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Metasigils, hypersigils, sigilization of sigils


Sep 1, 2023
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Yeah, basically. The idea is mostly just to provide a system to develop a cool looking circle that mimics the FMA "alchemical circles". Which, despite having studied chemistry as part of my schooling, and did research into alchemy, is about as far as it goes. I realized this after attempting to write that section.
Weirdly I'm doing something superficially similar right now!

I have a heptagon and I'm creating a sigil related to the planetary day on each side (so Mercury today), charging it with planetary invocation and then on the final day it will be launched like a little solar system

(It's not the same because the locations are just in order going around like a wheel, but it's surprisingly similar still!)

I'll take a photo on the last day


Jul 5, 2024
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There is Gordon White's "The Chaos Protocols" and Aidan Wachter's "Six Ways" (both in the Library) where they talk about 'sigil shoaling'.

I myself have tried something similiar (with GoM angels, not with sigils) I called a 'cascade', invoking six angels over a period of three days to tackle an extremely intractable problem from different angles. The idea was that the angels would work together and thus reinforce each other's impact, similar as to what's described in Adam Blackthorne' "Secret Angel Magick" and in his Unfreezing Ritual in Damon Brand "Stillness and Light". It was a bust though, maybe I should have used sigils instead of angels, they may not work together so harmoniously as I naively assumed.

Interesting. Reminds me of Psychonaut Field Manual book, where you use multiple sigils to create a single entity. I think that it makes little more effect as all those sigils share part of one thing, one thought that is worked with in magic. However thinking about it makes me unconvinced that it's effective to use multiple sigils, even that way, especially if each is different and with slightly different purpose, or completely different, as that seems to me that it must cut your focus and consequently your power, into multiple directions, which makes final power small part of what can it be, when aimed at one sigil alone.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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Interesting. Reminds me of Psychonaut Field Manual book, where you use multiple sigils to create a single entity. I think that it makes little more effect as all those sigils share part of one thing, one thought that is worked with in magic. However thinking about it makes me unconvinced that it's effective to use multiple sigils, even that way, especially if each is different and with slightly different purpose, or completely different, as that seems to me that it must cut your focus and consequently your power, into multiple directions, which makes final power small part of what can it be, when aimed at one sigil alone.
As long as they all end up as part of one thing, it should be ok - sigils are not a zero sum thing :)


Sep 1, 2023
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unconvinced that it's effective to use multiple sigils, even that way, especially if each is different and with slightly different purpose, or completely different,
with shoaling, the idea is that they are the same target from different angles. So if you're looking for a job, it might be "my resume is at the top of the pile", "I make a good impression in interviews", "I meet people who have job opportunities" "my linkedin profile is at the top of search results" (those probably aren't good examples, but you get the gist. It's targeting the diff factors that go into 'get a good job')