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Karma is part of a matrix simulation


Jul 4, 2024
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Karma is nothing more than sets of agreements between one or many soul collective groups that exist either in a exclusive form within a soul collective group or alternatively in a conceptual relationship between two or more collective groups and as such it could be said of it that its nothing more than a matter of principle that can only function in a programmed simulation, you could liken any of those groups to a minor doll within a Russian doll , the outermost biggest doll penetrates and encapsulates them all without having to enter into any conceptual agreements with any of the smaller dolls whilst the same could not be said in regards to all the smaller dolls that needs to be subservient to conceptual agreements. The biggest doll is the unified field of all that exists viewed from the perspective of non temporality.

What we term reality/simulation or universe/alternative universes consists of layers upon layers of agreements and what layer you decide to inhabit dictates the rules of engagements.

An agreement is essentially a compromise of the whole

You can only agree by discerning and when you discern you decide to cling unto various sets of potentials at the exclusion of experiencing all of them at once

What we perceive as creation is actually the absence of a creation and what we perceive as the absence of creation is actually bigger than the agreements/creations becuse its represented by the unified field of all potentials in an unbroken unit before they decide to split into agreements

It is only by adhering to the layer of the biggest doll that you can be truly free.

Karma and its relation to sin from only one methaphysichal viewpoint amongst many

One way another entity target the collective subconsiousness of the human race in order to make it feels submissive is trough the concept of sin , they program us to obey moral and ethical rules by conflacting them with the idea that they are the idea of the divine - once humanity falls for it and accept it on a collective level - they submit themselves to the will of of the divine and also accepts to be on the receiving ends of punishments if they disobey the rules ,

I am not trying to justify inmoral behaviour and ethics , they are not the central pillar of discussion here , the central pillar in that narrative - is that another force wants to collect the maximum amount of worship energy and maximum amount of the energy exchanged in the transaction between the act of sin and the one who commits it - so many aspects of actions that humanity involves itself with is laced with the idea of sin in one way or another . So whenever we accept the idea of sin as something that is accorded to diviniry we put an act of self hypnosis on ourselves on many levels - not only is the energy involved in every transaction of sin being drained from the believer by the ruthless cunning of another force the concept of sin had also been put in place to serve as double edged sword - becuse the religious man has also been programmed to conflate a spiritual fall trough sin therefore sin is hindering his spiritual progress

Theres also another aspect to the concept of sin or the lack thereof that certain illuminated high ranking ones use to commit atrocities against mankind as a whole

Becuse whilst humanity has accepted that they are with sin they have also accepted that the gods are without sin therefore giving them a get out of jail free card .. so anyone high ranker that activates the god archetype by uniting with it trough certain initiation rites can circumnavigate certain repercussions that otherwise would befall upon them - but even then there seemd to be subtle laws in place that presents those without sin for example killing any one they choose without punishments , those laws are beyond my level of understanding so i can not delve into those mechanics

But for example once a high ranker as the queen Knights an individual they become a knight of the realm - and as such the queen can make them sinless but she can also revoke the title so the sin returns to them...

These things that i have written about sin in the lower half of this post regurgitate the ideas of Matthew Delooze , i dont know if i have adequately understood his ideas , thus im unsure if Ive made them justice trough my words above

Yes im aware of hammurabis laws and the 42 laws of confessions that precedes the biblical accounts of sin , but im talking about the concept of sin as a whole including the Egyptian version of the 42 laws of confessions And "Maat" aswell as the hindu and buddishm versions aswell.


Apr 19, 2021
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An interpretation of the Daodejing (Laozi) as simply cynically political would be flawed. Still, together with qigong, it can be viewed as a manual for politics and military strategy. Possessing mythologies, but arguably lacking in metaphysics, the Laozi of the early Mawangdui Silk Texts, and two of the three earlier Guodian Chu Slips, place political commentaries, or "ruling the state", first. In contrast to all prior Ways, the Daodejing emphasizes quietude and lack as wu wei. Together especially with their early Laozi, Shen Buhai, Han Fei, and so-called Huang-Lao Daoism emphasize the political usages and advantages of wu wei reduced activity as a method of control for survival, social stability, long life, and rule, refraining from action in-order to take advantage of favorable developments in affairs.

With some of Han Fei's own ideas, the Han Feizi's eclectic Way of the Ruler (Chapter 5) parallels Laozi with Shen Buhai, highlighting Shen Buhai's administrative ideas with advice to the ruler to reduce his expressions, desires and traditional wisdom. With hints of naturalism, but leaving out metaphysics, Han Fei often references the Dao in an attempt to demonstrate how the Laozi can make a better ruler, with its particular chapter as example. Sima Qian does not include the chapter in his short list, so that it can be questioned if he read it; but it would seem the most likely chapter he would have read when he placed the figures. Its first paragraph says:

Dao is the beginning of the myriad things, the standard of right and wrong. That being so, the intelligent ruler, by holding to the beginning, knows the source of everything, and, by keeping to the standard, knows the origin of good and evil. Therefore, by virtue of resting empty and reposed, he waits for the course of nature to enforce itself so that all names will be defined of themselves and all affairs will be settled of themselves. Empty, he knows the essence of fullness: reposed, he becomes the corrector of motion. Who utters a word creates himself a name; who has an affair creates himself a form. Compare forms and names and see if they are identical. Then the ruler will find nothing to worry about as everything is reduced to its reality. W. K. Liao. ch.5
Creel takes particular note of section 17 of the Daodejing (Laozi), as interpreted by J. J. L. Duyvendak, "arousing wide interest" but "quite old in Chinese literature" as that of a form of Daoism "leaning heavily toward Legalism". Creel takes the Wenzi as example, which includes a passage drawing from the Daodejing, Han Feizi and
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. Section 17's 'enigmatic' passage does not directly mention rulers, but would seem to discuss the ruler as one who "does everything without acting". Duvyendak notes the discussion of good faith as recurring in section in 23, which he took as "not belonging". In the Guodian and Mawangdui versions, section 17 is combined with it's similarly political section 18. The typical reader would in any case find Duyvendak more readable.

In highest (antiquity) one did not even know there were rulers (or merely knew there were rulers)...
If good faith (of the prince towards the people) is inadequate, good faith (of the people towards the ruler) will be wanting.
Thoughtful were (the sage rulers), valuing their words!
When the work was done and things ran smoothly, the people all said: "We have done it ourselves!"....
When the great Way declines, there is "humanity and justice".
When state and dynasty are plunged in disorder, there are "loyal ministers".(Duyvendak 17-18)
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Jul 4, 2024
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The upper part of my post dealing with karma is one that i wrote on my Facebook log some time ago - it helped clear some of my confusion i had pertaining to karma so i shared it here in hope it will do the same to a few others , i will share two or 3 other posts for the very same reason shortly 🙂


Aug 17, 2023
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Karma is nothing more than sets of agreements between one or many soul collective groups that exist either in a exclusive form within a soul collective group or alternatively in a conceptual relationship between two or more collective groups and as such it could be said of it that its nothing more than a matter of principle that can only function in a programmed simulation, you could liken any of those groups to a minor doll within a Russian doll , the outermost biggest doll penetrates and encapsulates them all without having to enter into any conceptual agreements with any of the smaller dolls whilst the same could not be said in regards to all the smaller dolls that needs to be subservient to conceptual agreements. The biggest doll is the unified field of all that exists viewed from the perspective of non temporality.

What we term reality/simulation or universe/alternative universes consists of layers upon layers of agreements and what layer you decide to inhabit dictates the rules of engagements.

An agreement is essentially a compromise of the whole

You can only agree by discerning and when you discern you decide to cling unto various sets of potentials at the exclusion of experiencing all of them at once

What we perceive as creation is actually the absence of a creation and what we perceive as the absence of creation is actually bigger than the agreements/creations becuse its represented by the unified field of all potentials in an unbroken unit before they decide to split into agreements

It is only by adhering to the layer of the biggest doll that you can be truly free.

Karma and its relation to sin from only one methaphysichal viewpoint amongst many

One way another entity target the collective subconsiousness of the human race in order to make it feels submissive is trough the concept of sin , they program us to obey moral and ethical rules by conflacting them with the idea that they are the idea of the divine - once humanity falls for it and accept it on a collective level - they submit themselves to the will of of the divine and also accepts to be on the receiving ends of punishments if they disobey the rules ,

I am not trying to justify inmoral behaviour and ethics , they are not the central pillar of discussion here , the central pillar in that narrative - is that another force wants to collect the maximum amount of worship energy and maximum amount of the energy exchanged in the transaction between the act of sin and the one who commits it - so many aspects of actions that humanity involves itself with is laced with the idea of sin in one way or another . So whenever we accept the idea of sin as something that is accorded to diviniry we put an act of self hypnosis on ourselves on many levels - not only is the energy involved in every transaction of sin being drained from the believer by the ruthless cunning of another force the concept of sin had also been put in place to serve as double edged sword - becuse the religious man has also been programmed to conflate a spiritual fall trough sin therefore sin is hindering his spiritual progress

Theres also another aspect to the concept of sin or the lack thereof that certain illuminated high ranking ones use to commit atrocities against mankind as a whole

Becuse whilst humanity has accepted that they are with sin they have also accepted that the gods are without sin therefore giving them a get out of jail free card .. so anyone high ranker that activates the god archetype by uniting with it trough certain initiation rites can circumnavigate certain repercussions that otherwise would befall upon them - but even then there seemd to be subtle laws in place that presents those without sin for example killing any one they choose without punishments , those laws are beyond my level of understanding so i can not delve into those mechanics

But for example once a high ranker as the queen Knights an individual they become a knight of the realm - and as such the queen can make them sinless but she can also revoke the title so the sin returns to them...

These things that i have written about sin in the lower half of this post regurgitate the ideas of Matthew Delooze , i dont know if i have adequately understood his ideas , thus im unsure if Ive made them justice trough my words above

Yes im aware of hammurabis laws and the 42 laws of confessions that precedes the biblical accounts of sin , but im talking about the concept of sin as a whole including the Egyptian version of the 42 laws of confessions And "Maat" aswell as the hindu and buddishm versions aswell.
Could be, could be...

Only a couple of questions. First, whatever its nature, can karma still kick my ass? The answer seems to be yes. Second, can I recover the memory of having agreed to the arrangement? Because, if I can't, the whole edifice of agreements is but a neo-gnostic parable. Interesting and involved, yes. But in what way useful to me? What sets it apart from the many others on the spiritual market?


Jul 4, 2024
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Could be, could be...

Only a couple of questions. First, whatever its nature, can karma still kick my ass? The answer seems to be yes. Second, can I recover the memory of having agreed to the arrangement? Because, if I can't, the whole edifice of agreements is but a neo-gnostic parable. Interesting and involved, yes. But in what way useful to me? What sets it apart from the many others on the spiritual market?

Could be, could be...

Only a couple of questions. First, whatever its nature, can karma still kick my ass? The answer seems to be yes. Second, can I recover the memory of having agreed to the arrangement? Because, if I can't, the whole edifice of agreements is but a neo-gnostic parable. Interesting and involved, yes. But in what way useful to me? What sets it apart from the many others on the spiritual market?
I believe during our visitation on planet earth we are subjected to a universal law we agreed upon a sort of cosmic democracy - we create nature/reality that is experienced by the collective as whole on the basis of what the majority of the collective subconsiousness are made to think up , we also create reality in small collective groups aswell as on a individual level all those levels co-mingle and entangled with each other ,

layers superimposed on layers of agreements. Science is the biggest and main provider of triggers on a 5 sense level that enforces everybody else to abide by the programmes set off by them , self realisation is the only way becuse when we cant access our innate allknowing and allbeing state then we all are slaves of cause and effect. Yes i believe we can recover all our memories and the only thing that prevents us from doing so is crafty multidimensionell techniques inflicted upon us by a cold and manipulating force that wants to keep us as a food source . That very same force needs to renew its enslavement over mankind during specific intervalls trough rituals that allows the control to stay intact . The way i was told is that a certain click of individuals foresaw the risk of being enslaved by another force so they kickstarted a counter measure in advance just in case it did in fact happen - well unfortunately it did , those ancients left triggers and instructions in ancient scriptures and others means which could only be activated when the time is right , Matthew Delooze claims that he is a member of a small number of individuals that agreed to help the inhabitants of this planet to set themselves free. He claims that without help trough triggers( that helps us remember who we are ) from a force that operates on a higher level than those who enslaved us an escape is not possible due to how complex it is to reverse engineer the multidimendionell hypnosis that engulfs mankind at the present.

He also said that the serpent can Coop with 1000 awakened people connected to the allknowing computer ( computer being a methaphore here )
But they couldnt coope with 1 million people connected to the allknowing computer, the collective power of that 1 million would blow them away

If the majority of the collective was put under a heightened trance whilst resonating on the same wavelength and they all said they wanted to access thetveor innate allknowing abilities the matrix would break instantly. Its universal law what we think we get - we get to cite Matthew Delooze sadly what we think is manipulated thud some force tricks us to create the reality they want by using our own minds to do so .


Jul 4, 2024
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Could be, could be...

Only a couple of questions. First, whatever its nature, can karma still kick my ass? The answer seems to be yes. Second, can I recover the memory of having agreed to the arrangement? Because, if I can't, the whole edifice of agreements is but a neo-gnostic parable. Interesting and involved, yes. But in what way useful to me? What sets it apart from the many others on the spiritual market?
Matthew Delooze also recommends self prayer, talk with yourself and make sure you really want to see the truth and learn to put your deep seated emotions into those self prayers and the truth must come to pass trough the desires of your own heart so Matthew Delooze cautious us

To make sure that our desires is our own and not somebody elses.

He also posef he question what if the scam is for the serpent that in order to dumb us down and keep us dumbed down all they need to do is to anchor our emotions towards something they themselves created , we are dumbed down because we invest so much emotion towards all the various serpents templates trough occultism, trough religion, trough science , trough matrix spirituality, trough politics , trough entertainment and so on and so forth...

We do not need to excel towards to the truth becuse the truth is in us we only have to remember who we are , much easier said than dont though


Aug 17, 2023
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I believe during our visitation on planet earth we are subjected to a universal law we agreed upon a sort of cosmic democracy - we create nature/reality that is experienced by the collective as whole on the basis of what the majority of the collective subconsiousness are made to think up , we also create reality in small collective groups aswell as on a individual level all those levels co-mingle and entangled with each other ,

layers superimposed on layers of agreements. Science is the biggest and main provider of triggers on a 5 sense level that enforces everybody else to abide by the programmes set off by them , self realisation is the only way becuse when we cant access our innate allknowing and allbeing state then we all are slaves of cause and effect. Yes i believe we can recover all our memories and the only thing that prevents us from doing so is crafty multidimensionell techniques inflicted upon us by a cold and manipulating force that wants to keep us as a food source . That very same force needs to renew its enslavement over mankind during specific intervalls trough rituals that allows the control to stay intact . The way i was told is that a certain click of individuals foresaw the risk of being enslaved by another force so they kickstarted a counter measure in advance just in case it did in fact happen - well unfortunately it did , those ancients left triggers and instructions in ancient scriptures and others means which could only be activated when the time is right , Matthew Delooze claims that he is a member of a small number of individuals that agreed to help the inhabitants of this planet to set themselves free. He claims that without help trough triggers( that helps us remember who we are ) from a force that operates on a higher level than those who enslaved us an escape is not possible due to how complex it is to reverse engineer the multidimendionell hypnosis that engulfs mankind at the present.

He also said that the serpent can Coop with 1000 awakened people connected to the allknowing computer ( computer being a methaphore here )
But they couldnt coope with 1 million people connected to the allknowing computer, the collective power of that 1 million would blow them away

If the majority of the collective was put under a heightened trance whilst resonating on the same wavelength and they all said they wanted to access thetveor innate allknowing abilities the matrix would break instantly. Its universal law what we think we get - we get to cite Matthew Delooze sadly what we think is manipulated thud some force tricks us to create the reality they want by using our own minds to do so .
A rather wordy way to recur to the hoary old notion of "implied consent." This one is fairly imaginative and does add an element of drama to our present rabbit-in-a hutch existence.

Where does Delooze want to go with this? From saints to snake-oil salesmen, this planet has a plethora of messiahs who all want to "set us free." How does he see that playing out?


Jul 4, 2024
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A rather wordy way to recur to the hoary old notion of "implied consent." This one is fairly imaginative and does add an element of drama to our present rabbit-in-a hutch existence.

Where does Delooze want to go with this? From saints to snake-oil salesmen, this planet has a plethora of messiahs who all want to "set us free." How does he see that playing out?
Good question mate, i dont know , i havent a bloody clue the number one question that perplexes me is how comes that once upon a time the serpents clicked their fingers and we were instantly rendered asleep not knowing our arse from our elbow but when we want to wake up from the cluster of hypnosis we have to reverse engineer end less of contracts and spell sweve been subjected to , something doesnt add up here , i truly believe that Matthew Delooze is genuine as far as he's aware , but i cannot 100 % vouch for those who sent him to spread what he considered is truth.do i believe Matthews content is genuine ? Yes i believe that most of it are truly revolutionary , but does it have enough horse power to truly set is free or does he share just enough to spark our interest by having us to connect to to the messiah savier archetype and thus hamper us in our efforts to truly break free Im truly sick and feed up with messiahs and being told we have to wait for everything to click into place before sn escape can occure . And how come that messiahs are not on level par with the intelligence and awareness of those who sent them throughout history ( have you noticed that) maybe its so they themselves can be manipulated and pass on the manipulation to the collective subconsiousness . I suppose it also caters to the ego to be told youve been chosen , but chosen by whom ? How can someone accept to be chosen and at the same time not be submissive towards the very same notion , to be chosen youd have to believe there are someone above you in rank and importance , but to Matthew Delooze's defence he does t claim to be chosen ( he agreed willingly to help) and also he claims that we are the same source, we all have equal awareness , its just that we've been manipulated to give our powers away . He also claims that the truth will come one day and when it does it will cut trough all the imprisoning dimensions and lies like a knife cuts trough butter , like a their in the night :) but that cannot happen until he he completes his journey that he was sent to carry out.


Oct 23, 2021
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I heard soul contracts can end with no contact with those souls and avoiding them but that's just one of the degrees of this matrix's code
Is it possible to bypass or pass this completely ?
I mean how does it's calculation system works?
I don't think it's just simple action reaction thing and it has a karmic score and memory to it too...
I personally want to understand this deeply and close it's book for good. because my soul urges to end my existence in this realm and I'm tired of this dimension and wants to go to higher planes , at the same time as you mentioned already a little about the 'sin' theory in the the first post
This karmic matrix it's like as you wanna ascend and grow your soul out of its limited attributes keeps sending reversal codes to it
Temptation, anger,lust, no matter how I keep my self sane
At the same time my soul is in state of complete observation of the all of what is happening and not even vibrate with it.
My reading background in general is more near to the gnostic reality , and the more I go forward the more I understand that there is very simple truths about all of these that I'm not still have the key to unlock them or these material are one the topics that kept hidden secret by those who we know well to keep souls trapped here
Please enlighten me on how can this karmic matrix will be bypassed
I already passed the time matrix and there is something of a calling that tells me I can/I have to pass the karma matrix system too...
Thanks a lot for your very informing original post 🙏🏻


Jul 4, 2024
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I heard soul contracts can end with no contact with those souls and avoiding them but that's just one of the degrees of this matrix's code
Is it possible to bypass or pass this completely ?
I mean how does it's calculation system works?
I don't think it's just simple action reaction thing and it has a karmic score and memory to it too...
I personally want to understand this deeply and close it's book for good. because my soul urges to end my existence in this realm and I'm tired of this dimension and wants to go to higher planes , at the same time as you mentioned already a little about the 'sin' theory in the the first post
This karmic matrix it's like as you wanna ascend and grow your soul out of its limited attributes keeps sending reversal codes to it
Temptation, anger,lust, no matter how I keep my self sane
At the same time my soul is in state of complete observation of the all of what is happening and not even vibrate with it.
My reading background in general is more near to the gnostic reality , and the more I go forward the more I understand that there is very simple truths about all of these that I'm not still have the key to unlock them or these material are one the topics that kept hidden secret by those who we know well to keep souls trapped here
Please enlighten me on how can this karmic matrix will be bypassed
I already passed the time matrix and there is something of a calling that tells me I can/I have to pass the karma matrix system too...
Thanks a lot for your very informing original post 🙏🏻
Hello mate, good questions , i havent the slightest clue as to most of the questions you have raised.

But if we are indeed allknowing and all being than any contract or transaction between one or more parties cannot contain or give you something you had to begin with from the perspective of non temporality.Theres no higher force than ourselves imo. Its absurd to think that the creator should be subservient to his own creation , that doesnt make any sense. But if indeed we had put into place certain laws that pawns the road of reversal difficult , then i suppose the best way to circumnavigate that would be to utilise the law that we have ordained to this realm in order to clean the mud of confusion that currently prevents us to access our full inate abilities - if indeed this realm answers to the law of attraction , then its our greatest weapon we can employ to our disposal .

Your hearts desire must come to pass , do self prayer, and learn to desire to wanting be free above else , learn to really put your emotions into that desire , do self prayer , talk to yourself everyday and make sure your desire is strong and consistent, if you that then the universe for want of a better term will open roads for you it will give the desired means to make a full Escape possible in the future.

My sincere opinion about gnostisicm is that is nothing more than good cop vs bad cop with cosmic proportions, all the words religions and spiritual practices where created to enslave mankind rather than free it.

Before humanity was fully entrapped , some individuals within the collective subconsiousness subconsiousness laid out triggers in ancient scriptures aswell as within plants ( certain plants can store more information than any device made by man ), books can be destroyed , but when the serpent tried to destroy the plants by burning them the seeds sometimes survived and germinated again .

There was nothing holy about the aforementioned scriptures , they just contained triggers that reminded you about your past
The serpent hijacked those books and scriptures
try to liken the universe with all its inherent energies and potentials expressions as a fully painted painting signed with the initials of the human race. then try to imagine a cunning force force erasing the intials of the human race, and then doing slight modifications to the painting by putting into it ( sun and serpent worship themes) and finally putting its own intials on the painting by proclaiming it as such to the majority of the collective consiousness – thus all energy that humans emitt goes to them , becuse our subconsiousness interept it as they are the creators of of Everything in motion including us. they get us to Think them up as our creators . its the greatest con ever invented. they hijack our subconsiounsess and manipulate it to create a reality script that supports them as rulers over us trough our own free will .

I do not know if Matthew Delooze is a gate keeper or not , sometimes i feel he is , sometimes i feel theres just no way...but i advice you to never fully give away your powers to anyone be they named Matthew Delooze or something else, always take proper precautions by having doubts.

we created a mean to travel interdimensionally trough our thoughts , we thought up the means to enter planet earth and we thought up a means to exit planet Earth so we could return to were we orginally came from. try to imagine that the frausters has hijacked those means so it leads us to their dimensions upon Death, only for the sole purpose of recycling back to earth in a never ending cycle .

Now if i recall correctly , Matthew mentioned there was two energy lines that ran across the globe those energy lines could recieve energy and information from the allknowing home , but only those who arent fully fully compromissed by the multidimensional hypnosis could connect and access them , the serpent destroyed these energy lines a long time ago and possible replaced them with their own , Matthews work is in part geared towards the recreation and reopening of those energy lines . His own unique totality of the archetypes he represents is on a prolonged journey to make all the serpents archetypes succumb to the forces Matthew Delooze represents its only when he's successfully managed to reverse engineer all the multidimensionell hypnosis that direct help and i instructions that aid an escape will be given to those who desire to be free.


Oct 20, 2023
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layers upon layers of agreements

Are the agreements consensual? If they are not, then, can they be considered agreements?

Question: How is an individual going to be able to make an informed decision ( which would lead to informed consent for the agreement ) about the version of reality they are choosing to inhabit?


Jul 4, 2024
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Are the agreements consensual? If they are not, then, can they be considered agreements?

Question: How is an individual going to be able to make an informed decision ( which would lead to informed consent for the agreement ) about the version of reality they are choosing to inhabit?
Hello mate , every individual made individual agreements to how that individual should relate to himself, every individual also made individual agreements to how he should relate to small collective groups and every individual made individual agreements on how he should relate to one or many soul group collective subconsiousness aswell, that is what i meant by layer upon layer that are superimposed on each other.

I wouldnt say they are sound agreements based on a enlightened perspective,

Becuse as Matthew said its free will to get drunk in a bar whether you know youre endorsing a hangover or not

Perhaps we decided to disconnect from the allknowing home to experience limitation just for the sake of it , now imagine when humanity decided to do so they agreed upon inhabiting a simulation domain with very limited frequency and vibration fields ( frequency and vibration functions as methaphoric descriptions in this analogy)

Then try to imagine that another soul group agreed upon experiencing limitation trough a vastly broader frequency and vibration field

Wouldnt it be so easy for that other soul group to convince mankind that they were gods that created them ?

Something happend to us before time began we somehow got hijacked and another force implemented a very thought out plan to continuously recieve our free will towards our own enslavement at the hands of enslavers

They do this by conning us to participate in sun and serpent rituals of worship that correspond with certain sun and moon cycles.

But Yes they do have to inform us about what they are doing to us due to the law of free will but they target our subconsiousness with symbolism that we may not fully understand on a consiousness level , nevertheless that information enters the subconsiousness of everyone that choose to participate in the ritual, in that way every ritual becomes sanctioned trough free will


Oct 20, 2023
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Wouldnt it be so easy for that other soul group to convince mankind that they were gods that created them ?

Perhaps. Convincing all of mankind seems a bit far-fetched to me. And if we're talking about gods, as time goes on, and knowledge of science and logic increases, naturally, it will become more and more difficult to convince anyone of any gods.

Something happend to us before time began we somehow got hijacked and another force implemented a very thought out plan to continuously recieve our free will towards our own enslavement at the hands of enslavers

I think this is a worthy theory or a thought experiment. But I can't go any further than that.

They do this by conning us to participate in sun and serpent rituals of worship that correspond with certain sun and moon cycles.

Not in the circles I run in.

But Yes they do have to inform us about what they are doing

If you say so.


Jul 4, 2024
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Perhaps. Convincing all of mankind seems a bit far-fetched to me. And if we're talking about gods, as time goes on, and knowledge of science and logic increases, naturally, it will become more and more difficult to convince anyone of any gods.
Matthew Delooze said that when the serpents updatees their own technology they also update ours in an effort to control humanity in a more efficient manner .
The academics have helped the agenda of the the demiurge by aiding him in controlling humanity rather than liberate it . Look around you the world is on the brink to destruction.
I think this is a worthy theory or a thought experiment. But I can't go any further than that.

Not in the circles I run in.
These things go very very deep and i only referred to the biggest ones , but we are bombarded with rituals all years round not just the equinoxes and summer solstices and i can assure some would have nestled you into their net , indeed many of which you wouldnt be able to see in a million years ( if you read some of Matthew Delooze's articles youd be humbled as i was im 110 % sure of that mate
Post automatically merged:

Perhaps. Convincing all of mankind seems a bit far-fetched to me. And if we're talking about gods, as time goes on, and knowledge of science and logic increases, naturally, it will become more and more difficult to convince anyone of any gods.

I think this is a worthy theory or a thought experiment. But I can't go any further than that.

Not in the circles I run in.

If you say so.
And they dont have to tell us everything on a physical level but they go to great length to ensure they receive spiritual permission to rule over humanity trough the rituals and that is simply becuse our physical world is a reflection of our spiritual thoughts
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Matthew Delooze said that when the serpents updatees their own technology they also update ours in an effort to control humanity in a more efficient manner .
The academics have helped the agenda of the the demiurge by aiding him in controlling humanity rather than liberate it . Look around you the world is on the brink to destruction.

These things go very very deep and i only referred to the biggest ones , but we are bombarded with rituals all years round not just the equinoxes and summer solstices and i can assure some would have nestled you into their net , indeed many of which you wouldnt be able to see in a million years ( if you read some of Matthew Delooze's articles youd be humbled as i was im 110 % sure of that mate
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And they dont have to tell us everything on a physical level but they go to great length to ensure they receive spiritual permission to rule over humanity trough the rituals and that is simply becuse our physical world is a reflection of our spiritual thoug
Perhaps. Convincing all of mankind seems a bit far-fetched to me. And if we're talking about gods, as time goes on, and knowledge of science and logic increases, naturally, it will become more and more difficult to convince anyone of any gods.

I think this is a worthy theory or a thought experiment. But I can't go any further than that.
Worthy theory how, you mean by transcending orderly time by incorpating it into a symbolic universe b where you think you create your own time as a sethian?

If you dont mean that then im sorry for misconstruing you but if you meant that then im talking about something far far deeper in scope
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And they dont have to convince all mankind , only the majority of the collective subconsiousness

In the ages old , almost everyone was practically religious in one way or another , so its not any stretch of imagination that they could have convinced 52 procent of the population.

Even today most of the world is religious mate
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Aug 17, 2023
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Perhaps. Convincing all of mankind seems a bit far-fetched to me. And if we're talking about gods, as time goes on, and knowledge of science and logic increases, naturally, it will become more and more difficult to convince anyone of any gods.

I think this is a worthy theory or a thought experiment. But I can't go any further than that.

Not in the circles I run in.

If you say so.
Convincing all of man's kinds would be a tall order. Convincing the dumbed-down menschenstoff that is emerging is rather less of a chore. Just a few years ago, most the world's population was eager to believe that a moderately troublesome strain of flu was Black Death II. Wags have described it as the "First Muenchausen Syndrome Pandemic." Technological sophistication is no shield against childish credulity.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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Just a few years ago, most the world's population was eager to believe that a moderately troublesome strain of flu was Black Death II.
May I remind you that Spanish flu (against which we had no vaccines) killed more people in one year than the Black Death did over its four year reign. Covid 'only' killed 5 to 17 million people, but we have no idea how many it would have gone on to kill without vaccines; maybe it would have killed as many as Spanish flu.

I'm not expecting any of the tin hat brigade to be convinced by this; I set it out only as a reminder. Also, Covid is unrelated to the flu virus.

As far as karma is concerned, like any aspect of a magical belief system, believing in it risks making it a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Oct 20, 2023
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Convincing the dumbed-down menschenstoff that is emerging is rather less of a chore

True. And you bring an excellent point, because, I did not account for the decreasing understanding of what it means to be a "god" as time goes on. The trend for most: Knowledge of science is inversely proportional to understanding divinity. If so, if knowledge of science is increasing, understanding of divinity is decreasing. Therefore, as time goes on, it gets easier to fool the masses, because they don't understand "that-which-is-targeting-them".

Perhaps I was hasty with my conclusion. Thank you, Xeno. Thank you very much.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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True. And you bring an excellent point, because, I did not account for the decreasing understanding of what it means to be a "god" as time goes on. The trend for most: Knowledge of science is inversely proportional to understanding divinity. If so, if knowledge of science is increasing, understanding of divinity is decreasing. Therefore, as time goes on, it gets easier to fool the masses, because they don't understand "that-which-is-targeting-them".

Perhaps I was hasty with my conclusion. Thank you, Xeno. Thank you very much.
Maybe I'm the only one, but my researches into science have actually increased my understanding of what divinity is. Although, in the words of Deep Thought: "You're not going to like it"


Jul 4, 2024
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Maybe I'm the only one, but my researches into science have actually increased my understanding of what divinity is. Although, in the words of Deep Thought: "You're not going to like it"
When an intelligent chess player forsee the way his opponent approach the game three moves ahead we call him astute and intelligent when nature does the same with the only exception that it is 1000 moves ahead we call it randomness

As the intelligence and drive to observe nature on behalf of human curiosity increases, so does our understanding of nature , which clearly shows that nature/Maya is predetermined to respond to the human intellect and awareness

My point being that nature is not random

Which brings me to my next point

What is difference between the ancient Egyptian elevating principles of nature by defying them as neters ( which is the Egyptian correspondent of the Jewish elohims btw) for example Whats is the difference of a religious worshipper that submits to the god atum who they believed to be everywhere in all things and a atheist who submits to the workings of nature or cause and effect - what the Egyptians called atum is known in science as the "atom" which is also present in all matter.

This worlds / matrix biggest trick was to convince mankind that they are insignificant in the grand scheme of things

Now some choose to adhere to science and others to religion

Pick your poison doesnt matter
Becuse both are part of a eloborate living design to entrapp the human spirit in eternal enslavement.