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Visited by a Spirit of Light.

Audiolog Edu

Aug 13, 2024
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I am a begginer practicioner of High Magick and I was starting to read Franz Bardons Initiation into Hermetics, specially I was reading about the male and female (Electro and Magnetic) when sudenly one Saturday a spirit came to my appartment, it manifested in 2 ways, first it looked like kaleidoscopic light, it emanated from the ether, and when I tought well I might need glasses my TV started acting weird, the screen looked like some one was putting a magnet behind the screen and the image disorted, but I know the spirit was showing me its beauty, it did not scared me, it just wanted me to see it, I still doubt some times but it still manifest every once in a while guys, this is why I keep doing my Magick of Light because now Ive totally seen this spirit manifesting right in the same room, I was skeptic but it keep manifesting, so I know is very real, the good thing is that is not an evil spirit, it has showed me is a peacefull spirit, and I can see it is connected to my toughts, because it acts alone my toughts, when ever I have certain toughts it manifests, is like intrusive but yet is not evil, being a fan of Horror movies I always wanted and asked for spirits, demon manifestations, but now that I started Magick of Light Ive seen wonders, does anyone has this manifestations? Ive heard of Poltergeist but if Im not mistaken those are noisy spirits, this one is not noisy.