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[Opinion] Mentalism and Magick

Everyone's got one.
Sep 9, 2021
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One of the first if not the first (out of the Kybalion) Hermetic laws is the Law of Mentalism, all is mind. Multiple streams of consciousness, law of attraction, visualization Magick, all fall within mentalism.
A while back, I posted how did the Egyptian Magi do what they did?
The answer was first.meditation, pathworkings, mental Magick.
The most I can do with will or mind is alter a candle flame, will a quarter to stand on edge. Someone I know on e claimed he willed a sword to come to him.
So, what's your take on mentalism and mind Magick from scratch to results?


Oct 29, 2023
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Runs into thread, Crashes in, Breathing Heavy with Fully dilated eyes
MENTALISM IS- oh you mean that kind of mentalism....

For my two cents i don't envision mental magick to be that sort of telekinesis professor Xavier type beat
what i am trying to do right now i suppose can be put in the same category
The inner Temple, officialy started by that one nun girl who built a place in her mind to worship God
It actually has quite a history even before her but sticking to the subject...
Control of inner body functions, much like we are told Rasputin used to do, make yourself hot/cold and so on
Influence, and also don't forget the force field guys like Steve Jobs believed he had one of those around him for innovation

This is the sort of thing (among many others) i would call mind magick, and what can i say? I friggin love it. I dedicate my life to it.
Certainly it's not for everyone but nothing is.

Edit- my guy clearly stated well the sort of things that fall under this category i misunderstood the question, sorry and let me try and repent

My take from scratch to results? uh........uh..... i dunno. It's the best?
Sep 9, 2021
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Probably the Hermetic Laws, particularly Mentalism. Egyptian magic is a bit difficult.