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Similarity to Alpha and Omega and few signs about second life here


Sep 29, 2024
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You may notice that you are still often tired, or you have various anxieties, depression, various "schizophrenia" and other various professionally named "diseases"
It may not always be a disease, but it may be the parasitism of an energy vampire, some say a demon, but it is always a person and his soul, someone who caused these things to you and then feeds on you energetically, spiritually, and then has a lot of psychological strength and endurance and so on..

They are beings who have a contract with a demon so that they can do these things to innocent beings that "do not belong to them".
A prayer to Jesus Christ is needed to stop these things:
A prayer in the name of Jesus Christ that from now on no being can in any way parasitize your soul and energy and body, so that they can never take anything from you in any way or come close to you again,
A prayer for all systems and curses and agreements to be turned off, because of which they parasitize you in any way and do various evil things..
A prayer that they give you back all that they took from you,
And may they never lie to you and try to give you any agreements and curses, and may they be banished and separated from you forever. Amen
You can create or find a better and more complete and detailed prayer, there are various articles and instructions


Sep 29, 2024
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Keep your posts in this thread
Sometimes you may notice that you meet a person, once or regularly more than once, or you see someone similar in a magazine, or somewhere in a shop window or on the Internet in an advertisement or in a picture of a YouTube video.

These images/messages are not a coincidence, they are a message from a demon who has shown himself to you in that likeness and has come to greet you.
Demons are not some evil spirits that came here from somewhere and can only destroy us..
Or he pays us back for some of our sins, that's a fairy tale and a lie .. (look how many rich people and politicians and criminals live in peace with a smile, and they tell us .. one day they will find out, they have their reward, and so on ...)

In reality, demons are the souls of all the people you know, they are versions of them in the spirit, with whom a person is connected, but they are completely united in the sum only after death, .. but subconsciously they already "work together"

When you see these doubles/demons somewhere, Even in your dreams... Be sure that these are the people you know... who have come to reveal themselves to you, perhaps at God's command... You can notice them even though they have different signs, satanic things and pictures and index fingers .. in photos on social networks, at each other's homes, they behave differently towards us and sometimes fake things or have various evil comments and spread slander, even if they are your "good friends or relatives" ..
You may notice different "signs" in everyone

You can also recognize them because they hang out with the same type of people, what with satanism and love for demons...we know them by what movies they watch or what songs they promote...it's always somehow connected to satan.

Mostly, the fact that you know a person/demon personally does not mean anything good, and various things parasitize you..
As soon as you notice something like that, you need to get rid of them with a detailed prayer to Jesus, see my next article: