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Journal Working with Directional Allies

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
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Started a thread to check how others worked with their directional allies...decided it's better for me to journal about my exploration of them instead.

Several days ago, I used AI to generate at some images of my allies, not really thinking to consult them first. I didn't think they would care because they know my learning process. After reading someone's post about revealing too much of one's practice, I wondered if I did that...so I checked in with the allies.
  • Fire was the strongest and first to respond. It/He laughed about the image, saying it was a punny depiction of him but didn't care.
  • Water didn't like the image because it didn't show their true environment. On a side note, they're pleased I'm actively researching necromancy now.
  • North has no preference other than liking the green field, but they would have preferred it to be tilled. The plow was all wrong, but didn't care either.
  • East was ambiguous but pointed out that it and my familiar have an alignment. Something I'm going to need to find out more about.
Finally, purchased Goetia Pathworking to pursue the study, per "Charon", necromancy. Three main ones interested in will be Murmur (to question and to make visible the dead), Samigina (to know the sins of the dead), Anubis/Ipos (to protect and guide the dead).

I have made some attempts to reach out to Hekate, but she comes on too strong with her own agenda. I'm looking into Apollo or even Hekatos but it's looking like Apollo.


Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
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Did trance work with my snake "familiar" and the opalescent rainbow snake of the east, last night. They intertwined and merged. The process is ongoing. The familiar is responsive but can tell something is going on with it and me.

I'm reluctant to label him/her a familiar because it's more a silent companion than a helper since its birth. Origin story: Was reading a book out on the patio one summer day when I felt the presence of something hovering in the air above eye level to the left. Focusing on it, I realized it was an egg about half the size of my 20-year-old self. Wondering to myself what it was, it cracked with a sound that wasn't a sound. Out came a snake.

Decided to put Hekatos and Apollo on hold and research Charon since he/they seem to be a direct path. I didn't realize Charon, from one account I read, was before the Olympian gods. His siblings are an interesting bunch as well. He's said to be a cranky old man. From the being I've met, they're not very personable for sure.
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Reading "Familiar Unto Me by BJ Swain" available here at the library. Very good contemporary written book. Informative that's easy to read.

Into chapter 8 and from what the author writes, my companion snake isn't a familiar. Familiars, according to the book, are gained by being given them to a witch, sorcerer and mage.

Looking up egg and snake, they're alchemy symbolism. So it's probably a deep subconscious psychic externalization. An enlivened archetype.
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After a brief inquiry with the directional allies, particularly the south, my research takes an unexpected turn towards the crown princes of Hell. Never read the Satanic Bible nor do i know much about Satanism of the LaVeyan Satanists type other than their viewpoint is an atheists one.
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The crown princes are:
Prince - Belial​
Element - Earth​
Cardinal Point - North​
Associations - Being without a master, Mastery of the earth, Independence, Community, Flesh​
Prince - Lucifer​
Element - Air​
Cardinal point - East​
Associations - Bringer of light, The morning star, Intellectualism, Enlightenment.​
Prince - Satan​
Element - Fire​
Cardinal Point - South​
Associations - Lord of fire and the inferno, Adversary, Opposer, Accuser, the united rebellion.​
Prince - Leviathan​
Element - Water​
Cardinal point - West​
Associations - The serpent out of the sea, The oceans, Sex, Love, Desire, Emotions, Coiled serpent, Twisted Subconscious.​
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A question has been answered. Can different directional elemental allies be worked with? For myself, I found my original allies are compatible with and in harmony with the crown princes of Hell by checking with them. More research needs to be done before doing several projects with them i have in mind.
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Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
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In trance several times today, checking in with the directions (eswn from here on out) they want to host the crown princes of Hell in their realms with a few adjustments in location. West has a certain expanse of water they're ok with Leviathan being in. North will have his field freshly tilled for Belial.

I'm getting the impression eswn are guardians.

Oh, east has been quite. It's still doing something with my "familiar".

I accepted Charon's rose. It's black now. In their realm it's red.
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Researching satanic ritual invocations (still more to do) the call begins south, then east, north, and west, reverse or anticlockwise.

It's fascinating that my directional south is the strongest, overpowered energy wise with the other directions balancing it. It seems I'm naturally inclined for the lhp. I've never been interested in raising an entity above myself other than my higherself or the unknowable radiant presence of light i sometimes bask in the glory of. I know beyond any doubt my individuality, my soul/spirit originates from it.

So no packs or oaths for me. That leaves out Theistic Satanism and I won't treat demons as batteries.

I will explore working within my directional guardian realms for protects. West was already given me keys to their realm. Will see about the others.
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Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
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Don't know it this is final decision, but with "my" west doing what it does there's no need to work with high level entities rhp or lhp.

Rest of my process I'll be doing privately but might update occasionally.

Post note: Did some trance work today and several things were resolved.

The South guardian told me two things several days ago that made me think it's demonic. It laughs at that, it being much older. It prefers being called Noble Dragon (i feel its underlying persona is wrath). I'm told not to get hung up on names, i would misunderstand. It gave me two gifts. First was armor of flame to use if needed on my travels. The other gift is to carry his flame on all my journeys so his presence is with me in the other realms.

West prefers to be the Ferryman.

North is happy with no name at all since the forms i imagine for them pleases it. They (three forms) communicated to me that when i journey to study/research/etc earth bound dead that i start with them before heading out. Their gift to me is to touch their golden plow to receive it's blessing before each journey.

The East already gifted me but revealed that they (it has two forms) assist the presence luminous light, that i am to channel that ecstasy to the dead. Not sure what that means exactly or if i got message right.

I don't expect gifts for nothing. I believe this happened to aid in working with the dead

Anyways unless something else happens and i feel it can be shared, I will.
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Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
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Experiential Insight: there is a marked difference between the inner perception of location/space in the experiments I've been doing with keyword thematic realms (example: spaces created by diving in to the word/concept "love of love", divine light, peace, etc) and the outer "psychic" directional realms of East, South, West and North.

One is personal with echoes of perhaps the collective human soul (subconscious?), the other is truly outside shared by all.

It could be the keywords I'm using, other words might express differently.

To be studied closer.
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Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
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Formally called the corners last night. The first since starting this process of getting to know each ally. It's a difference experience than trance without physical movement. Trance work feels to me like a conference call. A formal ritual call is like a physical meeting and greet.
  • Greeted the East and found the body posture best to communicate with "Them".
  • South's Noble Dragon liked a body posture of pride, self-esteem to assume when before him. He still has me puzzled. It gave me a name to say to it last week (?). It confirmed last night the name wasn't it, but connected to him. The name brings it joy, a gift. It formed a narrow structure that stacked up and up into the distance overhead leading to the surface out of the pit it (we) was in. It shared its feeling of being at home with me.
  • West liked the posture used for East and liked the research into a project I haven't committed to doing. It asked that I carry it out.
  • North didn't care about overall body posture but did like certain hand positions and encouraged me to "step into" its domain.
After ending the call, looked up the name again, and paid closer attention to details. Sure enough, the entity by the name appears with a dragon and, of all things, holds a snake...


Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
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Trance work Sat, yesterday. Curious about the entity name given by the southern ally, I treated the name as a keyword like i would any other personal depth word by going into a trance, stepping into the matrix unfolded from the word. I was in for a few seconds feeling the immersion then felt the presence connected with the name step away shutting down the connection. Felt the entity upset by the intrusion, withdrawing entirely. I apologized and was surprised.

Finding: Firmly now know from experience that words unattached to entities (non names) are spaces to explore, while names are occupied domains.

Outcome: The south is peaceful now. The dragon seems to be sleeping, resting.


Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
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The cardinal allies are less in the forefront now when in a cursory trance. South and North are very quiet. I can cast my awareness without landing directly into either domain. East and West, are still right at my doorstep but less solid.

Is this a moon phase effect or the result of my last experiment? Will experiment during the moon's waning. If this is connected to upsetting a "demon" (the keyword experiment) then there's some alignment between South and North allies it seems. My mind goes towards a demonic patron unbeknownst by me. Must admit, I'd be down for it. More experiential and book research needed.
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Dream: Made an altar with a photo of an older lady in a light mauve dress suit in a classic right leg/foot slightly crossing the left foot pose. While approaching the altar from a well-lit hallway, she talked to me about how the impressions I have with her are relatively the same as I have with others of her kind.

Insight: Waking up, it jogged my memory about simple entities being formed by focused intent/desire causing gravitational effects with consciousness like accretion. My assumption was and still is that physical matter/reality is a cosmos of consciousness eagerly forming into simple to complex gestalt identities. From my recent experience with an upset entity, it seems to me that when a mage summons (either through a light trance or heavy ritual evocation) a known named entity; the focus collapses the quantum field to form the entity. The freshly formed gestalt (an offshoot from the main spirit) links to the established entity complex.
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Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
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Update: The allies I had been in contact with withdrew and elemental serpents are there now. It seems to reflect my own shift.

Note: Will keep watch going towards the new moon and then the full to see if lunar cycle affects this shift.


Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
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Update: In trance the directional allies I'm familiar with are still accessible but distant. It seems I've passed a test in control and elemental access or is this related to moon phase.


Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
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Update: My astral temple/room is a cube with flat walls with subtle shades of color and pale tones. East is a calm gradation of off-white to light blues, like a morning horizon sky. South is abstracted vertical red clouds similar to mid-century Rothko paintings. West is shades of light and greyed deep blues. And the North textured wall of different shades of soil. The ceiling is white, a light gray. The floor is grey and black.


Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
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Update: With the moon waxing, my astral temple has not changed. It's still very stable and peaceful.


Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
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The astral room has remained the same. It feels like what I'd imagine a room dedicated to zen meditation with walls painted with different color themed murals.

Reopening the directional realms a month ago very much feels like restarting something put on pause. A path not taken but could have been.

The room will be added to magick work.
The allies are still here but not intrusive.

I've been reminded multiple times on the symphony selves, recent theories on healthy multiplicity and how that plays a part in my spiritual practice.