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Piracy curse on books

There has already been a similar thread:

Nothing would have prevented those authors to curse pirated copies of their books in private and never mention it on their website. Nobody would have known. By making their curses public, however, they ensure that thousands of practioners will approach their rituals with an attitude of "It's probably pointless but let's try it anyway" and thus fail. It's both a head thing and a genuine manifestation. If their object was to spoil any such 'unsanctioned' workings, they have achieved their goal, no matter whether by instilling paranoia or by applying supernatural powers. I doubt those curses would have...


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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There has already been a similar thread:

Nothing would have prevented those authors to curse pirated copies of their books in private and never mention it on their website. Nobody would have known. By making their curses public, however, they ensure that thousands of practioners will approach their rituals with an attitude of "It's probably pointless but let's try it anyway" and thus fail. It's both a head thing and a genuine manifestation. If their object was to spoil any such 'unsanctioned' workings, they have achieved their goal, no matter whether by instilling paranoia or by applying supernatural powers. I doubt those curses would have been effective if cast in private, or else every occult author would have cursed their books ever since the invention of the printing press (or of royalties, whichever came first).

Superstitions and rumours are hard to get rid of. If I told you that putting your right/left shoe on first was unlucky, you'd probably can't help thinking about it next when the occasion arises. Hear or read a rumour about and person and you will invariably remember it once you hear his or her name, even when you consider it completely spurious or a lie. I guess the only remedy is to become totally jaded and think, "Yeah, I've heard that one before" so you don't have to waste your energy trying to suppress your fear of these 'curses' and approach every such ritual filled with nervousness and a sense of foreboding.
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There's even a (pirated) book about book curses anywhere but I can't find it.... coincidence?!!? :D
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Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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Superstitions and rumours are hard to get rid of. If I told you that putting your right/left shoe on first was unlucky, you'd probably can't help thinking about it next when the occasion arises. Hear or read a rumour about and person and you will invariably remember it once you hear his or her name, even when you consider it completely spurious or a lie. I guess the only remedy is to become totally jaded and think, "Yeah, I've heard that one before" so you don't have to waste your energy trying to suppress your fear of these 'curses' and approach every such ritual filled with nervousness and a sense of foreboding.
Post automatically merged:

There's even a (pirated) book about book curses anywhere but I can't find it.... coincidence?!!? :D
I always give the example of the joke cure for hiccups: "Your hiccups will be cured if you can round the house three times without thinking of the word 'wolf'"
I believe that to master the "forget about it" stage of the magical act, you need to train yourself to run round the house without thinking of the word 'wolf' :)


Aug 17, 2023
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I always give the example of the joke cure for hiccups: "Your hiccups will be cured if you can round the house three times without thinking of the word 'wolf'"
I believe that to master the "forget about it" stage of the magical act, you need to train yourself to run round the house without thinking of the word 'wolf' :)
The best method for "forget about it" is to do something else. The more pressing the better. Riding an electric scooter in Beijing traffic will wash potential curses on books from one's mind. Quoth Dr. Johnson, "Few things concentrate the mind as wonderfully as does the imminent prospect of being hanged." Or, in the instant case, being hit by a car. Shoot, go do a bungie jump and you'll get the same result. The matter to be forgotten is at least very much reduced first in urgency, then afterward in any lingering force to frighten.


Jun 25, 2024
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ig this is an extension of the question but will the angelic eneties from the books care for piracy since Thou shalt not steal


Aug 17, 2023
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ig this is an extension of the question but will the angelic eneties from the books care for piracy since Thou shalt not steal
Quite likely, but one does not see avenging angels descending on Wall Street in any haste. I doubt they'll make piracy of books a priority.


Aug 17, 2023
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i meant it more in the sence of just refusing to work with me
Fair question. I suppose it depends on the tradition and the entity. Maybe this is rationalization, but the angel would have to ask which is the better universe: you with the book and Magus Merle out his royalty for that volume, or you without the book (because lots of folks are on damned tight budgets) and Merele still without his royalty, or again, you with the boughten book, Merele with his royalty and just a shade smugger because he can have book pirates whacked out.


Jun 25, 2024
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Fair question. I suppose it depends on the tradition and the entity. Maybe this is rationalization, but the angel would have to ask which is the better universe: you with the book and Magus Merle out his royalty for that volume, or you without the book (because lots of folks are on damned tight budgets) and Merele still without his royalty, or again, you with the boughten book, Merele with his royalty and just a shade smugger because he can have book pirates whacked out.
ill try the swordbanishing and see if it still works but i kinda doubth it wont since the angels predate DB and GoM


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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The earliest known book curse can be traced to
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from 668 to 627 BC, who had the following curse written on many or all of the tablets collected at the library at
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, considered to be the earliest example of a systematically collected library:

I have transcribed upon tablets the noble products of the work of the scribe which none of the kings who have gone before me had learned, together with the wisdom of
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insofar as it existeth [in writing]. I have arranged them in classes, I have revised them and I have placed them in my palace, that I, even I, the ruler who knoweth the light of
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, the king of the gods, may read them. Whosoever shall carry off this tablet, or shall inscribe his name on it, side by side with mine own, may Ashur and
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overthrow him in wrath and anger, and may they destroy his name and posterity in the land.

Some book or other I read threatend illegal readers with leprosy so that their dicks would fall off (the author wasn't entirely serious). I still got all of my appendages so that curse must have been rather ineffectual. ;)


Jul 5, 2024
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ig this is an extension of the question but will the angelic eneties from the books care for piracy since Thou shalt not steal
Interesting question. I think that such entities would not have that much problem with the pirated book, because the author published his work to the public anyway. Sometimes piracy is the only way you can get to the knowledge in the books so those beings might even be the ones guiding you to the book for you to use. It would only be literal stealing if the author had only his own copy for himself and someone took it.
Also when speaking about stealing secret material and protection curses, what about the books of the authors that are already dead?

To the main question, it depends. If your will is strong, you can overcome the curse if it is there, but curse made public can work many ways both against you and for you, making text kind of forbitten and therefore even more "juicy."
If the curse is in secret, it might even really work, but every curse can be lifted. If it is spoken about loud, it's rather only psychological and might be even intended to raise selling.

It is little out of context, but I remember one version of the bible, that was lacking something, not in the text but some appendixes or what is it. Because of that the version was not approved by clergy, but feeling of it being forbitten caused that it sold out.


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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I have heard that some books are cursed to not work when not honestly obtained
I'm always skeptical when it comes to those, because it ends up as a "law of attraction effect" of sorts.

Let me explain.
Many people in those LoA communities have the mindset that "if something you manifested/wished for didn't happen, that was only because you really didn't want it", they get every "success" story and make it as an example of the LoA working.And the many, many failures are labeled as people that simply "didn't want it that much".

I see these books with curses as the same thing.People that believe in them will see their failures as being "because of the curse" and not because the ritual/spell actually wasn't that good or because the person really sucks in doing those in general.They'll fixate their minds on it being "because of that curse".


Jan 19, 2022
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ig this is an extension of the question but will the angelic eneties from the books care for piracy since Thou shalt not steal

You are much more likely to sabotage yourself than to be sabotaged by the GoM.

The ‘curse’ is just the planting of a seed of doubt.

As for the Entities willingness to work or not work with you it’s the same issue. It’s doubts in the back of your mind that will undo your efforts for contact.

Be Bold and approach your work with Confidence and nothing will stand in your way much less Damon Brand and the GOM.