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Where do the faerie folk fall within occult understanding


Mar 28, 2022
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Through the use of Bridgesii cactus I have in the past rubbed up against many forms of life but one of my most vivid experiences was looking through my back window facing the yard and seeing something similar to the linked picture. It was grinning widely and around 4 feet tall. Out of all my experiences with spirits this one struck me much more vividly because from my perspective it was flesh and blood. It seemed as though it knew humans could not usually see it so when I (for better word ) gasped and made direct eye contact with it my fight or flight response went off. I promptly remembered an old Irish saying about turning out your pocket to confuse interactions with the fae and escape attack. upon me doing this it noticed my awareness of it and wretched backwards in fear quickly disappearing in a shimmering cloud.

Now after this experience I did large amounts of research involving such entities. Paracelsus mentioned them as earth elementals while their true nature between different occultists always had major differences. In Robert Anton Wilson's "Cosmic Trigger" he goes into detail of his experience of being a strict materialist that having moved to the country and taking psychedelic cactus, saw a very similar entity to what I saw utterly confounding him. In Carlos Castenada's "Don Juan" he describes of his interaction with Don Juan a Mexican shaman who has him eat large amounts of cactus to interact with a entity he called Mescalito. To the Shamans Mescalito was the spirit of the plant itself and fits the description of my experience entirely.

I guess my question is has anyone else had similar experiences, and if so where do you think they fit within the spiritual hierarchy ?


Oct 4, 2021
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Through the use of Bridgesii cactus I have in the past rubbed up against many forms of life but one of my most vivid experiences was looking through my back window facing the yard and seeing something similar to the linked picture. It was grinning widely and around 4 feet tall. Out of all my experiences with spirits this one struck me much more vividly because from my perspective it was flesh and blood. It seemed as though it knew humans could not usually see it so when I (for better word ) gasped and made direct eye contact with it my fight or flight response went off. I promptly remembered an old Irish saying about turning out your pocket to confuse interactions with the fae and escape attack. upon me doing this it noticed my awareness of it and wretched backwards in fear quickly disappearing in a shimmering cloud.

Now after this experience I did large amounts of research involving such entities. Paracelsus mentioned them as earth elementals while their true nature between different occultists always had major differences. In Robert Anton Wilson's "Cosmic Trigger" he goes into detail of his experience of being a strict materialist that having moved to the country and taking psychedelic cactus, saw a very similar entity to what I saw utterly confounding him. In Carlos Castenada's "Don Juan" he describes of his interaction with Don Juan a Mexican shaman who has him eat large amounts of cactus to interact with a entity he called Mescalito. To the Shamans Mescalito was the spirit of the plant itself and fits the description of my experience entirely.

I guess my question is has anyone else had similar experiences, and if so where do you think they fit within the spiritual hierarchy ?
The fae I encountered were just like a regular family, I asked a high ranking mage to introduce duce me, just to get to meet a few of them face to face. Once I had done a unworldly trade with one of them, from then on at least in that particular family group I was able to notice them when they were around, prier to that they had been unnoticeable to me, even though my lineage had much to do with them in England. The fact that this group had a high ranking mage concerned with their welfare, causes me to consider that at least in America they are respected by those in the know.
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Mar 28, 2022
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The fae I encountered were just like a regular family, I had a high ranking mage intro duce me, just to get to meet a few of them. Once I had done a unworldly trade with one of them, from then on at least in that particular family group I was able to notice them when they were around, prier to that they had been unnoticeable to me, even though my lineage had much to do with them in England. The fact that this group had a high ranking mage concerned with their welfare, I could only guess that at least in America they are respected by those in the know.
Wow thankyou for the the response. I would love to foster a deeper relationship with them. Im norwegian and have been raised with talk of them since I was little. If possible what requirement's would be needed to have a face to face with them that we are both on on the same terms? If needed we can speak in the pms.
There are many examples of tools etc for very small people.

Here is a shoe made of rat skin with the appropriate wear marks
very interesting. In folklore there has been many remarks on shoe making with the good folk.


Oct 4, 2021
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Wow thankyou for the the response. I would love to foster a deeper relationship with them. Im norwegian and have been raised with talk of them since I was little. If possible what requirement's would be needed to have a face to face with them that we are both on on the same terms? If needed we can speak in the pms.

very interesting. In folklore there has been many remarks on shoe making with the good folk.
I am sad to report that it was only the one family of Fae that I got to visit, I did not visit them enough times to know what they did for a living (shoe making?), except I did help them hall their large collection of scrap mettle to the recycler station. For that small favor I got much in return in unworldly trade. This was a decade ago, since then I have reached one of my unworldly goals and entered the 4th earth gate (vicariously in my avatar), 'the gate is more commonly known as the 4th earth chakra'. After which I was smiled upon, and I was able to physically move into a place that resembles the type of landscape that is within the 4th earth gate. I have not had any contact with the Fae since I moved away from that area.
I never tried to stay in contact the the Fae even though they treated me really well. After my trading interaction with them I was overwhelmed with their exactness of everything that I said, and the fact that they could sense my thoughts (I was constantly tensed up working about offending them even though I might not realize it). So they are incredibly nice and generous yes, but difficult for me to be around, without seriously practicing better control of my thoughts.
If you are in a area where the Fae are established like my relatives were in England, then it might be possible to advertise about the neighborhood that you are willing to work toward some sort of trading setup with them. If you are contacted: don't be surprised if you are approached by someone who looks totally regular, and what ever you do I suggest that watch your thoughts.
I think that sorcerer Tal has said that he is part Fae, I cant speak to that, but I do vouch for his unworldly skills, I am sure that he will post with you about Fae on Facebook.

@Mider2009 In my studies...fairies, big foot, etc are pre Adamic races that moved into a different dimension and sometimes interact with humans.
Thanks for this I struggle with posting, having offended some in the past with my faulty word patterns, so I really appreciate the support.
In my travels and unworldly travels I have never looked for or seen a big foot.
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Mar 28, 2022
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I am sad to report that it was only the one family of Fae that I got to visit, I did not visit them enough times to know what they did for a living (shoe making?), except I did help them hall their large collection of scrap mettle to the recycler station. For that small favor I got much in return in unworldly trade. This was a decade ago, since then I have reached one of my unworldly goals and entered the 4th earth gate (vicariously in my avatar), 'the gate is more commonly known as the 4th earth chakra'. After which I was smiled upon, and I was able to physically move into a place that resembles the type of landscape that is within the 4th earth gate. I have not had any contact with the Fae since I moved away from that area.
I never tried to stay in contact the the Fae even though they treated me really well. After my trading interaction with them I was overwhelmed with their exactness of everything that I said, and the fact that they could sense my thoughts (I was constantly tensed up working about offending them even though I might not realize it). So they are incredibly nice and generous yes, but difficult for me to be around, without seriously practicing better control of my thoughts.
If you are in a area where the Fae are established like my relatives were in England, then it might be possible to advertise about the neighborhood that you are willing to work toward some sort of trading setup with them. If you are contacted: don't be surprised if you are approached by someone who looks totally regular, and what ever you do I suggest that watch your thoughts.
I think that sorcerer Tal has said that he is part Fae, I cant speak to that, but I do vouch for his unworldly skills, I am sure that he will post with you about Fae on Facebook.
Wow I didnt expect it to be such a mundane thing for such big reward. It would make sense that the level of difficulty is gapped due to homo sapiens having strengths and Fae having seperate strengths. I hope that my primitive fight or flight response towards being face to face with one didn't ruin my reputation with them.

While visiting them was it a physical house they lived in or was it on a different plane? I hope im not prodding too much I consider myself to be empathetic and have good intentions but Im sure they value their privacy. was it made clear what was offensive to them? I know with humans different cultures have things that would not seem to be offensive but to another may be very offensive.
In my studies...fairies, big foot, etc are pre Adamic races that moved into a different dimension and sometimes interact with humans
In your opinion them moving to different dimensions was it through evolution/technology/magical operations or all of the above? I know Arthur C. Clarke once said that magik was just science we dont understand yet. I would beg to agree with that statement.


Oct 4, 2021
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'While visiting them was it a physical house they lived in or was it on a different plane? I hope im not prodding too much I consider myself to be empathetic and have good intentions but Im sure they value their privacy. was it made clear what was offensive to them? I know with humans different cultures have things that would not seem to be offensive but to another may be very offensive'.

Living Fae aren't part of my current practice so I don't mind posting what little I know about them.

IMO if you saw a Fae it was because he/she let you, IMO from what you posted this could have been because of your interest in the Fae and he/she had just happened by and read your good feelings toward them.

I think that their house was a solid structure, I don't know if it appeared as such on the physical plane or not, because I was to focused on being cautious at the time of the meeting. I kept busy keeping my mind clear from unnecessary thoughts, focusing only on the details of the trade at hand. I don't know if I offended them or not.
Even though they were very nice, I was uncomfortable when trading with them, because In my limited experience with the living Faes norms/customs, as in what you asked about offending them. When in their presents I could feel that they were in control of the unworldly narrative of events that were occurring near and around them, and as a mage that made me uncomfortable.
I hope I answered some of your questions.
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Jun 8, 2021
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Through the use of Bridgesii cactus I have in the past rubbed up against many forms of life but one of my most vivid experiences was looking through my back window facing the yard and seeing something similar to the linked picture. It was grinning widely and around 4 feet tall. Out of all my experiences with spirits this one struck me much more vividly because from my perspective it was flesh and blood. It seemed as though it knew humans could not usually see it so when I (for better word ) gasped and made direct eye contact with it my fight or flight response went off. I promptly remembered an old Irish saying about turning out your pocket to confuse interactions with the fae and escape attack. upon me doing this it noticed my awareness of it and wretched backwards in fear quickly disappearing in a shimmering cloud.

Now after this experience I did large amounts of research involving such entities. Paracelsus mentioned them as earth elementals while their true nature between different occultists always had major differences. In Robert Anton Wilson's "Cosmic Trigger" he goes into detail of his experience of being a strict materialist that having moved to the country and taking psychedelic cactus, saw a very similar entity to what I saw utterly confounding him. In Carlos Castenada's "Don Juan" he describes of his interaction with Don Juan a Mexican shaman who has him eat large amounts of cactus to interact with a entity he called Mescalito. To the Shamans Mescalito was the spirit of the plant itself and fits the description of my experience entirely.

I guess my question is has anyone else had similar experiences, and if so where do you think they fit within the spiritual hierarchy ?
Oh! Do I Love the Faeries so much. I don't care if one day, they decide to take me to their world I'll be quite happy. Perhaps, when I was a little kid in Dominican Republic. I was with my Grandmother from my Dad's side. One night, I happened to wake up in the middle of the night while my Grandmother slept on my right side, I saw these small Dark Shadow figures with Lights coming out of their eye sockets. They had to be at least, 4-5 feet tall. They kinda stood back, and they didn't do nothing to us. They were just standing there staring at me. At the time I couldn't tell what they were but now to me they could've been Goblins, or even Elves. I really don't know, but back when I saw them I was so scared, that I got sick the next day. But now, is like yes, I'm glad it happened to me. Keep in mind, that I thought it was a dream at first, but later on in my life, as it replayed in my mind. I know that it was not a dream.

Now, I don't know if my next encounter with a Fae was in a dream or if I actually had an OBE at the time. I couldn't really tell, I was new to this type of stuff. Anyway, one night while I was a sleep, I happened to be in the backyard of the house I used to live with my former wife. She didn't know about this, and it never came into my mind to tell her this. Anyway, I happened to be around the wooden area of the yard. All of a sudden, I saw this Beautiful and Gorgeous Faery, She was slowly coming out from behind the truck of one of the Trees. She had puffy blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, and Her face was dazzling. I can't really describe how Her face looked like but I felt in Love with Her. Now, what She had on, was some sort of skin-tight green dress. It looked like it was made from a fabric, but it was nice. If, you guys ever seen the movie Legend with Tom Cruise and Tim Curry. The Faery that's in that movie Oona, that's how I describe Her. The only different of Her is the face. This Fae was really quiet and nervous. She didn't speak. But, she was Beautiful. I can't never forget Her. I guess She was my own Oona Lol!

Now, I have tremendous amount of respect for the Faeries. Wether, they are Goblins, Elves, Dwarves, Nombes or the Elementals of course. I think they are great Spirits, despite of how most of them behave. Great topic!


Oct 4, 2021
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In my experience and my practice: there are living Fae and then there are unworldly spirits of the dead just like in any earthly culture. Thanks to Disney pictures, when it comes to the Fae the two get mixed up.
"The fairies are believed to be the Tuatha de Danann, one of the first tribes to arrive in Ireland, they were magical and secretive people. When warrior tribes like the Milesians began to arrive in Ireland the Tuatha de Danann were defeated in battle but would not be forced to leave'.
'Euphemisms such as "hill folk," "the gentry," "wee folk," "good folk," "blessed folk," "good neighbors," or "fair folk" abounded, and "fair folk" was shortened to "fairies." (Fae)
URL unfurl="true"]https://www.google.com/search?q=anchaint+fae+in+irland&rlz=1C1OKWM_enUS873US873&oq=anchaint+fae+in+irland&aqs=chrome..69i57.11703j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8[/URL]
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Aug 31, 2021
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It seems that there are:
  • little people/humanoids that are etheric and do not usually form a dense body
  • elementals that rarely are seen in human forms, some being larger than a solar system
  • nature spirits that commonly use human imagery/shapes when interacting with humans
  • humanoids that have lived within the planet for millions of years, many of which prefer etheric forms
  • perhaps 100 intelligent species on Earth from outside the planet many of which are humanoid
  • various semi-organic humanoid entities
  • various other kingdoms only some of which interact with Earth humans
I have a lack of categories so that I tend to lump entities I meet into those few categories with which I am familiar

Many years ago in Scotland I saw out of the corner of my eye, a nature spirit, about 4 foot tall, sitting against a tree with his legs out in front of him. He was in a Robin Hood outfit - perhaps for my amusement


Mar 28, 2022
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If, you guys ever seen the movie Legend with Tom Cruise and Tim Curry. The Faery that's in that movie Oona, that's how I describe Her. The only different of Her is the face. This Fae was really quiet and nervous. She didn't speak. But, she was Beautiful. I can't never forget Her. I guess She was my own Oona Lol!
Dude I watched legend tonight haha. The director is Ridley Scott! I love alien and was soo suprised to see that. They did a good job keeping up with the folklore it was a fun watch.
Many years ago in Scotland I saw out of the corner of my eye, a nature spirit, about 4 foot tall, sitting against a tree with his legs out in front of him. He was in a Robin Hood outfit - perhaps for my amusement
Was its skin green with black eyes and a huge grin? I think we saw something similar

Thought this video is pretty funny if you have ever seen the Comedian Duncan Trussel
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Aug 31, 2021
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Was its skin green with black eyes and a huge grin?

He looked pretty much like a small human - as best I could see out of the corner of my eye

You have however reminded me of the green children:

"The legend of the "'green children of Woolpit'" concerns two children of unusual skin colour who reportedly appeared in the village of
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, England, sometime in the 12th century, perhaps during the reign of
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. The children, brother and sister, were of generally normal appearance except for the green colour of their skin. They spoke in an unknown language and would eat only raw
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. Eventually, they learned to eat other food and lost their green colour, but the boy was sickly and died soon after he and his sister were baptised. The girl adjusted to her new life, but she was considered to be "rather loose and wanton in her conduct".
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After she learned to speak English, the girl explained that she and her brother had come from Saint Martin's Land, a subterranean world inhabited by green people."
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So overtly a group of subterranean humans - of normal size


Mar 28, 2022
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He looked pretty much like a small human - as best I could see out of the corner of my eye

You have however reminded me of the green children:

"The legend of the "'green children of Woolpit'" concerns two children of unusual skin colour who reportedly appeared in the village of
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, England, sometime in the 12th century, perhaps during the reign of
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
. The children, brother and sister, were of generally normal appearance except for the green colour of their skin. They spoke in an unknown language and would eat only raw
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. Eventually, they learned to eat other food and lost their green colour, but the boy was sickly and died soon after he and his sister were baptised. The girl adjusted to her new life, but she was considered to be "rather loose and wanton in her conduct".
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After she learned to speak English, the girl explained that she and her brother had come from Saint Martin's Land, a subterranean world inhabited by green people."
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So overtly a group of subterranean humans - of normal size
Thats fascinating, I love looking into history theres alot there. It would be interesting to know if the girl has descendants to this day.

A side note heres a map comparing caves systems in the us to mysterious disappearances
sorry for low resolution


Aug 31, 2021
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Mt Shasta is supposed to have an underground colony.

I had a friend who was going to LA for a conference and I told her there was something for her at Mt Shasta.

So she went and drove as far as she could in the snow and walked for a while and then came back to her car. She had lost 90 minutes on the way and the straight line she walked, when she looked at it, was all over the place.

So she arrived back in Australia and when I looked at her, her etheric body was about 2 inches out of alignment with the physical. I asked her if she wanted me to correct it but she refused.

A little later we had a group meditation and she said that an energy had entered her. When I looked her etheric body had lined up again with the dense physical.

The energy, when I now look at it, was a patterning from the Shasta colony. I think they recognized her as one of their own


Mar 28, 2022
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I had a friend who was going to LA for a conference and I told her there was something for her at Mt Shasta.
Was this through tarot reading or contacted communication? Missing time is a common trope among the ufo community as well. After time did she have memory of the experience/ how is she doing now?


Aug 31, 2021
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I just felt the pull of Shasta for her. She had no memory of the experience. She was fine after her etheric body realigned


Jun 8, 2021
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He looked pretty much like a small human - as best I could see out of the corner of my eye

You have however reminded me of the green children:

"The legend of the "'green children of Woolpit'" concerns two children of unusual skin colour who reportedly appeared in the village of
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, England, sometime in the 12th century, perhaps during the reign of
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. The children, brother and sister, were of generally normal appearance except for the green colour of their skin. They spoke in an unknown language and would eat only raw
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. Eventually, they learned to eat other food and lost their green colour, but the boy was sickly and died soon after he and his sister were baptised. The girl adjusted to her new life, but she was considered to be "rather loose and wanton in her conduct".
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After she learned to speak English, the girl explained that she and her brother had come from Saint Martin's Land, a subterranean world inhabited by green people."
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So overtly a group of subterranean humans - of normal size
Roma, I heard about them before. I was so intrigued by them. So they did exist! Alright!


Jun 8, 2021
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Dude I watched legend tonight haha. The director is Ridley Scott! I love alien and was soo suprised to see that. They did a good job keeping up with the folklore it was a fun watch.

Was its skin green with black eyes and a huge grin? I think we saw something similar

Thought this video is pretty funny if you have ever seen the Comedian Duncan Trussel
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Auza, I'm going to see it this weekend. I Love that movie. Especially cause of Oona, breath-taken hot!