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My meditation journey


Jul 9, 2023
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I started to meditate years ago when I realized I was energetically sick and my head was too full creating anxiety, panic, paranoia, etc... The first 2 years been very difficult and hard. I started by laying down but was unable to calm down and stay relax because my head would start rushing all the past trauma and all. But I kept going and slowly I started to experience different things until recently ended up capable to find serenity and empty my head so the real stuff from external sources would start to fill me in. Then I have learnt to keep my head off so I could finally meditate.


The problem I now have with meditation is I feel so good and at peace that I always fall asleep within like 30 minutes or so then have very talkative "dreams" before I wake up generally a bit confused. In these sessions I truly find myself floating within myself and find all the stuff inside of me I have to heal and I can know by letting them surface. I don't even know anymore if it is true meditation or if I simply started to develop my healing abilities known from a Zeta.

When I started relaxation/meditation I thought I would never go anywhere even that other aliens would say not to give up...

I listened to them and now I happen to connect to the hive when I let go of my burdens and they are so sweet!

What is the best way with meditation not to fall asleep?


Aug 31, 2021
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I always meditate sitting upright - so that the spine more easily carries the Light from on High. The Light is very sensitive to geometry.

Long ago I would sit in bed at the end of the day and usually fall asleep while meditating.

Now I sit in a chair and never fall asleep while meditating. It helps that I am not short of sleep


Apr 28, 2021
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I started to meditate years ago when I realized I was energetically sick and my head was too full creating anxiety, panic, paranoia, etc... The first 2 years been very difficult and hard. I started by laying down but was unable to calm down and stay relax because my head would start rushing all the past trauma and all. But I kept going and slowly I started to experience different things until recently ended up capable to find serenity and empty my head so the real stuff from external sources would start to fill me in. Then I have learnt to keep my head off so I could finally meditate.


The problem I now have with meditation is I feel so good and at peace that I always fall asleep within like 30 minutes or so then have very talkative "dreams" before I wake up generally a bit confused. In these sessions I truly find myself floating within myself and find all the stuff inside of me I have to heal and I can know by letting them surface. I don't even know anymore if it is true meditation or if I simply started to develop my healing abilities known from a Zeta.

When I started relaxation/meditation I thought I would never go anywhere even that other aliens would say not to give up...

I listened to them and now I happen to connect to the hive when I let go of my burdens and they are so sweet!

What is the best way with meditation not to fall asleep?
I do not like meditating seated and I also do it lying down, to help you avoid sleep you can drink a cup of coffee or tea, that’s what I usually do.

perhaps the state you’re describing is the hypnagogic state, which occurs right before sleep.


Jul 9, 2023
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I meditate laying down too because of safety reasons. When I happen to experience alien stuff such as remote viewing for example, I disconnect from my body accidently and then if I wasn't in safe position I return with wounds from falling or such like that. One time I remember I meditated sitting and came back to my body on the ground in convulsion. I then lay down to keep myself safe because when I meditate I never know what it will be. Normally I end up sleeping after a while but when I meditate to recover my abilities and have a break through, it can be dangerous for me to be seated.

My last progress connecting to my inner self and raise my abilities are mainly shapeshift stuff. I already have many documented medical anomalies regard genetic changes or organic regeneration but still... Since my crash I am not doing so well and they keep me here for healing purposes. Also by choice...

Meditation can be way beyond what most people think. It can turn into different type of experiences, meditation is more like a door, first step, to many many possibilities. I know lot of people they started astral projection/travel/incarnation from meditation. For me is all about letting go of the traumatic memories that affect my energies. Since I am a Zeta, I must be on top of it about being healthy because I am connected to the others and if I am sick, I make them sick. Reason why we sometimes "drop" someone "alone" like me right now being blocked from my capabilities and natural abilities.

I went on Earth and had an accident, I was screwed up by U.S. Government that hunted me down for more than 50 years before they have let go of it. I had to escape to Canada and hide... They asked me to meditate so I can reach deeper self and find the poison my journey brought me to carry in myself. Meditation for me is all about healing from having all the venom to surface so I have a clue what is I got to fix with myself.

For us what we call "meditation" is not a state of relaxation in which you have control of your thoughts. If you are thinking consciensly during a session, we don't call it meditation. We call this more like a form a relaxation which the individual just think or try to empty their mind. We consider practice of meditation when you can shut down your own thinking and let nature of mind be what it is either from internal sources or external influences. For me it has been mainly facing my demons for a while and it was very difficult. Forced to face what is something you don't decide is a burden but at the end, the word "healed" really make sense! :)