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Karma is part of a matrix simulation


Oct 20, 2023
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Maybe I'm the only one, but my researches into science have actually increased my understanding of what divinity is. Although, in the words of Deep Thought: "You're not going to like it"

100%. Me too. Math. Logic. Category theory. Biodiversity. Quantum Mechanics??? ( kill me now: kill me softly ) Light, waves. Trigonometry! The list goes on and on. Food science!

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
Reaction score
When an intelligent chess player forsee the way his opponent approach the game three moves ahead we call him astute and intelligent when nature does the same with the only exception that it is 1000 moves ahead we call it randomness

As the intelligence and drive to observe nature on behalf of human curiosity increases, so does our understanding of nature , which clearly shows that nature/Maya is predetermined to respond to the human intellect and awareness

My point being that nature is not random

Which brings me to my next point

What is difference between the ancient Egyptian elevating principles of nature by defying them as neters ( which is the Egyptian correspondent of the Jewish elohims btw) for example Whats is the difference of a religious worshipper that submits to the god atum who they believed to be everywhere in all things and a atheist who submits to the workings of nature or cause and effect - what the Egyptians called atum is known in science as the "atom" which is also present in all matter.

This worlds / matrix biggest trick was to convince mankind that they are insignificant in the grand scheme of things

Now some choose to adhere to science and others to religion

Pick your poison doesnt matter
Becuse both are part of a eloborate living design to entrapp the human spirit in eternal enslavement.
All I can say about your post is that it's not even wrong.


Aug 17, 2023
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May I remind you that Spanish flu (against which we had no vaccines) killed more people in one year than the Black Death did over its four year reign. Covid 'only' killed 5 to 17 million people, but we have no idea how many it would have gone on to kill without vaccines; maybe it would have killed as many as Spanish flu.

I'm not expecting any of the tin hat brigade to be convinced by this; I set it out only as a reminder. Also, Covid is unrelated to the flu virus.

As far as karma is concerned, like any aspect of a magical belief system, believing in it risks making it a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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May I remind you that Spanish flu (against which we had no vaccines) killed more people in one year than the Black Death did over its four year reign. Covid 'only' killed 5 to 17 million people, but we have no idea how many it would have gone on to kill without vaccines; maybe it would have killed as many as Spanish flu.

I'm not expecting any of the tin hat brigade to be convinced by this; I set it out only as a reminder. Also, Covid is unrelated to the flu virus.

As far as karma is concerned, like any aspect of a magical belief system, believing in it risks making it a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I was lumping them together on the basis of symptoms, which was unforgivably crude of me.

Spanish flu? Yes, me mum's brother died of it. What of it? You just said COVID is not flu, now you lump them back together. Make up your mind.

The vast majority of deaths were cases of comorbidity. Folks over 60 with other medical issues. In other words, the most dispensible part of the population. (I fall into this demographic being over 60 with hypertension. Fortunately for me personally, my case of COVID was not bad. As far as the planet goes, I am quite arguably superfluous.)

If you enjoy playing catamite to Chicken Little, enjoy. Next time, please leave the rest of us in our sandbox to putter as we please.
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Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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I was lumping them together on the basis of symptoms, which was unforgivably crude of me.

Spanish flu? Yes, me mum's brother died of it. What of it? You just said COVID is not flu, now you lump them back together. Make up your mind.

The vast majority of deaths were cases of comorbidity. Folks over 60 with other medical issues. In other words, the most dispensible part of the population. (I fall into this demographic being over 60 with hypertension. Fortunately for me personally, my case of COVID was not bad. As far as the planet goes, I am quite arguably superfluous.)

If you enjoy playing catamite to Chicken Little, enjoy. Next time, please leave the rest of us in our sandbox to putter as we please.
This thread has nothing to do with these illnesses so cease your blabbering.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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When an intelligent chess player forsee the way his opponent approach the game three moves ahead we call him astute and intelligent when nature does the same with the only exception that it is 1000 moves ahead we call it randomness

As the intelligence and drive to observe nature on behalf of human curiosity increases, so does our understanding of nature , which clearly shows that nature/Maya is predetermined to respond to the human intellect and awareness

My point being that nature is not random

Which brings me to my next point

What is difference between the ancient Egyptian elevating principles of nature by defying them as neters ( which is the Egyptian correspondent of the Jewish elohims btw) for example Whats is the difference of a religious worshipper that submits to the god atum who they believed to be everywhere in all things and a atheist who submits to the workings of nature or cause and effect - what the Egyptians called atum is known in science as the "atom" which is also present in all matter.

This worlds / matrix biggest trick was to convince mankind that they are insignificant in the grand scheme of things

Now some choose to adhere to science and others to religion

Pick your poison doesnt matter
Becuse both are part of a eloborate living design to entrapp the human spirit in eternal enslavement.
Like @Robert Ramsay I can’t even really say you’re wrong here, except for the last part. As a side note adhering to religion or adhering to science is not the same, but fine, you view them both as follies. So what then? What is the alternative?

Even in the absence of both, life is eternal slavery. Slavery to survival, and the suffering of existence. You can slave away for God, you can slave away for a corporation, or you can slave away for your next meal and shelter. What, really, is your point in all this?


Jul 4, 2024
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Like @Robert Ramsay I can’t even really say you’re wrong here, except for the last part. As a side note adhering to religion or adhering to science is not the same, but fine, you view them both as follies. So what then? What is the alternative?

Even in the absence of both, life is eternal slavery. Slavery to survival, and the suffering of existence. You can slave away for God, you can slave away for a corporation, or you can slave away for your next meal and shelter. What, really, is your point in all this?
First you need to realise to what extent we are controlled , the uncontrolled you could litterary create universes at a snap of a finger trough mere thought alone , instantly and i mean INSTANTLY.

Secondly when you try to rebell and break free its not just a individual struggle between you and the parasitic force that controls us its also a struggle between you and the mass collective energies of mankind which functions as a barrier or repeller of your individual efforts by simply over powering them , theres ways to overcome them, but everyone who currently threads that path has already kick started a process of an escape which the the universe must respect if its really in your heart desire to desire that ABOVE all else , its a lifelong journey full of traumas, but if we preservere theres absolutely nothing Holdingus back from reclaimimg out true powers .

Your hearts true spiritual desires must come to pass , none stays in a world where they dont want to be in in the long run the universe for lack of better term respect free will

So make sure the your desires are our own and not somebody elses

Now when it comes to science ...

When the serpents updates their own technology they also update ours and link them up in an effort to maximize their control over humanity

The limits of progressions in science in any era,century, decade is solely reliant and a direct reflection of the mass thought content inherit in the mass collective subconsiousness of the human

Most of the inspirations behind worlds discoveries are actually downloaded into the mass collective hivemind by the parasitic controllers , indeed they are not unique inventions at all , humans just channel them , any invention that can help mankind by any independent human being will never see the light of the day , they'll make sure of it.

The scientists are the main providers of triggers on five sense level that forces the majority of the collective consiousness to abide by the programs thst are set of by them ...what lovely chaps these soulless scientists are whos aided the demiurge far more than helping the human race..

The multidimensionell hypnosis could be broken in an instant if the majority of the collective subconsiousness where put under a heightened trance and was made to resonate on the same wavelength whilst all of them thinking that they want to access their allknowing and allbeing state , the fabric of the matrix would break instantly.

They know that collective subconsiousness of mankind create their own reality , so it serves the parasitic force to hijack the collective subconsiousness and trick it to do their bidding they actually use the collective subconsiousness mankind by manipulating it to create their reality instead of ours , its the greatest mindfuck ever invented.

This post is largely inspired by Matthew Delooze s insighrs


Jan 19, 2022
Reaction score
The Wachowski's Matrix films have to be one of the worst things to happen to pop culture in a long time.

I mean the 1st one was great but it's not worth having to deal with all the derivative nonsense that has spun out of it.

There have been countless theories here that rip it off to some degree and I think about 2 of them are recent including this one.

Part Matrix, Part Gnosticism, Part Reptilian Conspiracy.

I might would be entertained if this type of fantasy was ever actually creative and not just rehashing what others have said over and over and over.

I can't believe I sort long for the days of tales with Black Astral Parasitic Octopuses because at least that was sort of original.


Jul 4, 2024
Reaction score
The Wachowski's Matrix films have to be one of the worst things to happen to pop culture in a long time.

I mean the 1st one was great but it's not worth having to deal with all the derivative nonsense that has spun out of it.

There have been countless theories here that rip it off to some degree and I think about 2 of them are recent including this one.

Part Matrix, Part Gnosticism, Part Reptilian Conspiracy.

I might would be entertained if this type of fantasy was ever actually creative and not just rehashing what others have said over and over and over.

I can't believe I sort long for the days of tales with Black Astral Parasitic Octopuses because at least that was sort of original.
Anyone that tells you theres someone more powerful than you are simply doing you a disfavour by aiding your sleep. The matrix movie just like most occultists ( although many occultists are not aware of it ) promotes the messiah archetype of a serpent controlled icon or force ( the sun god) to both silence or hijack/controll the impulse of anyone that want to break free aswell as a nessecary control mechanism to keep in check the integral anamoly which the serpent cult cannot destroy , that anamoly that is ever present is represented trough free will. Neo never broke free from the matrix as a matter of fact neo largely represents many of the hermetics and so called luciferists of the world.
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The archetype of enslavement needs to be renewed periodically , hence the set of rituals that accompanies them
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The archetype of enslavement or the sun god needs to be renewed periodically , hence the set of rituals that accompanies them

They were created to control the impulse of those who wants to be free.

Hence all those punters whove been sucked in to the narrative that you need to be reborn again crap to be like a god trough symbolic initiation rites.
The Wachowski's Matrix films have to be one of the worst things to happen to pop culture in a long time.

I mean the 1st one was great but it's not worth having to deal with all the derivative nonsense that has spun out of it.

There have been countless theories here that rip it off to some degree and I think about 2 of them are recent including this one.

Part Matrix, Part Gnosticism, Part Reptilian Conspiracy.

I might would be entertained if this type of fantasy was ever actually creative and not just rehashing what others have said over and over and over.

I can't believe I sort long for the days of tales with Black Astral Parasitic Octopuses because at least that was sort of original.
Next them dont try your preconcievef judgement Sway your
The Wachowski's Matrix films have to be one of the worst things to happen to pop culture in a long time.

I mean the 1st one was great but it's not worth having to deal with all the derivative nonsense that has spun out of it.

There have been countless theories here that rip it off to some degree and I think about 2 of them are recent including this one.

Part Matrix, Part Gnosticism, Part Reptilian Conspiracy.

I might would be entertained if this type of fantasy was ever actually creative and not just rehashing what others have said over and over and over.

I can't believe I sort long for the days of tales with Black Astral Parasitic Octopuses because at least that was sort of original.
How your preconcieved ideas of multidimensionell hypnosis led you to conflate my posts with the ideas propohated by the matrix movie or gnosticism is quite hilarious given that they are in complete opposition to the ideas conveyed im my posts.

Gnosticism believe in a true creator as opposed to the demiurge - im saying they are goodcop vs bad cop on a cosmic level.

Matrix promotes the sun god archetype and the illuminated clicks that has united with the parasitic force trough symbolic death and rebirth rituals. Let me make something straight to the so called deluded "enlightened" egos out there

The only difference between the subtle or the gross or the initiated man vs the initiated man is how high or how low they are situated within the matrix ladder that constitutes the reptilians matrix universe - the initiated man has prolonged chains that allows room for a broader navigatation and exploration of the matrix cells whereas the unintiated has less restricted navigation access , apart from that - they are enslaved just the same though
The last methaphore of the ladder was in part inspired by Matthew Delooze i just built a fitting narrative around it

This post as a whole is also mostly inspired by the content Matthew Delooze has produced , although i may noy hold the adequate awareness to make them justice and i also preserve the right to say that i med gjt have misinterepted some of matts ideas
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Theres also a very sound explanation to the subject of so called "reptilians" that is misunderstood.

But ill wait a for a little while before explaining it, i want to see the "intellectual orginality" of hose who mock it in full display
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Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
Reaction score
Sorry, folks. I can't be reading any more of these nonsense walls of text from people who claim to know the secrets of creation, but don't seem to have even a passing acquaintance with actual reality.


Jul 4, 2024
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Sorry, folks. I can't be reading any more of these nonsense walls of text from people who claim to know the secrets of creation, but don't seem to have even a passing acquaintance with actual reality.
I dont not claim to know the secrets of creation as a matter of fact im totalt dumbed down to the level of an ape , not knowing my arse from from my elbow so to speak , but its sickening to witness how many defend their programming by thinking they are above of being put into a deep deep multidimensionell spell and its also get very tiresome to have occultists that have litterary read a whole library but cant seem to think up a unique thought of their own parroting others peoples work but in their own heads they see themselves as an authority that can decide Whats nonsense and not nonsense - the guy above you definitely misconstrued me on many levels.
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Sorry, folks. I can't be reading any more of these nonsense walls of text from people who claim to know the secrets of creation, but don't seem to have even a passing acquaintance with actual reality.
I dont not claim to know the secrets of creation as a matter of fact im totalt dumbed down to the level of an ape , not knowing my arse from from my elbow so to speak , but its sickening to witness how many defend their programming by thinking they are above of being put into a deep deep multidimensionell spell and its also get very tiresome to have occultists that have litterary read a whole library but cant seem to think up a unique thought of their own parroting others peoples work but in their own heads they see themselves as an authority that can decide Whats nonsense and not nonsense - the guy above you definitely misconstrued me on many levels.

Sorry, folks. I can't be reading any more of these nonsense walls of text from people who claim to know the secrets of creation, but don't seem to have even a passing acquaintance with actual reality.
And you might aswell eloborate on Whats nonsense becuse from where im standing standing it seems as i struck a nerve .
To be honest you definitely struck a nerve within me , ill just leave it there because you definitely dont want it to disgust you as it disgusted me

No bigger slave than one who falsely believe his free

I know im a slave and i want to suit being one , seems that a few dont share that sentiment on here
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Why dont you enlighten us to the workings of reality since you have a aquaintance with its workings mate im all ears, i can at least say that i have two threads with unique content that was entirely produced trough my own observations , the first half of the first post in the karma thread and the thread about good contra evil . I have never run into those observations elsewhere , as a matter of fact i know that they dont exist elsewhere simply becuse i was the sole benefactor of the content therein , they were produced entirely trough my own thoughts streams.
but when you do aquaint us with the working of reality please use your own thoughts or insights or will we gain the aquaintance trough others observations and insights masking as your own mate?

I havent just spread the profound material of Matthew Delooze , Ive actually demonstrated that i can also produce my own. I'd love to hear your own enlightened thoughts mate dont be sht
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Oct 20, 2023
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Why dont you enlighten us to the workings of reality

Start with a nearly infinite pool of possibilities which includes everything you and any of us can imagine and more...


Aug 17, 2023
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Sorry, folks. I can't be reading any more of these nonsense walls of text from people who claim to know the secrets of creation, but don't seem to have even a passing acquaintance with actual reality.
I ran across a fitting turn of phrase here, "Authority on everything; expert in nothing." I wouldn't necessarily tar OP with that brush. I can't find a point of purchase on his ideas. This could be my failing, however. I am too abstract-minded to grasp many abstractions.


Jul 4, 2024
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Hello mate. The designation of being a jack of all trades is far to flattering. Im to Daft and dumb for even that lesser allotment to apply in my case , indeed some of my former life choices can attest to that fact , apart from the content which i claimed was mine, all other ideas are the result of Matthew Delooze's crafty pen strokes , albeit perhaps a bit tainted by my insufficient grasp of his content.

Matthew Delooze writes in a very very watered form , each and every one of his articles build upon each other like a systematic counter spell approach to reverse engineer different layers of mulltidimensionell hypnosis that mankind suffers from .

They are filled with counter magic and utterances and even minor details such as the symbolic names of the titles of his articles and the pictures that accompanies them play a massive role for the proper categorisation and integration in the subconsiouss minds on behalf of the readers , hence reading his articles in the order they were produced can only greatly benefit the reader of his articles. One of his advanced articles amount to 160+ pages and are filled with such levels of abstractions and relevant connections between every abstraction that most content produced by occult websites are put to absolute shame by a measure of comparison (including this one)

and he claims that even on that level of abstraction hes just gone one or two notches deeper , theres still many many levels to unravel but to do so would fall on dead ears and blind eyes as the vast majority of humans dont have the sufficient intelligence to take it in , in his own words it would be like trying to put a warehouse full of information into the the size of a matchbox its litterary impossible for him to do so at this moment in time . Sometimes my passion gets the best out of me , i know fully well that im not the sharpest knife in the toolbox, and that there alot of people way smarter than me on this forum. I suffer from no delusions im that regard

but honestly and sincerely theres just something very very deep that surface in me from time time , more of a deep transcending feeling and intuitive knowing rather than a concrete intelligence , when that feeling hits me , i just instinctively know if the content someone holds benefits an escape or if it would cater to the appeasement of the mental content projected and fashioned into the fake universe of the reptilians hive mind . There are very many that run the errands of the reptilians matrix whilst claiming to do the complete opposite and thats fine if thats what they want to do , after all everyone have their own free will , its just a bit frustrating to run into folks that will stone the messengers ( not me personally but Matthew Delooze) even though they wouldnt be able to see some of the content matts produced in a million years , like for example Robert Ramsay whos feathers were ruffled and opted to ridicule without offering any counter point or constructive criticism. I am sorry if i overreacted.

Now i have thought about the reptilians ,theres alot that mocks the reptilians theory and i can only partly agree it doesnt make any sense for a supposed controller of a matrix universe to abide to a physical form much less that of a reptilian when they can shape shift at any given moment and travel from one spot in the universe to the next in a blink of an eye , the reptilians are spirit awareness just like we are the only reason they abide to physical form has do to with 2 things

1.first memory of contact with the human race
That was how they presented themselves to the human race when they claimed to be superior

That first memory of contact was followed up with a set of manuals to honour and worship them trough rituals that they introduced to mankind.

2. They have to anchor themselves to a physical form and connect all ingredients of worship to that form or else when the collective subconsiousness participate in rituals in their honour the energy would not know where to flow it would scatter all over the place and as a result of a high level of abstraction the collective subconsiousness mind would fail to redirect it where they want it to go.

Now those who have remained ignorant of the above in relation to the reptilians theory , can laugh all they want for the reptilians are laughing way harder

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
Reaction score
I ran across a fitting turn of phrase here, "Authority on everything; expert in nothing." I wouldn't necessarily tar OP with that brush. I can't find a point of purchase on his ideas. This could be my failing, however. I am too abstract-minded to grasp many abstractions.
...or maybe in looking for a point of purchase, you're searching for something that just isn't there...


Jul 4, 2024
Reaction score
I ran across a fitting turn of phrase here, "Authority on everything; expert in nothing." I wouldn't necessarily tar OP with that brush. I can't find a point of purchase on his ideas. This could be my failing, however. I am too abstract-minded to grasp many abstractions.
Hi mate im certainly not a jack of all trades , im to Daft for even that lesser designation . Apart from the content which i claimed was mine Most other ideas are from Matthew Delooze albeit perhaps tainted somewhat by my insufficient grasp of his ideas.
Matthew writes in a very very watered form , its the only way he can reach trough the subconsiousness of the hypnorised in a efficient manner , each of his articles are very symbolic and build upon each other as a systematic chain of counter spells and utterances , therefore the reading of his articles in the order they were produced could aid the reader in the best possible way. Having read one of his more advanced article consisting of 160+ pages i can safely and sound proclaim that the level of abstraction and deep thought shown trough his creative pen far surpasses anything that this site can offer , and he only claimed to have gone a notch or two deeper in that Article and that there where still many many nitches yet to unravel but which would evade the comprehension of his readers , he has mentioned before that trying to convert his knowledge and make it readily understood by the masses would be like trying to fit a warehouse information in a matchbox - its litterary impossible at the current moment given the level of intellect most human beings possess

I have to be honest though ....im a very Daft individual and stupid , indeed some of my former life choices can attest to tht fact but even so theres just something very very deep in my that comes to surface at times , a deep deep knowing more of a intuitive feeling rather than something intellectually concrete ...when that feeling is present ...i feel as though the universe itself with all its grandiosa is something like a insignificant
I ran across a fitting turn of phrase here, "Authority on everything; expert in nothing." I wouldn't necessarily tar OP with that brush. I can't find a point of purchase on his ideas. This could be my failing, however. I am too abstract-minded to grasp many abstractions.

...or maybe in looking for a point of purchase, you're searching for something that just isn't there...
For all the spiritual awareness you have Im sure youd be troubled to peel of the surface of a rice pudding ..parrot