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I can't understand what they are saying but the music sounds great. I think the band is from Russia. Lots of nice tracks that they have. Great folk metal for sure.
Often spoken of as a sort of historical footnote ("that other band Lemmy was in before Motorhead"), Hawkwind are a fascinating freakfest in their own right. Founded in 1969, the band were late to the psychedelic rock boom; but they took the idea to extremes. Repetitive grooves, heavy bass guitar, makeshift synthesizers, woodwinds player on roller skates, nude performance artist, revolutionary poet, light show, concept albums... the works. They would perform at monuments and ley lines, show up to any festival that invited them (plus some that didn't), and often play for free. Sex, drugs, and rock & roll, plus mysticism and science fiction.
I highly recommend their double live album Space Ritual, which captures the band at their peak and takes the listener on a wild ride. Some of the spoken word pieces were written by Michael Moorcock, and the art is by Barney Bubbles.