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On Angels and their lies about the Goetics


May 30, 2022
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Sorry but I need to vent... and in a way, take revenge over these angelic beings. Out of spite, yes. After working with them for YEARS and owning virtually all angelic magick books available on earth (including untranslated books), I believe have the right to have a blunt opinion. Because these things almost killed me.

Angels, are emanations of the demiurge (yahweh). They are just like him: Petty, spiteful, childish, self-righteous, salty. They are liars at their core. They hate humans and they will make you miserable. They are the ones who gave me false hopes, only to have me end up in a mental hospital. They hate Goetic spirits with a passion and yet will lead you closer to hell and torment than any Goetic spirit. They will fill you with their otherworldly energy that will make you feel like you're burning from the inside. They will make people assault you after asking them for protection. They will give you the worst nightmares that will haunt you for your entire life. They will ruin your projects. And you'll believe they're trying to teach you something but no. They're just having fun at your expense.

When I finally understood... And turned to the Goetics (as a demonolator, not a solomonic mage), everything made sense. Goetic spirits, even the darkest ones like Lucifuge Rofocale, gave me nothing but support, protection and yes, love. They forgave me when I messed up. Never got a single nightmare, never got betrayed, never had something scary happen to me. You respect them and they'll respect you.

So as an act of revenge towards these ''angels'', let me just give you a piece of advice. Be wary of the angels, because they'll just lead you to ''hell''. To your personal hell. Angels aren't the twinks and the winged little boys on church mosaics that end up tempting the priests. They are eldritch atrocities serving an even bigger eldritch atrocity, and their goal, just like the goal of their god, is to torment humans. Screw these things.


Jun 25, 2021
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In my experience, angels have been involved in a lot of religious wars. They are the ones that come to destroy all of the followers of the opposed religion. They have interesting magic and culture, but they are hard to deal with. It may be a good idea to avoid angels outright.


Solomonic practitioner
Jul 28, 2021
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culture, but they are hard to deal with. It may be a good idea to avoid angels outright.
You could have à point here because when angels appear in the bible, i've noticed they begin with something like "Fear not, for we are angels of the Lord", so if the angel(s) said that, they must have been in a little terrifying shape or strong energies for the person, so they got afraid, maybe?
But that does not mean all angels are evil, maybe some angels has given by God a special role like destroying cities old times in the bible. But in the core of the angels they are good, their name ends with EL (many of the angels tho), a virtue(God) side of them by God.
Just a speculation, but i believe this.


Aug 31, 2021
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If the human does not know what is its role in the cosmic ecosystem then it is easy to manipulate the human
Sep 9, 2021
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Sorry but I need to vent... and in a way, take revenge over these angelic beings. Out of spite, yes. After working with them for YEARS and owning virtually all angelic magick books available on earth (including untranslated books), I believe have the right to have a blunt opinion. Because these things almost killed me.

Angels, are emanations of the demiurge (yahweh). They are just like him: Petty, spiteful, childish, self-righteous, salty. They are liars at their core. They hate humans and they will make you miserable. They are the ones who gave me false hopes, only to have me end up in a mental hospital. They hate Goetic spirits with a passion and yet will lead you closer to hell and torment than any Goetic spirit. They will fill you with their otherworldly energy that will make you feel like you're burning from the inside. They will make people assault you after asking them for protection. They will give you the worst nightmares that will haunt you for your entire life. They will ruin your projects. And you'll believe they're trying to teach you something but no. They're just having fun at your expense.

When I finally understood... And turned to the Goetics (as a demonolator, not a solomonic mage), everything made sense. Goetic spirits, even the darkest ones like Lucifuge Rofocale, gave me nothing but support, protection and yes, love. They forgave me when I messed up. Never got a single nightmare, never got betrayed, never had something scary happen to me. You respect them and they'll respect you.

So as an act of revenge towards these ''angels'', let me just give you a piece of advice. Be wary of the angels, because they'll just lead you to ''hell''. To your personal hell. Angels aren't the twinks and the winged little boys on church mosaics that end up tempting the priests. They are eldritch atrocities serving an even bigger eldritch atrocity, and their goal, just like the goal of their god, is to torment humans. Screw these things.
So your main points are (lets deconstruct and analyze)
1. You want revenge against angel(s).
2. You were almost killed by angel(s).
3. You are not pleased with God or angels.
4. You feel demons love you more than angles or God.
5. You feel the reverse story is true otherwise were all screwed.
What proof do we have?
Angels have been known to attack for various reasons - but their main drive is only the righteous survive. Thats it. Thats why Christ or Elijah are tasty options. To go to the other side, perhaps they are capable of love, but what is/was their agenda particularly pertaining to you? Only you can answer that.


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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What proof do we have?
It was a venting procedure. Very therapeutic. The mythic hero who shakes his fist at heaven is kind of the general pattern, though there are tons of variants. But that isn't the climax of the story. It's a ROTA. Lost at sea, swallowed by a whale, trials and tribulations in the face of "gimme gimme", the brief moments of respite on isles of nymphs followed by the big victory that's really the beginning where the serpent bites it tail. All is proceeding as planned and will be addressed in the case files at the Trivium.

So as an act of revenge towards these ''angels'', let me just give you a piece of advice.
See, now I am thinking that no matter what, Azazel will get his goat, and he doesn’t care which one because they are chosen by lot anyway. The sin offering gets pushed off the cliff goes “naaaaaaaahhhh” and thump-dee-dump down until the splat! The other goat is the center of a feast, but its a potluck with your name on the list. You always have to eat what you bring to the table.
Sep 9, 2021
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It was a venting procedure. Very therapeutic. The mythic hero who shakes his fist at heaven is kind of the general pattern, though there are tons of variants. But that isn't the climax of the story. It's a ROTA. Lost at sea, swallowed by a whale, trials and tribulations in the face of "gimme gimme", the brief moments of respite on isles of nymphs followed by the big victory that's really the beginning where the serpent bites it tail. All is proceeding as planned and will be addressed in the case files at the Trivium.

See, now I am thinking that no matter what, Azazel will get his goat, and he doesn’t care which one because they are chosen by lot anyway. The sin offering gets pushed off the cliff goes “naaaaaaaahhhh” and thump-dee-dump down until the splat! The other goat is the center of a feast, but its a potluck with your name on the list. You always have to eat what you bring to the table.
So your main points are (lets deconstruct and analyze)
1. You want revenge against angel(s).
2. You were almost killed by angel(s).
3. You are not pleased with God or angels.
4. You feel demons love you more than angles or God.
5. You feel the reverse story is true otherwise were all screwed.
What proof do we have?

The question is on the numbered claims.
I can see venting, sure.


Aug 1, 2021
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Besides what we are imagining with our minds, has anyone actually met an angel?


Aug 31, 2021
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I met Khamiel when having lunch. He approached unbidden and spelt his name that I immediately checked in a book. He said he was the Angel of Divine Justice - but perhaps humans usually are on the receiving end.

About 10 years later he turned up while I was using my light sword. He put his hand over mine and my sword turned into a meat cleaver, destroying a time bubble.

A few times I have met an entity that called itself "The Revelation of the Word" but I doubt that s/he actually belongs to the angelic kingdom