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Questions about the psalm book reading ritual


Aug 27, 2024
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Hey WF community! First post here.

I've been wondering about the following ritual which I have used throughout my spiritual journey.

Short story:
Back in the day when I got involved with monastic practices I felt a very strong pull towards psalms. I started experimenting with the monastic rule where the entire psalm book is read daily. At that time I didn't know it was a prayer rule at all, I just made it a daily thing.
At first I felt a tickle on my forehead. Then at some point, maybe after 100 days, it caused a strange explosion like effect up in the third eye region and energies started flooding in even more. Then even more, and more. Increased the sensitivity to a level of x100 times of what I had before.

The ritual started giving me a very powerful sense of well being, through the whole mind, states of ecstasy, and all kinds of results started rolling in from everywhere as well, answers to requests. I thought that perhaps I had opened the third eye somewhat? Unlocked increased awareness or something?

What exactly goes on here? Does anybody know?

What happens on the spiritual plane when this long ritual is being done? I've seen the list of Shem HaMephorash and thought about it as something that connects you with the 72 angels?

Why is it so effective and powerful? I've worked with single psalms and read them hundreds of times at once and the effects are not even close to it.

What goes on in the head, the supreme states of wellbeing and ecstasy? The psalm reading seems to heat and cook the whole mind in a crazy way. Very intense and powerful effects.

From where does this ritual come from? Does anybody else use it here? Tell me about your experiences.

The only information that I have found is that people consider it to be very effective and that Jews do it at the Western Wall for 40 days. Also that some monastic orders use it as a prayer rule:rolleyes:
Mar 4, 2023
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While I haven’t done this exact ritual (the entire book everyday) and I won’t touch on most of your questions - I would describe it as a combination of a piercing sight, clarity, a flood of energies, and a weirdly complete calm. It feels like being in the calm eye of a storm while you’re aware of the powerful tempest raging around you. Soon after that (for me) come the visions and a loss of time. Loss is the wrong word but if you have a similar result, you’ll see.



Jul 5, 2024
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What I'll say might sound little teasing or provoking, but I mean nothing bad, just want to speak freely and honest, so please, forgive me.

First of all: Congrats, you made the ritual work. That is why we do rituals. If they didn't work at all, there would be no point in doing them.
Also, being able on spot to do ritual for 100 days in a row is good discipline. Kind of part of reason why you managed to reach the effect.

Now to the effects of it, I'm myself Norse pagan with no real interest in Christian traditions and occult, so i can give only some basic advices and observations, but I believe that they'll be of use anyway.
From what I read it seems that it is your first experience with the occult, so I assume that. becoming open to the spiritual is stepping into unknown territory, it's wise to walk such unknown waters slowly and carefully, trying to learn as fast as you can, so that you can minimalize the troubles you'll eventually get into. (and solve them easier)
What you experienced is also your very personal way of experiencing it, since it seems spontaneous, you might need to explore it yourself, think about it, to discern what is it truly that you experience. To me it seems that you spontaneously started to perform prayer with very little or no expectation, so the result seems to me rather ambient, but not bad. Maybe that was what the tradition you follow sought to rach and never went any further. At least that is how it sounds to me from your description. Only other thing I can say: Old rituals are not written down if they are ineffective.


Aug 27, 2024
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Hi, thanks for the reply. I've actually spent about 15 years working with the Torah, psalms and hesychasm, monastic practices. Also sufism and mantras. I have a strong spiritual discipline, a lot of daily work.

The psalm book, I've gone through it a couple thousand times.

I just haven't ever figured out what goes on with these rituals, can't understand, asked some people and did the research but nothing.
The effects are very strong that I get with all the practices but nobody to discuss anything with.


Jul 5, 2024
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Kolbrin is quite possibly very fake book, but I'm impressed by it's text which I think being core. There it says that prayer is supposed to harmonize the soul of men with soul of god so that the communication becomes possible. maybe that is what is going on through these prayers?
Mar 4, 2023
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Thousands of times, wow. You’ve got me beat I’m in the hundreds only.

For me I keep it simple. If you’re working on the concept of a hedge/veil/border that separates this world from that one: then you’re invoking/evoking the power behind the psalms onto this side while moving yourself closer to that side.

Most people never get near the border, practitioners walk closer to it than others and get a sense/catch a glimpse of what’s happening on the other side. A successfully worked ritual can get you to the point where you straddle that line, walk that hedge, etc…

You call power/energy to you and that magical pressure builds. As you move closer to the other side your sight/third eye/sensitivity opens to the other side, you become more aware of it while you become less aware of this side (the importance of the mundane falls away).



Aug 27, 2024
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You response is interesting.

Reading a lot of them isn't that hard. They are quite easy to read, a round takes 2 hours or less, after you get used to your psalm book. The effects are even stronger when they are read twice or thrice in a day, rarely doing that. It feels like total ecstasy.

I have a very wild sensitivity yes, the sensitivity came early, it unlocked during the first 100 readings, went stronger after 200-300, 500 700+ it reached a point where a lot could be felt everywhere.
However I can't see any spirits unless they show up in my dreams. Can't communicate with anything. Saint candles in church give extraordinary states of high as well. Eucharist is an overkill, becomes too much, literally frying the mind. I used to take it every week and almost cooked my mind with it.

Another strange thing. For example when I go to a cemetery, that energy floods in too and feels very awkward. Light a candle over there and feel it for days. I feel slightly numb and some kind of a drug like intoxicated feeling.


Aug 20, 2024
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You response is interesting.

Reading a lot of them isn't that hard. They are quite easy to read, a round takes 2 hours or less, after you get used to your psalm book. The effects are even stronger when they are read twice or thrice in a day, rarely doing that. It feels like total ecstasy.

I have a very wild sensitivity yes, the sensitivity came early, it unlocked during the first 100 readings, went stronger after 200-300, 500 700+ it reached a point where a lot could be felt everywhere.
However I can't see any spirits unless they show up in my dreams. Can't communicate with anything. Saint candles in church give extraordinary states of high as well. Eucharist is an overkill, becomes too much, literally frying the mind. I used to take it every week and almost cooked my mind with it.

Another strange thing. For example when I go to a cemetery, that energy floods in too and feels very awkward. Light a candle over there and feel it for days. I feel slightly numb and some kind of a drug like intoxicated feeling.
I don’t know why but while reading your post I remembered a term I heard in some video on youtube - "get holyburn." With daily, hours-long readings, this is quite possible. I know that in some monasteries there is the concept of the "Unceasing Psalter," where monks take turns and the Psalter is read nonstop.

Can I ask a question? Do you read at the same time every day? In the same place and position?

Do you replace the word "God" with the Hebrew names of God in each psalm?

I’m really hoping to get my hands on the book Master Book of Psalms by Jean Kent because the author gives the exact Hebrew names of God, and presumably, using them will make the reading even more powerful. And if you also vibrate the names, it will become even stronger. However, you probably won’t be able to finish the whole Psalm Book in an hour or two anymore. For me, with proper vibration of the names of God, I can get through about 15 psalms in an hour. But again, that’s if you vibrate thoroughly and read the rest of the text in normal speed.

Also, what is your goal? What do you ultimately want to achieve? I know one thing – if the third eye opens or you’re given healing abilities, you’ll have to use them for good. Like it or not, you’ll have to work with people. If you’re given a gift, they’ll use both the carrot and the stick to make sure you use it. Have you seen how people use an already opened channel in life?

I personally know a healer who works two days on, two days off. On his "working" days, he reads the psalms continuously from morning to night with breaks only to quickly eat and go to the bathroom. The rest of the time, he sees people and reads the Psalm book over them. As far as I know, people are very satisfied with the results of his work. He reads over each person for about 20-30 minutes. But he doesn’t use the names of God, just what’s written as “God” in his translation.

He tried to quit several times, but the power wouldn’t let him go – the channel opened, so now he has to work. From what I know, it all came to him after three years of daily practice.

Although it’s possible that we simply don’t know about those who practice for themselves and, having achieved significant results, just don’t show it.

Similarly, the stylite monks achieved self-induced prayer with just one phrase they repeated non-stop – 'Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.' But they were monks after all, and the physical world ceased to exist for them. Mentally, they were constantly in other dimensions.

By the way, do you do any other rituals or meditations? LRBP, Middle Pillar, and Kavvanah meditation?


Aug 27, 2024
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Hey Sunnylil.
I might read the whole thing in the morning or about half of them, and the rest in the evening, without any 100% fixed hours. The evening session takes place between 5 to 12 pm, sometimes starting at 6, other times from 8 or 9. The place is same, usually sitting on the bed.

Now I haven't always read just the psalms but also worked a lot with the Torah, Old and New testament. The psalm reading streaks were sometimes 40, 50, 60, 100+ days, even years, but sometimes without reading all of them daily, maybe focused on a single psalm or a set of psalms.

The book that you have mentioned, somebody told me about it, that there are some special phrases in it. All I know is that he did not have any significant success with it.

I don't read all of them in one hour, I've done the "speedrun" technique in the past but it was not effective. However when I do the full reading in let's say hour and 45 minutes or 2 hours, then it feels very effective.

Yes I do have some kind of a channel open, however I don't know how to use it properly. I've read psalms for others and it has given them results, I haven't done this much though. For me it was not hard to open the channel, it took more years to learn to handle the readings, this was much harder. Most of the time I have used the psalms for my own goals and it definitely gives all kinds of blessings, results, outcomes.

I actually feel the same here. In the past when I sometimes quit reading them, it felt like the power would not let me go. Still, I have switched a lot between the practices, prioritized one practice over another. I went from psalms to hesychasm and sticked to it for a while, then switched again, sometimes both at once.

Yes I know those two, I have read the LBRP and Middle Pillar. The other meditations that I have experimented with, everything from sufism, then the main known verses from the Quran, and of course the whole Quran itself. I don't connect so well with sufism though, feels like the effects are slightly incompatible. Never heard about Kavvanah meditation, I have to look it up.

The goal, to develop the abilities further, unlock something, perhaps do the same thing as the person you know.

Hebrew names of God in each psalm? No, I've just read them out from psalm books and bibles without thinking of that. One bible I have uses the name Jehowah all over, but it's not the JW version though.


Aug 20, 2024
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Hey Sunnylil.
I might read the whole thing in the morning or about half of them, and the rest in the evening, without any 100% fixed hours. The evening session takes place between 5 to 12 pm, sometimes starting at 6, other times from 8 or 9. The place is same, usually sitting on the bed.

Now I haven't always read just the psalms but also worked a lot with the Torah, Old and New testament. The psalm reading streaks were sometimes 40, 50, 60, 100+ days, even years, but sometimes without reading all of them daily, maybe focused on a single psalm or a set of psalms.

The book that you have mentioned, somebody told me about it, that there are some special phrases in it. All I know is that he did not have any significant success with it.

I don't read all of them in one hour, I've done the "speedrun" technique in the past but it was not effective. However when I do the full reading in let's say hour and 45 minutes or 2 hours, then it feels very effective.

Yes I do have some kind of a channel open, however I don't know how to use it properly. I've read psalms for others and it has given them results, I haven't done this much though. For me it was not hard to open the channel, it took more years to learn to handle the readings, this was much harder. Most of the time I have used the psalms for my own goals and it definitely gives all kinds of blessings, results, outcomes.

I actually feel the same here. In the past when I sometimes quit reading them, it felt like the power would not let me go. Still, I have switched a lot between the practices, prioritized one practice over another. I went from psalms to hesychasm and sticked to it for a while, then switched again, sometimes both at once.

Yes I know those two, I have read the LBRP and Middle Pillar. The other meditations that I have experimented with, everything from sufism, then the main known verses from the Quran, and of course the whole Quran itself. I don't connect so well with sufism though, feels like the effects are slightly incompatible. Never heard about Kavvanah meditation, I have to look it up.

The goal, to develop the abilities further, unlock something, perhaps do the same thing as the person you know.

Hebrew names of God in each psalm? No, I've just read them out from psalm books and bibles without thinking of that. One bible I have uses the name Jehowah all over, but it's not the JW version though.

Wow, I’m speechless. It’s an enormous amount of work and a colossal daily effort on your part. Thank you for such a detailed response here and in the thread with my question. I’ve gleaned some useful information for myself. The part about Kent's book is useful to know, as I approach everything that hasn’t stood the test of time with a bit of skepticism. I wondered if there was a catch.

Regarding the divine names, yes, in every psalm, in every line where the word 'Lord' / ‘Jehowah’ is mentioned, it is replaced and vibrated as the Tetragrammaton YOD HEH WAW HEH (I watched a video that explained it should be WAW, not VAV, and other Hebrew names of God in some cases). The key is in the deep, sustained throat vibration. After 5 minutes, you can easily enter an altered state of mind.


Aug 27, 2024
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I have experimented with many different, the ones on the biblegateway site, like NKJV, KJV, NIV, TLV, others, can't even remember anymore. TLV uses the name "Adonai" everywhere.
Never tried to replace Lord with "YOD HEH WAW HEH", but it's a good idea, will try soon.

About your post. I think the best plan is to experiment, you want to work with the Hebrew, go for it, give it some time, experiment.


Aug 20, 2024
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I have experimented with many different, the ones on the biblegateway site, like NKJV, KJV, NIV, TLV, others, can't even remember anymore. TLV uses the name "Adonai" everywhere.
Never tried to replace Lord with "YOD HEH WAW HEH", but it's a good idea, will try soon.

About your post. I think the best plan is to experiment, you want to work with the Hebrew, go for it, give it some Yes, I'll be trying and experimenting. If you try working with vibrations, please share your results (you can do it here or via direct messages, though I'm not sure if forum members can message each other here, since I'm new). I'd be very interested. With your experience working with psalms, the effect could be impressive."
Yes, I'll be trying and experimenting.
If you try working with Tetragrammaton vibrations, please share your results (here or via direct messages, though I'm not sure if forum members can message each other here, since I'm new here on the forum). I'd be very interested, as with your experience working with psalms, the effect could be impressive.
Have a wonderful day!


Aug 27, 2024
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Not sure about this, when I click on your profile, there is something called profile posts...? No private messages?
Same here, new here. I had an account over here more than 10 years ago but without any post history, maybe wrote a few replies.

I noticed something strange here, cannot even edit a post or a reply after 5 minutes? I love the forum though, looks good, lots of interesting discussions.


Jul 5, 2024
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Not sure about this, when I click on your profile, there is something called profile posts...? No private messages?
Same here, new here. I had an account over here more than 10 years ago but without any post history, maybe wrote a few replies.

I noticed something strange here, cannot even edit a post or a reply after 5 minutes? I love the forum though, looks good, lots of interesting discussions.
There are private messages here, did you notice the envelope icon? It is called Conversations here, but they are private conversations with no access from people you do not invite into them. (just like on any php forum)


Aug 27, 2024
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Yes I noticed the envelope icon, there is just one message under it "Welcome to Wizard Forums 4.0!" and there is nothing like start a new conversation or anything. Under the profiles of other people, nothing either.
Maybe there is a post requirement or something?

Let's say I click on your profile. it says.. that somebody jin2494 has posted on your profile Jul 12, 2024, and you have replied. There is some box to write a reply, then the basic buttons, follow, gift, some more.


Jul 5, 2024
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Not much of explorers, are you... click on anyone's name. (only your own won't offer conversation) and you'll find that button on peoples profile pagess too.



Aug 27, 2024
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Here is the thing, there is no such button at all. Under the profiles there is, gift, follow, ignore, find content.
It's probably based on the messages count. You have 64 messages, there must be a minimum requirement, which is fine, will get there.


Jul 5, 2024
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Here is the thing, there is no such button at all. Under the profiles there is, gift, follow, ignore, find content.
It's probably based on the messages count. You have 64 messages, there must be a minimum requirement, which is fine, will get there.

Ops, that's reasonable thought and makes sense. Didn't notice myself as when I began to need them, they were already available to me.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Same here. I just checked and can't start a private conversation with anyone on the forum.
Maybe we should ask the moderators? @HoldAll, could you suggest how to fix this problem, please?
You need a certain number of posts in order to use the PM function, I forget how many, 20 maybe - it's meant as an anti-spam measure so that no one can register and pester everyone right away. It's more a question for the Help Forum, perhaps the info is there. No time, gotta run, sorry.