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Book – PDF The Magical Treatise of Solomon or Hygromanteia - Ioannis Marathakis

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Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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The Magical Treatise of Solomon or Hygromanteia is the true ancestor of the grimoire The Key of Solomon. This book has been translated from every available manuscript of the text dating from 1440. It provides much additional information on the methods of evoking spirits, and includes much background material which did not make it into The Key of Solomon. As such it is an invaluable text for both the scholar and the serious practitioner. This is a ground breaking work, and the first time the Magical Treatise has been translated into English. Contrary to popular opinion the Key of Solomon was not derived from a Hebrew text, but was derived from the present Greek text. Ioannis Marathakis is uniquely qualified for this task being a native born Greek speaker who has studied ancient and Byzantine Greek at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, as well as Latin and Hebrew. He is also well versed in the grimoires, having written on them in other publications.
