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Source of this image?


Jan 28, 2023
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Some context: This image was inserted into a really strange thread on this site a while ago. The original poster of the thread "tapesfromthefuture" made a lot of absurd claims, most people denied them but another user, "Ownchef" generally was on the side of "tapesfromthefuture". I am not interested in the actual effects of attempting what the content of the image is suggesting becuase I'm pretty damn sure it wouldn't work but I was wondering if anybody knows the source of the image? did "tapesfromthefuture" create the image himself or was it taken from another document?


Jun 30, 2021
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since you absolutely are adamant you dont believe in it and you are searching also for pestifer mundy and the source of this image, i am wondering what circle jerk you come from. aquinos crew is nice and helpfull. the aset ka makes beautifull art, but this, this fucking freakshow...this shit.. you know...

you know i dont mind this game i have been playing it for ages now, but well go watch the news and count circles or something.

oww and some context: i was the one helping and asking military if they could set it up. so if you really really really wanna know go ask nasa, nsa or o9a for that matter, but you are prob getting the same answer as i am giving you : where the pic comes from is none of your concern. and if you dont believe it go google and see who owns the nft.


Jan 28, 2023
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I'm just curious about the occult and I also staggered onto a really really odd thread on here a while ago and I'm trying to piece everything together. "Helping and asking the military if they could set it up?" what does that mean?


Jun 30, 2021
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it means many things. some times things are not to be unraveled further or your head explodes sort of and we like to keep it healthy, but nah. it has to do with making sure this site if a safe spot for learning. i get aggressive at certain things as you might have noticed and others are more helpful afterwards. it keeps it sane as online wizardry can be strange.

but why not introduce yourself first in the introduction topic. excuse my focus on manners, but im quite oldschool in that sense and a lot of occult knowledge and knowhow has to do with being proper. often the old school ways provide what that means even when we dont really understand it.

i know for example that in fez, morocco, is the oldest university. when you want to enter a classroom you have to go tru a door that is shoulder high. so every time you bow for the knowhow in the room and show your self how to be humble by making that posture. i for myself think its funny they have a very old clock running on water and that the university was set up by a woman that is always portrayed in green clothing.