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[Tutorial] Making a portable altar or shrine via Powerpoint (for the goetic magician on the go or on a budget)

Informative post.


Apr 18, 2021
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Hey guys,

As I mentioned in my previous post, I started this craft back at a time where resources and access to tools was a major hurdle for me. Living in a predominantly Catholic country that looks down on the art of Demonolatry, I've spent the better part of my neophyte phase not only studying this craft in secret but also in practicing it on the go as I am a Businessmen by profession. Those circumstances really did not make things easy but this is something I did, in order to circumvent it all.

DISCLAIMER: this is not a replacement for having an actual shrine with physical candles and tools of the art that provide real benefits for workings in terms of setting the mood and showing respect to your craft. However this approach will give you the opportunity to conceal your temple, have it available for easy access when you cannot physically do all the bells and whistles you will normally need.

The cons are it wont be nearly as easy to get into a theta state doing this as you're literally staring at the computer screen to do this so you'll still need to find a quite place to meditate.

the TLDR version of this guide is simply this

1. Get a new USB
2. Make a Power Point slide and place pictures on it signifying the different aspects that you would normally include in your altar for workings, if you have a picture of your actual temple even better and simpler. Just copy it on over to your USB
3. Do a consecration rite of your USB
4. Store it somewhere that is surrounded by personal items you use for your pathworking (like a sweetening jar)
5. Use as needed

Now for the details

The key thing here is maintaining the same level of ceremony that you would normally put into making your physical altar as well as consecrating it with the same respect as you would provide any other physical working you do as well as maximizing the sense of ownership and symbolism that ties you to your "e-temple"

1. If you already have a spiritual mentor that guides you on your pathworking, consult them first and ask for permission to do this. Most entities I have worked with don't seem to mind and are more keen on me asking permission from them first. Then take a picture of your physical altar or just make one in PowerPoint or any other photo editing software and save a copy onto that USB.

2. On a day that is more attuned to your power, this could be your birthday, a new moon, a blood moon or basically any day that corresponds well to you and where you feel the most attuned to your powers, take your USB to your physical temple/shrine and set in in place at the center of your altar. Ideally if you have a personal sigil that you work with already either carve it onto your USB or make a hard copy/drawing of your sigil on a piece of paper and set the USB on top of it. The important thing is you surround with items and symbols that represent you and your will. If you have personal items that you use consistently in your craft such as a tarot deck you use a lot, or a ring that you use, (placing your blood or other bodily fluids nearby or directly onto your sigil or USB is optional, its just not that sanitary haha)

3. On a separate sheet of paper, write down what your intentions are for this usb. You can write down things such as my temple, my safe space, my vault, my power source, my path (this part is generally up to you), you can include symbols on the piece of paper that correspond to your guiding entity as well so long as you have gotten their express permission Then gently place the paper on top of your usb facing down.

4. Take a physical bath before you do this too, the objective is to approach your consecration rite as pure of mind and body as possible, taking a nice bath beforehand also helps wash away physically and symbolically any negative emotions and dirt from you and is relaxing.

5. For the consecration aspect of this exercise, take a comfortable position with your back straight facing your altar and visualize your source of power from within welling up from the base of your root chakra, to your crown chakra, you can also chant a mantra to help with this such as "my power" over and over again. Also keep in mind the purpose that you are giving to this altar. Is it a shrine to your ancestors, an altar for nefarious purposes, a summoning altar etc.

6. Once you get into your groove place both of your hands on the USB still sandwiched between your sigil and the paper you wrote its purpose on and let your energy flow from your body into it passing through the paper and resting into the USB.

7. Like most other workings, put in as much of your energy into the USB until you are satisfied that you have given enough. In my experience, feeling a little weaker after a working is a normal thing. You can also replenish your energy later by resting or grabbing a quick bite to eat.

8. Take your USB, burn the 2 papers with your sigil and your written instructions in a bowl on your altar and give thanks to the universe dispersing some of your intent into the ether.

9. Store the USB with your digital altar pictures saved inside and use it whenever you don't have access to your home altar. Its best to store it near other personal items of yours almost like a sweetening jar. Let it stew when its not being used so to speak..

I also use my USB temple for storing books, other digitized versions of spells curses I made and some notes from gnosis I receive. Makes the whole thing super useful on the fly.

Hope this helps people. Have a great day!


Apr 16, 2021
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This is a super interesting idea. Something that can even be sneakily used at work while at your desk. Storing the books and spells there too is clever. Might have to give this a try!


Apr 17, 2021
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A consecrated flash drive! Brilliant! I can't believe I never thought of that.


Apr 18, 2021
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thanks guys, as they say necessity is the mother of invention haha. I still use this now actually even if I have a altar of my own. I'm thinking of taking it a step further as you can buy these little mini projectors now online that I can keep handy in my laptop bag so I can at least project the image of my home altar on a wall and maybe another small one in the floor whenever I'm traveling for work! I hope this can be useful for some people as it really helped me out when I was starting.