- Joined
- Jan 11, 2022
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- 4
_________________Miles post_id=1092370 time=1663619938 user_id=4854 said:But being omniscient, before he created A&E god knew they and all their descendants would eventually die. So, in a very real sense god did create humans to die eventually.JehovahsWitness post_id=1092365 time=1663617508 user_id=6111 said:William post_id=1092363 time=1663616653 user_id=8427 said:____________________
Q: Why did YHWH create a biological creature which was going to die eventually?
God did not create humans to die eventually.
This has to be the correct way to understand the story, as the story is presented.
Something he could have prevented if he really cared to.
That YHWH did not do things in that way, means that there was a specific agenda involved with this particular creation.
Part of the confusion may derive from what the garden itself represents.
Folk seem to mistake the garden for being 'paradise' and that somehow the paradise existed over the whole face of the Earth.
However, if that were the case, what reason would YHWH have for creating humans who then had to breed in order to keep humanity alive, in order that humanity would eventually subdue the planet?
So the garden has to represent a tiny dot of paradise within an otherwise wild/untamed environment.
200922 [Intelligently. Mindfully. Shaped.]
SCLx9 + select last LE per shuffle
Falling asleep - Encourage - The Taming of The Beast The elephant in the room - Conscientiousness - Be Nice Do Nice - Growing Pains - Harmless Keep me in The Loop Little Bird Perennial Look closer Who Knows What That Is Worth? - Do Not Panic -
Theist: if what we call “real” was actually “simulated,” we (those in the simulation) wouldn’t necessarily be able to tell the difference. But now we get to the question of burden…if one is wanting to argue ‘real’ versus ‘simulated’. If one is simply wanting to talk about created vs. “accident,” then we seem agreed there.
William: This of course is correct but I think it neglects the premise of Creator(s) - something which has to be assumed if we are to agree with the premise of US existing within a Creation/Simulation.
The wall between us in that, is we are wrestling with whether to call a created thing [this universe] a "Creation/Simulation" or separate those to signify different things "Creation" or "Simulation".
Your argument is that the one need not be the other. Mine is that either way, the burden is on both of us to show that we exist within a creation.
AP= [=The Dalai Lama - Isaac Asimov ~ [The Last Question]]
[The Dalai Lama - Isaac Asimov ~ [The Last Question] = 404]
A knight in shining armour Manipulation
There are many levels of consciousness
Earth Itself May Be an Intelligent Entity
The Dalai Lama - Isaac Asimov ~ [The Last Question]
”‘Hey presto!’ Stuff just gets worse!”
"Time To Go Without Existence" Funny
RSP = SCLx9 Page 333
09:38 [YHWH made it imperfect]
Page 333
William: FTL;
William post_id=1092006 time=1663329396 user_id=8427 said:IF Adam and Eve had resisted the temptation to eat the forbidden fruit, would they have been permitted to do so eventually?
Theist: Yes. It's no different from how we naturally rear children. Some things (including certain knowledge) are dangerous for them to know too early, but only when the time is right and they have the requisite maturity to understand and handle it.
As the story goes, the parental figure was the voice in the garden - attributed through biblical association, to being that of YHWH.
Problematic to that is the idea of danger and the apparently safe haven of the garden. The two dangerous-to-human entities in the garden, were the God [visiting now and then] and the Serpent [temporary fixture].
(e.g., we don't teach children about sex until they are what, 7+ years old?)
And we don't allow children to have sex until they are adult enough to do so.
This in itself shows that the way nature has it, female humans can breed very early - much earlier than human laws will allow for.
Add to that the notion of a creator God, and what we see here is that the God made it that way, and humans beg to differ.
Similarly we use fear tactics (e.g., "you will surely die") to achieve desired outcomes. Like, "if you don't go to sleep, the bogeyman will come and get you."
Yes. The ripple effect of that can be rather profound, leading to theist/nontheist beliefs.
When a child actually believes the parents scare-tactic, the effects vary from personality to personality.
The bogeyman in this case, would turn out to be who?
It's all very natural and intuitive and, to your point, a requisite for our purpose in life.
I can be thankful someone is getting my point.![]()
William: FTL;
A display of intelligence is, in and of itself, not necessarily any better than learning how to connect with intuition specifically and the mind constructively.
Its uses are primarily to do with working out the physical aspects of human experience, but even in working those things out, use of the knowledge and power gained through intelligence does not guarantee any better outcome than religiosity has delivered.
Knowing this, even intuitively, allowed me to invest my intelligence over and above theistic and atheistic positions.
One key observation made was to acknowledge that giving up theistic religiosity didn't necessitate in my therefore having to change to atheism. What I have observed since, is that the tendency for folk to give up the theist or atheist position and jumping to the other side is the result of them not using their intelligence to see that those were not the only options/choices available to them.
I am unsure/undecided as to whether this is a tactic employed by both sides in order to support the illusion that both sides are relevant, with the one side [take your pick] being 'most relevant' - or whether it is a simply oversight [re intelligence] on the part of both sides that they are unable to acknowledge the relevancy of not taking sides.
Perhaps not understanding the other side is a reflection of not understanding ones own side, be that theism or atheism.
As I said - there appear to be different levels of intelligence...I was not implying by that, that those levels are restricted to atheist/theist positions...with the atheists being 'the most' intelligent.
My intuition tells me it is not really the intelligence volume [how much or how little] but how the intelligence is used, which determines outcomes and in either case, theist or atheist based intelligence has not proved the one is better than the other but seems to be showing that neither have a great history of healthy tells to show.
GM: Why?
Those Who Can
William: Those Who Can = 131
Failure Wish
Active dreaming
Learn How to
Those Who Can
Like "Step One:..."
Becoming whole
The Garden of Eden
The Old Soul
The Squeeze
The Power Of...
Anchors aweigh
Moon energy
Mother Earth
Heuristics [mental shortcuts that allows people to solve problems and make judgments quickly and efficiently. ]
He Who Waits
From the link
Not a Problem!
Those Who Can
Solipsism [the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.]
Golden nugget
Google Deep mind
The Bidden Zone
There is a mind behind what we call "creation/the universe"
Post it
Joining Astral
Modern truth in ancient wisdom
William: Astral Joining Modern truth in ancient wisdom = 477
Assign truthfulness as the objective standard = 477
GM: Lordy! Do I Have To?
The Akashic Records ...because death comes a-knockin' eventually...
The Completion Process
We shape our opinions and morals through understanding that we are here for that reason.
William: The “psychology of morality”
✧Morality and Social Order
✧Social Anchoring of Right and Wrong
✧Conceptions of the Moral Self
✧The Interplay Between Thoughts and Experiences
✧Empirical Approaches
William: FTL;
John is warning believers that some had infiltrated the Church with the false doctrine of Gnosticism. He addresses both genuine Christians and Gnostics in the same letter. The Gnostics claimed that a truly enlightened man would have a superior spiritual knowledge. In fact, the word "gnosis" means "to know." They taught an enlightened man would realize all matter is evil and man is spirit and pure because what is spirit is not matter.
I think Gnosticism has a point in that the 'evil' of matter separates humans from the direct knowledge of who they are as Spiritual Beings.
Clothing ones self in matter has an evil effect on the Spiritual Being incarnate, as it is noted that if one were to observe the physical Universe from outside of it, one would see no evil unless one were to also observe evidence of Consciousness [Spiritual Being] within it and see that the consciousness is behaving evilly and even that it tries to correct its behavior, it cannot escape being evil or acting with evil intent, which is 'bad' for the image of divinity/spiritual beings.
That may be why Gnostics generally regard the God of the Bible as an evil Demiurge - an imposter playing the role of a substitute to the 'real GOD' which those captured within the physical universe are unable to see through as being an imposter.
I think it possible that the universe was created so that Spirit Entities could experience it, somewhat in the same manner as we create VRs in order to experience those - only the VRs which the gods [spirit entities] make, deliver way more realistic simulations than we are currently able to create with our computers.
It is possible that this Universe was specifically created to imprison wayward Spirit-Entities - still as a VR - essentially imprisoning their minds [consciousnesses] within it, and it being designed in such a way as it is almost impossible to discover that this is the truth of the situation.
The design ensures that no one individual has any memory of a prior existence.
This itself means that we also have no memory of any crime we might have committed which got us sentenced and cast into this particular reality experience.
I veer away from demonizing the administrator of the prison [The Demiurge as the Gnostics call YHWH] as it appears to be unhelpful to do so.
YHWH is mostly quiet, but there have been instances where he has been attributed with offering us inmates ways and means of - not escaping our sentence, but learning from it and changing our evil ways...
In relation to human-made prisons, the prisoners generally know why they are being held in custody but in our case, we are incased within a rather small body, and our prison overall [The Universe] is immeasurably large and even our planet is so large that it is difficult to even equate it with being a prison.
Unless one learns the ways of the mystic and accepts that one is really an Eternal Spirit - then one is better equipped to understand the universe as some type of temporary prison to hold Spirit Entities within...
I think that perhaps Gnostics think that way in judgment of the members of the Abrahamic religions who appear weak and ineffective and totally lacking realization that they exist within a prison and that their God is the Dungeon-Master...and that they have the power [at least] to make the prison a better environment to experience, but prefer to wait until Jesus returns and does it for them, which I think the Gnostics believe was the reason Jesus came along - to tell people to build it for themselves [The Fathers Kingdom on Earth] but the message was highjacked and turned into a belief in the second coming.
Of course, that understanding doesn't fit with the Gnostic belief that all things physical in nature are 'evil' but there is no clear-cut one size fits all Gnosticism...there are a broad range of beliefs involved...
GM: Put the Teachings Into Practice
To Experience All That Is
William: To Experience All That Is Put the Teachings Into Practice = 550
Either the creative force is one of intelligence or it isn't.
To Experience All That Is Put the Teachings Into Practice
It took twenty years of work to make it look easy
Things can go on forever as long as they change along the way...
GM: Self-development
Choose What to Pay Attention To
William: Self-development Choose What to Pay Attention To = 520
Sorry to keep you waiting; complicated business;
Self-development Choose What to Pay Attention To
It is a great thing to do small things with great love
The things you can see only when you slow down
GM: Respect others Illuminating Gratitude The Harmless Enough Agenda Crowd
The Limitation Of Language
Looking After Poor People
On The Off-Chance
Elude Tabula Rasa
How A Beautiful Song Source Reality
'Developing a thick skin'
Beaming Out Beaming In
A Page Of Dreams
Attention to Detail
William: Few Attention to Detail = 238
Few Attention to Detail
I am not here to pick sides
New Shifts In Thinking
Secret Organizations
A completely new paradigm
Beings posted to planet
Ones core expression
Infinite Quantum Zen
GM: A naysayers opinion is of no consequence, no matter how it is stated
The Theory of Everything
A lot of information which has the potential to come to the fore.
William: The Theory of Everything A lot of information which has the potential to come to the fore. = 888
Consciousness Incarnates The Metaphysical Universe Oneirology Mapping Wholeness = 888
GM: Zen
Leg Hold Traps
Smarter Than the Average
The Science Of The Soul
Sensory Data Quality
"Well even the most ugly of us have a Father.
William: FTL;
JoeyKnothead post_id=1084866 time=1658079773 user_id=3753 said:As usual, you paint the picture so well.William post_id=1084863 time=1658078971 user_id=8427 said:We_Are_VENOM: You have two options..
1. God did it.
2. Nature did it.
JK: There's a possible third option, where a god forms primitive forms of stuff that later evolves into more complex forms.
Even supposing a mind begat the initial forms and then left it to an algorithm to allow for the forms to intelligently design themselves into more complex forms, that still amounts to "God did it" through the 'nature doing it'...
Maybe therein the 'other sides' of this conflict could find intelligent compromise...only it appears that the algorithm allows for lack of compromise, and perhaps the lack itself is necessary for complexity to push through that better understanding of circumstance [through science] can be accomplished.
Flip side to that is the science being utilized apparently isn't too concerned with the damage it is bringing to the only alive planet in the whole darned universe...we are likely ever to know about, the worship of human intelligence has it's apparent and significant down-side.
As a dedicated fan of the scientific method, it can sure be put to just as much or more evil than any religion.
Which is one reason I like your cosmic mind hypothesis. It doesn't judge, it just kinda sits there, with that disappointed face, when I know I did me something wrong. It puts the mirror to my soul.
GM: Pulse
William: FTL;
William post_id=1080497 time=1654457282 user_id=8427 said:Rose2020 post_id=1080136 time=1654071799 user_id=16057 said:Communication with the dead.
Why would anyone wish to do that?
There would be a number of reasons. For me it was motivated by the knowledge that I was getting shallow and often dubious communication with the living, even in relation to opinions about the dead.
I decided that I would give 'the dead' an opportunity to show they had more to offer.
Is it through grief with attendant emotions? In which case it is understandable but irrational.
The use of Talking Boards gained popularity in the US, shortly after the Civil War because of the great social grief experienced at fathers and sons/husbands and siblings lost in the fighting...people wanted to know that their loved-ones were alright and talking boards seemed to provide some closure and healing in that regard.
The name Ouija is a combination of the French “oui” and German “ja,” both meaning “yes.” It was patented in 1892 but primitive models date back to ancient times. Talking boards, also known as spirit boards, gained popularity in the United States during the late 1860s as mournful users attempted to communicate with the Civil War dead.
Or is it idle curiosity without reason?
Curiosity [no matter how idle] always involves reason.
A warning about Ouija
University of Akron professor Oscar E. Olin, an ordained Universalist minister and instructor of philosophy and social sciences, was a major skeptic of Ouija.
Voices from beyond the grave? What complete balderdash.
He feared that the boards could cause psychological harm among those who developed too close an attachment.
“Many people, falling victims to its lure, have been mentally unbalanced,” he said. “Just as one may go insane over too close application to any one subject, so the Ouija board has its danger for the credulous, the superstitious, the hysterically inclined.”
So imagine Olin’s surprise when he tried Ouija and the planchette moved.
He was toying with the board when, to his curiosity, the indicator seemed to spell out a word. He was alone at the time, so he couldn’t blame anyone else.
The professor developed a theory: Perhaps his fingers had acted on unconscious impulses from the brain. Ignoring his own advice on developing too close an attachment, he began to conduct “exhaustive experiments” with Ouija boards.
“Although I certainly did not practice conscious fraud on myself, I found that I was able to get frequently startling sentences from the board as long as I could see what was being spelled,” he explained.
To test his hypothesis, he constructed his own talking board that included several common words as well as letter groupings that made it easier to form sentences. But he also added an adjustable screen that could block his view of the board.
Ouija seemed positively verbose without the obstruction.
“The moment I adjusted the screen in place, however, that moment the messages were effectually cut off,” Olin said.
He invited several self-proclaimed mediums to test the apparatus, but no one was able to produce any messages when the screen was drawn and their vision was blocked, he said.
“This convinces me that practically all Ouija board messages are the result of causes far closer to this world than the realm of spirits,” he said.
Which explains the showmanship of mediums, an entertainment. Mainly a con in my view. Think of people such as James Randi who debunked many an unfortunate con artist.
Perhaps we might be better off if there were folk like James Randi in ancient times who could have debunked famous biblical characters promoting their particular cons.
To my mind it is unhealthy and dangerous to delve in matters that promise to be detrimental. I see no good coming from it.
The promise of the detrimental came much later than when talking boards first gained popularity. There use was for more respectable pursuits than later on when a simple board was developed and branded "Ouija" and one can trace the source of the demonizing to modern day Christianity, which had already misrepresented the image of Lucifer sufficiently, and this helped to promote the detrimental within societies influence by Christianity.
The Bible warns us to have no connection with mediums and such, I believe the Bible is giving excellent advice.
You believe that the advice to kill such folk is "excellent advice"?
Leave well alone that which is a natural necessary process.
If we took that advice, we would be far worse off than we are today, because we would not question the things which Christianity has told us are true, and those days of taking the word of con-artists armed with bibles is on the decrease as we place aside the superstitious ideas based in supernatural suppositions. It is human nature and ability which are natural and necessary, and folk like James Randi would not have been able to uncover the fraudulent practices of con-artist without that.
We live, we must die. Acceptance is the only real peace. Even if you could communicate with those gone, what good could it do?
What good does it supposedly do when Christians claim to communicate with Jesus?
GM: "What science [re materialism] does, is give cause for humans to celebrate the intelligence of consciousness while at the same time ignoring the hard problem of consciousness that this type of science has created for its supporters."
Use Mind
Is the mind a construct of consciousness?
William: Is the mind a construct of consciousness? Use Mind = 516
Conjunction All The World Are Under the watchful eye
Is the mind a construct of consciousness? Use Mind
Simple interactions between elementary particles
“Real” Is Just a Word and Information Is the Currency
GM: Reality
Given the second-fiddle.
William: Reality Given the second-fiddle. Brilliant = 377
"The Alien Disc crop circle Supernatural"
The more the merrier - as the saying goes.
Reality Given the second-fiddle. Brilliant
Ours the story shall we carry on
Preparation is willingness to change
Something does not come from nothing.
[A mixture of awe and dread
Insidious Clumsy
The Confusion of War
Universal Objective
The Inception Point
The deserved second place
Unclog your chakras
Encouraging Indication
Less dense than water
The Science of the Soul
GOD is not an elitist.
That ship is sinking ]
The Dalai Lama
The Dalai Lama
Isaac Asimov ~ [The Last Question]
[RTS = 4:58]
{I realized the body was technically dead]
William: I note that reincarnation is the theme in both cases - The Dali Lama and Issac Asimov's story...the computer reboots....
The Dalai Lama
The Future Creates the Present
The Dalai Lama
Heuristic [enabling someone to discover or learn something for themselves. proceeding to a solution by trial and error or by rules that are only loosely defined. ]
You Are
The Dalai Lama
No time to lose
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at The Time
Approaching the Divine
The Dalai Lama
The Hounds of Judgement Numbing The Power Of Creation
Welcoming answer
The Dalai Lama
Out of the doldrums
Conduit Closing
Be Aware
The Things You Do...
The Dalai Lama
Read On
What Is The Point? The Story Timeline By all means, psychoanalyze the hell out of it
"I think therefore I am, therefore who am I?"
Little Self
Lurking Like Shadows
Ubiquitous [present, appearing, or found everywhere.]
The Dalai Lama
When In Doubt - Set It AsideAccording to the current arguments;
The Problem of Evil is recognized as strictly human behavior within nature.
Social laws are enacted to direct the flow of this evil in order that the evil does not overtake human society and become an out of control problem, affecting nature itself.
Nature - in the mean time - is neither good nor evil so there is no problem re that.
Re that, IF nature is the product of a Creator-Mind [aka "GOD"] and IF nature is neither good nor evil THEN the supposed "Problem of Evil" is simply a product of human imagination...which is to say - is not a real interpretation of The Universe - even if The Universe was created.
A supposed Creator cannot be the reason for any evil. Thus, there exists - in reality - NO "Problem of Evil."
The Dalai Lama
Seductive What we call the experience of reality
With that in mind and treating the Source-Story as largely a work of fiction, we can look at the fact of the story itself and agree re the different Personalities of the Characters within The Story.
All present and correct
About face Jehovah Acceptance
Isaac Asimov ~ [The Last Question]
Isaac Asimov ~ [The Last Question]
[RTS 10:23 ]
The Patupaiarehe[There was all these souls along this river and some had shadows - which was fear - and some of them were in the light...]
Isaac Asimov ~ [The Last Question]
The Purpose
A Game Rule was broken
Extrinsicism [the tendency to place major emphasis on external matters rather than on more profound realities]
"If you can find your way out of this - flee!!!"
Atheism cannot be defined through defining "atheists"
In Out and All About
"Is this a dream that I think is real?"
Journal - William Message Generation
Goat: What do you mean by creation? William: The Physical Universe aka "Reality" aka "what we exist in". Is it a "Creation" - implying the mindfulness of a "creator". or is it a mindless accident from out of nowhere - implying magic. Transponder: It doesn't imply magic, it implies natural...
AddEnergy and Matter [Quantum] are fundamental ingredients to this universe. I think that a CM may also be fundamental.
Raise Your Vibration
Hope in the Fog
Manu Iti: As Jean Nouer told it to me, so I tell it to you.
I didn't at first realize I had died...if that's what you call it. I just snapped awake and found myself in a daylit fog.
I stood up - and immediately realized that I could not feel my feet - or for that matter - my hands...I could will to lift my hands and they would lift and I would see them before my eyes and wriggle the fingers, but all feeling was absent. It was as if I was a mind inside a robot, and in understanding this as it unfolded, I thought myself in a dream. A Lucid dream that I would awake from.
After a few days of this, I realised that I was in no dream and had no choice but to think I had died from my former life and this was where I ended up.
The fog was - at first - kind of comforting but as I willed my unfelt body to walk forwards and to turn left or right as I pleased, the fog was all that there was, everywhere I went and I began to despair and then my tormentor - invisible and cowardly for that - started mocking me ceaselessly and telling me that I should kill myself, knowing that there was nothing I could use to do so.
William: Hmmm...that does sound like a sad state of affair...
Manu Iti: At least my tormentor was something - and I did get customized to his cutting tongue and he eventually eased of his taunting and continued to do so until I heard no more from him.
Then the loneliness set in and dug away at me and finally I thought about Jesus and Christians and how I had always taunted them and how they warned me that there would be consequence's and how I had mocked their God and his uselessness.
I began to imagine how wonderful their heaven must be, while I was stuck - alone - in this fog and how much of a hell it had become for me.
And so, I cried out to Jesus to have mercy on me and save me from this wretched fate, and as I did - a flickering light appeared ahead of me and grew brighter as I approached, until out of the fog appeared the face of Jesus - or rather - the face of Zombie Jesus - like the one I imagined as the Christians told their tales of the Resurrection...
Ruru hooted softly
Isaac Asimov ~ [The Last Question]
Taciturn [reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.]
The Banner of Apotheosis
The Mind Behind Creation[]
The world is full of a variety of individuals and does not seem to have uniform concerns as expressed in the OP blurb and Q's.Which isn't debatable to me. But if they're no uniform concerns, is this the source for everyone being mad?
Undoubtably this has at least a part to play re anger.
Anger is a kind of madness...being 'mad'...
If we can't cook in a kitchen without making unnecessary messes, why would we see that as indicative of folk not wanting to engage with our particular recipe and cooking style?Surely some can't stand the heat. Perhaps that's why they're mad? Instead of leaving, they stay to complain? Much like some here?
Those who need to complain? Who are they specific to their positions? Both non-theists and theists - but not all of both...not everyone is complaining nor finding it difficult to 'stand the heat' - it isn't really "the heat" at all, but different recipes which appear to be the source of conflict.
"Heat" itself is really just the expression of the anger part..."If you can't stand the anger then get out of the kitchen..."
On the other hand, yes - it may be a device used in order to have purpose built barriers [stonewall] so that they can have mind-orgies with their own 'kind' in that there is less risk 'catching' something from the non-like-minded.Perhaps this is another reason why everyone seems to get so mad all the time? Fear of being different? Or seeing being different? Assimilation, as it were? Borg-ness in a sense?
Whichever 'way' one traverses the experience of their individuate life - we are never truly independent - so whichever group we choose to associate with will be the group we best identify as being...if the self-identity is incorrect - then no matter the position [theist/non-theist] one will always see the 'different' ...so there is no point whatsoever in fearing that, if one is self-identifying correctly
Nurture You
Isaac Asimov ~ [The Last Question]
"And I've been searching since forever and I have dreamed you as I slept and I have walked with you in another time and space - seen the eyes....but not the face Show me your soul"
Isaac Asimov ~ [The Last Question]
Isaac Asimov ~ [The Last Question]
As mysterious as the universe still is, the mind is just as mysterious...and therein is where imagination has its legitimate place - as long as imagination not being used inappropriately by claiming as certainty that it is a mind outside of the universe which caused the universe to unfold while ignoring or downplaying the idea that the universe itself has a mind and is its own agency of its own unfolding.
Isaac Asimov ~ [The Last Question]
Livingstone Hall
Crystal Contacts
Isaac Asimov ~ [The Last Question]
[RTD = 33:05]
I'm No Longer An Atheist And Here's Why...
Everything Gets Old
Isaac Asimov ~ [The Last Question]
Heart Virtues
Christian mythology
"We’ve been an island of our own - we’ve been a cosmic rolling stone Now’s the time to spread our wings - and fly!"
Journal - William Message Generation
This thing got out of hand. Lost in a glass globe back in 1974, returned but refurbished nonetheless. Science: A phenotype of natural freedom achieved through statistical rituals of intersubjective projections. God: Eshe eher eshe. Point made. Inventor of the glass globes 'n all. POD/592&77...
Contact With
The Physical Universe
"You are a thought worth thinking You’re the water and the wine - you’re the cup from which I’m drinking You’re a surprise worth hoping for You are a captured moment - you’re a space without a time"