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Open Request Medieval Rituals of Catholic Exorcism Paperback by Agostino Taumaturgo

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Jul 28, 2021
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Exotic Rites and Forbidden Conjurations!
Books on exorcism sometimes talk about the “exotic character” of medieval Catholic exorcisms, but tend to give very little in the way of details. Outside of scholarly writings, even those details are seldom known.

That is, until now.

This book contains the complete texts for several complete medieval rituals, including:

  • The oldest-surviving Western exorcism manuscript.
  • Conjurations against Elves and the “Seven Sisters”
  • “Solomonic” exorcism rites from the 15th century.
  • Medieval Catholic exorcists’ “Seals of Protection”
  • The “Seventy-Two Names” of Jesus and Mary.
  • Why medieval exorcists used “Barbarous Names.”
  • How grimoirists perverted these rites for magic.
  • Lists of demons medieval exorcists were fighting.
  • A sample of even more exotic Renaissance exorcisms.
  • Manuscript illustrations from several exorcism texts.

Whether you’re an experienced exorcist or a casual reader, this book can be your gateway to a deeper knowledge of exorcism than most ever knew existed!