I've started to get a huge amount out of the Green Glyphs oracle (by the creator of the excellent Prisma Visions tarot deck). It's somewhat LeNormand-like in that the cards are often everyday items rather than esoteric, and you can read them as both nouns and adjectives. (With LeNormand, you draw in pairs or triplets, and read the central card as the 'noun' and the other one or two as modifying that noun).
eg one of my favourite cards is "Yesterday's Coffee" on the bottom row here:
(There are 50 cards, this is just a subset - and they have gold iridescent highlights in some highlighted places, which looks odd when photographed)
But LeNormand involves zero intuition (people struggle when they try and apply tarot methods to it), whereas Green Glyphs has become most effective when I let my intution work. Eg the "official" meaning of Yesterday's Coffee is around forgetting something and leaving it till it's no good, but I also associate with a kind of positive "working late into the night on an engaging project" - coffee rings on papers spread over the table.
I didn't do that well with it at first, but I stuck with it out of bloodymindedness because I like the deck, and it's starting to become really effective, with random answers coming into my head that aren't obviously directly given by the cards, but aren't at all what I would have 'ordinarily' thought of.
For the esoteric, I'm currently studying the Thoth tarot, and the Rider Waite is great for shadow work and unearthing complex psychological motivations, but Green Glyphs is really useful for everyday questions. Not everything requires deep psycho-mystical investigation!