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The Great Silence


Feb 8, 2022
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Seems to me that the final destination of the path of the shaman or magickian is the Great Silence that stems from Nothingness. To reaching it many go through
so many weird experiences and what not as to be deemed as crazy. What differs from the common layman is that a magickian has a holy function inside himself. The silence is from where we come from and silence is where we return. The Silent Me is the observer and the player is your consciousness with it's vehicle. What you do in between is what you will have on your Samskaras or Energy Stamps until you reach the silence. Kundalini is just another process with powers up the vehicle and steers it through force towards silence but it can be a bit traumatizing for the unexperienced individual. Spiritual awakening is just another procedure to notice what's NOT inside the silence so you even wake up to the fact that there is a silence. Energetical awakening is something else and can easily lead to madness thanks to the sheer contamination of the modern world. Self-Power comes from clearing the Samkaras or Energy Stamps away in a systematic fashion and the more you do this the more you will get empowered. Power in itself is a function of the suffering and defines the brightness of you inside the Silence.