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Yet another lovespell thread


Jun 25, 2024
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Most of you are probably tired of people aksing for a lovespell and such
But i need a targeted mid complexety lovespell with preferably hermetic origin
Would really appreciate any help


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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Being pretty specific there… And yes love spells are annoying and I always refused to do them.
But if you want a “mid complexity love spell” it doesn’t make it any less dangerous in the long run.
Regardless more information is needed to know the starting point.
there are ways to do it with basic psychology, energy manipulation and other methods. None of them are all hermetic though, you can use astrology and such.. be warned.., to change a persons free will it requires a high expertise of manipulation and that can effect the type of person you Become, it can take them off their path and it’s actually rare I meet someone that can pull it off tbh.
You’re better off waiting for the right person
If all those warnings don’t deter you - then more info is needed, It will eventually backfire though


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Here is a love spell posted by a forum member but it's written along the lines of PGM erotic magic where the idea is to break the desired person's will by violence, presumably in revenge for the adept's sleepless nights and unrequited obsession. Not for the squeamish and most likely overkill IMHO.

If I were you, I'd look into simple folk magic like hoodoo and do a Google search for {"honey jar" magic}, less drastic and more 'organic', if you will.

Chaos sigils might work too, if you're not as inept as me who once cast a sigil to get a girl who had put me in the friend zone, only to land more deeper in said zone as a result. The relationship then grew into a quite pleasant friendship so it was not a total loss… we became even more firmly entangled as a result of that spell even if that was not what I initially wanted; might have been coincidence, of course. But I attribute the failure of my clumsy magical attempt to the girl's rock-hard stubbornness and obstinate preclusion of me as a potential sexual partner where success would have been as good as impossible and nothing short of such violent methods as the Grimorium Verum spell would have defeated her inborn recalcitrance. Maybe.

Putting on my Forum mod hat, I'd like to ask to refrain from ethics discussion or debates whether it is wise to cast such a spell. The OP asked for "hows", not "ifs". Just a reminder and a plea.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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Here is a love spell posted by a forum member but it's written along the lines of PGM erotic magic where the idea is to break the desired person's will by violence, presumably in revenge for the adept's sleepless nights and unrequited obsession. Not for the squeamish and most likely overkill IMHO.

If I were you, I'd look into simple folk magic like hoodoo and do a Google search for {"honey jar" magic}, less drastic and more 'organic', if you will.

Chaos sigils might work too, if you're not as inept as me who once cast a sigil to get a girl who had put me in the friend zone, only to land more deeper in said zone as a result. The relationship then grew into a quite pleasant friendship so it was not a total loss… we became even more firmly entangled as a result of that spell even if that was not what I initially wanted; might have been coincidence, of course. But I attribute the failure of my clumsy magical attempt to the girl's rock-hard stubbornness and obstinate preclusion of me as a potential sexual partner where success would have been as good as impossible and nothing short of such violent methods as the Grimorium Verum spell would have defeated her inborn recalcitrance. Maybe.

Putting on my Forum mod hat, I'd like to ask to refrain from ethics discussion or debates whether it is wise to cast such a spell. The OP asked for "hows", not "ifs". Just a reminder and a plea.
I didn’t mean for it to come off the way it did but I see where you’re coming from, I pointed to other avenues to go about it as love spells go against some aspects of Hermetic philosophy. So I woulda been remiss for not mentioning them.
I will keep your words in mind next time and stick to the OP’s original question. I admittedly came off a bit more preachy than I meant to. So I’ll be sure to keep that in mind as not to do it again. At the time I do believe that I was referencing the OP’s question regarding a hermetic love spell as well as better avenues. Such as.. manipulation techniques via psychology, energy manipulation (as you mentioned sigils) and even the usage of Astrology which is a practice tied to Hermeticism. 🤷‍♂️
But I do see where you’re coming from, my apologies. ✌️

As to not get off topic…

Gregorious, if you go for sigil magick be specific and it’s best to take it in steps building up to the desired goal when it’s a goal that big and requires that much energy. This also leaves less room for error. 1 -2 month interval in a time frame of 4-6 months. So a total of roughly 2-3 sigils. I prefer Spare’s sigil creation method personally but whatever resonates with you if you choose that avenue.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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As to not get off topic…

Gregorious, if you go for sigil magick be specific and it’s best to take it in steps building up to the desired goal when it’s a goal that big and requires that much energy. This also leaves less room for error. 1 -2 month interval in a time frame of 4-6 months. So a total of roughly 2-3 sigils. I prefer Spare’s sigil creation method personally but whatever resonates with you if you choose that avenue.

I'd still recommend honey jars and folk magic (after all, its practitioners were all about getting everyday problems solved without the leisure to ponder philosophical questions) but if you want to use sigils, here's a good ressource. I attribute my erstwhile failures (including bizarre side effects) to my lack of concentration and unambiguous firmness of intent, some inner conflicts about the goals I wanted to achieve, etc. but I would hate to discourage you from that method, it's fun, leaves lots of room for creativity and is highly beginner-friendly.


Practical Philosopher
Mar 25, 2022
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I personally advise against "breaking the will" of another person, as a "love" spell would do, because even if you were successful, you would constantly question if it was real.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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I'd still recommend honey jars and folk magic (after all, its practitioners were all about getting everyday problems solved without the leisure to ponder philosophical questions) but if you want to use sigils, here's a good ressource. I attribute my erstwhile failures (including bizarre side effects) to my lack of concentration and unambiguous firmness of intent, some inner conflicts about the goals I wanted to achieve, etc. but I would hate to discourage you from that method, it's fun, leaves lots of room for creativity and is highly beginner-friendly.
Oh Honey Jars and Hoodoo Practices has such a rich culture and so many aspects to it that it really shouldn’t be slept on. I agree 100%. It’s actually kinda fun to browse Voodoo/Voodoun religious shops where they sell hoodoo supplies. I recommend everyone go to one at some point if they are respectful about it. The shops are always interesting and most of the time the shop’s owner is really polite as long as you’re not obnoxious. albeit they can be hard to find and sometimes they just have a name like “African Shop” and/or very small print.


Jul 5, 2024
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From digging in my tradition, I think I've found one form of love spell, at least theoretically, I don't have it really supported, but it feels to me at least possible that it was done.
In one of the tales Loki eats half burned witches' heart and then gets pregnant and births the breed of witches'. I have theory that it isn't the original form of that tale, that the original was that he performed a love spell that made a which love him and with her he had children that were this breed of witches'.
The spell I took from this theory is relatively simple: the heart was of an animal, I think a pig, dog, wolf, or other domesticated animal, representing a heart of desired person, baked over fire to be imbued with fire of love, half burned to burn with desire and need... and then eaten to become completely yours.