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secret of the knowledge of good and evil

Jan 6, 2023
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the secret of the knowledge of good and evil is that evil always wins

good can only do good works, by definition good cannot do evil

evil can do anything to defeat good, evil pretends to be good

evil deceives good until good does evil works unknowingly

believing in good and evil results in love, a powerful mental dis ease

love is obsession

love narrows focus

love allows murder

the end of love is hate

love is the abomination that causes desolation

the anti dote to love is appreciation

all things can be appreciated equally

appreciation is awareness

the end of appreciation is benign ignorance

appreciation is the foundation of creative ability

the universe is right

nature is the ultimate dictator

freedom is the ability to do wrong

wrong acts are quickly corrected by right

if you dont eat, you die

there is no energy in darkness and wrongness

all power comes from rightness
Apr 18, 2022
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I would say the secret the knowledge of good and evil is that neither exist. All that exists are actions/events, and humans project our interpretations of these actions/events onto the actions/events themselves, based on how we perceive the outcomes for the beings/environment that is affected.

For example:
If a man robs someone of their money at gun point, most people will call his actions evil

If the man is robbing someone at gun point for money to buy food for his starving children, a lot of people will be conflicted and there will likely be a 50/50 split, and half of the people will call his actions good

If the man being robbed is a drug dealer, even more people will go over to the side of judging the robber's actions as good

If the robber is a pedophile who is only keeping his starving children alive for the sake of his own perverse satisfaction, there will probably be a change to a 95/5 split, where the larger side are the people who now see the robber as evil (with only 5% still seeing "some value" in the children not starving to death).

On and on it goes as we add more and more variables.

But as far as "the universe" / "reality" is concerned, there is no good and evil in either case, a being is simply being robbed of their resources. All the intricate variables that alter human interpretation of reality are just the biases of the human mind. They have nothing to do with reality itself.
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Site Staff
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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On the Qabalistic Tree of Life, Evil comes from the Pillar of Severity, more specifically from Geburah. Geburah corresponds to the principle of law, separation, and severity, while Chesed represents mercy and a reunification with the One-ness that is perceived as God.

The Justice tarot card shows a woman holding a scale and a sword. Exile was once a punishment for criminals, and imprisonment is a form of severe separation practiced today upon "evildoers." The purpose of a sword is to divide and separate things like body parts from bodies. Failure to comply with law enforcement in most countries can lead to your untimely death (separating body and soul) even if you're innocent of any actual crime aside from ignoring their assumed authority. It rather goes without saying that human justice is a very imperfect manifestation of the cosmic principle itself.

Geburah is also the Sephira which allowed Creation, the division of God into all the parts, beings, and people you see within the space and time that It gave to manifest Its Creation. Geburah and Chesed are balanced by Tiphareth which mediates between and balances the two extremes. Conceivably, were Mercy (at-One-ness) to dominate to the complete elimination of Severity, all individuality below Binah would cease upon a return of Creation to the Mind of God.

There is an "evil" extension of the Tree of Life which presumably arose from Geburah too. Having read the explanation of it in Qabalah, Qliphoth, & Goetic Magic by Karlsson, I find some of the reasoning behind it obtuse. On one hand, there are magicians who follow it on a path towards becoming gods themselves, but the descriptions of the Qlipha (as opposed to Sephira) read like Judeo-Christian propaganda. Of course, who really knows?


Site Staff
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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I think it is slightly propaganda of the LHP. Buyer beware, Im not buying into that philosophy.
All I'm suggesting, and again it's just my opinion, is that religious opportunists among Jews and Christians have long recognized the utility of creating unity among their believers by demonizing (pun intended) the opposition. A Tree of Knowledge full of demon names would be quite useful to them as a warning to their followers about the evils of magic and the occult. Ever notice how much fear of the Devil is generated by Christian fundamentalist churches? People who live in fear are more easily controlled.

I am also not saying I believe this (evil) Qliphotic Tree of Knowledge exists. Those who do believe in it and use it have their own reasons and results, so it doesn't matter what I think. The Tree of Life as we commonly know it is just a map of the planes of existence. The map is not the territory...
Sep 9, 2021
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Good points, Im just not into edge lord philosophy, and I agree knowing demonized names is a good thing. I personally struggle between Celtic ancestry and christian upbringing. I believe in living principles, and living free, including living joy, health, wealth and opportunity and blessings of all kinds, even miracles.
Jan 6, 2023
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I would say the secret the knowledge of good and evil is that neither exist.
they do exist in the minds and actions of the acolytes

the [tree of knowledge], or understanding of [good and evil]

is mental slavery, putting ideology above experience

men use good and evil to control the masses, making them gather the earths resources and lock them away, to be meted out for various good works that please the evil men on top, those who resist this slave system are called evil while those that rape the earth are called good

in this system the man with the gun is always [good]
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Im just not into edge lord philosophy, and I agree knowing demonized names is a good thing.
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Dec 2, 2022
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Het geheim van de kennis van goed en kwaad is dat het kwaad altijd wint

Het goede kan alleen maar goede werken doen, het goede kan per definitie geen kwaad doen

Het kwaad kan alles doen om het goede te verslaan, het kwaad pretendeert goed te zijn

Het kwade bedriegt het goede totdat het goede onbewust werkt

Geloven in goed en kwaad resulteert in liefde, een krachtig mentaal ongemak

Liefde is obsessie

Liefde vernauwt focus

Liefde staat moord toe

Het einde van de liefde is haat

Liefde is de gruwel die verwoesting veroorzaakt

De anti-dote voor liefde is waardering

Alle dingen kunnen even gewaardeerd worden

waardering is bewustwording

Het einde van waardering is goedaardige onwetendheid

Waardering is de basis van creatief vermogen

Het universum heeft gelijk

De natuur is de ultieme dictator

Vrijheid is het vermogen om verkeerd te doen

Verkeerde handelingen worden snel gecorrigeerd door goed

Als je niet eet, ga je dood

Er is geen energie in duisternis en onrecht

Alle macht komt voort uit goedheid

the secret of the knowledge of good and evil is that evil always wins

good can only do good works, by definition good cannot do evil

evil can do anything to defeat good, evil pretends to be good

evil deceives good until good does evil works unknowingly

believing in good and evil results in love, a powerful mental dis ease

love is obsession

love narrows focus

love allows murder

the end of love is hate

love is the abomination that causes desolation

the anti dote to love is appreciation

all things can be appreciated equally

appreciation is awareness

the end of appreciation is benign ignorance

appreciation is the foundation of creative ability

the universe is right

nature is the ultimate dictator

freedom is the ability to do wrong

wrong acts are quickly corrected by right

if you dont eat, you die

there is no energy in darkness and wrongness

all power comes from rightness
Out side , and inside. One wins outside. The other one wins inside.
Look at both sides.
They are always equal in abebilities. But opposit from explaining.
That means. YOu choose what you like. Win outside or inside. I say, what is best at the moment you need is what you choose.
Evil loses at the same thing things while it wins some like good does lose a bit of something and win something.
There is no discrimination possible like one is better then the other but with a different purpose. I depends on what you want to acchieve.

About inside winning not many think about it or gave it a thought. But it does exist as a theory and is interesting.

We are all born in the same situation. With the same ingredients of possibilities.
That is where we are passive in at the first place. We like to feel the opposit of that and then starts step two. Yet you can choose not to bother but be peaceful with this passive issue and see our equality in it. We need always both aspects.
Political ok ,they like to see independingly induviduals. Those individuals do not exist.
Depending in truth we do on each other always if we like it or not but must be taught it is ok .

So we run less if that is ok.
And spend our time on more important issues. Like fun and rest.


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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Good and evil are two sides of the same coin, just as with light and darkness, you can't have and know of one if there isn't it's opposite to compare with.If there wasn't "evil" we wouldn't know of "good" either, we would live our lives ignorant of them and only judging people by how much their actions hurt someone rather than if "it was evil" or how much it helped another rahter than if "it was good".

The focus would be on the actions and words themselves, not the intent behind them.
Jan 6, 2023
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Out side , and inside. One wins outside. The other one wins inside.
Look at both sides.
They are always equal in abebilities.

good is limited to good actions, it cannot be evil, good cannot lie, good cannot cheat or steal

evil can take any action, it can use good for evil purpose, evil can lie, cheat and steal, evil can deceive, evil will murder for fun and profit

those that do good are always helping evil whether or not they know it

We are all born in the same situation. With the same ingredients of possibilities.
bullshit, categorically untrue, some of us are far more competent than others, i have spent my whole life making people feel incompetent without even trying, i am definitely more equal than most
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Good and evil are two sides of the same coin, just as with light and darkness, you can't have and know of one if there isn't it's opposite to compare with.
firstly, your assertion that "you cant know one without the opposite" is simply wishful thinking, there is no law that says everything must have an opposite, what is the opposite of a rock?

secondly, your use of light/dark to illustrate your point is unfortunate, in reality there is only light, the illusion of darkness comes from perception, if you dont see light then the mind quickly makes up a placeholder, but the universe is light, broad spectrum instruments can "see" all the light, to them there is no darkness, there is no place where light isnt, even inside your dna

lastly, good and evil are not a coin, something that implies shared value, in fact each individual makes up what is good and evil with their judgements, often one persons good is anothers evil, that is how wars start, by dehumanizing the other, calling them evil, and so it must be seen that believing in good and evil is mental illness
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Dec 2, 2022
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Het goede is beperkt tot goede daden, het kan niet slecht zijn, het goede kan niet liegen, het goede kan niet bedriegen of stelen

Het kwaad kan elke actie ondernemen, het kan het goede gebruiken voor kwade doeleinden, het kwaad kan liegen, bedriegen en stelen, het kwaad kan bedriegen, het kwaad zal moorden voor plezier en winst

Degenen die goed doen, helpen altijd het kwade, of ze het nu weten of niet

Bullshit, categorisch onwaar, sommigen van ons zijn veel competenter dan anderen, ik heb mijn hele leven besteed aan het maken van mensen die zich incompetent voelen zonder het zelfs maar te proberen, ik ben zeker meer gelijk dan de meesten
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Ten eerste, uw bewering dat "je kunt het ene niet kennen zonder het tegenovergestelde" is gewoon wishful thinking, er is geen wet die zegt dat alles een tegendeel moet hebben, wat is het tegenovergestelde van een rots?

Ten tweede is je gebruik van licht/donker om je punt te illustreren ongelukkig, in werkelijkheid is er alleen licht, de illusie van duisternis komt van waarneming, als je geen licht ziet dan vormt de geest al snel een tijdelijke aanduiding, maar het universum is licht, breedspectruminstrumenten kunnen al het licht "zien", voor hen is er geen duisternis, Er is geen plek waar geen licht is, zelfs niet in je DNA

Ten slotte zijn goed en kwaad geen munt, iets dat gedeelde waarde impliceert, in feite verzint elk individu wat goed en kwaad is met zijn oordelen, vaak is de ene persoon goed is het kwaad van de ander, dat is hoe oorlogen beginnen, door de ander te ontmenselijken, ze kwaad te noemen, en dus moet worden gezien dat geloven in goed en kwaad een geestesziekte is


good is limited to good actions, it cannot be evil, good cannot lie, good cannot cheat or steal

evil can take any action, it can use good for evil purpose, evil can lie, cheat and steal, evil can deceive, evil will murder for fun and profit

those that do good are always helping evil whether or not they know it

bullshit, categorically untrue, some of us are far more competent than others, i have spent my whole life making people feel incompetent without even trying, i am definitely more equal than most
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firstly, your assertion that "you cant know one without the opposite" is simply wishful thinking, there is no law that says everything must have an opposite, what is the opposite of a rock?

secondly, your use of light/dark to illustrate your point is unfortunate, in reality there is only light, the illusion of darkness comes from perception, if you dont see light then the mind quickly makes up a placeholder, but the universe is light, broad spectrum instruments can "see" all the light, to them there is no darkness, there is no place where light isnt, even inside your dna

lastly, good and evil are not a coin, something that implies shared value, in fact each individual makes up what is good and evil with their judgements, often one persons good is anothers evil, that is how wars start, by dehumanizing the other, calling them evil, and so it must be seen that believing in good and evil is mental illness
I thought at the inside it is dark and surrounded to cause darkness so you see nothing. There outside has it's benefits.
And wins. But The outside we see allows light without to hide that light. So because this dislead and mislead attention away from the inside the inside wins for what it wants to win and that is to stay uncovered.
So the situation is important to know what we want to win if that is what we win. If we want to look like winners only and pleased with any outcome we can call ourselves always winners. And this is a very modern method.
Actually what we mean is we feel and are losers.

That means we win nothing but feel shame and hide this.

Evil is week. It need to think it wins. So good is strong and leave it that way for week. That is the power and strength of good.
It sounds stupid to say , that good is just humble and like no attentios etc.. It goos deeper from reality what is true and real.
So real power shows not much of power. Week shows power. But otherwise power would have no way to be shown or explained. So that is ok week does do that. It bothers really nobody also. Really.


Nov 29, 2023
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All I'm suggesting, and again it's just my opinion, is that religious opportunists among Jews and Christians have long recognized the utility of creating unity among their believers by demonizing (pun intended) the opposition. A Tree of Knowledge full of demon names would be quite useful to them as a warning to their followers about the evils of magic and the occult. Ever notice how much fear of the Devil is generated by Christian fundamentalist churches? People who live in fear are more easily controlled.

I am also not saying I believe this (evil) Qliphotic Tree of Knowledge exists. Those who do believe in it and use it have their own reasons and results, so it doesn't matter what I think. The Tree of Life as we commonly know it is just a map of the planes of existence. The map is not the territory...
I myself do not think of it as evil and good. I think positive intent and negative. I think negative intent is not good for the Creator/Source or anyone else including the person with negative intent in terms of how they truly feel about themselves and how the Creator/Source views them. Of course people with negative intent can be successful just some with positive intent may not be. I do think it impacts our shared reality and our Creator/Source. I know many that have a lot of negative intent out there in the world want to believe it does not matter, of course they would. A persons environment and experience have a role in how they deal with that experience as well. One of the other responses talked about it being a deep rabbit hole because of all the factors which is why I think intent speaks the truth. If it is a selfish intent that has negative impacts on others they are aware of, then it is negative to do it. If they are unaware of the negativity of cause and effect then it isn't negative intent. My thoughts. I agree with some of what you said for sure about the fear being used to control for sure... :)


Oct 20, 2023
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all power comes from rightness

which is good ...

all things can be appreciated equally

which is good ...

Appreciating evil means, using it to define what is good.

good cannot lie, good cannot cheat or steal

Of course it can... for the greater good.

People did all of these smuggling innocent children out of germany in WW2.

some of us are far more competent than others

True. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
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Secret of the knowledge of good and evil:

There's several secrets of the tree-of-knowledge-of-good-and-evil. The most important is that good can become evil, and evil can become good.
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Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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I figure if "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions", then there must be a lot of billboards along it saying things like: "Remember that the only excuse you really have is that you were just doing your job".

It doesn't seem very secret to me, but I am wary of that old "banality of evil".
Anyways, I want to read again a book called Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty by Roy F. Baumeister. It kind of explored how folks think they are doing good and commit horrible evils - the secret there, if I call correctly, being everybody thinks they are right even they know what they doing is wrong. Another take on the "greater good" (as lesser evil) - but this is pretty twisted.

But if I should ever find myself on the road to Heaven, and I see a Sumerian space ship landing in front me, and John Dee comes out to greet me, then I am going to just sit down in the road in zazen position and take out a postcard that "Buddhist phase" Crowley sent me in a past life that reads: "Happy Holidays and wishing you a speedy termination of your existence!"
Sep 9, 2021
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All I'm suggesting, and again it's just my opinion, is that religious opportunists among Jews and Christians have long recognized the utility of creating unity among their believers by demonizing (pun intended) the opposition. A Tree of Knowledge full of demon names would be quite useful to them as a warning to their followers about the evils of magic and the occult. Ever notice how much fear of the Devil is generated by Christian fundamentalist churches? People who live in fear are more easily controlled.

I am also not saying I believe this (evil) Qliphotic Tree of Knowledge exists. Those who do believe in it and use it have their own reasons and results, so it doesn't matter what I think. The Tree of Life as we commonly know it is just a map of the planes of existence. The map is not the territory...
The only reality I know of it is through demonologists I worked with briefly.
It's a person's worst nightmare ... But there are surprises to be found, supposedly.
Thus the tree of life is what I follow, damned eternally or not. As I stated in one of my threads, my goals ... One of them is to transform my vices to virtues and live a virtuous life, bonus to have others do the same.
Demonized names would include the Celts, which makes me a less than happy individual. Still, to live by virtues is not a bad way to live.
As I've told people before, the name may not matter as long as you live their virtues. Not easy but worth every grain.