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Journal My thoughts, observations and horrors.

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


May 3, 2024
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Well, I suppose this is my journal, Hi my name is Not_There (there's a reason for that name that I'll later explain) I'm a compete mess that's currently surviving depression and a life that's completely wrecked by the bad decisions of those around me, so everything that's connected to Occultism is MY PASSION, it brings me a sense of control and harmony over my life.

My goal here is to become the ideal newbie because FOR YEARS I've trying to stabilish any kind of foundational practices and I've failed so this is one of my first step to be more stupid.

And it's nice to have a place like this to write my thoughts, observations and practices.

Btw, because my life is a mess and I'm a mess I haven't had time to practice my English, so please, excuse my horrors
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2 years of investigation and I've come to the conclusion that this books are IDEAL if I want to learn how to properly protect myself and manipulate energy around me (first layer, learn the f basics):


Blackthorn - Protection Magick
Jason Miller - Protection and Reversal Magick
Diamond brand - Magical Protection
Robert Bruce - Practical Psychic Self, the Defense Handbook
Dion Fortune - Psychic Self Defense
Josephine McCarthy - The Exorcist's Handbook

Energy Work / Psychic:

Robert Bruce - Energy Work -
Robert Bruce - Astral Dynamics-
Keith Miller - Subtle Energy

And I'm not saying I'll be able to read all of that, I mean I wish that could be the case but I know how tricky my mind is, reading is a complete torture for me, I need to hear some extravagant music, walk as I read, add more stimulation, yk?
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Be prepared to face the confusion because I made this list of things what I consider important and things that I don't consider that important but necessary if I want to start practicing magick as a newbie because my mind is all over the place all the time, I need an anchor.

Order of importance:
1 = Most important and urgent
2 = Important
3 = Important but not as important as number 2
4 = Important but not as important as number 3 and 2

1 - Protection and Defense (because there's NO way for me to meditate and connect with the universe if I have 13 parasites attacking me)
1 - Purification and Healing
(Some people say purification and meditation are the same, but for my own good I'm going to separate them)

2 - Meditation (helps to center the mind, body and spirit... I mean how can I continue if I don't know what I want, how to ground, how to process toxic things and meditation has changed my life with so little, I'm so grateful)

3 - Investigation
3 - Divination
3 - Energy manipulation
3 - Development of physchic senses
(You can say that the development of physchic senses and energy manipulation and divination are one in the same... No, I don't think that works for me. I have to see them in different steps, helps me organize my thoughts)

4 - Manipulation of reality
→ Manipulation for creation
→ Manipulation for destruction
(I mean, once you know how to move energy, how to divinate the outcome of the practice and the vibes around it AND you have the clairs to identify whatever is going on and have investigated enough about the subject you can start manipulating reality, people, etc.)

4 - External contact (entities, deities, whatever)
(Yeah, how can you contact a Deity, an entity, demon, angel if you can't percieve and can't communicate with them, that's why I put Psychic senses as 3 and External contact as 4)

And I organized this in this particular way because it makes sense for me to identify information and think: Oh, this magician is talking about contacting and spirit and thats a 4 and I cant go directly to 4 if I haven't completed 3 (3 = psychic senses, divination, investigation).
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May 3, 2024
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I just ✨ hate ✨ that most of the books about psychic protection have zero to none information about how to actually protect yourself from psychic influences 😃👍🏻

It's like, you wanna learn how to protect yourself from mystical sh*t? Lemme give 250 pages where I describe you the anatomy of a physic attack and then you'll have like 30-50 pages with information about protections... Yeah, that's what I'm going to do.

And I'm not saying that it's not valuable, but please, be f*cking honest!
Instead naming your book "How to set protection against evil physchic sh*t" you can call it "How to Recognize Understand and Dissect a Physchic Attack (+ 20 pages with protection formulas)"

That's it.