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JSK Verum: Conjureman Ali - 'Verum Hoodoo Results' (2011)


On Probation
Nov 18, 2024
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I'm glad people are interested in the Grimorium Verum again. I was not aware it was on anyone's radar much. I hope this unedited Yahoo Groups post from Conjureman Ali (albertgreat27 ) from 2011 will be useful to those starting to explore the Verum “system” as JSK would sometimes phrase it.

(Apologies to Conjureman Ali for posting this, but it is too useful to let fall into the digital abyss.)

A little backstory. I was a member of Jake Stratton-Kent's Verum Yahoo group posting under the name 'Mr. Sulpher' . I feel it’s tragic loss that resource has gone away with Yahoo's closing down of the Groups in Dec, 2020. Aside from early BBSs it was one of the first places Gen-X magicians could meet online after coming out of the occult scenes of 1990's to compare notes and share our experiences.

Something of note here: Conjureman Ali's had not yet completed the major Verum procedure of the First Character, and was working in a Southern Conjure / Hoodoo / Brujeria method. Jake said, and I agree, there re many entry point into the Verum system, and this in one of them, adding their seals to the Hoodo-style spell working of jar spells, mojo bags, and other.

This is a more what Verum might call "implicit pact" rather than an "explicit pact" - and is far more -seat-of-the-pants than the more formal working, but also totally works. It has benefits of easier set-up and access, but note you are are forgoing some of the protections of the formal Verum rite.

Best to you all,
Morgan Black

Verum Hoodoo Results
Apr 7, 2011
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Hello Friends and Colleagues,

I've spent some time now working with the spirits of the GV in my root working practice and thought I'd share some of my results.

I am a professional rootworker and readers of many years and my approach is informed by my studies in Near Eastern magical practices and hoodoo. In the past I've worked with goetic spirits, espcially from the Keys of Solomon, in my hoodoo work and I've found them effacious. In fact such a method is not new and there were many urban hoodoos that employed a similar method.

That said, myself and my clients have found the work and spirits within the GV to be very adaptive to hoodoo method--there seems something entirely natural about it.

Well here we are:

Love Doll Baby Work With Sergutthy-

Client's wife walked out on him and his children to be with another man. Reading proved that action was justified. A doll baby was made stuffed with love and controlling herbs and roots. Then on parchment the talisman from the "Natural Secrets" section on "To Make a Girl Come to You" was traced out. On one side was written the target's name, dob, and a piece of her hair was taped. On the other side the character of Sergutthy was traced. The paper was dressed in love oil and smoked in incence that had some extra saltpeter in it to speed up the work and also make an offering of fire. The paper talisman was then stuffed into the doll and the doll as sewn up. It was given to the client to keep in his underwear drawer, wrapped in some used under garments.

Result: Client reported that his wife started texting after months of not speaking to him. Within a week and a half regular communication was established. Within 3 weeks she'd moved back in. Successful.

Protection Mojo With Morail-

Client was in a dangerous situation and needed serious protection. Mojo crafted with protective herbs and roots. Seal of Morail was traced out on a petition paper with clients name, dob, and lock of hair on the back with a specific prayer to help the client go about undetected by his enemies. Paper placed in the mojo hand which was then brought to life in tradition hoodoo manner.

Result: Client reported that within a day of getting mojo hand he was able to go through life and his attackers seemed like they didn't notice him. Its been 1 month and he's been unmolested. Success.

Crossing and Cursing with Guland-

This work was adapted from the "Natural Secrets" from the section on "Death Spell by Magic Image" It makes use of the seal of Surgat which didn't make sense to me, so I instead stuck with Guland who can cause illnesses. Client's husband's cousin was lighting candles on her to ruin her marriage. The work had escalated to the point where this cousin was laying out goofer dust on her property and also targeting her kids. Divination showed action by me was justified. I created a doll baby with crossing herbs and roots along with the seal of Guland on the back of the target's photo. No personal concern was available. The seal was sewn in and the doll baby was hung from a string over a black candle dressed with crossing oil and black arts oil while praying imprecatory psalms. This was done for a period of 13 days. Followed up by burying the doll at the target's house.

Result: Client reported that while work was going on at my end she didn't hear a peep from the target. After the doll baby was buried, still nothing. By week two after the burial client got word that target had been struck by a heavy fever and was running a high temperature. Fever persisted for several days and target was rushed to hospital. Target has remained in poor health for past 3 months with reports of sever abdominal pain, migraines, and high temperaturs that have kept her from harassing client. To prevent death, the doll baby was unburied, sent back to me. Where I dismantled it while smoking in Jinx Killer incense, then set an offering of fire with Florida Water for Guland and let the paper burn in the fire. Ashes scattered at crossroads. Success.

Vision of Future/Dreaming True with the Grimoire Verum:

Talismanic shape traced out, put my name in the center and petition on back. Done by light of a white candle dressed with Psychic Vision oil. Smoked the paper in corresponding incense while praying the orison from text followed up by a psalm. Placed paper under my pillow and a cup of water next to my bed to help filter out misleading dreams.

Result: Received a vivid dream about what I had asked about. Confirmed with a reading. Found that my reading sharper the next day as well.

Given that these experiments have gone so well so far, I'm going to be setting up formal pacts and shrines soon and will post when I'm getting the ritual tools underway. I've ordered the wands from Underworld Apothecary a while ago and they've been sitting on my St. Cyprian altar for a while waiting for me to start.

Will update when I get there.


May 1, 2021
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This is a great eye opener to me. Thanks so much.

The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
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Mixing Grimoire Tradition with the ATRs/ADRs must have been popular in 2011. Aside from Conjureman Ali's post there's also Devi Spring at the Queen of Pentacles blog who wrote an article in 2011 on fusing hoodoo with the seals of the Goetic spirits. And Chad Barber (Balthazar) has a chapter on the same in the first of a five book anthology series called Conjure Codex, which was published in 2011.


On Probation
Nov 18, 2024
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Good point! I am very interested too in occulture timelines. As Gen-X we all did the 20th century lodge magic stuff in the late 80’s early 90’s - visualizing floating symbols in the air, etc, then with the rise of the internet we started talking to actual living Vodousants, Obeah people and Santeros and begin seeing the lateral connections to more folk magicky-y operations overlooked in western magic.

The 20th century hot takes from Golden Dawn, Crowley and Gardener did us all a disservice by almost 100% conflating magic / sorcery with magic / theurgy / mysticism. (Not that they are not usefully combined.)

2011 seems about right for the dawning of a new global magical synthesis for the first time since ancient Alexandria. Catherine Yronwode’s ‘Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic ‘was published in 2002. Br. Moloch’s Yahoo forums were around then. Aaron Leitch's’ Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires ‘was 2005 and captured the zeitgeist and much of the Gen-X theurgy / goetia experimentation. I was exploring Goetia, Vodou, and Brujeria / Southern Conjure, Good times!


Apr 21, 2024
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I've ordered the wands from Underworld Apothecary a while ago and they've been sitting on my St. Cyprian altar for a while waiting for me to start.
Does the Underworld Apothecary have a website? when i searched i only saw the facebook page for them.


On Probation
Nov 18, 2024
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It was Jake Stratton-Kent's online e-store, and it closed a few years before his passing. He offered Verum kit (equipment) along with traditional Conjure / Hoodoo oils like Power Oil, or Fiery Wall of Protection, which was pretty cutting edge thinking back in the 2010's, especially for UK occultists.

The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
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Does the Underworld Apothecary have a website? when i searched i only saw the facebook page for them.
They used to but JSK died in couple years ago so I doubt it's still active. You can, however, check it out via the Wayback Machine and see what sort of materia magica they offered. I just checked and while the page is on the Wayback Machine most of the later years aren't snapshotted. Good luck!

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Apr 21, 2024
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They used to but JSK died in couple years ago so I doubt it's still active. You can, however, check it out via the Wayback Machine and see what sort of materia magica they offered. I just checked and while the page is on the Wayback Machine most of the later years aren't snapshotted. Good luck!

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Thank you!


On Probation
Nov 18, 2024
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Nice, God-King!

OK, from an early 2013 capture I see Verum Cologne listed but no info.

If I recall this was Jake being inspired by Southern Conjure's use of oils and cologne such as Hoyt's Cologne. His contained the three central herbs used in Verum: sweet marjoram, mint, and rosemary, in an alcohol base.

For more information on the herbs, Dr. Al Cummings, author and a historian of magic (who studied under Prof. Ronald Hutton), Verum practitioner, and initiate of Kimbanda , has a talk about them here as the "Three Purifying Herbs":
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Feb 5, 2024
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What an inspiring post. JSK was a titan, he will be dearly missed but his work lives on.

"The 20th century hot takes from Golden Dawn, Crowley and Gardener did us all a disservice by almost 100% conflating magic / sorcery with magic / theurgy / mysticism. (Not that they are not usefully combined.)" Sadly, can attest to this and share your opinion.

Shame i didn't have enough time to watch the forums more closely. It is posts like these that make my day


Sep 10, 2023
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Good point! I am very interested too in occulture timelines. As Gen-X we all did the 20th century lodge magic stuff in the late 80’s early 90’s - visualizing floating symbols in the air, etc, then with the rise of the internet we started talking to actual living Vodousants, Obeah people and Santeros and begin seeing the lateral connections to more folk magicky-y operations overlooked in western magic.

The 20th century hot takes from Golden Dawn, Crowley and Gardener did us all a disservice by almost 100% conflating magic / sorcery with magic / theurgy / mysticism. (Not that they are not usefully combined.)

2011 seems about right for the dawning of a new global magical synthesis for the first time since ancient Alexandria. Catherine Yronwode’s ‘Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic ‘was published in 2002. Br. Moloch’s Yahoo forums were around then. Aaron Leitch's’ Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires ‘was 2005 and captured the zeitgeist and much of the Gen-X theurgy / goetia experimentation. I was exploring Goetia, Vodou, and Brujeria / Southern Conjure, Good times!
what do you think of the gnostic voudou from bertiaux?


On Probation
Nov 18, 2024
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Hmm, not to be too obtuse here... so apologies ahead of time.

That is a question that really depends on what one is looking for - or needs. If you are looking for Vodou, Bertiaux's "Voudon" is not Vodou - but that does not mean it can't work. My Hougan disliked that book except for the Lucky Hoodoo section, which is more Hoodoo inspired.

I have heard people using the Ten Veve families to good effect. If we are being snide we might call them them "egregores," but in time, if an egreogore is around long enough (10 years , says one angel but, dunno) a daimon (or family of daimons or even nephesim) can take up residence in them and use them as a mask.

That is when Pinocchio becomes a real boy.

In my view, until they "come alive" a magician can still use these as a New Thought Art Project. These can work. Wicca was Gardener reskinning New Thought with romantic "pagan" poetry, and historical reenactment society dress-up, while cribbing set dressing from legit, historical Goetia / sorcery. While Wicca is not my thing, I hear it can work for folks.

Similarly the Church of Satan is LaVey's New Thought "total environment" where he totally surrounds himself with things that fire up his emotions and imagination. Nude women on altars, black robes a red devils may not get you jazzed up, but it totally did for him.

Like tricksy Ole' Gerald you can source images and stories from literature, poetry , comics, and movies as names, images and stories to pull the wool over your own eyes as a New Thought emotion-engine, personal Imagination amplifier, and manifest stuff that way using the Hermetic Highway from the Platonic world of Forms / ideas to the world of matter. (Which totally works, btw) But you are also tying your emotions to an occult art school project that may come alive eventually. Once they are alive, if and when some daimons like the images, stories, and forms and agree to use them, then they can help you so stuff from a sub-lunar / animist level.


Jul 9, 2022
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I think that how most bokor etc will use those, I once asked one how can I work with goetia spirits without having to do the whole process etc, he said you just put their sign in your work, whatever is a lamp etc

for the first spell it kind of tricky because this spell use the power of aldebaran, that the star they are talking about in the spell.

those book are really hard to put in work honestly, if you want to make a spirit appear and have a real conversation with it, it either you have to follow everything as he says in the book or there is something missing...

so this is definitly a method, if you don't want to make the spirit appear etc


On Probation
Nov 18, 2024
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Nice avatar, Calvin!

(St. Cyprian, pray for us.)

Agreed. Most Southern conjure folks work with the seals from the 6th and 7 Books of Moses, of Lesser Key, the same way, adding them to mojo bags, or under a candle, without doing the full evocation. Hougans I've known would work with spirts by possession not evocation, when acting for private clients, when acting in the role of the bokor

That said, even when not evoking them, I tend to do a pretty though ritual anyway as part of my own folk magic working style, and still have had them show up afterwards, sometimes very visibly.

FYI, if I feel they are favorable disposed to me I forgo the circle. I also did this when younger, and less experienced, with fewer allies, and got the scars for it. Ah well, live and learn. Life is an adventure.

So even if we are not evoking them per se, I think (without trying to "explain" anything) we are still getting their attention. Again no hard and fast rules, and do want to argue against people who feel we are just "tapping into their energy " when working this way. An animist worldview has been my default working assumption abut the nature of reality since the late 1990's,and I think they are very aware of what is going on, and can show up if they want to. At least that has been my experience.

Thee Nightfool

Jan 12, 2025
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Nice avatar, Calvin!

(St. Cyprian, pray for us.)

Agreed. Most Southern conjure folks work with the seals from the 6th and 7 Books of Moses, of Lesser Key, the same way, adding them to mojo bags, or under a candle, without doing the full evocation. Hougans I've known would work with spirts by possession not evocation, when acting for private clients, when acting in the role of the bokor

That said, even when not evoking them, I tend to do a pretty though ritual anyway as part of my own folk magic working style, and still have had them show up afterwards, sometimes very visibly.

FYI, if I feel they are favorable disposed to me I forgo the circle. I also did this when younger, and less experienced, with fewer allies, and got the scars for it. Ah well, live and learn. Life is an adventure.

So even if we are not evoking them per se, I think (without trying to "explain" anything) we are still getting their attention. Again no hard and fast rules, and do want to argue against people who feel we are just "tapping into their energy " when working this way. An animist worldview has been my default working assumption abut the nature of reality since the late 1990's,and I think they are very aware of what is going on, and can show up if they want to. At least that has been my experience.
Is this "base 'n place" style good in terms of results in this manner with Verum spirits, though? It's not something I've ever tried.


On Probation
Nov 18, 2024
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Hi, Thee Nightfool.

It works great. Particularly if one has made a formal pact with them. While also not totally necessary, I would recommend it. Verum says, "The spirits, who are powerful and exalted, serve only their confidants and intimate friends..."

In working in a folk magic / conjure way you are making what Verum calls an 'implicit pact'. Be very explicit and spell out what you are offering them in return for their work. You could write it down in what Hoodoo is called a 'petition paper' but we can see as a Demonic Contract. Flavor as you will. A pendulum helps here to communicate if you have not developed what in Vodou is called 'konaissance' (sp?) - that inner knowing and telepathic communication. You do not want to piss them off. I did so when younger and very stupid , and it was not pretty.

I am now far more trad than I was back then, but In my view they cooperate with the spirits of the materia magica in the "spell", maybe similar to what is going on with Palero's naganga (spirit pot).

Pardon to any paleros for misrepresenting their religion, this is my understands and formulation of what I think is going on.

The ingredients pot (or mojo bag, or jar spell) form an 'ghost body' made of the nepheshim of the various ingredients that the Nikisi, as "higher intelligences," are called / evoked into to use as a very-close-to-us sub-lunar body. Finger bones give them the ability to grasp things in our world. Feathers to fly. Blades to cut through obstacles. I recommend reading up on Hoodoo / Conjure / Brujeria to get a feel for how that works, then make up your own.

Ahead of a working, for a few days or even a week or so, I recommend some time just calling them and introducing yourself. Do not just call them up and immediately pester them for things you want. Get on their good side with offerings and praise, but also beware of the neo-pagan effort to turn them into more gods to worship. Take a cue from Vodou and off them a clear glass of honey in spring water to "sweeten" them towards you when needed. When called for work then give them alchohol to "fire them up and work faster."

These are all classic shamanic appraches that can be used. Many people will "explain" to you what you have to do, but I feel the magician is taking a mythic journey engaging with Verum and there may be things you need to do that others do not. Conjureman Ali had not made any formal past at that at time of his early experiments.

Simiarly I also had not made a pact with Guland before conjuring him to perform a similar 'death spell' on career of an absolutely toxic and vile executive at a very famous game publisher my wife worked for. They were soon fired in an environment when and where executives are an almost untouchable and insulated aristocracy. Long story, and one I need to find my ritual report write-up from then.

I do think it helps to get their attention first, and what that exactly entails is subject to useful debate. In a first working with Guland I said the Prayer of Success for a week on my daily commute to the studio, before calling him. I recommend this as a useful avenue of experimentation.