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Spacecraft retreival from previous landing on a body in space

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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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I should also add that your idea of dropping gigatons of ice into the atmosphere of the Earth presents the same problems that Creationists ignore when they talk about a so-called "water canopy" that somehow dropped from space to cause the mythological global flood of Noah. Hint: it ain't ice no more when it be boiling from the energy of impact... astronomical speeds become astronomical energy releases.


Jul 2, 2022
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I should also add that your idea of dropping gigatons of ice into the atmosphere of the Earth presents the same problems that Creationists ignore when they talk about a so-called "water canopy" that somehow dropped from space to cause the mythological global flood of Noah. Hint: it ain't ice no more when it be boiling from the energy of impact... astronomical speeds become astronomical energy releases.
I am beyond trolling by this point, how tf are we supposed to mine a gas giant anyways? Maybe you have read some concepts so I am willing to read that.

Can we even build spacecrafts big enough to bring the said ice (we are assuming sun won't melt it on the way)? Even the starship doesn't look feasible.

And then there is the distance. We can't even go back to moon as it stands currently. Artemis 2 is stuck on development hell. SLS doesn't have the delta-v to carry Orion all the way and back. Starship still needs time.

Not everyday we get a thread like this so I am running wild, sorry.
Sep 9, 2021
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So the basic gist is that unless its a space shuttle, no way in hell it would get back to the primary ship.
Meanwhile weve littered the crap out of Venus, Mars and the moon.


Site Staff
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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how tf are we supposed to mine a gas giant anyways?
Well, this is the stuff of science fiction. Still, there's an awful lot of ice in the solar system, perhaps even on moons orbiting gas giants. I mean, it's fun to think "what if?" I merely pointed out that, in a hypothetical scenario which brought a small comet's worth of ice down the gravity well of the Sun to the Earth (and its gravity well), getting said ice to the surface would have the same impact of... a comet. Hitting the Earth. Fast.

However, what I believe is happening here is a case of the (un)intended side effects of programming people to put trust in corporate media, and the news media is almost as bad as Hollywood when it comes to reporting on actual science. The "Do the Math" guy said that his survey of adult students showed only 11% of them knew that no human has been beyond low Earth orbit (600 km) since 1980 (the last moon landing occurred in December, 1972).

Science and technology have been great at miniaturization as far as computational devices (cell phones), but that does not mean that all areas have advanced at the same pace. The laws of physics still apply.

And then there is the distance. We can't even go back to moon as it stands currently. Artemis 2 is stuck on development hell. SLS doesn't have the delta-v to carry Orion all the way and back. Starship still needs time.
Why don't we just let Boeing build space ships too? I'm sure all the diversity graduates have wonderful ideas for making space a .... safe space. o_O


Aug 17, 2023
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Also, most of the ice in the solar system is not water ice. Let us not be dropping gigatons of methane ice into our oceans :D
Nobody brings that much meth here lessen' he's Gustavo Fring!
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Well, this is the stuff of science fiction. Still, there's an awful lot of ice in the solar system, perhaps even on moons orbiting gas giants. I mean, it's fun to think "what if?" I merely pointed out that, in a hypothetical scenario which brought a small comet's worth of ice down the gravity well of the Sun to the Earth (and its gravity well), getting said ice to the surface would have the same impact of... a comet. Hitting the Earth. Fast.

However, what I believe is happening here is a case of the (un)intended side effects of programming people to put trust in corporate media, and the news media is almost as bad as Hollywood when it comes to reporting on actual science. The "Do the Math" guy said that his survey of adult students showed only 11% of them knew that no human has been beyond low Earth orbit (600 km) since 1980 (the last moon landing occurred in December, 1972).

Science and technology have been great at miniaturization as far as computational devices (cell phones), but that does not mean that all areas have advanced at the same pace. The laws of physics still apply.

Why don't we just let Boeing build space ships too? I'm sure all the diversity graduates have wonderful ideas for making space a .... safe space. o_O
"In space no one can hear hatespeech." Now there's a meme fer ya.
Sep 9, 2021
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In my research on small spacecraft design, and all things space, there have been small spacecraft with a helicopter design and thrusters to get out of the atmosphere. However, it appears the answer remains the same, we're simply littering planets with smashed spacecraft debris such as Mars Rovers.

In lighter news, I saw on linkedIn News that one of the first Elon Musk NeuroLink implant patients is playing chess, a guy who ws left a quadraplegic from an accident.


Jan 17, 2023
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You guys made my day with this discussion of back n forth, tough love!!!! :LOL:
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It's an idea. Ideas change things.
The idea is to maybe be elementary to some that stir an even better idea in the hands of the powerful and capable.
The idea here that is elementary is that our Gas Giants have tons of ice.
Wouldn't it be grand to know if these could somehow be mined/picked/extracted and hoisted into dry ice beds in a larger craft, brought to Earth and inserted into the Arctic Ocean?

That is the idea in a nutshell.

However, the possible list of possibilities could be large, and they may stir more concrete ideas on how to make a difference rather than naysayers about global warming.

At the least, I learn how to program.
Well, global warming is real. Polar bears' numbers dwindling bear witness to this. But granted, its not because of polution:LOL:. There were some studies made on the arctic and the consensus is that the planet goes through periods of excess warming. Not because of what the naysayers (like you say) would want you to believe, but scientific data that was collected from arctic ice they took from deep within the ice:giggle: Bringing ice from outer space into the arctic wouldn't serve much of a purpose because the temperatures are rising and therefore the ice will most definitely melt. Making the great effort futile:oops:
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Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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Editor's note (11/22/2023): Over the years, we have heard from readers who tell us that they have seen this article being cited by people who deny the reality or seriousness of human-caused global warming. To make it harder for anyone to mischaracterize this article, we are adding this note:

  • The fact that Earth has been hotter in the past than it is today doesn't prove that recent global warming is natural.
    • Forest fires can have both natural and human causes. So can climate change. It is partly through figuring out what caused the periods like the ones described in this article that we came to understand that carbon dioxide sets the thermostat of Earth's climate.
  • The fact that Earth has been hotter in the past than it is today doesn't prove that current warming is harmless, either to people or other life on Earth.
    • Some previous hot periods led to global mass extinctions.
    • The hot house periods described in this article occurred millions and millions of years before humans existed. They have no bearing on whether modern human civilization can cope with the level of warming we are likely to face if we do not stop adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.
Sep 9, 2021
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There is a major problem with launching even a small spacecraft, which ties into an earlier argument on the subject of gravity - propulsion and thermal generators. Which, for this idea, would take considerable amounts of fuel.

Also to avoid littering planets, parachutes for robot vehicles (the atmospheric sniffer and the ice slab extractor) may help. These same robots would need secondary thrusters and propellent or a winch type system to get back to the primary craft.


Jul 2, 2022
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Also to avoid littering planets, parachutes for robot vehicles (the atmospheric sniffer and the ice slab extractor) may help. These same robots would need secondary thrusters and propellent or a winch type system to get back to the primary craft
Shouldn't you start with calculating delta-v, escape velocity, orbits, stages of a rocket, etc etc before thinking about these?

Mf really said atmospheric sniffer.
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