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The (Very Informal) Banishing of Lesser Bullshit

So here’s my main go-to method for cleansing negative energy and similar crap, whether from a person, place or object. After years of just kinda fumbling with this and looking at several sources trying to figure out a method that worked for me, I actually just came up with this myself. And it's worked really well for what I was doing. For the purposes of this article, since the term "negative energy" can get to be a mouthful, I will simply use the word "bullshit" instead. Good? Alrighty then.

First things first, this is NOT something you should use if there is possibly a spirit attachment or possession involved, curse, a major blockage, mental problem, or similar thing that is more serious. This is simply meant to be basic clearing-out, and if there is something more heavy than your basic accumulation of bullshit, please do get to the root of that first. Think of this as a light tidying up of your house, versus an episode of Hoarders. One is meant to prevent the need for the other, BEFORE things get out of hand.

Though I guess you can use items like smudge sticks for this if you want, I haven't incorporated anything with this technique before. I tend to be bare-bones as fuck unless an extra kick is really needed, or I'm feeling particularly fancy. But if you want to add more bells and whistles yourself, go right ahead! Would love to hear your take on it.

So without further ado, le tutorial:


Step 1: Imagine a speck of pure, concentrated light. If doing this to an object/place, put it in the very center of it. If doing this to you or someone else, put that biatch somewhere in the chest/solar plexus area.

Step 2: Now make this light slowly expand, in all directions as a sphere. As it gets bigger and bigger, it pushes everything else out. Where that light exists, darkness cannot. Don't just imagine it, WILL it. You have to use willpower here as well as thinking in absolutes, or this method will not work.

Step 3: Expand till big enough to surround the target in question. By this point, all the bullshit will have been pushed directly outside the sphere you've created. Take this bullshit, and push it into the ground.

Step 4: At this point, you can either dissipate this sphere of light or harden it off into a shield on the outside, since you're already halfway there. Whichever one suits you.


And voila! Simple shit, easy-peasy. If you're doing this on yourself and find that you're tensing up, getting shivers, or any other sensation, that's perfectly fine! Don't resist. Just remember to relax and let go of the bullshit. Let everything get pushed out, because it's bullshit.

It's a good idea to cleanse yourself periodically, as to keep things clear. Just like brushing your teeth to prevent cavities, this is some basic upkeep to keep another part of you from running into nastier problems that are more bothersome down the road. This is double important for somebody doing magic or something similar, in any capacity. Because what energy you send out or perceive around you, as well as how efficiently you can do those things in the first place, is directly affected.

As you can imagine, there are a great many people who go through life never even knowing this side of things is there in the first place, and consequences can often follow suit. While some normies do have certain things going for them keeping things from getting too bad (certain religious practices, getting out in nature often, laughing/crying a lot, etc.) there is only so much you can do when you don't even know what's going on. But, hey, that's one bitchin' advantage of getting into the occult in the first place- grabbing life by the balls and taking control for yourself!