• Hi guest! As you can see, the new Wizard Forums has been revived, and we are glad to have you visiting our site! However, it would be really helpful, both to you and us, if you registered on our website! Registering allows you to see all posts, and make posts yourself, which would be great if you could share your knowledge and opinions with us! You could also make posts to ask questions!

Make it possible to delete your own posts.

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Apr 30, 2024
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I'm having difficulity staying on topic a lot and something that may help, is it possible to make it possible to delete your own posts?

It's often a little difficult to stay on topic because of the way my thinking is, it seems to go off on random tangents a lot of the time that are loosely related. Thanks for your patience.

I don't really understand what is on topic or off topic due to the autism, I'll try to use the journal more for it. It's hard for me because Saturn is in Aquarius in the 1st house on my natal chart and I tend to be a bit unconventional in my thinking. Sometimes I post something impulsively, notice it 5 minutes later that it may not be entirely on topic and I can't really delete it.

That is all I'll say. I'm working on staying on topic, and I'll work harder, but I need some patience.

It would help if I had the ability to delete my own posts, so If I posted and was like "that may not be entirely on topic" then I would be able to delete it.
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Basically what I'm asking is for the ability to self-police myself which will save the work on the mods, because quite frankly you are fairly strict about staying on topic and I'm not like normal conversation or how you would interact normally when talking to someone doesn't really apply.

Sometimes I may address a point someone made, or add too much detail about my experience which loosely pertains which would be how I would interact with someone in real life in a back and forth, but it veers off topic.
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I can do fine in an environment that isn't as strict and is kind of lenient, and I'm not saying that you're too strict, you can run the forum how you want, but I don't do too well with strict, and it's going to take me some time and leniency to really adopt to it and I want to adopt.

It's like I already have to police myself quite a bit to fit in socially, the way I've learned to interact in both real life and online interactions feels a bit different since I'm used to allowing things to flow a lot more and it takes time to develop those neuropathways.

Until I do, I need the ability to be able to self-police and delete my own posts if I post them and I realize they are off-topic because the way I learned to interact doesn't work perfectly with the forum culture.
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Aug 17, 2023
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There's an "edit" function that lets you erase everything if you so choose. But I think that is only usable for the first 5 minutes after posting.


Site Staff
Staff member
Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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I can already tell you that this won't happen. It is explained more or less in the History of WF that @SkullTraill posted. There was a time when certain individuals deleted whole sections of posts in the older versions of the forum, so it was quite a loss of information.

Look, it's okay to get a little off-topic now and then, but you've got to make it worthwhile for the other people who will read it and help them see how it's applicable to the original poster's intended direction. Understand that the whole point of staying on topic is to prevent a few posters from derailing every thread with their own pet ideas, which would ultimately ruin the whole forum.

I wasn't interested in the "activist" thread. Someone reported you, so I made a suggestion on that thread to remain on topic. I would prefer that you (or anyone verbally warned) not reply to my (or any mod's) verbal warning. Just take note of the information and continue with the original topic.


Apr 30, 2024
Reaction score
I can already tell you that this won't happen. It is explained more or less in the History of WF that @SkullTraill posted. There was a time when certain individuals deleted whole sections of posts in the older versions of the forum, so it was quite a loss of information.

Look, it's okay to get a little off-topic now and then, but you've got to make it worthwhile for the other people who will read it and help them see how it's applicable to the original poster's intended direction. Understand that the whole point of staying on topic is to prevent a few posters from derailing every thread with their own pet ideas, which would ultimately ruin the whole forum.

I wasn't interested in the "activist" thread. Someone reported you, so I made a suggestion on that thread to remain on topic. I would prefer that you (or anyone verbally warned) not reply to my (or any mod's) verbal warning. Just take note of the information and continue with the original topic.
I will, I guess I do have some insecurity that I do have to shed and I have the tendency to want to explain myself. It's from the ego, it's a habit, I have to learn to shed it.

I do a lot on impulse.

I guess I would prefer just to send me a verbal reminder when I get off topic, not to punish me, but just so I can eventually develop a greater ability to learn what is on and what isn't and I view it as it is and not reply.

I get defensive due to trauma is what I am saying and have the tendency to have to explain.


Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score
I will, I guess I do have some insecurity that I do have to shed and I have the tendency to want to explain myself. It's from the ego, it's a habit, I have to learn to shed it.

I do a lot on impulse.

I guess I would prefer just to send me a verbal reminder when I get off topic, not to punish me, but just so I can eventually develop a greater ability to learn what is on and what isn't.

I get defensive due to trauma is what I am saying and have the tendency to have to explain.
Usually a warning amounts to just that: a verbal reminder. It's not a punishment as such. Trust me on this one. I have more WF verbal reminders, reprimands, and bastinado bruises festooning my cyber-hall than the Yankees do American League pennants.


Apr 30, 2024
Reaction score
Usually a warning amounts to just that: a verbal reminder. It's not a punishment as such. Trust me on this one. I have more WF verbal reminders, reprimands, and bastinado bruises festooning my cyber-hall than the Yankees do American League pennants.
That's good, I do want to fit into this forum. There's really nowhere else I can talk about the esoteric with, with people who actually know what they are talking about.

Have you even been to an occult discord? They suck. I guess I was viewing the warning as more than it was.

I'm not saying I'm knowledgeable, or an expert, because I am not, but I'm serious about the occult.


Sep 1, 2023
Reaction score
I guess I would prefer just to send me a verbal reminder when I get off topic
Just confirming what everyone has said - a warning IS a verbal reminder, it's actually quite neurodivergent-friendly in that they just apply the same rules all the time - if you do the wrong thing, they'll tell you, so you're never secretly building up a bad reputation and have no idea because no one told you.

It's only a "formal" warning when you get a DM and that tag next to your name that Shaman currently has. (I've had one in the past too, they're very common - they stay up for like a week or two I think?) From there you might get "on probation" then a short ban for a couple of days if you KEEP persisting. Often with neurotypicals, by the time they tell you you've done something inappropriate, you've been doing it for MONTHS and they've finally built up enough annoyance to say something. But it's not like that here. People are upfront. So even though it seems like you've been criticised for going off-topic quite quickly as a new member, that's actually a positive - you know you can trust people to tell you.

If you're worried, you can also ask first: "I had a personal experience of XYZ / I have some thoughts on XYZ, should I post it here, or start a new thread?"


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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I'll copy paste what I replied on discord since you've gone and posted there as well:

1. No, WF will never allow deleting your own posts. Too much potential for content loss which is bad for the site. (As others already mentioned)
2. You can self-police by reading your post and thinking twice before hitting the post button. Deleting will never be an option
3. If you feel like you’ve been warned unfairly, you can DM me on discord or the site

Also, as others have mentioned, any warning (whether an unofficial warning reply, DM from staff OR an official warning with the warned badge) is just a verbal warning, and alone, will not negatively affect your account. It's only when you have 2 or more active warnings at a time where your account faces restrictions. You can read about them here:

Whatever sympathies you request/demand for neurodivergence or autism etc, this forum is not a therapy session or a special ed class. It wasn't made for you, or for people who face your issues specifically. This is the real world, and you have to figure out by yourself how best to control yourself and behave appropriately in order to retain your access to this community.

You have already been afforded significantly more leniences than I am generally comfortable with. The rest is up to you. I will leave you with some parting advice that I offer to anyone in your position:
  • Think twice BEFORE posting
  • Read and understand all the rules, if you need them clarified, you can DM me
  • Your activity and eagerness to post is appreciated, but not so much that it indemnifies you from the consequences of breaking the rules
  • Heed the advice others have given in this thread. If you spend any significant length of time here, you'll definitely come to appreciate how consistent, fair, and forgiving WF is
  • But! If you do the crime, you'll do the time!
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