy rather than actual economics/politics.
I should have replied in this thread instead of the other one. Please see other thread and imagine my reply is in this one :)


Jun 4, 2023
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Is Trump good for us or is he simply another manipulator like Putin is for Russia?

In nowadays globalized world; no one is. The question of whether "Is X person good for us" or not can be overly simplistic.

Democracy is not merely a right, but a privilege earned through history and struggle and this is the late stage.

The reality is that significant change often proves elusive after elections, regardless of who wins. The short tenure of elected officials—typically four to seven years—proves insufficient for implementing substantial reforms.

Let alone charge the environment with negativity due to the propaganda the crowd falls for.

Barely any politician cares for the crowd, neither the crowd should be. Yet its not case. :)


Sep 14, 2024
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I have heard a lot of controversy on the subject of Trump vs Kamala Harris. Living in America, you should know that most elections are very tense nowadays and that there is always a lot of controversy between both parties. What are everyone's opinions on this years election?
I cant wait to vote for Kamala. I think Trump is a genuine threat to democracy and the sooner America can close the Maga chapter for good the better. And hopefully put trump in prison for the traitor that he is.


Apr 10, 2023
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The personalities of elected leaders is of little relevance. Most important decisions are not made by them. Both major party candidates agree on some core issues, such as an ever more shrill militarism, belligerent foreign policy, full-throated support for the genocidal regime occupying Palestine, and a general refusal to propose or entertain anypolicy that would tangibly benefit anyone other than their oligarch friends and donors. Is Harris slightly less bad than Trump? Maybe. But that's not really our choice either- the power of the individual vote (or the individual abstention) is bizarrely inflated in American discourse against all statistical sense. It might make me feel like I have power but that is an illusion. At the end of the day the national elections are closer to WWE than politics.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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I have heard a lot of controversy on the subject of Trump vs Kamala Harris. Living in America, you should know that most elections are very tense nowadays and that there is always a lot of controversy between both parties. What are everyone's opinions on this years election?
Good and evil is subjective but by principal this is the first election I’m (probably) gunna vote in, No one voted in Kamala, she was a Planted VP, that’s just… bs, no matter what your political views, they shouldn’t get away with that kind of subversion. They tried to delete him and take away all he has and he still says f- them. I can get behind that type of attitude.

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I cant wait to vote for Kamala. I think Trump is a genuine threat to democracy and the sooner America can close the Maga chapter for good the better. And hopefully put trump in prison for the traitor that he is.
A threat to our democracy is planting in a VP no one voted on. Take the blindfold off and look what is happening, idc how someone “feels”.

- Trump, he’s done stuff I really… really have problem with. But at least he had the votes.

- Kamala on the other hand was despised during her presidential run, and had only a 13% approval and she did things like withholding evidence when she was a prosecutor that proved people were innocent.

- Kamala claims to be black to pander to “black” people but her biological father was Jamaican and left rather right before or right after she was born, she was raised Indian.

-Trump can be manipulative but that is the nature of man wether some mean to or not. He’s done things to manipulate and even done some things subjectively bad.

-Kamala has done things to people that is considered incredibly cruel in order to advance her career.

-Both have ego’s but you need to have an ego in order to hold the presidential position.
Trump puts his ego on display,
Kamala tries to hide it under the guise of righteousness.

how anyone can vote for her is beyond me… if you don’t like Trump don’t vote for him but don’t let the gov’t think it’s alright to do what they did by planting the vp and say “that’s all you get”
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Apr 10, 2023
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Good and evil is subjective but by principal this is the first election I’m gunna vote in, No one voted in Kamala, she was a Planted VP, that’s just… bs, no matter what your political views, they shouldn’t get away with that kind of subversion.
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A threat to our democracy is planting in a VP no one voted on. Take the blindfold off and look what is happening, idc how someone “feels”.

- Trump, he’s done stuff I really… really have problem with. But at least he had the votes.

- Kamala on the other hand was despised during her presidential run, and had only a 13% approval and she did things like withholding evidence when she was a prosecutor that proved people were innocent.

- Kamala claims to be black to pander to “black” people but her biological father was Jamaican and left rather right before or right after she was born, she was raised Indian.

-Trump can be manipulative but that is the nature of man wether some mean to or not. He’s done things to manipulate and even done some things subjectively bad.

-Kamala has done things to people that is considered incredibly cruel in order to advance her career.

-Both have ego’s but you need to have an ego in order to hold the presidential position.
Trump puts his ego on display,
Kamala tries to hide it under the guise of righteousness.

how anyone can vote for her is beyond me… if you don’t like Trump don’t vote for him but don’t let the gov’t think it’s alright to do what they did by planting the vp and say “that’s all you get”

I don’t know what’s funnier about this- the idea that the Dems’ rigged candidate selection process is a novel “subversion” of… something, or that your vote will be the one to chasten them.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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I don’t know what’s funnier about this- the idea that the Dems’ rigged candidate selection process is a novel “subversion” of… something, or that your vote will be the one to chasten them.
I should have added the caveat that. First election I will “probably” vote in. And It’s more to do with the economy than for it to chasten them.

And it is quite clearly rigged, have you seen the cases brought against Trump? The way they investigated it and decided to actually put it on trial? Or how the judges on the case are now being investigated because the law agencies believe it was a malice conviction.
the judge who ran and got her position as judge, ran on the very vocal way she said she would be the one to put him in prison ffs lol.
Joe Biden was perfectly fine yelled the Dems, up until it was after the primaries and then they decided nope.. he’s unfit.
you are displaying willful ignorance imo.
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Err good for us? Well I despise compelled speech, idc if someone wants to be a different gender but anytime the law gets involved its an issue so as long as we don’t end up like Canada… I think with Kamala we are closer to being like Canada and having further freedoms stripped away,’I do not think it is ok for anyone to push or allow a child to get puberty blockers before they are over 17-18. I don’t mind immigration as long as it’s not people flooding the border the way they are and this was encouraged under democratic rule.
the U.S. makes WAY too much money with the taxes we pay that there should be no homeless people living on the street period.
I do not like Trumps bump stock ban or some of the things he’s done like send aid to Israel or the air strike in Syria (or Yemen?) but he is condemning the war in Ukraine and I do think he can stop that war as even Putin said that if Trump was president he would negotiate.

Dems time and time again have tried to break up family structure in black communities during the Lindon B Johnson era and they are behind the whole BLM movement that has done a ton of harm to black owned business’ while they reaped the profits
There is so much nuance that goes into all of this so its more about standing on principal than who you like and I couldn’t in good conscience vote for a hardcore conservative or a fake dem that spouts whatever they can to get votes. Trump tends to lay as more of a populist. It’s in echo chambers than one or the other tends to reign supreme. But RFK on the ticket I’d likely vote for him.
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Practical Philosopher
Mar 25, 2022
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No president is good. Down with the government!


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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I should have replied in this thread instead of the other one. Please see other thread and imagine my reply is in this one :)
Dude… that’s how negotiations work… both parties need to make sacrifices. This isn’t about charity, he also has in the past given out loans and people who came back to pay the loans he went and ripped up the check and said they could keep the money. Not to mention a myriad of other things he has done that would make this post wayyy too long.
the book in context was “The Art of the Deal”, and usually when one person walks away happy and you don’t feel the same then you’ve been ripped off. It’s about both parties accepting the terms. It doesn’t mean you can never be nice or charitable. But if you want to make a fair deal, 50/50 both parties should be content, not one person walking around feeling cocky thinking they came out on top.

its an easy concept to grasp unless you are purposely looking for something to make him sound like a tyrant.


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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Honestly, in the end it doesn't matter much to me because I know that whatever side wins will still want to impose itself on other countries(like mine), as if the US was some sort of world police when everybody knows what they really want is to meddle in other countries' politics in order to make things better for themselves(at the expense of those countries' peoples and future).

But between the old guy that incited his crowd of dumbasses to attack his own country, and someone that at least seems to be part of minorities, I think Kamala is the lesser of two evils.She seems like she will at least try to pretend to be diplomatic, unlike Trump that has shown himself to be very combative and asinine, throwing tanthrums like a kid whenever he doesn't get what he wants, like the mature geriatric he is.

There is no such thing as a politician that isn't a manipulator.
The only difference is if they manipulate things for the greater good or for their own selfish desires.
But there is always some manipulation as politics is a complex warzone with a lot of "quid pro quo".

I think Trump is a genuine threat to democracy
Considering the time he spent as President he always seemed to be playing around with the idea of starting a nuclear war with North Korea...I can see why he's a threat in a global scale.And also take into consideration that is said that if he wins, he(or his people) will certainly try to implement that Project 2025.