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Suggestion for August 1st


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Sep 27, 2021
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Lughnassad - Full Moon - 25th Mansion​

Lughnassad is the feast celebrated by pagans to mark the harvest, and it gets its name from the god Lugh. It is believed that his name is derived from “binding to an oath”. In the Lexicon Cornu-Britannicum there is an entry for LUC (enough / sufficiently), one for LUCHAS (lightning) and LUGARN (light / candle). I have reasons to view him as a sort of Lucifer. However... It doesn't really matter if you agree with that or not, or if you are Wiccan or not. The ritual that I propose here is a Luciferian one.

The 25th Mansion is associated with uncovering of hidden things and the coming out of small creatures. These little ones can get into places and see hidden secrets without being noticed. Would be nice if they could pass that info on to you. Maybe if they were bound by an oath..

There's also a full moon that night, which of course is the main (natural) force that allows you to see (things that are hidden) in the dark. That's (probably) one of the main reasons why the full moon is associated with increased clairvoyance.

So let's use these three ingredients to make a nice dish.

The purpose of this ritual:
  • Contact Lucifer​
  • Explain what (info) you are looking for​
  • (have) him sign a contract​
  • (olive) oil or a (home made) anointing oil​
  • a small mirror​
  • a whiteboard-marker​
  • a candle (can be a tea light)​
  • it's on a harvest feast, so: cookies (preferably ones you made yourself)​

The ritual:

(Banish and) set up your area.

Get a (small round) mirror. With a whiteboard-marker (or any other thing that can be wiped off) draw the seal of Lucifer on it.

Place the mirror in the (north) West, in such a way that, when you sit comfortably, you see your forehead in the middle of the mirror.

Also place a candle behind the mirror.

Light an incense that you deem appropriate.

Write your request on a paper towel / tissue.

Relax, sit down.

Stare into the mirror, look at your forehead (third eye), and keep your eyes on it. Whisper / murmur / chant the Enn of Lucifer


Very quickly the image in the mirror will start to change shape and color and the entire mirror will probably disappear. If this happens you can close your eyes if you want to, or try to look beyond.

Greet Lucifer, address him as the Emperor, the Angel of Light, the prince of Hell.

Now visualize and say what it is that you are asking of him. State that you have written it on paper for him to sign. Say that you know the spirits under him can and will do the task and that you will offer them cookies as payment.


Wipe off the seal with the paper towel (thereby cleaning your mirror but also “transferring the seal” to the paper), then roll it up tight and compact.
Apply a bit of oil and burn it (you can do this in the empty tin of a tea light)


Leave the cookies in a couple of bushes / shrubs / a park for the little creatures to find once you've left.​