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[Archive] [The God-King] Activating Your Sigil

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.
Sigil magic is a very effective form of magic. Simple (or intricate) symbols can be used to achieve one's goal by utilizing nothing but the subconscious. This thread will detail a simple method of sigil activation that I use when doing sigil magic or prior to modern evocations (which many know that I'm currently testing to see if it is a better method than Grimoire Tradition methods). The following working is created with the assumption that the sigil is already drawn and is ready to be used.

Activating The Sigil

Fix your eyes on an invisible point at the center of the sigil. Let your vision absorb the whole sigil at once, the image burning itself into your retinas. Keep your eyes relaxed, as if you are waiting for something rather than forcing something to come. While your gaze becomes transfixed in the sigil, summon up in your mind the image of yourself surrounded by a deep, blue aura. Hold this image in your mind as you look into the sigil. Lock the mental image in place, forcing all other thoughts out, grasping only to this one. Throughout this all, remember to breathe, to remain relaxed although your chest will seem to spontaneously tighten and your breath will grow shallow of its own accord. Begin to visualize your goal. See you holding and kissing the one you wish to love/love you, see yourself with the new promotion, in your new home, etc etc.

After only a few minutes of the simultaneous sigil gazing and visualization, an unseen link between the sigil and the image in your mind will begin to form. Often, this link will feel like a slight pull towards the sigil, or a deeper transfixion, or sometimes as a dramatic shift in the atmosphere altogether. It might also be more subtle, being felt as a simple attraction to the sigil or a greater ease in performing both mental tasks at once. This link being established, however, is the first of a rapid succession of supernatural events, at which point it is imperative to complete the Operation to its end, lest the the gateway is left half-opened, and your wishes remain half-granted.

Continuing the bilateral focus on the sigil and the visualization, you will soon begin to notice dramatic changes in the sigil itself. Most practitioners report seeing the lines and curves of the sigil disappearing from sight altogether only to reappear in a vibrant three-dimensional existence, each line vanishing and returning one at a time until the full sigil has undergone this process. In such a case, the sigil seems to flash with energy, and may even appear to no longer be sitting on the paper, but to have undergone a transfiguration and be existing independent of the paper and the ink. While other manifestations experienced by a smaller number of Practitioners may be less dramatic and phenomenal than the above, they will still undeniably mark the fact that the sigil has awakened.

Initially, once the sigil has flashed it has been "activated" and ready for use. You may return to a normal state. At this point many practitioners disagree on how to deal with the sigil. Some say keep the sigil, several activations may be needed depending on the size and scope of the goal. Others say to "set it and forget it" and to burn the sigil, or bury it or otherwise somehow destroy it. I say to find which one works for you. With sigils the general consensus is to forget it, but there are those who say that they've had more success with keeping them and activating them several times. Follow my other thread entitled Be a Scientist and experiment; trial and error.

The goal here is to try not to think about the end result. Let your subconscious do the work and make the universe bend to your will. I have another thread on the use of sigils, this one is to present yet another method.