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Zos Kia - A Meditation


May 22, 2022
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For today's meditation we go to the nearest holy river, for example the Jordan. We now look for a somewhat remote and quiet spot and wade into the water until it reaches our solar plexus. Now let your left arm hang loosely in the water and raise your right arm to the sky. We intonate:


While the adept imagines the Anguiped IAO in his mind (if you don't know how to imagine, you should quickly leave the Jordan now!!), his gaze slowly wanders down to the left arm hanging in the water. What now follows is a silent consideration of the physical phenomena of reflection and refraction. The reflection shows the arm reflected again on the surface of the water. The refraction creates a second left arm under the water surface, which protrudes from the first arm at a certain angle (refractive index for water is 1.333). What follows is a brief devotion to multi-armed Indian deities and a good feeling at having studied Kabbalah and volumetric refraction for years.

At this point, the final vowels of the intonation fade away and silence descends. The adept realizes that all ancient scripts, ancient Hebrew, ancient Arabic and Egyptian, had no vowels and were therefore purely consonantal scripts. "IAO" is a name of God that could only be spoken but never written. "YHVH" is a name of God that could only be written but never spoken.

Shivering (it's quite cold in the river), the adept realizes that magic only ever works in the "other world" and that the "other" can never be independent of space and time. Magic moves from the existing cultural and personal realities across the frontier of the possible to the impossible. Magic is dependent on space and time and when you change frames of reference, then magic only works if you adapt to the new realities of the possible and the impossible accordingly.

In an age when people were brimming with imagination, magic could not be achieved through imagination. And certainly not with people who are artists. Like Spare for example. Austin Osman Spare had to erase his imagination in order to get to the "Kia", the place of total emptiness of thought, and he did it by killing every manifestation of his imagination. So when "black" formed in his mind, he knew that the duality of refraction creates a concept of "white". So he thought: "neither black, neither white". This thought creates a new refraction, let's say "grey". So: "neither black, neither white, neither gray". Of course, all colors must also be excluded, all dualities and refractions. You can imagine it like this: Spare looked up from Malkuth and saw the bright fountain of color of the tree of life, which seemed to him more like a many-armed polyp embracing him. Spare now began to climb up the tree of life, step by step, extinguishing each Sephira by shouting "neither - neither" and then - the last one turns off the light! - sink onto his bed in "death posture" completely exhausted at Kia = 0. Spare was the guy who would have said, "Magic only works if you can get into a room where nothing lives. If only for 15 seconds."

The Jordan can be a damn cold river at this time of year and if you're not careful you'll freeze yourself off. So I'll make it short: People who don't have imagination should think twice about training their imagination for years just to fit Spare's magic and then spending years fighting their hard-won imagination again. The key to finding your own appropriate approach to magic is "Do the unusual, the unexpected, the impossible!"

What works on Zos Kia today are the sigils and they only do that because they help our now-dead letters come to life, allowing them to become life forms in their own right. However, this form of magic is part of demonology; who dares to simply "forget" such a creature acts like someone who wipes away the barrier around a demon and then sticks his head in the sand.

Times are changing fast - and the realities of magic are changing just as fast. Before acting like a magician, one should have learned to think like a magician.

Does anyone have a towel I shiver!

"Blind 'em with brilliance or dazzle 'em with idiocy!"
==Ch. aos