Alright...I think that I know what the fuck is really going on here...I've seen some weird ass shit on another forum recently and this looks like something similar..Such colorful language for a man who has 100% overcame his ego.
Alright...I think that I know what the fuck is really going on here...I've seen some weird ass shit on another forum recently and this looks like something similar..
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This forum looks like it's been infiltrated by fucken NSA out of Fort Meade or some shit or fucken Israeli Mossad paid controlled op shills...Fuck you guys....This is fucken for real too...
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I'd say to get the fuck off this forum and probably stop posting on it..It's what it is...
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Radio silence.....
Sorry sir, now this place is MossadForums®™.I'd say to get the fuck off this forum and probably stop posting on it..It's what it is...
God I hope they're paying you fucken extra for this shit and for selling your soul to become a fucken sucker of Satan's cock...Sorry sir, now this place is MossadForums®™.
Which god are you hoping for kind sir? Don't forget, Lord Most High prohibits worhip of other ones! Stay safe, and have a happy Jewish day!God I hope they're paying you fucken extra for this shit and for selling your soul to become a fucken sucker of Satan's cock...
A man is as good as his word.Radio Silence...Out.......
Oh no! You discovered my secret! I’ll have to report this to the elite global pedophile ring now…Alright...I think that I know what the fuck is really going on here...I've seen some weird ass shit on another forum recently and this looks like something similar..
Exactly! As many dark souls out there trying to control the world and everything in it, there are more enlightened souls preparing for what comes next.What you might call the Illuminati/New World Order/Deep State is real. The richest and most powerful people in the world are NOT atheists, that's just something that they push on all of the dumbasses out there that think that they're 'smart', what they really are are more like dark-occultists, Satanists, and Luciferians. They also worship Ba'al. The Vatican and high-level Freemasons are in on it too. A large group of Jews at the top are also in on it. I can be considered to be part Jewish by birth so I didn't want it to be the Jews like that too, but it is. The Leftist and Communist agendas are all part of it. All of the good sounding 'liberal' social causes that they advocate are really weaponized propaganda as well. They put nanotehnology into that Covid vaccine..
They have been lying to you about the science and the history. Here's a 12 hour documentary on the supposed true history of Hitler and World War II..
9/11 was an inside job. They make everything be backwards and upside down. They tell you that 2 + 2 is 5. You can go about your normal life knowing about this information but those people are still there in the background doing their stuff. And if you don't think that major conspiracies exist at this point then it might just be too late for you.
Hey man… they offer dental and match my 401k, I’m just trying to make ends meet here…To the paid controlled op shills on here go fuck yourselves...
Sir why would you talk so foul in this Mossad infested forum? This is the new world order, we accept everyone no matter the gender and race, unless they figure out our plans like yours truly. As for me, yum yum yum I eat Satans dick all day!You sold your soul and became a bunch of fucken suckers of Satan's cock
Even more proof that Banishings work
Hence the NSA…I don’t know.
‘Radio Silence’ keeps getting broken so somebody must be Invoking
That might or might not be true. But you're shooting yourself in the foot by using "f***" in every sentence. We're not under mortar-fire here, and you're not making a hip-hop video, so there's no need for non-stop cursing.Alright...I think that I know what the fuck is really going on here...I've seen some weird ass shit on another forum recently and this looks like something similar..
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This forum looks like it's been infiltrated by fucken NSA out of Fort Meade or some shit or fucken Israeli Mossad paid controlled op shills...Fuck you guys....This is fucken for real too...
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I'd say to get the fuck off this forum and probably stop posting on it..It's what it is...
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Radio silence.....
I'm probably about as paranoid as EternalLife87 and in the same direction, and even I have to say thank you here. Like Warren G. Harding sighed, "It's my friends who'll be the death of me." Or like the fat little demon in the movie "Spawn" lamented, "Why do we get all the f****** retards?"Even more proof that Banishings work