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When does it become okay for you to throw a curse?

Mar 23, 2024
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Half a decade ago, I was a hot-headed prick who would throw some because "insert immature reason that actually was about me".

Some did work and the target was never the same. Some was just a flicker in a storm. Some blew in my face bid time. Learned that it wasn't a toy old school way.

Nowadays, I would rather fix the issue in any other way unless I am willing to wreck this persons life with or without magick, means they really must be fucking with me over and over. Or if we are dealing with some local rapist or pedo.

Where do you draw the line?
if a person is just a sabotaging nuisance to me and/or my community, i simply bind them and ensure they don’t come back to the area.

for the actual scum who do harm to me, my family, community, or to children or animals, i throw an actual slowburn curse. i hit their social life; reputation, their family, friends, ect, all ditch them. next, i inflict them with mental pain and addiction, all of that nasty shit. and the rest i leave to the spirits.
Nov 29, 2023
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Interesting topic. I personally never threw a curse, even when I was young I was kinda afraid of possible consequences for me, like above-mentioned Threefold Law. Wasn't sure if I could protect myself and not mess up :D
And even though now I believe that the Law is waaay simplified (yet I think it's a good thing - easy enough to comprehend and stop some people from doing something they might regret), I still believe in Karma and I don't want to mess it up even more than it is even if it won't catch up with me in this life (and it still might).

Also the curse really can be like @Wintruz described: a magical nuclear explosion, and I wouldn't want to hurt anyone but the intended victim, but that's not exactly something you can fully control, because it might depend on the protection the victim has (and I'm not speaking about something they could cast, that's just an additional layer).

All that aside, at this point in my life I would turn to curses only if someone would seriously threat my (or my close ones) well-being and/or life and I couldn't do anything about it through mundane solutions. Even then I probably would turn to protection and asking to drive them away from me first, and only then - if nothing else worked - curse.


Jan 19, 2022
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If you wouldn't bust a cap over it, don't throw no curse over it.

Hey! That sounds like a refrain to some blues. Introducing Baron Xeno and his all Oungan Orchestra...

That’s pretty spot on.

I’m not sure how many people put that much thought into it though.

There’s a really disturbing number of folks out there who get their boo boo feelings hurt over something fairly innocuous in the grand scheme of things and respond by summoning an assassin entity/egregor to go torture the person for months and then take their life.

Not really an appropriate response.


Jan 9, 2024
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If they damage you to the point that you become suicidal, it's time to use black magick to attack them. Crazily enough, the love and light fellas on reddit were like I was the wrong one for attacking those who hurt me with black magick.

I got a curse from Sutekh that reportedly kills enemies. Will report back unless it gets me first🤪


Apr 16, 2024
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If casting a curse will cause You to experience Guilt in any form, even subliminal, then Don't do it, Guilt is what will Get You!


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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I don't like curses because they feel like the "coward's way" to deal with someone(like sending someone else to deal with your problem).
I prefer to be face to face, direct.
You don't really need to rely on the occult when the mundane ways work just as well.


Jan 9, 2024
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I don't like curses because they feel like the "coward's way" to deal with someone(like sending someone else to deal with your problem).
I prefer to be face to face, direct.
You don't really need to rely on the occult when the mundane ways work just as well.
Cutting people's heads off and getting away with it is a wee bit difficult.



I / Me / Myself
Jan 9, 2022
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I got a curse from Sutekh that reportedly kills enemies. Will report back unless it gets me first🤪

Sutekh? You mean the Egyptian Deity?
He was, quite an experience to work with... such a hard-nosed guy, and blunt as Hell.

When I was younger, I've casted a couple of curses even subconsciously, and it was devastating one of the victim who died tend to appear in my dreams, clearly trying to haunt me for what happened, however, since she was one of the main reasons of my father's death, I can't feel pity, however, I may put some effort in the future to free his soul and help her move forward -. People often forget that to send curse, you don't have to be a "magician". It is a very common thing, most people are just not aware of it - or/nor it's consequences.

The only reason if I'd consciously use curses is if the person would mean direct threat to my family, proven to be violent and having malevolent intent to the point of physical abuse. I don't trust the cops here, and getting rid of someone by a curse is a clean work
after all, it worked before, not once and not twice - of course, you have to learn how to prepare yourself before sending a curse, because it can influence your life as well what comes around goes around.

Fortunately, I'm hard to trigger and as long as I'm not forcefully pushed over the edge, I chose to ignore people and cursing them is not even a thought in my mind. They can influence my life only as much as I allow them, or "make them matter", until... they cross that physical line. At that point, don't expect mercy from me. Whether I am the target or those I care about.

I don't like curses because they feel like the "coward's way" to deal with someone(like sending someone else to deal with your problem).
I prefer to be face to face, direct.
You don't really need to rely on the occult when the mundane ways work just as well.

Considering the amount of traumas I had to endure in my life from my birth,
- domestic violence, rape attempts, half year of molestation, one case of human trafficking attempt etc. -
trust me, I do have the urge to cause physical harm over people upon the slightest form of physical violence they would try to inflict, but the cops and the "victim's" family would possibly describe the story differently if I am the last "man" standing - and so I chose a solution that is not punished by the law - curses.​


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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Cutting people's heads off and getting away with it is a wee bit difficult.


But I meant that I prefer to bluntly speak to someone.If-and that's a big IF-it ends up coming to violence, then I don't shy away from that.

But mostly I tend to be very blunt, I can even be cruel verbally if I feel the other person deserves that.You would be amazed how much hurt can be done by words alone.

And I want them to know that this bad feeling they had came from me.A curse is without "known sender", they might not even know they're cursed and just think it is "bad luck".What would be the point of that?
I do have the urge to cause physical harm over people
I'm starting to think that I should've phrased my comment better, if everyone is jumping straight into the "punch them" view of it.

I know about laws regarding self-defense and use of violence, I'm not a fool to put myself at legal risk, much less when I don't need to.


Jan 9, 2024
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Sutekh? You mean the Egyptian Deity?
He was, quite an experience to work with... such a hard-nosed guy, and blunt as Hell.
Yes! That guy! The curse is in a book I hardly understand (it looks like coptic glossolalia) but one day I shall.
The Book of Flesh and Feather.
Post automatically merged:


But I meant that I prefer to bluntly speak to someone.If-and that's a big IF-it ends up coming to violence, then I don't shy away from that.

But mostly I tend to be very blunt, I can even be cruel verbally if I feel the other person deserves that.You would be amazed how much hurt can be done by words

These are fake thelemites not worth speaking too.
They may or may not have tried to urge my suicide and one of them stupidly gave me their blood a long time ago.
I know a lot more now.
Last edited:


Feb 28, 2024
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"When does it become okay for you to throw a curse?"
Well, it's never okay to react to anything depending on your view. For something to be okay, there must be some validation agent to judge that. Maybe your own consciousness or some moral standard. Maybe you believe in threefold comebacks, maybe you believe in karma. I believe that "an eye for an eye" is more than appropriate for humanity (grown ups of course, not for toddlers or actual organically demented people). I believe that most people won't forget pain so quickly. Guess it's more than okay to mess with any irritating person, even mildly annoying ones, because their behavior is never justified in my concept. But for the sake of inner respectability, reactions should be at least compatible. Of course, nothing better than throwing a stronger, debilitating punch in order to inhibit your adversary. I usually interview myself before casting any mean one. And it usually goes like this:

  • Who taught this person to act like a living obstacle? Not me.
  • What encouraged this person to challenge me? Their own complexes, not me.
  • Who made the rules of human coexistence? Not me.
  • Who put this person in this situation? Not me.
  • Who put me in this situation? Maybe me, but I'm going to fix it so it doesn't really matter.

So, as far as I'm concerned, I'm not responsible for people getting in my way or disrespecting me. It's about their decisions, their egos, their upbringings, their urges, their personalities. I take care so I'm not an asshole to others, so it doesn't really matter what sort of annoyance or conflict it is, they must be removed from my way and be convinced to never cross me again by any means. It's even better when you involve certain entities, so you can explicitly tell them to make the victim know that they're suffering because of their lack of class towards you. To make them know that they're in pain because of that particular situation. But the backfire is hard on this one. Can't blame them, it's pretty egocentric and petty. All in all, cursing, jinxing and all sorts of destructive magic does backfire on you somehow. In my case, mostly in very mild ways, even in forms of insights, and some times in awful ways, like getting sick or physically hurt (usually when you involve entities...but it gets the job done anyhow).

IMO, enjoying revenge is mandatory for you to curse others. I sure do.


Aug 3, 2024
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Curses are psychic violence. Like physical violence, they can be expressed with destructive hatred and rage, or with a calm mind - not to be confused with a cold and calculating one. I have been a target most of my life, which is why I moved from minding my own business with esoteric (awareness based) alchemy, yoga and other forms of cultivation, to getting into congress with entities and archetypes.

Traditions of contemplation often emphasize protection, and they don't restrict it to just some defensive energy that reflects everything. Sometimes that doesn't work. Sometimes you run into people who glorify their psychic bullying. How much harassment can one take, how much insanity, ill fortune, abandonment and suffering can someone take for the sake of a morality and conception of justice that only applies to people with a conscience?

When one is cursed, often the reason behind it is to suck the victim dry of fortune, life, talent and anything positive. This all goes to make the life of the monster aggressor a justification for more cursing. By the time I got around to justifying my guilty conscience, lots of damage had been done, and by quite a few people, relatives, friends and online acquaintances.

People are cowards to a great degree. They will not expose themselves to treating someone ill when they know it will be unpleasant for them. With psychic stuff, you can strike without physical exposure, and the brings out the inner tyrant in some folks. So those who are squeamish, the law of karma works when you facilitate it. Otherwise, I don't care if someone gets it in thirty years and a whole lot of suffering after the fact.

So when do I resort to such things?

The less second-guessing the better, and the less delay and letting it happen the better. Personally, I get into the headspace of the cursing agent, which can be done if you are a target, even if the identity is concealed. So I perceive or sense the motive. If the intent is to do me in, or just unbridled hatred, envy, or whatever doesn't fly as an excuse, then I usually resort to a relevant Sanskrit mantra.

For me, curses cannot be thrown without hatred. And wanting to survive is not hatred. Outrage, yes, but hatred feeds on suffering and destruction. Even though I have taken pains to learn all these things to protect myself, part of the learning was releasing hatred so my emotions regarding an attack are those of my natural right to live in peace.

This is all exacerbated if one is especially sensitive esoterically enough to actually sense the motive of a person, and much of the time it is a form of psychic devouring and dumping the waste products of negativity generated elsewhere or within the person to the suckers they target.

Granted, in my case, nasty occultists were in my family (a centuries old hereditary coven of power hungry psychic matrons, among others). The reason curses go back on the one casting them is because the victim will repurpose the energy. It is not automatic. That happens when the negative individual is not supported by a collective that thinks the same or is conditioned to do so.

Ultimately, I want to emphasize that I cannot curse. Instead, I navigate my life, so I do not go to a place where despair and hatred will fill me. It is humbling to realize your limitations, but it isn't weakness. Instead of some nebulous guarantee, we are challenged to be strong enough to build what I call a healthy psychic immune system to make the afflictions projected by others (or the entities they send) overcome like a minor cold.

I will not give people who use psychic means to harm, outside of self-defense, the benefit of the doubt. That is because, after forty years of cultivation, I can feel them. I do not have time to treat the neuroses of harmful psychics (occultists or whatever), because sometimes it is not a misunderstanding, it is not a mistake, it is not a mood that led to impulsive action. It is a person who would easily do the most horrible things, if they only were certain they could get away with it.

That does not excuse being trigger-happy.

For example, there was a well-known author, and still is, who was into angel magic and grimoires and charged candles. He got into a debate with a respected practitioner and scholar of Quimbanda (an Afro-Latin religion), and ended up insulting the man's faith and magic.

At the end of the day, those who do magic and/or cultivation are exposed to other sensitive humans (many of which are psychopaths), as well as non-physical entities. You don't see them, but eventually the patterns of ups and downs and the patterns of events come into alignment. And sometimes one can see that voices of guilt are coming from the psychic abuser.

Furthermore, my relations with most deities (under and over-world) ranges from cordial and respectful to loving and joyful. The entities projected with curses are either repurposed natural energies and archetypes like death and decay, or possessed and corrupted spirit entities. For example, the Balkan ladies that liked to curse people in the old days worshiped an aspect of Hecate, the goddess of witches.

Getting on good terms with the goddess helps to turn the curse around.

But that is a topic for a different thread.


I / Me / Myself
Jan 9, 2022
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How about people who poison others' pets? Or, for that matter, peaceable strays?

I've always been more "protective" over animals than humans. But oh boy, there are definitely cases in which I find my fair share of amusement in others mysery, especially if they deserve it (according to my views ― of course). However, there is a twist - I'm highly sadistic, and my "disorder" already shown it's signs at the dawn of my childhood. We can safely say that generally, I do enjoy everything that comes with physical, emotional or mental torment regardless of the individual or species.

It did not fade away nor have changed since, but I developed a certain level of self-control, besides, I can rely on few simple things:

1.) What is acceptable and inacceptable based on society's standards
2.) The moral compass of my own
...and my own whim have a saying in whether I want to listen to any of these above or not.
But beware of the ones who reaches out to social norms to explain a situation's horrendousness when asked, instead of telling how they feel/how it makes them feel; it may indicate that they feel nothing, so they use norms that are widely accepted, they can't go wrong with that. Just a heads up.

Now, certain type of violence tend to annoy me ― it still hits the spot, but at the same time, beyond my twisted "desires", I've tinkered with my consciousness just enough to put myself into a position that rejects the violent act (even if I'd be capable of doing such a things myself) and these "desires" fall behind in importance.
I'm aware that emotionally and mentally I still torture people for entertainment fairly often, but I grew uninterested in causing physical pain or cursing people for fun ― I could do literally anything else to entertain myself with way less effort, and I often have so little emotions towards humans that I can't even feel active hatred or wrath towards them even if they try to harm me, which is also a reason why I'm lazy to do anything even if many would see it as a good reason to strike already. Ironically, the same "emotional apathy" is the reason why I'm willing to help people who are working against me behind the veil. I help whoever need it -usually-, but be it a "good person" or a "bad", even if they end up dying on the next day, I would not feel sorry for any of them.

Not everyone is seeking to justify their actions, let alone in others' eyes. The final judge of a casted or non-casted curse is always the individual itself, and words like "right", "justified", "unnecessary", "inacceptable" etc. are ultimately just... words. Words that we give weight and value, or not. It is a decision as well after all.
This message may come down as an "edgy teenagee trying to trigger people and appear strong and what not", but I couldn't care less about appearing in any certain way to you. I'm not chasing an image, I'm sharing something, that has been going on inside me, yet, I still managed to draw a line between "cursing everyone left and right for fun" and "cursing only if I have to protect my beloved ones from real danger" in spite that I'm diagnosed with ASPD, and I have serious sadistic tendencies; it only proves that we have more control over our lives -and with that, over others' too- and decisions regardless of our circumstances, we just have to take it in our hand. We have free will and we creates our rules and boundaries. That's all.


Aug 17, 2023
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I've always been more "protective" over animals than humans. But oh boy, there are definitely cases in which I find my fair share of amusement in others mysery, especially if they deserve it (according to my views ― of course). However, there is a twist - I'm highly sadistic, and my "disorder" already shown it's signs at the dawn of my childhood. We can safely say that generally, I do enjoy everything that comes with physical, emotional or mental torment regardless of the individual or species.

It did not fade away nor have changed since, but I developed a certain level of self-control, besides, I can rely on few simple things:

1.) What is acceptable and inacceptable based on society's standards
2.) The moral compass of my own
...and my own whim have a saying in whether I want to listen to any of these above or not.
But beware of the ones who reaches out to social norms to explain a situation's horrendousness when asked, instead of telling how they feel/how it makes them feel; it may indicate that they feel nothing, so they use norms that are widely accepted, they can't go wrong with that. Just a heads up.

Now, certain type of violence tend to annoy me ― it still hits the spot, but at the same time, beyond my twisted "desires", I've tinkered with my consciousness just enough to put myself into a position that rejects the violent act (even if I'd be capable of doing such a things myself) and these "desires" fall behind in importance.
I'm aware that emotionally and mentally I still torture people for entertainment fairly often, but I grew uninterested in causing physical pain or cursing people for fun ― I could do literally anything else to entertain myself with way less effort, and I often have so little emotions towards humans that I can't even feel active hatred or wrath towards them even if they try to harm me, which is also a reason why I'm lazy to do anything even if many would see it as a good reason to strike already. Ironically, the same "emotional apathy" is the reason why I'm willing to help people who are working against me behind the veil. I help whoever need it -usually-, but be it a "good person" or a "bad", even if they end up dying on the next day, I would not feel sorry for any of them.

Not everyone is seeking to justify their actions, let alone in others' eyes. The final judge of a casted or non-casted curse is always the individual itself, and words like "right", "justified", "unnecessary", "inacceptable" etc. are ultimately just... words. Words that we give weight and value, or not. It is a decision as well after all.
This message may come down as an "edgy teenagee trying to trigger people and appear strong and what not", but I couldn't care less about appearing in any certain way to you. I'm not chasing an image, I'm sharing something, that has been going on inside me, yet, I still managed to draw a line between "cursing everyone left and right for fun" and "cursing only if I have to protect my beloved ones from real danger" in spite that I'm diagnosed with ASPD, and I have serious sadistic tendencies; it only proves that we have more control over our lives -and with that, over others' too- and decisions regardless of our circumstances, we just have to take it in our hand. We have free will and we creates our rules and boundaries. That's all.
All interesting and me like most of it. The bold-faced part reminds me of the novel, Return to Whidbey: "You wouldn't harm someone over a simple matter of aesthetics, would you?" "That's the only reason I'd harm anyone."


Jun 13, 2024
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I think if the person severely screwed with your life or manipulated you then it's certainly okay. As well as if they do the same to someone you care about.
Half a decade ago, I was a hot-headed prick who would throw some because "insert immature reason that actually was about me".

Some did work and the target was never the same. Some was just a flicker in a storm. Some blew in my face bid time. Learned that it wasn't a toy old school way.

Nowadays, I would rather fix the issue in any other way unless I am willing to wreck this persons life with or without magick, means they really must be fucking with me over and over. Or if we are dealing with some local rapist or pedo.

Where do you draw the line?