I love them with my entire equestrian heart :')If anyone wants to try Mongolian semi-metal, check out The HU. (I know---their name is an execrable pun.) "Wolf Totem" is their catchiest. "Great Chingis Khan" is worth a listen. They have a kiig-a. paen to Von Ungern-Sternberg whose title I can't puzzle out.
This song is still so good, I still love early Kesha and I have gotten back into my Weezer phase...as i am still in love with the most atrocious music i thought i put back the musictopic from the way back machine to put this shit here...
others most probably have other tastes, but dont let that stop anyone from putting some songs here. it was a fun ride on old wf, so let it be a fun ride again.
Yeah, me too.. . . i am still in love with the most atrocious music . . .