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What are your non-Occult hobbies?


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
Reaction score
Stick to the topic. Take tangents into PMs.

Ash L.

Jun 16, 2024
Reaction score
Was checking the what's new tab and saw this thread. If I'm honest, I may need to work on building or finding some hobbies not related to magic or occultism. There are a couple of things, however:

  1. I have my critters, one awesome, aging bully dog and seven eight cats. They need lots of love and play.
  2. Actually working on a web comic, maybe print out some comic books too, IDK as I am clueless to the whole comics industry and how stuff gets done but I am doodling away at the story anyhow. The Life and Times of the Sonic Tomato (Look for it in stores soon and, well you won't find it and nobody you ask will know what you're talking about.)
  3. "Art" is a strong word for what I do but I like attacking various sorts of paper, canvas, wood, etc. with markers and paint and pens and pencils.
Anyway hope that was OK. I read those rules and almost decided not to try and post anything for a while until I could watch and see how it gets done, LOL. Cool place ya'll got here ima get back to poking around now.


Jun 13, 2024
Reaction score
Was checking the what's new tab and saw this thread. If I'm honest, I may need to work on building or finding some hobbies not related to magic or occultism. There are a couple of things, however:

  1. I have my critters, one awesome, aging bully dog and seven eight cats. They need lots of love and play.
  2. Actually working on a web comic, maybe print out some comic books too, IDK as I am clueless to the whole comics industry and how stuff gets done but I am doodling away at the story anyhow. The Life and Times of the Sonic Tomato (Look for it in stores soon and, well you won't find it and nobody you ask will know what you're talking about.)
  3. "Art" is a strong word for what I do but I like attacking various sorts of paper, canvas, wood, etc. with markers and paint and pens and pencils.
Anyway hope that was OK. I read those rules and almost decided not to try and post anything for a while until I could watch and see how it gets done, LOL. Cool place ya'll got here ima get back to poking around now.
That's very interesting. I might even try to search for that comic when it's done. (even though you said I won't find it lol)