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Questions about the psalm book reading ritual


Aug 27, 2024
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Hey WF community! First post here.

I've been wondering about the following ritual which I have used throughout my spiritual journey.

Short story:
Back in the day when I got involved with monastic practices I felt a very strong pull towards psalms. I started experimenting with the monastic rule where the entire psalm book is read daily. At that time I didn't know it was a prayer rule at all, I just made it a daily thing.
At first I felt a tickle on my forehead. Then at some point, maybe after 100 days, it caused a strange explosion like effect up in the third eye region and energies started flooding in even more. Then even more, and more. Increased the sensitivity to a level of x100 times of what I had before.

The ritual started giving me a very powerful sense of well being, through the whole mind, states of ecstasy, and all kinds of results started rolling in from everywhere as well, answers to requests. I thought that perhaps I had opened the third eye somewhat? Unlocked increased awareness or something?

What exactly goes on here? Does anybody know?

What happens on the spiritual plane when this long ritual is being done? I've seen the list of Shem HaMephorash and thought about it as something that connects you with the 72 angels?

Why is it so effective and powerful? I've worked with single psalms and read them hundreds of times at once and the effects are not even close to it.

What goes on in the head, the supreme states of wellbeing and ecstasy? The psalm reading seems to heat and cook the whole mind in a crazy way. Very intense and powerful effects.

From where does this ritual come from? Does anybody else use it here? Tell me about your experiences.

The only information that I have found is that people consider it to be very effective and that Jews do it at the Western Wall for 40 days. Also that some monastic orders use it as a prayer rule:rolleyes:


Aug 20, 2024
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You need a certain number of posts in order to use the PM function, I forget how many, 20 maybe - it's meant as an anti-spam measure so that no one can register and pester everyone right away. It's more a question for the Help Forum, perhaps the info is there. No time, gotta run, sorry.
Oh, thank you! Sorry for bothering you, your answer already helped a lot๐Ÿ™


Jul 5, 2024
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Hey Sunnylil.
I might read the whole thing in the morning or about half of them, and the rest in the evening, without any 100% fixed hours. The evening session takes place between 5 to 12 pm, sometimes starting at 6, other times from 8 or 9. The place is same, usually sitting on the bed.

Now I haven't always read just the psalms but also worked a lot with the Torah, Old and New testament. The psalm reading streaks were sometimes 40, 50, 60, 100+ days, even years, but sometimes without reading all of them daily, maybe focused on a single psalm or a set of psalms.

The book that you have mentioned, somebody told me about it, that there are some special phrases in it. All I know is that he did not have any significant success with it.

I don't read all of them in one hour, I've done the "speedrun" technique in the past but it was not effective. However when I do the full reading in let's say hour and 45 minutes or 2 hours, then it feels very effective.

Yes I do have some kind of a channel open, however I don't know how to use it properly. I've read psalms for others and it has given them results, I haven't done this much though. For me it was not hard to open the channel, it took more years to learn to handle the readings, this was much harder. Most of the time I have used the psalms for my own goals and it definitely gives all kinds of blessings, results, outcomes.

I actually feel the same here. In the past when I sometimes quit reading them, it felt like the power would not let me go. Still, I have switched a lot between the practices, prioritized one practice over another. I went from psalms to hesychasm and sticked to it for a while, then switched again, sometimes both at once.

Yes I know those two, I have read the LBRP and Middle Pillar. The other meditations that I have experimented with, everything from sufism, then the main known verses from the Quran, and of course the whole Quran itself. I don't connect so well with sufism though, feels like the effects are slightly incompatible. Never heard about Kavvanah meditation, I have to look it up.

The goal, to develop the abilities further, unlock something, perhaps do the same thing as the person you know.

Hebrew names of God in each psalm? No, I've just read them out from psalm books and bibles without thinking of that. One bible I have uses the name Jehowah all over, but it's not the JW version though.
Truth be told, I never heard of such fascinating use of the Bible. I rather thought it to be collection of history and mythology, with rarely any value for occult or actually for life in our times.
Must say you proved me wrong. Your passion for your spiritual work and practice is very admirable.


Aug 27, 2024
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Hey Morell.
I'm definitely not the only one doing this. Places like say, mt Athos are filled with monks who work a lot with the psalms and hesychasm. They're reading all psalms every day or work with the Jesus prayer (hesychasm). I've also heard about Orthodox Jews who work a lot with the psalms, reading the whole thing every day. Some rabbi told me that there are people who do this all the time. Some even read the whole thing 2 or 3 times, which is absolutely crazy, the effects like that are "ultra intense".

Although I've spoken to many people, you know, most of them are kind of narrow minded. The average priest or monk would say that all "visions or dreams" are demonic, and there is no useful advice, nothing. Very boring conversations, that is why I decided to come here and see if anybody has more information.

The book of psalms, when it is read a lot, either by reading the whole thing or by working with some selected ones, can produce all kinds of results. I've seen many over the years. The text definitely has a lot of power in there. It opens the reader relatively fast, clears the "channel". Raises a substantial amount of energy and blasts through you, something opens. After this point you can easily work even with the other practices, whether it's the Quran, Buddhist or Hindu mantras, or something else, you can connect more easily with everything.

The same thing can be said about the Quran and dhikr, they too can be used to open this sensitivity fast, the keyword is spam, a lot has to be read daily, long sessions.

I don't know why but the whole psalm reading method does this very fast. I remember teaching some people both the whole psalm reading and hesychasm and something happened within weeks, months. Something cracks open very fast, there's however a bigger problem, to be able to handle the effects after that, it's extremely hot, like burning sun, blazing fire. This takes quite a while, lots of spam is required.

When I first made the post, I didn't know that you cannot edit the post after 5 minutes? so I could not include everything. I'm new to this forum. Oh well, all forums and communities have their own rules.


Aug 20, 2024
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Hey Morell.
I'm definitely not the only one doing this. Places like say, mt Athos are filled with monks who work a lot with the psalms and hesychasm. They're reading all psalms every day or work with the Jesus prayer (hesychasm). I've also heard about Orthodox Jews who work a lot with the psalms, reading the whole thing every day. Some rabbi told me that there are people who do this all the time. Some even read the whole thing 2 or 3 times, which is absolutely crazy, the effects like that are "ultra intense".

Although I've spoken to many people, you know, most of them are kind of narrow minded. The average priest or monk would say that all "visions or dreams" are demonic, and there is no useful advice, nothing. Very boring conversations, that is why I decided to come here and see if anybody has more information.

The book of psalms, when it is read a lot, either by reading the whole thing or by working with some selected ones, can produce all kinds of results. I've seen many over the years. The text definitely has a lot of power in there. It opens the reader relatively fast, clears the "channel". Raises a substantial amount of energy and blasts through you, something opens. After this point you can easily work even with the other practices, whether it's the Quran, Buddhist or Hindu mantras, or something else, you can connect more easily with everything.

The same thing can be said about the Quran and dhikr, they too can be used to open this sensitivity fast, the keyword is spam, a lot has to be read daily, long sessions.

I don't know why but the whole psalm reading method does this very fast. I remember teaching some people both the whole psalm reading and hesychasm and something happened within weeks, months. Something cracks open very fast, there's however a bigger problem, to be able to handle the effects after that, it's extremely hot, like burning sun, blazing fire. This takes quite a while, lots of spam is required.

When I first made the post, I didn't know that you cannot edit the post after 5 minutes? so I could not include everything. I'm new to this forum. Oh well, all forums and communities have their own rules.
Sorry for bombarding you with questions, but could I ask one more? You mentioned that you read while sitting in bed. Does that mean you don't follow any ritual part? Now I wonder if it is necessary or not. For example, I have an altar with candles and a ritual robe. Plus, I write my request in Hebrew on the candle and read specific psalms for the problem at hand. It got me thinking, could reading the entire Book of Psalms make things work faster?
I'm really looking forward to the moment when DMs open up, so I can ask you something privately, if you don't mind, of course.


Aug 27, 2024
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You can ask as much as you want, no problem about that.
Very often what I do is, I sit somewhere, bed, couch, sometimes in front of the PC or reading it from the phone apps, this is when I want to experiment with some different psalm books. There are so many different versions. I do like using an actual book more than some app or screen, feels much better.

What happens with it is that with every consecutive day the effects get stronger, it loads like some kind of a program into you, I have no idea what the proper wording here is. Then it reloads the same thing, and again, and everything gets stronger. The ritual part which I have followed a lot, is reading the praises and requests after the full reading, a common method, reading + praises and requests. The reading itself gives me a strange energized trance like state where the energy flows through me, coming from above (burning sun like effect) then fries everything in it's way.

I have of course experimented with more ritualized methods that use candles, especially the beeswax ones and added the LBRP/LIRP, Middle pillar and so on to it. I'm not really doing that very heavily ritualized method so often as it seems to be unnecessary. The effects build up over time, the more you do it, the stronger it all gets, regardless of where you do it or how.

If you want to try the whole reading, try something like 10 or 12 days straight and see what happens, should give interesting effects after a few readings, days.


Jul 5, 2024
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Although I've spoken to many people, you know, most of them are kind of narrow minded. The average priest or monk would say that all "visions or dreams" are demonic, and there is no useful advice, nothing. Very boring conversations, that is why I decided to come here and see if anybody has more information.
Indeed. When crawling through YouTube, the influencers of Christianity, clergy or not, are very rarely not narrowminded. It sometimes makes me sad, not to mention that they (both intentionally and not) mock other religions, as well as atheists.
And to even start with modern obsession of some Churches with demons... a dangerous thing, not only are they taking money for it, but they teach people that it is way from their problem which can get them into addiction circle of exorcisms and finding out that they are again (actually still) in that trouble. This modern fashion is not really helping them, I think it's rather self-delusion of some kind.
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It's sad how little actual spiritual knowledge or even true interest is in the religion.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Indeed. When crawling through YouTube, the influencers of Christianity, clergy or not, are very rarely not narrowminded. It sometimes makes me sad, not to mention that they (both intentionally and not) mock other religions, as well as atheists.
And to even start with modern obsession of some Churches with demons... a dangerous thing, not only are they taking money for it, but they teach people that it is way from their problem which can get them into addiction circle of exorcisms and finding out that they are again (actually still) in that trouble. This modern fashion is not really helping them, I think it's rather self-delusion of some kind.
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It's sad how little actual spiritual knowledge or even true interest is in the religion.
Let's not get off topic here, this thread is solely about psalms, not the excesses of christian zelots. Besides, it's framed as a question about actual experiences, not about points of view.


Jul 2, 2022
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Some even read the whole thing 2 or 3 times, which is absolutely crazy, the effects like that are "ultra intense".
I have heard some interesting things about this on Mouni Sadhu's book named Concentration. Apparently some priests would lock themselves up and repeat these psalms all day, everyday. Said people got very interesting skills overtime, from miracle cures to one guy commanding demons to make him levitate (when he asks the demons to lower him down they just make him fall to his death, well played).

I am curious on what anecdotes you have.


Aug 20, 2024
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You can ask as much as you want, no problem about that.
Very often what I do is, I sit somewhere, bed, couch, sometimes in front of the PC or reading it from the phone apps, this is when I want to experiment with some different psalm books. There are so many different versions. I do like using an actual book more than some app or screen, feels much better.

What happens with it is that with every consecutive day the effects get stronger, it loads like some kind of a program into you, I have no idea what the proper wording here is. Then it reloads the same thing, and again, and everything gets stronger. The ritual part which I have followed a lot, is reading the praises and requests after the full reading, a common method, reading + praises and requests. The reading itself gives me a strange energized trance like state where the energy flows through me, coming from above (burning sun like effect) then fries everything in it's way.

I have of course experimented with more ritualized methods that use candles, especially the beeswax ones and added the LBRP/LIRP, Middle pillar and so on to it. I'm not really doing that very heavily ritualized method so often as it seems to be unnecessary. The effects build up over time, the more you do it, the stronger it all gets, regardless of where you do it or how.

If you want to try the whole reading, try something like 10 or 12 days straight and see what happens, should give interesting effects after a few readings, days.
Your advice is so helpful!๐Ÿ™
Iโ€™m glad you donโ€™t mind me asking more questions. It looks like I can already send DMs, so Iโ€™ll reach out to you there!๐Ÿ™


Oct 20, 2023
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I just haven't ever figured out what goes on with these rituals, can't understand

It's yichidim, unifications. You'll find it referenced explicitly and repeatedly in Sephardic siddurim, it's also mentioned in siddurim nusach ari.

What exactly goes on here? Does anybody know?

In the material realm it's ืจื’ื–

ืจื’ื–ื• ื•ืืœึพืชื—ื˜ืื• ืืžืจื• ื‘ืœื‘ื‘ื›ื ืขืœึพืžืฉื›ื‘ื›ื ื•ื“ืžื• ืกืœื”ืƒ

Beyond the material it's ืจื—ืค

ื•ื”ืืจืฅ ื”ื™ืชื” ืชื”ื• ื•ื‘ื”ื• ื•ื—ืฉืš ืขืœึพืคื ื™ ืชื”ื•ื ื•ืจื•ื— ืืœื”ื™ื ืžืจื—ืคืช ืขืœึพืคื ื™ ื”ืžื™ืืƒ

Why is it so effective and powerful? I've worked with single psalms and read them hundreds of times at once and the effects are not even close to it.

Because an individual Psalm often doesn't produce ืจืฆื•ื ื•ืฉื•ื‘

ื•ื”ื—ื™ื•ืช ืจืฆื•ื ื•ืฉื•ื‘ ื›ืžืจืื” ื”ื‘ื–ืงืƒ

The ritual includes the aspirant in the angelic processional. The one which is described as "Jacob's ladder" rushing and returning.
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The psalm book, I've gone through it a couple thousand times.

Are you using a translation? If so which one?
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Can't communicate with anything

State your inquiry / petition at the beginning then repeat it at the end. There is a formalized evocation at both sides of the ritual. I can post it here if there is interest.
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Some rabbi told me that there are people who do this all the time. Some even read the whole thing 2 or 3 times, which is absolutely crazy, the effects like that are "ultra intense".

Yes. We do it traditionally several times a year. It's not uncommon to do the entire book when requesting divine intervention especially for healing. The great sages and kabalists spend a great deal of time on Psalms, Rabbi Yisrael Abu-Hatzeira for example. Always praying and saying Psalms.
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to be able to handle the effects after that, it's extremely hot, like burning sun, blazing fire.

The heat? It's best understood metaphorically as "steam".

In Hebrew in the material realm: ืื“

ื•ืื“ ื™ืขืœื” ืžืŸึพื”ืืจืฅ ื•ื”ืฉืงื” ืืชึพื›ืœึพืคื ื™ ื”ืื“ืžื”ืƒ

( There's a great secret here.​
ื•ื™ืจื ืืœื”ื™ื ืืชึพื›ืœึพืืฉืจ ืขืฉื” ื•ื”ื ื”ึพื˜ื•ื‘ ืžืื“ ื•ื™ื”ื™ึพืขืจื‘ ื•ื™ื”ื™ึพื‘ืงืจ ื™ื•ื ื”ืฉืฉื™ืƒ​
What is ื˜ื•ื‘ ืžืื“? )​

In Hebrew beyond the material realm: ืจืงื™ืข

ื•ื™ืงืจื ืืœื”ื™ื ืœืจืงื™ืข ืฉืžื™ื ื•ื™ื”ื™ึพืขืจื‘ ื•ื™ื”ื™ึพื‘ืงืจ ื™ื•ื ืฉื ื™ืƒ

The heat is described metaphorically in 2 places, the best example is the flaming blade of the ื›ืจื‘ื™ื

ื•ื™ื’ืจืฉ ืืชึพื”ืื“ื ื•ื™ืฉื›ืŸ ืžืงื“ื ืœื’ืŸึพืขื“ืŸ ืืชึพื”ื›ืจื‘ื™ื ื•ืืช ืœื”ื˜ ื”ื—ืจื‘ ื”ืžืชื”ืคื›ืช ืœืฉืžืจ ืืชึพื“ืจืš ืขืฅ ื”ื—ื™ื™ืืƒ

It's also important to note the ื›ืจื‘ื™ื are ืžืจื›ื‘ืช. Those particular angels are chariots.
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Aug 27, 2024
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I have heard some interesting things about this on Mouni Sadhu's book named Concentration. Apparently some priests would lock themselves up and repeat these psalms all day, everyday. Said people got very interesting skills overtime, from miracle cures to one guy commanding demons to make him levitate (when he asks the demons to lower him down they just make him fall to his death, well played).

I am curious on what anecdotes you have.

I have done something like this too, read them all days, for long periods. One full round in the morning and then I repeated a psalm like 23, 91 or some other the whole day. When you do this all the time, it's very hard to go back. When you stop doing it, this feels as if reaching the ultimate height of some extreme mental high and then crashing down. A feeling of going down from a state of power to being something totally worthless, there are weird psychological side effects. Some of the earliest years I had serious issues with this. I was in some irritated angry state, then in a perfect bliss, then mad again. Sometimes I read the psalms twice or thrice.

Here is a good anecdote for you! The weirdest cases, when I first became too open, I managed to become possessed a couple of times, one time after experimenting with some mantras which immediately connected to something, the other time it happened after I went to a local cemetery. At first I couldn't understand what was happening, the necromantic essence started flowing through me. Later noticed how the thoughts were not mine and the state felt slightly weird. I had to force that energy out. It felt like an anecdote, walk 15 minutes in a cemetery, then have something attach to you. These issues came from not just being open but the quantity of everything, mixed up practices from many religions, overkilled the spiritual engine. With a single system in place it did not happen anymore. I keep one system firmly in place and a certain % goes on experimentation with others.

This is another anecdote like event. There were some times when I looked into the traditional grimoires, those were still the early days and I had hard time controlling all the energy. I remember how I looked at some image of a "friend" (and his family) and kept demanding one person from there to get possessed by something from a grimoire. I was kind of angry because the guy did not pay his debt back fast enough, I needed it right away, he promised to give it fast, then a week passed still no cash... Anyway that person actually ended up getting possessed after some days, we spoke about it after some days. I was kind of shocked that it happened so easily. Now I'm not really a nasty person to just for fun experiment like that, however the massive energy, my unstable mind, the cocktail from mixing practices, all at once... There were some more strange events.

What I am aware of is that some people unlock the "servants" behind the psalms or other texts, after devoting a lot of time on them. For example sufis who work a lot with some dhikr, verse or chapter, until they show themselves by appearing in the room, there are formulas (or freestyle spam). Then they will grant you something. Now I haven't had anybody appear like that no, there have been some flashes, orbs, and some events where I could hear something speak, a very low voice, distant voice. Now at first I was questioning the whole situation but I made some requests, which were granted very fast, on the same day. It does unlock some higher intuition and you get information out of nowhere, doesn't happen all the time though. I read somewhere that the Athos hesychasts, some, achieve that level and are able to see people through, get answers to questions, turning psychic.
Usually for me somebody appears in my dreams, there have been monks, others, then again, maybe some were impostors, Sometimes after I asked for something, a guy showed up and I felt an energy charge through the dream.

There are benefits, the saint work goes well. I often visit Orthodox churches, cathedrals and light some candles, works very well. I also read saint prayers, akathists and such.

In that state, of being supercharged, connected, it is possible to work more easily with grimoires, so I'm not surprised if somebody commanded them to do something, but to levitate? A guy I met online told me about using the hesychasm to get charged, so he can work with grimoires. I don't really touch grimoires though, just experimented a bit with them in the past, only a bit.

The spam like this, psalms, hesychasm, they can kind of lead one to going mad, especially when that connection is not open enough and you stack all the energy inside you, so that it cannot get out. The connection has to be open enough for it to pass right through, heat the spiritual engine, stack some.

I have to think.. what else to add in this post later.
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State your inquiry / petition at the beginning then repeat it at the end. There is a formalized evocation at both sides of the ritual. I can post it here if there is interest.
Yes please, sounds interesting.

Your response is very interesting, thanks for taking the time to write this.

I've read the psalms mostly in a non English language (not Hebrew, I can't understand any Hebrew at all). I'll explain and message you once I get the private messages feature. I think I'm a few posts short.

I've read a certain % of the psalms in English, NKJV, NIV, some TLV, and a few rounds of KJV, honestly I can't stand the old English. A very small % in OCS, old church Slavonic, I can't really understand OCS, just spell out words. Some other English ones, can't remember.

Yisrael Abu-Hatzeira? I have to check the search engine.
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