I understand that this is directed at Xeno (who, I can assure you, understands the etymological and semantic history of "semitic" - it's generally a good idea to
never presume that someone knows less than you - your spelling and grammar, at least, do not warrant otherwise), however, given that such exalted company is presently engaged in an, erm, "unforeseen hiatus" I will hazard what he's suggesting and await his correcting me upon his return...
He's not extrapolating his views from an experience of one individual person who "bit" him but he's considering a strong trend among Jews towards the anti-Western, anti-tradition, Far Left. This is beyond Karl Marx although Marx is a watershed moment in the modern world. Jewish overrepresentation on the Far Left is simultaneously
by Jewish authors themselves. This overrepresentation was especially the case in the Soviet Union where in 1939, despite (according to
) making up just under 3 million of the Soviets' 175.5 million population, Jews dominated in government positions, including, via
, and
, as three successive heads of the GULAG system, with many Jews in subordinate positions in that brutal system which had a major role in the murder
. To put that into perspective, the highest claimed figure for Jewish victims of the Holocaust is 6 million. I often wonder why so few Westerners have even heard of the earlier, numerically greater atrocities which took place in Soviet Union (maybe Spielberg should make a movie about it?). It is worth bearing all of this in mind when wondering why so many of the nations that formed the Soviet Union welcomed the Germans as liberators and collaborated with them during the war. Today, Russia makes a great play on that historical fact, especially in Ukraine.
Speaking of the Germans, it's also worth mentioning that enormous Jewish overrepresentation on the German Far Left before 1933 involved Kurt Eisner, who was Jewish, literally forming a
, the same principality which would later be the most ardently pro-Nazi. The role of Rosa Luxemburg, the co-leader of the Communist Party of Germany, in the November Revolution which overthrew all traditional pillars within German society is also indicative of a trend that sought to sow chaos and then violently overthrow governments before the dust cleared.
"Ah!", I can hear some thinking, "Of course Jews would want to overthrow countries where they were oppressed!". Jews were well integrated into pre-Hitler German society but even if we leave that out of the equation, it doesn't explain
or massive Jewish overrepresentation on the American Far Left. In the case of America, even today (thankfully) few are likely to give much time to literal card-carrying communists, but there is real Jewish overrepresentation in academic anti-Whiteness, which is an avowedly, openly Marxist means of attacking American norms and ideas. When I was part of the academy the books of people like
, Ruth Frankenberg, Judith Butler, Theodore Allen, Ella Shoat, etc., etc., etc., were dominant in the humanities but still, by the standards of wider society, niche. However, in the past 15 years those ideas have made spectacular inroads into American culture, largely with the help of the media. Terms like "white privilege" are now
de jure but the roots of those terms and the ideology behind them are often not known to the people repeating the slogans.
As always, I am open to having my mind changed on this; there are, of course, non-Jews involved with these movements too. Yet, it's the fact that a tiny demographic is so overrepresented that is never explained. I have yet to encounter one scholar willing to debate the representation discrepancy. Either they pretend that they haven't heard or else they simply scream "Antisemitism!" at facts while turning their attentions to obvious lunacy such as QAnon, implying that such brain rot is somehow, tenuously, connected with noticing historical patterns.