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[Tutorial] Tutorial by DarkestKnight from another forum - Angelic Words of Power and Mantras

Informative post.
Sep 9, 2021
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I thought for those trying to contact angels that this may be useful.
I have named the source, I cannot take credit for these.
I have tested a few with surprising results.


"Hey All,
I contacted the archangel Raziel, and received some mantras and Words of Power to help out the beginners that come to the forum and don’t know where to begin.
These mantras are safe, and have been peer tested by a handful of experienced forum members, but feel free to take a look at my post history if you are wary of my motives for releasing them or about trying them out.
I will state here at the beginning, though, that a few of them do produce a highly energetic effect, and so do come with a warning from Raziel.
These mantra can be either chanted or vibrated.
To connect to your innate divinity:
EH - TA - LA - VEE - DEH - LUM

An alternate pronunciation of the above: EE - AH - TA - LA - VEE - DAY - EH - LUM
I have found this mantra to be very centring and grounding. It feels like I am a rock within the tumult of reality, unmovable.
To raise one’s vibration and loosen and remove negative attachments, including parasites:
AY - EEM - MA - TA - AH
Raziel’s warning:
This mantra will remove all unhealthy energetic attachments, including attachments to vices, addictions, abusive people, and obsessions. When these things are removed, you may feel a sense of loss, especially if they are deeply entrenched within your energy system. One tester found themselves losing the urge to indulge in their smoking habit after chanting.
If you are host to a parasite or other vampiric entity, vibrating this mantra will shake them loose and drive them off. However, it won’t be pleasant as they will fight back and try to get you to stop using the mantra.
I felt this mantra vibrating my entire being, and my body tingled with energy up to a half hour after using it.
Note: This mantra should be used in conjunction with other protective measures, such as wards and banishing for full protection.
To manifest material needs:
AH - AH - TEM - EE - EH - LU - THOTH

As you vibrate this mantra, visualise what you need.
Raziel’s warning: Do not try to use this mantra for greed. It is for what is really needed only, not what is wanted. Failure to abide by this may result in either the mantra not working at all, or backfiring.
One tester reported that this mantra gave him a great sense of peace, despite his desperate situation.
To unlock one’s magical potential:
HEH - EE - LAH - AH - EE - EH

One tester reported this mantra put him in a light trance, and I experienced a light influx of energy into my head and solar plexus.
Please give these mantras and words of power a try, and feel free to post your results. May they help you in your Ascent."


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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This is a post from (a member of) BALG. What is your point in posting this here?
Sep 9, 2021
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My point is to help others by sharing information. I cited the author, not taking credit for something I didn't come up with.


Sep 1, 2023
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This is a post from (a member of) BALG. What is your point in posting this here?
This feels helpful to me? It's a resource, and yeah, it's appropriate to cite where you got it from, I don't think it's promoting BALG. And it's easier to evaluate the info if I know its source - like "this is from some guy on a forum" not from a book or w/e and if I knew the user that would give me more info on whether to trust it

It's if anything esp helpful to post it here exactly because I don't want to spend any time on BALG, so I wouldn't come across it any other way

I'm obviously not a mod so my input on moderation is not super valuable, but that's my take anyway


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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This feels helpful to me? It's a resource, and yeah, it's appropriate to cite where you got it from, I don't think it's promoting BALG. And it's easier to evaluate the info if I know its source - like "this is from some guy on a forum" not from a book or w/e and if I knew the user that would give me more info on whether to trust it

It's if anything esp helpful to post it here exactly because I don't want to spend any time on BALG, so I wouldn't come across it any other way

I'm obviously not a mod so my input on moderation is not super valuable, but that's my take anyway
Thank you for your opinion. I think copy pasting someone else's work is lazy.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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I see both sides of the argument. We don't currently have any rules against content plagiarism, so I'll allow this, but I hope this doesn't get to a point of content farming where I'll have to add such a rule.

I would prefer it if you could at least make the work your own in some way by adding some original thoughts or content to it.
Sep 9, 2021
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Well, until I can get to a working relationship with Raziel, the only thing I can add are twofold:
1. Words of Power, 72 Angels of Magick and the like have words of power that can be used like a mantra, so can chanting their psalms.
2. The closer you can get to chanting Biblical Hebrew, the better.


Sep 1, 2023
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We don't currently have any rules against content plagiarism, so I'll allow this, but I hope this doesn't get to a point of content farming where I'll have to add such a rule.

I would prefer it if you could at least make the work your own in some way by adding some original thoughts or content to it.
Ah I see what you mean!

I thought your objection was that it was promoting another forum (which is a separate WF rule)

If you get a chance, I'd be interested in more thoughts/guidance on the content-farming thing

(I'm asking because I've absolutely done this with a few posts, eg I posted the section from Aidan Wachter's Six Ways on not having a visual imagination with none of my own commentary. My intention at the time was - "not every person reads every book, and they might not know this very useful section is here" but I absolutely could have just said "People who have problems with visualisation: there's a section in Six Ways that you might find helpful, page X" without sharing the content, and will do that in future if you reckon it's a better way to go.

Plagiarism-wise the issue doesn't totally make sense to me, assuming you credit the author (after all, the entire book is available on WF, so the theft-of-work ship has sailed) - but in terms of building a good forum with productive conversations, it's such an important skill but also a mostly invisible one, and I'm legitimately interested in the processes/thinking behind it
Sep 9, 2021
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Back on topic, the mantras could be used while post-summoning the 19 Angels of Getting Closer to God:
Then closing with thanksgiving/license to depart.

The intent? Exactly that - Getting closer to God per the post. Nothing says you cant summon them, state the intent, then chant a mantra/Word of Power (Angelic) to open astral senses. It could only help.

I dont think the ship of theft-of-work even exists, as the source and author can easily be googled and found. All I did was spread his own work to a greater audience. And, vice-versa, some on that forum may google as well and find this forum that they may not even know existed, leading to a greater audience here.


Jan 19, 2022
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Not to speak out of turn or interject myself in the middle but I can see where Yazata and Skull are coming from.

There has been methods and content posted here from other sources but most of the time it's from a let's say...

A "Reputable" source or at least a commonly respected one and it also was accompanied by commentary by the poster and cited.

I know we have some posts that are tutorials from books like 'The Crossed Keys' and 'The Book of Abraxas' by Michael Cecchetelli for example.

But they are both cited and have commentary by the Poster.

I'm fine with that because I have those Books and that Author knows what he is talking about.

But farming content from another forum by an anonymous poster of that forum just seems... not right.

How does anyone know that's reputable and not dangerous?

Does that poster from another forum even want his content shared somewhere else?

I get how it's a bit sticky and maybe I'm being hypocritical.

But yeah it probably at least needs some commentary and not just get straight copy pasted.


Jul 2, 2022
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I don't see the big fuss aside from yes it would be better with a commentary for sure. I mean, how many books are pirated in this forum at the moment, over 50 GB perhaps?
Sep 9, 2021
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Well, I created a post that lists 19 angels for reconciling with God. I would think that in their presence nothing dangerous would be able to touch you. Nineteen Shem Angels in your dwelling consecutively or at once. With them, the mantras could be verified and more could be given to you. I simply, due to medication I take, have impairment with visualizing much and have no contact yet with Raziel, who was reportedly the source of the mantras. I see and agree with the points, my bad. I did mention however that I had blindly tried the mantras and they seemed to have good effect at the time (pre anti-psychotic med). If I'm demoted or ignored, that's fine by me, I'm not trying to win a popularity contest, and yes, I agree it was a lazy move. I have no more to say.


Sep 1, 2023
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I agree it was a lazy move
I don't think it was lazy. You were sharing it because you thought people might find it useful.

If the mods decide they don't want content reshared in that way, that's totally fine and we won't do it. But I just think it's not true that your motivation was "I can't be bothered to write something myself". You could have just not posted anything if you wanted to be lazy. It came from an intention to help others and did still take some of your time and energy to reshare. You said you don't want to say anything else about it (and I will also return to topic at hand after this) but yeah I think it's plainly incorrect to say you posted it out of laziness.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Ah I see what you mean!

I thought your objection was that it was promoting another forum (which is a separate WF rule)

If you get a chance, I'd be interested in more thoughts/guidance on the content-farming thing

(I'm asking because I've absolutely done this with a few posts, eg I posted the section from Aidan Wachter's Six Ways on not having a visual imagination with none of my own commentary. My intention at the time was - "not every person reads every book, and they might not know this very useful section is here" but I absolutely could have just said "People who have problems with visualisation: there's a section in Six Ways that you might find helpful, page X" without sharing the content, and will do that in future if you reckon it's a better way to go.

Plagiarism-wise the issue doesn't totally make sense to me, assuming you credit the author (after all, the entire book is available on WF, so the theft-of-work ship has sailed) - but in terms of building a good forum with productive conversations, it's such an important skill but also a mostly invisible one, and I'm legitimately interested in the processes/thinking behind it
Not to speak out of turn or interject myself in the middle but I can see where Yazata and Skull are coming from.

There has been methods and content posted here from other sources but most of the time it's from a let's say...

A "Reputable" source or at least a commonly respected one and it also was accompanied by commentary by the poster and cited.

I know we have some posts that are tutorials from books like 'The Crossed Keys' and 'The Book of Abraxas' by Michael Cecchetelli for example.

But they are both cited and have commentary by the Poster.

I'm fine with that because I have those Books and that Author knows what he is talking about.

But farming content from another forum by an anonymous poster of that forum just seems... not right.

How does anyone know that's reputable and not dangerous?

Does that poster from another forum even want his content shared somewhere else?

I get how it's a bit sticky and maybe I'm being hypocritical.

But yeah it probably at least needs some commentary and not just get straight copy pasted.
I don't see the big fuss aside from yes it would be better with a commentary for sure. I mean, how many books are pirated in this forum at the moment, over 50 GB perhaps?
I think I'd make a distinction between sharing a book, or a credited excerpt from a book and copy paste from another (completely open) forum. In both of the former, I feel like it still requires some effort, and brings into the open what would otherwise be buried/hidden information. In the latter case, that information was already freely available on the internet. Especially since - as others have said - the forum post is less likely to be as thoroughly researched, reviewed etc as a formal publication. Of course, I do see the edge cases... yes, some books are already freely available on the internet and/or might be useless, and yes, some forum posts are actually deeply researched, insightful, and yet buried deep in some forum...

Which is why I'm allowing it now, and not implementing a rule against it. All I'm saying is to act with discretion regarding this matter. If I see tons of accounts sharing tons of book PDFs or excerpts from books - great! If I see tons of accounts making tons of low effort copy and pastes from a competing forum just to get post count up with little to no original contribution - not great! Not to mention, copy pasting from existing online forums is bad for SEO, as google flags this as content plagiarism and applies a negative penalty in the algorithm - which we already get fucked on hard enough for sharing pirated content and having tons of dead backlinks from sites linking to old versions of WF's threads that no longer exist.

Content farming and SEO are just 2 reasons that a forum admin might not want copy pasted posts, while still allowing book shares. Book piracy also has some negative effects on a forum, but at least it's in the pursuit of immortalising thorough and published works. And if one was to share a forum post of great value in the same pursuit, then by all means, go for it. If not (if you're just trying to up your post count) then I hope now you can see why I would be against that.

Tl;dr - books, book excerpts: allowed 4eva. Posts from competing online forums: it better be that good shit.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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I feel like tutorials should always come with a personal endorsement from the posting WF member. Like "I've tried this for a week and it works for me" - it's what makes a ritual or method or whatever more valuable to me than any other credential (book author, youtube celeb, etc.). I don't mind copypasta but such tutorials should always come with accounts of personal experience.
Sep 9, 2021
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I am already going to go all in on use of the mantras, know the author, and attempt to know Raziel and Arziel as it's required with an eleven or twelve day use of the conjuration in 72 Angels of Magick, which uses mantras as well for the Psalm. Along with the 19 Angels to get near to God which is a better point that greedy attempts to get powers from the angels.
So in the end?
Won't be a one and done copy paste job.


Feb 4, 2024
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Actually, this is the second time I've come across this audio stuff, I need to look into it, but for some reason I feel like after doing what you did, nothing good will happen, some unwanted person will be a nuisance.
It would be nice if you could add a link to where you got it from.

Interesting topic


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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I don't know what to write on the internet, troll?
It's a competing forum. One of the rules is no links to competing forums. As such, you won't get the link from any member here. But an acronym of the competing forum has been used many times so if you spent a little time reading you'll be able to figure it out, champ. You got this.