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What makes a person crave certain vices?

Sep 9, 2021
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In purpose of self-transformation, I had a question pop into my head, of all my vices, why do I crave them?
Let me list a few of my obvious vices:
Marijuana - I use medically for anti-seizure, by second day of taking a break I had seizure aura symptoms. So, unless my doctors want to quit joking and refill my keppra, then I will take a break from pot, or dispose of keppra completely.
Occult -- Not for escapism, though I have to moderate the time spent and make it quality time, and deal with non occult stuff with the rest of the time - examples: education/coursework, hme improvement, socializing, etc.
Hoarding -- My room reminds me of a low level hoarder. The reason for it really is lack of furniture, or being scrutinizing on each item and keeping or disposing of it. Some are for future hope, like I will have money and time t cook at home, hence my moms gourmet recipe books and cookbooks. Religious books, primarily bibles and christianity related titles. Clothes, I should, when I have the money for two weeks worth of work and non work clothes, to get rid of all other clothing. Keep winter gear for Michigan, obviously.

But then when we look at books such The Mystical Qabalah by Fortune, for each sphere there is a vice and virtue.
Self transformation is about defeating vices and transforming them into virtues. So the question is what is the root of the vice, why do we crave it?
If we remove the craving, the vice should disappear or cease to exist?


Mar 28, 2022
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Environmental reasons? How you were raised.
Adding to this would be genetic differences. Say you had a lower functioning catecholamine system due to a genetic abnormality known as COMT. You would be more susceptible to addictions to substances that would artificially correct the deficiency E.G stimulants.


Aug 31, 2021
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Leaving aside the behavioral effects of pharmaceuticals and the effects of various parasitic entities, the standard problem is establishing control of and refining the entities that manage sub-plane materials in the human system. This starts at birth with acquiring and refining control of the physical body's (sacral chakra) spirit.

There are grades of matter to be managed by that spirit - usually a nature spirit. By convention control of that spirit should be substantially achieved by age 7. That is all very well until the sexual energies become active and then the human discovers there are more aspects that ought to be controlled.

Similarly with the entities that manage the human emotional and mental substances.

Sometimes there is trauma present so that splits occur in the personality, with particular behavioral characteristics in the various parts


Aug 29, 2021
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Who knows, it’s maybe something in your subconscious

these things are best asked to a shrink, psychology and the occult are intertwined.

I often wonder if some things are related to past lives but that’s beyond my pay grade, one would need to have their Akashic record read
Sep 9, 2021
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True. Ive often thought of going to a reputable shrink with perfect hypnotism abilities, so everything needed to know is known, and suggestions can be inserted to minimize the bad and magnify the good parts of the personality.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Cause they make you feel good I guess


Meme-y Tree Nymph
Apr 17, 2021
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A lot of vices have to do with either being a mild creature comfort, a way to relieve boredom or to deal with life/personal issues. For example, there's a reason so many combat veterans and abuse victims turn to alcohol. It helps them to cope with all the unprocessed trauma, rather than having to deal with it. Sometimes rich people with lots of free time and resources fill the void with senseless drug use, sex, shopping or other indulgences in excess, because they have so much freedom to do anything, yet nothing productive to do with it. Nothing grounding them in reality.

When it comes to the average person, though, none of us are perfect. We all have faults that haven't been addressed. Sometimes maybe they're a product of heredity, or environment/exposure, or a bit of both. My family has a history of what you'd call "addictive personalities", i.e. forming certain addictions easily. But while being predisposed to addiction, you aren't doomed to a lifetime of chain-smoking unless you pick up that first cigarette.

Sometimes things like hoarding stem from certain mental hangups. I honestly have a bit of a problem with hoarding shit myself, because thoughts of "What if you need it one day?" or "You could always use this T-shirt for a craft project!" keep me holding onto stuff. I know for a fact that at least in my case, part of it stems from a prepper dad who constantly worried about not having things when they're needed. I also have too many hobbies that I never have time for anymore, but don't want to get rid of old materials in case I get back into them one day.

In general, though, I don't think something should count as a vice unless it has become truly detrimental to your well-being, more than what would happen without said vice. If you are getting seizures and pot helps you not get them, that's a serious dilemma. Seizures are no joke. They can be very dangerous, and unless you can get true medical attention, the marijuana has a true purpose. Though I don't suffer from seizures, I could say the same about my caffeine use and making up for lack of access to ADHD medication. I just make sure to not go apeshit on the caffeine, so no chugging tons of Red Bulls and shit. Though my tendency to eat tons of sweets when stressed, for example, is not necessary. There are plenty of other things I could do to de-stress, and I know it's bad for my health to eat so much sugar. Therefore, this is a true vice I'd need to deal with.

Of course, all of this is assuming you're talking about vices as physical bad habits, and not vices in the Aristotelian sense. In which case, that's a completely different thing. Idk which one Fortune is referencing.


Meme-y Tree Nymph
Apr 17, 2021
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Adding to this would be genetic differences. Say you had a lower functioning catecholamine system due to a genetic abnormality known as COMT. You would be more susceptible to addictions to substances that would artificially correct the deficiency E.G stimulants.
I wonder if this is the genetic issue my family has. Though that wouldn't explain the rampant alcoholism, if it's only stimulants.
Sep 9, 2021
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I was thinking about this a bit more, spiritually, particularly within Evangelical Christianity, there is the topic of terretorial ownership, where based on vices you give up territory where the enemy make a stronghold, and places tormentors around you to keep you in line.

A way around this is to simply remove the vices.

This can be done in a variety of ways, but one thing that stuck out to me is from one of the Gallery of Magic books on Enochian use, "How did I come to be so successful" for example is a statement designed to bring about change involuntarily.

So, we can come up with the opposite of the vice, and engineer statements around synonyms for that particular word, or speak the same in terms of defined religious blessings.

We can take physical Assiah world actions to bring about the change/reversal.

And a crow caws, which means I stumbled on something there.
Sep 9, 2021
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Also, being low on the scales of Enlightenment means you have a greater susceptibility to being hit with a vice.
So, in order to defeat the vice, ascend and become somewhat enlightened.
Sep 9, 2021
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In purpose of self-transformation, I had a question pop into my head, of all my vices, why do I crave them?
Let me list a few of my obvious vices:
Marijuana - I use medically for anti-seizure, by second day of taking a break I had seizure aura symptoms. So, unless my doctors want to quit joking and refill my keppra, then I will take a break from pot, or dispose of keppra completely.
Occult -- Not for escapism, though I have to moderate the time spent and make it quality time, and deal with non occult stuff with the rest of the time - examples: education/coursework, hme improvement, socializing, etc.
Hoarding -- My room reminds me of a low level hoarder. The reason for it really is lack of furniture, or being scrutinizing on each item and keeping or disposing of it. Some are for future hope, like I will have money and time t cook at home, hence my moms gourmet recipe books and cookbooks. Religious books, primarily bibles and christianity related titles. Clothes, I should, when I have the money for two weeks worth of work and non work clothes, to get rid of all other clothing. Keep winter gear for Michigan, obviously.

But then when we look at books such The Mystical Qabalah by Fortune, for each sphere there is a vice and virtue.
Self transformation is about defeating vices and transforming them into virtues. So the question is what is the root of the vice, why do we crave it?
If we remove the craving, the vice should disappear or cease to exist?
Forgot a big one until last night - Sexual addiction and pornography (age-appropriate) addiction.
I found most of my sexual activity came from paid professionals, that while I could get it on my own, those out of my league had to be paid for, and those impromptu ready to get er done had to be paid for.
Missing work or late for work due to porn signaled to me finally that I had a problem with a vice.

So, to fix it, I went to Celebrate Recovery for a while. Other methods. Removal of pictures and profiles. I still struggle with it these days, but might do a profile purging again just to bat it away.

I can get a fairly hot woman close to my age, despite the cougar crews and the free-lunch crowd. There are woman out there that are lonely, and I might as well be the guy to pick them up, and pull them up.

But .. what drives the vice of lust? Thats the real question in a microscopic way.


Aug 31, 2021
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As you work with heart energies, the heart relationship becomes more important than the physical

The Golden Jackal

Aug 14, 2022
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Lust is the only vice, it is from the senses gradification with no conditions. picking up women is more a vice than porno, Marjane is not a vice but a culture that is controled for gain. the external application of force to suppress non Christian ideas has producted this world of Vices. Gambling Drunkeness prostitution meat eating and gold are vices, each leads to sin this is the problem if you could eat meat and not be greedy self centered and still have regard for the life of others then it isnt a vice , Many vices are genetic the amount of social problems among mixed races is large.
May 18, 2021
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Lust is a very human craving. Remember you couldn't know what happiness is without knowing sadness. Life and emotions are a journey and so are vices. Over coming failure and learning is our greatest gift.

The Golden Jackal

Aug 14, 2022
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Lust is a very human craving. Remember you couldn't know what happiness is without knowing sadness. Life and emotions are a journey and so are vices. Over coming failure and learning is our greatest gift.
yes there is said to be an end to knowledge and thus an end to the material universes, but being human means what? that it is okay.


Nov 29, 2023
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In purpose of self-transformation, I had a question pop into my head, of all my vices, why do I crave them?
Let me list a few of my obvious vices:
Marijuana - I use medically for anti-seizure, by second day of taking a break I had seizure aura symptoms. So, unless my doctors want to quit joking and refill my keppra, then I will take a break from pot, or dispose of keppra completely.
Occult -- Not for escapism, though I have to moderate the time spent and make it quality time, and deal with non occult stuff with the rest of the time - examples: education/coursework, hme improvement, socializing, etc.
Hoarding -- My room reminds me of a low level hoarder. The reason for it really is lack of furniture, or being scrutinizing on each item and keeping or disposing of it. Some are for future hope, like I will have money and time t cook at home, hence my moms gourmet recipe books and cookbooks. Religious books, primarily bibles and christianity related titles. Clothes, I should, when I have the money for two weeks worth of work and non work clothes, to get rid of all other clothing. Keep winter gear for Michigan, obviously.

But then when we look at books such The Mystical Qabalah by Fortune, for each sphere there is a vice and virtue.
Self transformation is about defeating vices and transforming them into virtues. So the question is what is the root of the vice, why do we crave it?
If we remove the craving, the vice should disappear or cease to exist?
I believe it is purpose based. I have had experiences that have led me to think this. Some people try so hard to quit a vice and they fail over and over again and it takes will power to try. Others, all of a sudden just stop and don't have difficulty. I have had experiences that showed me many things and this was one. Of course I never believe anything absolutely as it causes fear of changing a belief if new information comes into play but this is my hypothesis.