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Luck, money and success

Sep 9, 2021
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Why do some do so well in life and some do so badly in life?
I agree with Earl Nightinggale, but I think he doesn't explain the scope about how to get out of sinking quicksand.
Is there a point where income ceases, and if so how and why?


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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Why do some do so well in life and some do so badly in life?
Everyone will have a reason for this.
Most will probably cite "karma", some will mention "your choices" and other might even say "connections" but honestly I think it is due to a myriad of reasons that might have all of those answers or none of them.

Timing, connections(socialization), skills, knowledge and luck are factors that play big on someone's success in life.
It's hard to keep up to all of that specially when you're someone already down on your luck or with downsides like lack of attention, depression or with other issues that society hardly looks at kindly.

Life is chaotic even if that chaos follows an order.

Earl Nightinggale
Who's that?
Sep 9, 2021
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Earl Nightingale was a pioneer speaker on Success and Thought Control, Attitude, he gave a series of lectures to help people become successful, whatever that may have meant to them as success.
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He and Napoleon Hill go pretty much hand in hand.
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I could even go so far as to say "why are the men in my family line so tough, and me soft as a moth?". Same answer, many factors contribute to a result. My family came from Scotland and Ireland to Canada/America, so they took up farming here, which implied to me they were farmers back before the potato famine and plagues and such. So Im sure resilience over time for one.
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Staying on topic, I think income ceases for one or both reasons: people give up, or people dont create channels for wealth/money to flow through.
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Aug 2, 2022
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Why do some do so well in life and some do so badly in life?
I agree with Earl Nightinggale, but I think he doesn't explain the scope about how to get out of sinking quicksand.
Is there a point where income ceases, and if so how and why?
If you are talking of people such as self made millionaires, its really the attitude that is the main component of their success. Such attitude in rags to riches stories often is accumulated in such people who have lived in projects (Eric Thomas) or had to swipe gum from the floor (Kevin O´Leary) or even those that were completely homeless (Chris Gardener). At some point a switch was flipped in their brains and they turned into beasts. I would say this is mostly due to reptilian part of their brain acting up, just like what happened to Beck Weathers on Everest in 96.

Arnold once said Ignorance and Confidence are the key, but also self reliance. I often try to imagine what would it feel like not to have parents through self-suggestion.


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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people such as self made millionaires
Many so called "self made millionaires" though are either children of people with money or got rich through scams(specially the whole crypto/NFT boom that happened and all the rug pulls after, but we also have the contrepreneurs that sell lies and expensive courses where they "teach you" how to get rich too).

I would say that in the end the way to become rich(legally) is:
  • Find a problem/niche that no one else is dealing with or very few are dealing with
  • Develop the skills necessary
  • Advertise yourself and keep improving
Of course that things like consistency and hard work are also necessary as you don't build a reputation in a single night.

The only legal way to get rich fast is through the lottery.
You can get rich fast illegaly.
You can get rich(one day) if you play the right cards and know what you're doing(and probably if you invest in stock and such but that is risky and demands a deep knowledge of the market).
You can get "comfortable" if you have a job that is on high demand and/or you are known to be a great worker.

It also depends on the area(s) you're looking to work in, I suppose.


Aug 31, 2021
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If Life has meaning, it may be as well to deserve wealth e.g. by adding value to society and ecosystems

On the other hand, attempting to take what is not deserved may trigger Life to restore balance: Easy come, easy go


Jun 30, 2021
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OP's question to why is simple: otherwise life is to boring to watch and live. everytime humanity almost falls asleep some dipshit turn 100 and inventd something new. first there was someone we now call god and he invented woman. how long are you guys mesmerized? so long we are now having to invent new genders cause damn sex is fun.
then we had fire. ask the zoroastreans how fun playing with fire is. they are old and live now as moslem humans hidden in sufi cults or play lucifarian or better lucifer himself. cause well you gotta teach them fire hurts. and they still do cause its fun.
same with booze, tried to stop it now we got gangwars to make it more fun.

so learn what human you are. i found out i totally am not interested in money, just not. so i can do money spells and whatnot, but when i put a spell on for lets say 1000 i get about 50 out of it. when someone with a more interest in money does the same thing it goes x10. and seeing that one make that amount makes me more happy then the 50 i got. so imho thats riches in several forms growing.

@Roma: ive seen lol go ofline and i didnt lol. demiranda got his golden football back though. some stupid lhp lady dropped it, her skirt was to short so she didnt dare bending on her knees to get it back.

im still team freedom and those are really my riches


Nov 29, 2023
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Why do some do so well in life and some do so badly in life?
I agree with Earl Nightinggale, but I think he doesn't explain the scope about how to get out of sinking quicksand.
Is there a point where income ceases, and if so how and why?
I think our purpose is the main factor. I believe we have free will so choice has an impact in ways but if someones purpose is to not be wealthy, they won't be no matter what they do and how hard they try. Also, because of their purpose, their choices are influenced by personality and externals which you can surmise that if there is a purpose aspect, that will have cause and effect. After all, success is determined by other people helping you. If you want a job, someone has to give it to you. If you have a business, someone has to choose to buy your product or service from you.
I agree that if you put in a lot of effort and make good choices and have people who will help, you will be more likely to be successful. If all those aspects are not met, you won't be, at least financial success. I used to believe that it was all up to the person, the American dream so to speak. Until I tried business's that were considered viable and I did the right things according to business and I exuded the right type of personality to sell it and it just didn't work out. I watched motivational videos all the time, had the "success mindset" and all. Then in jobs, I found people in authority were often threatened by my confidence, courage and respectful questioning of policies or practices that did not make sense for the business. Now if I was at another work place with other people in authority, I may have advanced, but there, I did not because the people in authority did not want to help me even though I produced results for them. I have had other jobs where I was surrounded by negative people which has a huge impact on your happiness as well as success in that environment.
:) After a lot of study I found that many people do what it takes but don't get the results. They say statistically that most entrepreneurs fail in several business before they succeed. Those are the ones that succeed. The statistics are not that they all succeed eventually...lol Being in the right place at the right time obviously can have a huge impact and we can never know where and when to be for sure and others play a role in it. Of course we should never give up as how would we know the purpose right? Maybe it is to change at some point! My mindset is success is happiness, if you have that, you are successful. Many people with wealth are not happy after all, take a look around, much of their time is spent on validation and they can become reliant on it for happiness. True happiness comes from within, not externals and it is the most difficult for may to find unfortunately. My thoughts on it...
Sep 9, 2021
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Great thoughts indeed. Great points made. One job i had shortly before resigning had my mindset on how to make my then boss disappear.
Sep 9, 2021
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Horrid bosses bring down morale of the team. He honestly wasn't that bad of a guy but he and I had constant friction. I can shoulder 75 percent of the burden, but the rest was all on him. Bosses always want least labor costs and high positive metrics. Most coworkers always tried to do the least amount of work and redirect those tickets to me. Yet every convo we had always made it seem to be my issue. I actually tried to entirely resolve the issue, and for that matter would always involve an engineer.


Oct 29, 2023
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The work situation is pretty bad in my country as well, i took the brunt of the short stick a few times too,drove me mad.
In fact i still catch my self in imaginary shout matches on jobs i left a while ago.
I started off in a semi- joking manner but you managed to twist my stance on the matter.
As a responsible employee/worker its only right to attack whatever element in work environment brings down the effectiveness or productivity.
Especially with the type of crap they like to pull around here.


Oct 12, 2023
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I believe that a soul has to reincarnate and go through all types of life lessons until it matures and ascends, stopping the cycle. So it's, well, fate. Some people will get super rich by pure luck, some will be rich through magick, some can't seem to get results no matter what they do.


Jul 18, 2023
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From study and self experience I think success magic is iffy. If you dont time it correctly and have product (this could be anything) you simply can't move. Sometimes all you can do is ask the universe to move for you. Not always are criterion are met.


Aug 31, 2021
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Luck, money and success

I suspect that "luck" is a concept used to stop thinking about life.

I knew the owner of a spiritual bookshop. He asked me about a spirit that appeared in his meditation.

I had a look at it and said: It is one of those spirits used in the middle ages to find lost treasure.

He replied that all his life he had won lotteries and raffles.

Personally I do not believe in randomness

Money is a problem. I see billionaires that are still after more. When they get older they often try to improve/rescue their reputations by giving away much of their unseemly wealth

Better perhaps to control the desire for wealth (and power)

Success is an odd thing. What is success? Good opinion of others? Achieving your goals regardless of worthiness? Having more than you need?

When you retire from working, much of that aura of success evaporates.

It seems to me that the aspects of success that can be transferred to the next incarnation are:
  • refinement of personality
  • positive personal/group relationships
  • functionality of transpersonal bodies
  • alignment with planetary purpose
Sep 9, 2021
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I suspect that "luck" is a concept used to stop thinking about life.

I knew the owner of a spiritual bookshop. He asked me about a spirit that appeared in his meditation.

I had a look at it and said: It is one of those spirits used in the middle ages to find lost treasure.

He replied that all his life he had won lotteries and raffles.

Personally I do not believe in randomness

Money is a problem. I see billionaires that are still after more. When they get older they often try to improve/rescue their reputations by giving away much of their unseemly wealth

Better perhaps to control the desire for wealth (and power)

Success is an odd thing. What is success? Good opinion of others? Achieving your goals regardless of worthiness? Having more than you need?

When you retire from working, much of that aura of success evaporates.

It seems to me that the aspects of success that can be transferred to the next incarnation are:
  • refinement of personality
  • positive personal/group relationships
  • functionality of transpersonal bodies
  • alignment with planetary purpose
I honestly don't see it that easy for most, myself included.
I have 8t better than most, I know this, and it's not thirst for power or love 9f money for me, just to be a semi anonymous average Joe, using the talents given to me, even the fucked up ones at first that were turned around for me, such as learning disabilities and a stuttering problem.
I see no evil in these wants.


Aug 17, 2023
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Choice of parents can be a big factor. Most anyone can be an All-American fullback if he's born first-and-goal on the three yard line.